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OpenHouseKey is the primary key and uniquely identifies records in the OpenHouse resource.

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The following fields are considered InKeyIndex fields and may be queried in batches up to 300,000 at a time: ListingId, ListingKey, ModificationTimestamp, OpenHouseId, OpenHouseKey.


Field Type Size Description
AppointmentRequiredYN Boolean Indicates whether or not the OpenHouse requires an appointment.
HumanModifiedYN Boolean HumanModifiedYN
InternetEntireListingDisplayYN Boolean InternetEntireListingDisplayYN
ListAgentKey String 20 ListAgentKey
ListAOR AOR Enum ListAOR
ListingId InKey String 255 The well known identifier for the listing related to this Open House. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value.
ListingKey InKey String 20 A unique identifier for the listing record related to this Open House. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This may be a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field.
ListingKeyNumeric Int64 10 ListingKeyNumeric
ListingPermission ListingPermission 8000 ListingPermission
ListOfficeKey String 20 ListOfficeKey
ListOfficeMlsId String 25 ListOfficeMlsId
LivestreamOpenHouseURL String 255 A link to an open house livestream event.
ModificationTimestamp InKey DateTimeOffset The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the Open House was last modified.
OffMarketDate DateTime OffMarketDate
OpenHouseAttendedBy Attended Enum Will the open house be attended by a licensed agent? Options are attended by agent, attended by the seller or unattended.
OpenHouseDate DateTime The date on which the open house will occur.
OpenHouseEndTime DateTimeOffset The time the open house ends.
OpenHouseId InKey String 255 The well-known identifier for the Open House resource. The value may be identical to that of the OpenHouseKey, but the OpenHouseId intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific open house. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value.
OpenHouseKey Key InKey String 20 A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record.
OpenHouseKeyNumeric Int32 4 OpenHouseKeyNumeric
OpenHouseRemarks String 12000 Comments, instructions or information about the open house.
OpenHouseStartTime DateTimeOffset The time the open house begins.
OpenHouseStatus OpenHouseStatus Enum Status of the open house, i.e. Active, Cancelled, Ended.
OpenHouseType OpenHouseType Enum The type of open house. i.e. Public, Broker, Office, Association, Private (invitation or targeted publication).
OriginalEntryTimestamp DateTimeOffset The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the Open House was entered and made visible to members of the MLS.
OriginatingSystemID String 25 The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the Open House was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields.
OriginatingSystemKey String 255 The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Open House was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information.
OriginatingSystemListingKey String 255 OriginatingSystemListingKey
OriginatingSystemName String 255 The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Open House is originally input. The legal name of the company.
OriginatingSystemSubName String 255 OriginatingSystemSubName
Permission ListingPermission 8000 Permission
PermissionPrivate String 8000 PermissionPrivate
PropertySubType PropertySubType Enum PropertySubType
PropertySubTypeAdditional PropertySubTypeAdditional 250 PropertySubTypeAdditional
PropertyType PropertyType Enum PropertyType
RecordSignature Int32 4 RecordSignature
Refreshments String 255 A description of the refreshments that will be served at the open house.
ShowingAgentFirstName String 50 The first name of the showing agent.
ShowingAgentKey String 255 A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ListAgentKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey.
ShowingAgentKeyNumeric Int32 4 ShowingAgentKeyNumeric
ShowingAgentLastName String 50 The last name of the showing agent.
ShowingAgentMlsID String 25 The local, well-known identifier for the member. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system.
SourceSystemID String 25 The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields.
SourceSystemKey String 255 The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields.
SourceSystemListingKey String 20 SourceSystemListingKey
SourceSystemName String 255 The name of the Open House record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company.
StandardStatus StandardStatus Enum StandardStatus
SyndicateTo SyndicateTo 5125 SyndicateTo


Name Target
Property Property