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MediaKey is the primary key and uniquely identifies records in the Media resource.

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The following fields are considered InKeyIndex fields and may be queried in batches up to 300,000 at a time: MediaKey, MediaModificationTimestamp, ModificationTimestamp, OriginatingSystemID, ResourceRecordID, ResourceRecordKey, SourceSystemID.


Field Type Size Description
ChangedByMemberID String 25 ID of the user, agent, member, etc., that uploaded the media this record refers to.
ChangedByMemberKey String 255 The primary key of the member who uploaded the media this record refers to. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey.
ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric Int32 4 ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric
ClassName ClassName Enum The class or table of the listing or other record the media. Residential, Lease, Agent, Office, Contact, etc.
HumanModifiedYN Boolean HumanModifiedYN
ImageHeight Int32 4 The height of the image expressed in pixels.
ImageOf ImageOf Enum When the media is an image, a list of possible matches such as kitchen, bathroom, front of structure, etc. This field may be used to identify a required image under association or MLS rules.
ImageSizeDescription String 50 A text description of the size of the image. i.e. Small, Thumbnail, Medium, Large, X-Large. The largest image must be described as "Largest". Thumbnail must also be included. Pick List will remain open/extendable.
ImageWidth Int32 4 The width of the image expressed in pixels.
InternetEntireListingDisplayYN Boolean InternetEntireListingDisplayYN
ListAgentKey String 20 ListAgentKey
ListAOR AOR Enum ListAOR
ListingPermission ListingPermission 8000 ListingPermission
ListOfficeKey String 20 ListOfficeKey
ListOfficeMlsId String 25 ListOfficeMlsId
LongDescription String 1024 The full robust description of the object.
MediaAlteration MediaAlteration 50 MediaAlteration
MediaCategory MediaCategory Enum Category describing the , Photos, Documents, Video, Unbranded Virtual Tour, Branded Virtual Tour, Floor Plan, Logo
MediaClassification MediaClassification Enum MediaClassification
MediaHTML String 8000 The JavaScript or other method to embed a video, image, virtual tour or other media.
MediaKey Key InKey String 20 A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record.
MediaKeyNumeric Int64 10 MediaKeyNumeric
MediaModificationTimestamp InKey DateTimeOffset This timestamp is updated when a change to the object has been made, which may differ from a change to the Media Resource.
MediaObjectID String 255 ID of the image, supplement or other object specified by the given media record.
MediaStatus MediaStatus Enum The status of the media item referenced by this record. (Updated, Deleted, etc.,_
MediaStatusDescription String 1024 MediaStatusDescription
MediaType MediaType Enum Media Types as defined by IANA. http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html. Note that the former name of MimeType, used by both IANA and RESO may still be in use by some systems/entities.
MediaURL String 8000 The URI to the media file referenced by this record.
ModificationTimestamp InKey DateTimeOffset The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the media record was last modified.
OffMarketDate DateTime OffMarketDate
Order Int32 4 Only a positive integer including zero. Element zero is the primary photo per RETS convention.
OriginatingSystemID InKey String 25 The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the Media was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields.
OriginatingSystemMediaKey String 255 The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Media was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information.
OriginatingSystemName String 255 The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Media is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company.
OriginatingSystemResourceRecordId String 255 OriginatingSystemResourceRecordId
OriginatingSystemResourceRecordKey String 255 OriginatingSystemResourceRecordKey
OriginatingSystemSubName String 255 OriginatingSystemSubName
Permission Permission 255 Public, Private, IDX, VOW, Office Only, Firm Only, Agent Only,
PermissionPrivate String 8000 PermissionPrivate
PreferredPhotoYN Boolean When set to true, the media record in question is the preferred photo. This will typically mean the photo to be shown when only one of the photos is to be displayed.
PropertySubType PropertySubType Enum PropertySubType
PropertySubTypeAdditional PropertySubTypeAdditional 250 PropertySubTypeAdditional
PropertyType PropertyType Enum PropertyType
RecordSignature Int32 4 RecordSignature
ResourceName ResourceName Enum The resource or table of the listing or other record the media relates to. i.e. Property, Member, Office, etc.
ResourceRecordID InKey String 255 The well known identifier of the related record from the source resource. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value.
ResourceRecordKey InKey String 20 The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, TeamKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field.
ResourceRecordKeyNumeric Int64 10 ResourceRecordKeyNumeric
ShortDescription String 50 The short text given to summarize the object. Commonly used as the short description displayed under a photo.
SourceSystemID InKey String 25 The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields.
SourceSystemMediaKey String 255 The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields.
SourceSystemName String 255 The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company.
SourceSystemResourceRecordKey String 255 SourceSystemResourceRecordKey
StandardStatus StandardStatus Enum StandardStatus
SyndicateTo SyndicateTo 5125 SyndicateTo
X_MediaStream String


Name Target
Property Property