is the primary key and uniquely identifies records in the CustomProperty resource.
The following fields are considered InKeyIndex fields and may be queried in batches up to 300,000 at a time:
, ListingKey
Field | Type | Size | Description |
AboveGradeBedrooms | String | 100 | AboveGradeBedrooms |
AboveGradeFinishedAreaRange | String | 100 | AboveGradeFinishedAreaRange |
AboveGradeFinishedAreaRangeSource | AreaSource Enum | AboveGradeFinishedAreaRangeSource | |
AboveGradeFinishedAreaRangeUnits | AreaUnits Enum | AboveGradeFinishedAreaRangeUnits | |
AboveGradeUnfinishedAreaRange | String | 100 | AboveGradeUnfinishedAreaRange |
AboveGradeUnfinishedAreaRangeSource | AreaSource Enum | AboveGradeUnfinishedAreaRangeSource | |
AboveGradeUnfinishedAreaRangeUnits | AreaUnits Enum | AboveGradeUnfinishedAreaRangeUnits | |
AdditionalFee | Decimal | 14.2 | AdditionalFee |
AdditionalFeeDescription | String | 1024 | AdditionalFeeDescription |
AdditionalFeeFrequency | FeeFrequency Enum | AdditionalFeeFrequency | |
AdditionalFeeYN | Boolean | AdditionalFeeYN | |
AdditionalInfo1 | String | 8000 | AdditionalInfo1 |
AdditionalInfo2 | String | 8000 | AdditionalInfo2 |
AdditionalInfo3 | String | 8000 | AdditionalInfo3 |
ApplicationFee | Decimal | 14.2 | ApplicationFee |
AssociationFeeTotal | Decimal | 14.2 | AssociationFeeTotal |
AssociationFeeTotalFrequency | FeeFrequency Enum | AssociationFeeTotalFrequency | |
Attic | Attic | 1024 | Attic |
AvailabilityType | AvailabilityType | 50 | AvailabilityType |
BelowGradeBedrooms | String | 100 | BelowGradeBedrooms |
BelowGradeFinishedAreaRange | String | 100 | BelowGradeFinishedAreaRange |
BelowGradeFinishedAreaRangeSource | AreaSource Enum | BelowGradeFinishedAreaRangeSource | |
BelowGradeFinishedAreaRangeUnits | AreaUnits Enum | BelowGradeFinishedAreaRangeUnits | |
BelowGradeUnfinishedAreaRange | String | 100 | BelowGradeUnfinishedAreaRange |
BelowGradeUnfinishedAreaRangeSource | AreaSource Enum | BelowGradeUnfinishedAreaRangeSource | |
BelowGradeUnfinishedAreaRangeUnits | AreaUnits Enum | BelowGradeUnfinishedAreaRangeUnits | |
BoatDockAccommodates | String | 50 | BoatDockAccommodates |
BoatDockHeight | Decimal | 14.2 | BoatDockHeight |
BoatDockSlipDescription | String | 1024 | BoatDockSlipDescription |
BoatDockSlipFeatures | BoatDockSlipFeatures | 8000 | BoatDockSlipFeatures |
BoatDockYN | Boolean | BoatDockYN | |
BoatSlipYN | Boolean | BoatSlipYN | |
BonusAmount | Decimal | 14.2 | BonusAmount |
BuildingAreaTotalRange | String | 100 | BuildingAreaTotalRange |
BuildingAreaTotalRangeSource | AreaSource Enum | BuildingAreaTotalRangeSource | |
BuildingAreaTotalRangeUnits | AreaUnits Enum | BuildingAreaTotalRangeUnits | |
BuildingSizeDimensions | String | 50 | BuildingSizeDimensions |
CommunityDevelopmentDistrictYN | Boolean | CommunityDevelopmentDistrictYN | |
ComplexName | String | 50 | ComplexName |
ConsumerRemarks | String | 8000 | ConsumerRemarks |
CustomFields | String | 100000 | CustomFields |
DevelopmentName | String | 50 | DevelopmentName |
FractionalShare | String | 50 | FractionalShare |
GarageArea | String | 255 | GarageArea |
GarageAreaUnits | String | 255 | GarageAreaUnits |
GarageDimensions | String | 25 | GarageDimensions |
GuestHouseAreaTotal | Decimal | 14.2 | GuestHouseAreaTotal |
GuestHouseAreaTotalSource | AreaSource Enum | GuestHouseAreaTotalSource | |
GuestHouseAreaTotalUnits | AreaUnits Enum | GuestHouseAreaTotalUnits | |
GuestHouseDescription | String | 1024 | GuestHouseDescription |
GuestHouseYN | Boolean | GuestHouseYN | |
GulfAccessType | GulfAccessType | 500 | GulfAccessType |
GulfAccessYN | Boolean | GulfAccessYN | |
HumanModifiedYN | Boolean | HumanModifiedYN | |
InternetEntireListingDisplayYN | Boolean | InternetEntireListingDisplayYN | |
LakeChainName | String | 150 | LakeChainName |
LakeId | String | 255 | LakeId |
LakeName | String | 150 | LakeName |
LakeSize | String | 150 | LakeSize |
LandTenure | LandTenure | 100 | LandTenure |
Lang2_Type | String | 10 | Lang2_Type |
Lang3_Type | String | 10 | Lang3_Type |
LastMonthRentReqYN | Boolean | LastMonthRentReqYN | |
LeaseAmountPerArea | Decimal | 14.2 | LeaseAmountPerArea |
LeaseAmountPerAreaUnit | LeaseAmountPerAreaUnit Enum | LeaseAmountPerAreaUnit | |
LeaseTermsDescription | String | 1200 | LeaseTermsDescription |
ListAOR | AOR Enum | ListAOR | |
ListingId InKey | String | 60 | ListingId |
ListingKey Key InKey | String | 20 | ListingKey |
ListingKeyNumeric | Int64 | 10 | ListingKeyNumeric |
ListOfficeKey | String | 20 | ListOfficeKey |
ListOfficeMlsId | String | 25 | ListOfficeMlsId |
LivingAreaRange | String | 100 | LivingAreaRange |
LivingAreaRangeHigh | Decimal | 14.2 | LivingAreaRangeHigh |
LivingAreaRangeLow | Decimal | 14.2 | LivingAreaRangeLow |
LivingAreaRangeSource | AreaSource Enum | LivingAreaRangeSource | |
LivingAreaRangeUnits | AreaUnits Enum | LivingAreaRangeUnits | |
Location | String | 1024 | Location |
LotSizeAreaRangeHigh | Decimal | 14.2 | LotSizeAreaRangeHigh |
LotSizeAreaRangeLow | Decimal | 14.2 | LotSizeAreaRangeLow |
LotSizeRange | String | 100 | LotSizeRange |
LotSizeRangeSource | LotSizeSource Enum | LotSizeRangeSource | |
LotSizeRangeUnits | LotSizeUnits Enum | LotSizeRangeUnits | |
Membership | Membership | 500 | Membership |
MembershipFee | Decimal | 14.2 | MembershipFee |
MembershipFeeFrequency | FeeFrequency Enum | MembershipFeeFrequency | |
MembershipRequiredYN | Boolean | MembershipRequiredYN | |
MineralRights | MineralRights | 500 | MineralRights |
ModificationTimestamp | DateTimeOffset | ModificationTimestamp | |
MonthlyRate | String | 50 | MonthlyRate |
NumberOfBoatDocks | Int32 | 4 | NumberOfBoatDocks |
NumberOfBoatSlips | Int32 | 4 | NumberOfBoatSlips |
OffersDescription | String | 1024 | OffersDescription |
OffersReviewDate | DateTime | OffersReviewDate | |
OffMarketDate | DateTime | OffMarketDate | |
OffSeasonRate | String | 50 | OffSeasonRate |
OriginatingSystemKey | String | 510 | OriginatingSystemKey |
OriginatingSystemName | String | 255 | OriginatingSystemName |
OriginatingSystemSubName | String | 255 | OriginatingSystemSubName |
OtherExpenseDescription | String | 500 | OtherExpenseDescription |
Permission | ListingPermission | 8000 | Permission |
PermissionPrivate | String | 8000 | PermissionPrivate |
PotentialShortSale | PotentialShortSale Enum | PotentialShortSale | |
PricePerArea | Decimal | 14.2 | PricePerArea |
PricePerAreaUnit | PricePerAreaUnit Enum | PricePerAreaUnit | |
PrivateShowingInstructions | String | 8000 | PrivateShowingInstructions |
ProjectName | String | 255 | ProjectName |
PropertyAccess | PropertyAccess | 50 | PropertyAccess |
PropertyType | PropertyType Enum | PropertyType | |
PublicRemarks_lang2 | String | 4000 | PublicRemarks_lang2 |
PublicRemarks_lang3 | String | 4000 | PublicRemarks_lang3 |
RentSpreeURL | String | 8000 | RentSpreeURL |
RentSpreeYN | Boolean | RentSpreeYN | |
Restrictions | Restrictions | 50 | Restrictions |
RiverName | String | 150 | RiverName |
SaleOrLeaseIncludes | String | 8000 | SaleOrLeaseIncludes |
SeasonRate | String | 50 | SeasonRate |
SecurityDepositDescription | String | 1024 | SecurityDepositDescription |
SecurityDepositYN | Boolean | SecurityDepositYN | |
SourceSupplementPublicCount | Int32 | 4 | SourceSupplementPublicCount |
SourceSystemKey | String | 255 | SourceSystemKey |
StandardStatus | StandardStatus Enum | StandardStatus | |
StoriesPartial | String | 100 | StoriesPartial |
StoriesPartialTotal | String | 100 | StoriesPartialTotal |
StormProtection | StormProtection | 500 | StormProtection |
TaxAssessedValueImprovement | String | 12 | TaxAssessedValueImprovement |
TaxAssessedValueLand | String | 12 | TaxAssessedValueLand |
TaxAuthority | String | 255 | TaxAuthority |
TaxRate | Decimal | 14.2 | TaxRate |
TaxYearRange | String | 100 | TaxYearRange |
ThirdPartyIntegrationType | ThirdPartyIntegrationType | 1024 | ThirdPartyIntegrationType |
TitleCompanyAddress | String | 300 | TitleCompanyAddress |
TitleCompanyName | String | 200 | TitleCompanyName |
TitleCompanyPhone | String | 16 | TitleCompanyPhone |
TitleCompanyPreferred | String | 200 | TitleCompanyPreferred |
UnitLocation | String | 1024 | UnitLocation |
WaterAccessDescription | String | 255 | WaterAccessDescription |
WaterAccessYN | Boolean | WaterAccessYN | |
WeeklyRate | String | 50 | WeeklyRate |
Name | Target |
Property | Property |