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Name Value Description
WaterfrontFeatures AcrossTheRoadFromLakeOcean Across the Road from Lake/Ocean
WaterfrontFeatures AcrossTheRoadWaterFrontage Across the Road Water Frontage
WaterfrontFeatures AllSportsLake All Sports Lake
WaterfrontFeatures Basin Basin
WaterfrontFeatures BayAccess Bay Access.
WaterfrontFeatures Bayfront The property is on a bayfront.
WaterfrontFeatures Bayou Bayou
WaterfrontFeatures BeachAccess The property has access to the beach.
WaterfrontFeatures BeachFront The property is on the beach front.
WaterfrontFeatures Bluff The waterfront is on a bluff.
WaterfrontFeatures BoatDockSlip Dock Dock/Slip.
WaterfrontFeatures BoatRampLiftAccess Boat Ramp/Lift Access.
WaterfrontFeatures Bulkhead Bulkhead.
WaterfrontFeatures CanalAccess The property has access to the canal(s).
WaterfrontFeatures CanalFront The property is located on the canal.
WaterfrontFeatures Channel The waterfront is on a channel.
WaterfrontFeatures Cove Cove Location.
WaterfrontFeatures Creek The property is either on or near a creek.
WaterfrontFeatures DeededAccess Deeded access to waterfont.
WaterfrontFeatures DeepWater Deep Water
WaterfrontFeatures DockAccess Dock Access.
WaterfrontFeatures FixedBridge Fixed Bridge.
WaterfrontFeatures Gulf Gulf.
WaterfrontFeatures GulfAccess Gulf Access
WaterfrontFeatures GulfOfMexico Gulf of Mexico.
WaterfrontFeatures Harbor Harbor front
WaterfrontFeatures Indirect Indirect
WaterfrontFeatures IntersectingCanal Intersecting Canal
WaterfrontFeatures IntracoastalAccess Intracoastal Access.
WaterfrontFeatures Island Island
WaterfrontFeatures Lagoon The property is either on or near a lagoon.
WaterfrontFeatures Lake The property is either on or near a lake.
WaterfrontFeatures LakeFront The property is on the lake front.
WaterfrontFeatures LakePrivileges The property includes rights to access the lake.
WaterfrontFeatures Mangrove Mangrove
WaterfrontFeatures MarinaInCommunity This property has a marina in the community. This doesn't insinuate a marina on the property or rights to the marina.
WaterfrontFeatures Marsh The waterfront feature is a marsh.
WaterfrontFeatures Mooring A place where a boat or ship is moored.
WaterfrontFeatures NavigableWater The water wide, slow and deep enough for water vessels.
WaterfrontFeatures NoFixedBridges No Fixed Bridges.
WaterfrontFeatures None None.
WaterfrontFeatures OceanAccess The property has access to the ocean.
WaterfrontFeatures OceanFront The property is on the ocean front.
WaterfrontFeatures OceanSideOfFreeway Ocean Side Of Freeway
WaterfrontFeatures OceanSideOfHighway Ocean Side Of Highway
WaterfrontFeatures Other Other (WaterfrontFeatures).
WaterfrontFeatures Pier Property has access to a pier.
WaterfrontFeatures PointLot Point Lot
WaterfrontFeatures Pond The property is on or near a pond.
WaterfrontFeatures ReservoirInCommunity Reservoir in Community
WaterfrontFeatures RiparianRights Riparian Rights
WaterfrontFeatures Riprap Riprap
WaterfrontFeatures RiverAccess The property has access to the river.
WaterfrontFeatures RiverFront The property is located on the river front.
WaterfrontFeatures SailBoatAccess The waterfront has sail boat access.
WaterfrontFeatures Seasonal Seasonal
WaterfrontFeatures Seawall The property is protected by a sea wall or barrier.
WaterfrontFeatures SeeRemarks See Remarks for more information about Waterfront Features.
WaterfrontFeatures Shared Shared
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineClean Shoreline Clean
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineDeep Shoreline Deep
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineFishermanWeeds The waterfront features a fisherman/weeds shoreline.
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineGravel The waterfront features a gravel shoreline.
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineHardBottom Shoreline Hard Bottom
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineMixed Shoreline Mixed
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineNatural Shoreline - Natural
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineRocky The waterfront features a rocky shoreline.
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineSand The waterfront feature is a sand shoreline.
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineShallow Shoreline Shallow
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineSilt The waterfront features a silt shoreline.
WaterfrontFeatures ShorelineSoftBottom Shoreline Soft Bottom
WaterfrontFeatures Sound Sound frontage
WaterfrontFeatures Stream The property is on our near a stream.
WaterfrontFeatures Tidal The waterfront is tidal and the level varies with the changing tide.
WaterfrontFeatures WalkToWater Walk to Water.
WaterfrontFeatures WaterAccess Water Accesss.
WaterfrontFeatures Waterfront The property is located on the waterfront.


Name Value Description
WaterHeater Central Central
WaterHeater Coal Coal
WaterHeater Common Common
WaterHeater Electric Electric
WaterHeater EnergyStarQualified ENERGY STAR Qualified
WaterHeater Gas Gas
WaterHeater Geothermal Geothermal
WaterHeater HeatPump Heat Pump
WaterHeater HighEfficiency High Efficiency
WaterHeater Hybrid Hybrid
WaterHeater InstantHotWater Instant Hot Water
WaterHeater Insulated Insulated
WaterHeater Leased Leased
WaterHeater Multiple Multiple
WaterHeater None None
WaterHeater OffHeatingSystem Off Heating System
WaterHeater Oil Oil
WaterHeater Other Other
WaterHeater Owned Owned
WaterHeater Propane Propane
WaterHeater Recirculating Recirculating
WaterHeater SeeRemarks See Remarks
WaterHeater Solar Solar
WaterHeater Tankless Tankless
WaterHeater Wood Wood


Name Value Description
WaterSource AgriculturalWell The property's source of water has/includes an agricultural well.
WaterSource AgricultureDitchWater Agriculture/Ditch Water
WaterSource AssessmentPaid Assessment Paid
WaterSource AssessmentUnpaid Assessment Unpaid
WaterSource Cistern The property's source of water has/includes a cistern.
WaterSource CommunityCoop Community/Coop.
WaterSource Connected Connected.
WaterSource DrilledWell Drilled Well
WaterSource DrivenWell Driven Well
WaterSource DugWell Dug Well
WaterSource HoldingTank Holding Tank
WaterSource IrrigationDistrict The property is in an irrigation district.
WaterSource Lake Lake.
WaterSource MultipleMeters Multiple Meters.
WaterSource MunicipalUtilityDistrict Municipal Utility District
WaterSource None The property has no current source of water.
WaterSource NotConnected Not Connected.
WaterSource NotConnectedAtLot Not Connected (at lot).
WaterSource NotConnectedNearby Not Connected (nearby).
WaterSource Other The property has a source of water other than those listed.
WaterSource Pond The water source is a pond.
WaterSource PotableWater The property has drinking water.
WaterSource Private The property's source of water is private.
WaterSource Public The property's source of water is public.
WaterSource River The water source is a river.
WaterSource Rural The water source is rural.
WaterSource SandPointWell Sand Point Well
WaterSource Seasonal The water source is seasonal.
WaterSource SeeRemarks See the listing's remarks for details on the property's water source.
WaterSource SharedWell The property's source of water has/includes a shared well.
WaterSource Spring The property's source of water has/includes a spring.
WaterSource Stream The water source is a stream.
WaterSource WaterAssessments Water Assessment(s)
WaterSource WaterRights The water source is through water rights.
WaterSource WaterTapFee Water Tap Fee
WaterSource WaterTapPaid Water Tap Paid
WaterSource Well The property's source of water has/includes a well.
WaterSource WellInstalled The property has a well installed.
WaterSource WellNeeded The property needs a well.


Name Value Description
WindowFeatures AluminumFrames The windows have aluminum frames.
WindowFeatures Arched The windows are arched.
WindowFeatures Atrium Atrium
WindowFeatures Barn Barn.
WindowFeatures BayWindows The property has one or more bay windows.
WindowFeatures Blinds The property has window blinds.
WindowFeatures CasementWindows Casement Window(s).
WindowFeatures Clad Clad windows utilize a wood window frame with an exterior cladding of a low-maintenance material.
WindowFeatures CustomCoverings Custom Covering(s)
WindowFeatures DisplayWindows The property has one or more windows that would normally be used to display goods or products.
WindowFeatures DoubleHung Double Hung.
WindowFeatures DoublePaneWindows The property has windows with two panes of glass.
WindowFeatures DraperyTracks Tracks that are installed for drapes.
WindowFeatures Drapes The property has drapes.
WindowFeatures EnergyStarQualifiedWindows The property has qualified ENERGY STAR windows.
WindowFeatures FiberglassFrames Fiberglass Frames
WindowFeatures FloorToCeilingWindows The property has floor to ceiling windows.
WindowFeatures FrenchMullioned French/Mullioned
WindowFeatures GardenWindows The property has one or more garden windows.
WindowFeatures ImpactGlass The windows contain high impact glass.
WindowFeatures InsulatedWindows The property has insulated windows.
WindowFeatures Jalousie Jalousie window.
WindowFeatures LeadedGlass Leaded/Stained Glass.
WindowFeatures LowEmissivityWindows The property has low-emissivity windows.
WindowFeatures Metal Metal.
WindowFeatures MultiPane Multi Pane.
WindowFeatures NewWindows New Windows
WindowFeatures None None (WindowFeatures).
WindowFeatures NonInsulated Non-Insulated
WindowFeatures Other Other (WindowFeatures).
WindowFeatures PalladianWindows Palladian Window(s)
WindowFeatures PlantationShutters The property has plantation shutters.
WindowFeatures ReplacementWindows Replacement Windows.
WindowFeatures RollerShields Roller Shields
WindowFeatures Screens The property has screens.
WindowFeatures SeeRemarks See remarks for additional information about Window Features.
WindowFeatures Shutters The property has shutters.
WindowFeatures SingleHung Single Hung.
WindowFeatures SinglePane Single Pane.
WindowFeatures Skylights The property has skylights.
WindowFeatures Sliding The windows are sliding.
WindowFeatures SolarScreens The property has solar screens.
WindowFeatures SomeWindowTreatments The property has some window treatments.
WindowFeatures StainedGlass Stained Glass
WindowFeatures StormWindows The property has storm windows.
WindowFeatures ThermalWindows Thermal Windows.
WindowFeatures TiltInWindows Tilt-In Windows
WindowFeatures TintedWindows The property has tinted windows.
WindowFeatures TransomWindows Transom Window(s)
WindowFeatures TriplePaneWindows The property has triple-pane windows.
WindowFeatures Vinyl Vinyl.
WindowFeatures WindowCoverings The property has window coverings.
WindowFeatures WindowTreatments The property has window treatments.
WindowFeatures WoodFrames The property has wood-framed windows.