Enumerations W
Name | Value | Description |
WaterfrontFeatures | AcrossTheRoadFromLakeOcean | Across the Road from Lake/Ocean |
WaterfrontFeatures | AcrossTheRoadWaterFrontage | Across the Road Water Frontage |
WaterfrontFeatures | AllSportsLake | All Sports Lake |
WaterfrontFeatures | Basin | Basin |
WaterfrontFeatures | BayAccess | Bay Access. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Bayfront | The property is on a bayfront. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Bayou | Bayou |
WaterfrontFeatures | BeachAccess | The property has access to the beach. |
WaterfrontFeatures | BeachFront | The property is on the beach front. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Bluff | The waterfront is on a bluff. |
WaterfrontFeatures | BoatDockSlip | Dock Dock/Slip. |
WaterfrontFeatures | BoatRampLiftAccess | Boat Ramp/Lift Access. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Bulkhead | Bulkhead. |
WaterfrontFeatures | CanalAccess | The property has access to the canal(s). |
WaterfrontFeatures | CanalFront | The property is located on the canal. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Channel | The waterfront is on a channel. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Cove | Cove Location. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Creek | The property is either on or near a creek. |
WaterfrontFeatures | DeededAccess | Deeded access to waterfont. |
WaterfrontFeatures | DeepWater | Deep Water |
WaterfrontFeatures | DockAccess | Dock Access. |
WaterfrontFeatures | FixedBridge | Fixed Bridge. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Gulf | Gulf. |
WaterfrontFeatures | GulfAccess | Gulf Access |
WaterfrontFeatures | GulfOfMexico | Gulf of Mexico. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Harbor | Harbor front |
WaterfrontFeatures | Indirect | Indirect |
WaterfrontFeatures | IntersectingCanal | Intersecting Canal |
WaterfrontFeatures | IntracoastalAccess | Intracoastal Access. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Island | Island |
WaterfrontFeatures | Lagoon | The property is either on or near a lagoon. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Lake | The property is either on or near a lake. |
WaterfrontFeatures | LakeFront | The property is on the lake front. |
WaterfrontFeatures | LakePrivileges | The property includes rights to access the lake. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Mangrove | Mangrove |
WaterfrontFeatures | MarinaInCommunity | This property has a marina in the community. This doesn't insinuate a marina on the property or rights to the marina. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Marsh | The waterfront feature is a marsh. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Mooring | A place where a boat or ship is moored. |
WaterfrontFeatures | NavigableWater | The water wide, slow and deep enough for water vessels. |
WaterfrontFeatures | NoFixedBridges | No Fixed Bridges. |
WaterfrontFeatures | None | None. |
WaterfrontFeatures | OceanAccess | The property has access to the ocean. |
WaterfrontFeatures | OceanFront | The property is on the ocean front. |
WaterfrontFeatures | OceanSideOfFreeway | Ocean Side Of Freeway |
WaterfrontFeatures | OceanSideOfHighway | Ocean Side Of Highway |
WaterfrontFeatures | Other | Other (WaterfrontFeatures). |
WaterfrontFeatures | Pier | Property has access to a pier. |
WaterfrontFeatures | PointLot | Point Lot |
WaterfrontFeatures | Pond | The property is on or near a pond. |
WaterfrontFeatures | ReservoirInCommunity | Reservoir in Community |
WaterfrontFeatures | RiparianRights | Riparian Rights |
WaterfrontFeatures | Riprap | Riprap |
WaterfrontFeatures | RiverAccess | The property has access to the river. |
WaterfrontFeatures | RiverFront | The property is located on the river front. |
WaterfrontFeatures | SailBoatAccess | The waterfront has sail boat access. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Seasonal | Seasonal |
WaterfrontFeatures | Seawall | The property is protected by a sea wall or barrier. |
WaterfrontFeatures | SeeRemarks | See Remarks for more information about Waterfront Features. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Shared | Shared |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineClean | Shoreline Clean |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineDeep | Shoreline Deep |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineFishermanWeeds | The waterfront features a fisherman/weeds shoreline. |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineGravel | The waterfront features a gravel shoreline. |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineHardBottom | Shoreline Hard Bottom |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineMixed | Shoreline Mixed |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineNatural | Shoreline - Natural |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineRocky | The waterfront features a rocky shoreline. |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineSand | The waterfront feature is a sand shoreline. |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineShallow | Shoreline Shallow |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineSilt | The waterfront features a silt shoreline. |
WaterfrontFeatures | ShorelineSoftBottom | Shoreline Soft Bottom |
WaterfrontFeatures | Sound | Sound frontage |
WaterfrontFeatures | Stream | The property is on our near a stream. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Tidal | The waterfront is tidal and the level varies with the changing tide. |
WaterfrontFeatures | WalkToWater | Walk to Water. |
WaterfrontFeatures | WaterAccess | Water Accesss. |
WaterfrontFeatures | Waterfront | The property is located on the waterfront. |
Name | Value | Description |
WaterHeater | Central | Central |
WaterHeater | Coal | Coal |
WaterHeater | Common | Common |
WaterHeater | Electric | Electric |
WaterHeater | EnergyStarQualified | ENERGY STAR Qualified |
WaterHeater | Gas | Gas |
WaterHeater | Geothermal | Geothermal |
WaterHeater | HeatPump | Heat Pump |
WaterHeater | HighEfficiency | High Efficiency |
WaterHeater | Hybrid | Hybrid |
WaterHeater | InstantHotWater | Instant Hot Water |
WaterHeater | Insulated | Insulated |
WaterHeater | Leased | Leased |
WaterHeater | Multiple | Multiple |
WaterHeater | None | None |
WaterHeater | OffHeatingSystem | Off Heating System |
WaterHeater | Oil | Oil |
WaterHeater | Other | Other |
WaterHeater | Owned | Owned |
WaterHeater | Propane | Propane |
WaterHeater | Recirculating | Recirculating |
WaterHeater | SeeRemarks | See Remarks |
WaterHeater | Solar | Solar |
WaterHeater | Tankless | Tankless |
WaterHeater | Wood | Wood |
Name | Value | Description |
WaterSource | AgriculturalWell | The property's source of water has/includes an agricultural well. |
WaterSource | AgricultureDitchWater | Agriculture/Ditch Water |
WaterSource | AssessmentPaid | Assessment Paid |
WaterSource | AssessmentUnpaid | Assessment Unpaid |
WaterSource | Cistern | The property's source of water has/includes a cistern. |
WaterSource | CommunityCoop | Community/Coop. |
WaterSource | Connected | Connected. |
WaterSource | DrilledWell | Drilled Well |
WaterSource | DrivenWell | Driven Well |
WaterSource | DugWell | Dug Well |
WaterSource | HoldingTank | Holding Tank |
WaterSource | IrrigationDistrict | The property is in an irrigation district. |
WaterSource | Lake | Lake. |
WaterSource | MultipleMeters | Multiple Meters. |
WaterSource | MunicipalUtilityDistrict | Municipal Utility District |
WaterSource | None | The property has no current source of water. |
WaterSource | NotConnected | Not Connected. |
WaterSource | NotConnectedAtLot | Not Connected (at lot). |
WaterSource | NotConnectedNearby | Not Connected (nearby). |
WaterSource | Other | The property has a source of water other than those listed. |
WaterSource | Pond | The water source is a pond. |
WaterSource | PotableWater | The property has drinking water. |
WaterSource | Private | The property's source of water is private. |
WaterSource | Public | The property's source of water is public. |
WaterSource | River | The water source is a river. |
WaterSource | Rural | The water source is rural. |
WaterSource | SandPointWell | Sand Point Well |
WaterSource | Seasonal | The water source is seasonal. |
WaterSource | SeeRemarks | See the listing's remarks for details on the property's water source. |
WaterSource | SharedWell | The property's source of water has/includes a shared well. |
WaterSource | Spring | The property's source of water has/includes a spring. |
WaterSource | Stream | The water source is a stream. |
WaterSource | WaterAssessments | Water Assessment(s) |
WaterSource | WaterRights | The water source is through water rights. |
WaterSource | WaterTapFee | Water Tap Fee |
WaterSource | WaterTapPaid | Water Tap Paid |
WaterSource | Well | The property's source of water has/includes a well. |
WaterSource | WellInstalled | The property has a well installed. |
WaterSource | WellNeeded | The property needs a well. |
Name | Value | Description |
WindowFeatures | AluminumFrames | The windows have aluminum frames. |
WindowFeatures | Arched | The windows are arched. |
WindowFeatures | Atrium | Atrium |
WindowFeatures | Barn | Barn. |
WindowFeatures | BayWindows | The property has one or more bay windows. |
WindowFeatures | Blinds | The property has window blinds. |
WindowFeatures | CasementWindows | Casement Window(s). |
WindowFeatures | Clad | Clad windows utilize a wood window frame with an exterior cladding of a low-maintenance material. |
WindowFeatures | CustomCoverings | Custom Covering(s) |
WindowFeatures | DisplayWindows | The property has one or more windows that would normally be used to display goods or products. |
WindowFeatures | DoubleHung | Double Hung. |
WindowFeatures | DoublePaneWindows | The property has windows with two panes of glass. |
WindowFeatures | DraperyTracks | Tracks that are installed for drapes. |
WindowFeatures | Drapes | The property has drapes. |
WindowFeatures | EnergyStarQualifiedWindows | The property has qualified ENERGY STAR windows. |
WindowFeatures | FiberglassFrames | Fiberglass Frames |
WindowFeatures | FloorToCeilingWindows | The property has floor to ceiling windows. |
WindowFeatures | FrenchMullioned | French/Mullioned |
WindowFeatures | GardenWindows | The property has one or more garden windows. |
WindowFeatures | ImpactGlass | The windows contain high impact glass. |
WindowFeatures | InsulatedWindows | The property has insulated windows. |
WindowFeatures | Jalousie | Jalousie window. |
WindowFeatures | LeadedGlass | Leaded/Stained Glass. |
WindowFeatures | LowEmissivityWindows | The property has low-emissivity windows. |
WindowFeatures | Metal | Metal. |
WindowFeatures | MultiPane | Multi Pane. |
WindowFeatures | NewWindows | New Windows |
WindowFeatures | None | None (WindowFeatures). |
WindowFeatures | NonInsulated | Non-Insulated |
WindowFeatures | Other | Other (WindowFeatures). |
WindowFeatures | PalladianWindows | Palladian Window(s) |
WindowFeatures | PlantationShutters | The property has plantation shutters. |
WindowFeatures | ReplacementWindows | Replacement Windows. |
WindowFeatures | RollerShields | Roller Shields |
WindowFeatures | Screens | The property has screens. |
WindowFeatures | SeeRemarks | See remarks for additional information about Window Features. |
WindowFeatures | Shutters | The property has shutters. |
WindowFeatures | SingleHung | Single Hung. |
WindowFeatures | SinglePane | Single Pane. |
WindowFeatures | Skylights | The property has skylights. |
WindowFeatures | Sliding | The windows are sliding. |
WindowFeatures | SolarScreens | The property has solar screens. |
WindowFeatures | SomeWindowTreatments | The property has some window treatments. |
WindowFeatures | StainedGlass | Stained Glass |
WindowFeatures | StormWindows | The property has storm windows. |
WindowFeatures | ThermalWindows | Thermal Windows. |
WindowFeatures | TiltInWindows | Tilt-In Windows |
WindowFeatures | TintedWindows | The property has tinted windows. |
WindowFeatures | TransomWindows | Transom Window(s) |
WindowFeatures | TriplePaneWindows | The property has triple-pane windows. |
WindowFeatures | Vinyl | Vinyl. |
WindowFeatures | WindowCoverings | The property has window coverings. |
WindowFeatures | WindowTreatments | The property has window treatments. |
WindowFeatures | WoodFrames | The property has wood-framed windows. |