Enumerations T-V
Name | Value | Description |
TeamImpersonationLevel | Impersonate | Impersonate |
TeamImpersonationLevel | WorkOnBehalf | Work on behalf |
Name | Value | Description |
TeamMemberType | AdministrationAssistant | The member of a team who assists with administrative tasks. |
TeamMemberType | BuyerAgent | A member of the real estate team. |
TeamMemberType | LeadManager | The member of the team who is the lead manager. |
TeamMemberType | ListingAgent | The member of a team who lists properties. |
TeamMemberType | MarketingAssistant | The member of a team who assists with marketing. |
TeamMemberType | OperationsManager | The member of the team who manages operations. |
TeamMemberType | ShowingAgent | The member of a team who handles showing events. |
TeamMemberType | TeamLead | The leading member of a team. |
TeamMemberType | TeamMember | A member of the real estate team. |
TeamMemberType | Teammemberlead | Team Member Lead |
TeamMemberType | TransactionCoordinator | The member of a team who handles transaction details. |
Name | Value | Description |
TeamStatus | Active | The team is active. |
TeamStatus | Inactive | The team is not active. |
Name | Value | Description |
Topography | Bottomland | The land topography is bottomland. |
Topography | CanyonValley | Canyon/Valley |
Topography | Cleared | Cleared. |
Topography | Desert | Desert |
Topography | DrainageArea | Drainage Area. |
Topography | Filled | Filled |
Topography | Hill | Hill |
Topography | Hilltop | Hilltop |
Topography | Level | Level. |
Topography | Mountainous | The topography is mountainous. |
Topography | NeedsFill | Needs Fill |
Topography | Other | Topography is notable but not defined specifically. |
Topography | Pad | Pad |
Topography | Pasture | Pasture. |
Topography | Rolling | Rolling |
Topography | Rough | Rough. |
Topography | SeeAgent | See Agent. |
Topography | SeeRemarks | See Remarks |
Topography | Sloping | Sloping. |
Topography | Terraced | Terraced. |
Topography | Unknown | Unknown |
Topography | Varied | Varied. |
Name | Value | Description |
UnitsFurnished | AllUnits | All of the units in the listed income property are furnished. |
UnitsFurnished | Furnished | The dwelling being leased is furnished. |
UnitsFurnished | Negotiable | The property may be furnished or left unfurnished at the lessor's request. Contact the listing agent/office to discuss options and cost differences. |
UnitsFurnished | None | None of the units in the listed income property are furnished. |
UnitsFurnished | Partially | The dwelling being leased is partially furnished. |
UnitsFurnished | Unfurnished | The dwelling being leased is not furnished. |
UnitsFurnished | VariesByUnit | Some of the units in the listing income property are furnished. |
Name | Value | Description |
UnitTypeType | Apartments | The type of unit is apartments. |
UnitTypeType | Commercial | The type of unit is commercial. |
UnitTypeType | Efficiency | The type of unit is an efficiency. |
UnitTypeType | FourBedroomOrMore | The type of unit is a 4 or more bedroom. |
UnitTypeType | HotelRoom | Hotel Room |
UnitTypeType | Industrial | The type of unit is industrial. |
UnitTypeType | Living | The type of unit is living. |
UnitTypeType | Loft | The type of unit is a loft. |
UnitTypeType | ManagersUnit | The type of unit is a manager's unit. |
UnitTypeType | Office | Office. |
UnitTypeType | OneBedroom | The type of unit is a 1 bedroom. |
UnitTypeType | Other | The type of unit is other. |
UnitTypeType | Penthouse | The type of unit is a penthouse. |
UnitTypeType | Residential | The type of unit is residential. |
UnitTypeType | Retail | Retail. |
UnitTypeType | Shop | The type of unit is a shop. |
UnitTypeType | Storage | The type of unit is storage. |
UnitTypeType | Studio | The type of unit is a studio. |
UnitTypeType | ThreeBedroom | The type of unit is a 3 bedroom. |
UnitTypeType | Townhouse | Townhouse. |
UnitTypeType | TwoBedroom | The type of unit is a 2 bedroom. |
UnitTypeType | Warehouse | The type of unit is a warehouse. |
Name | Value | Description |
TaxStatusCurrent | Personal | The tax is based on personal property. |
TaxStatusCurrent | PersonalAndReal | The tax is based on both personal and real property. |
TaxStatusCurrent | Real | The tax is based on real property. |
Name | Value | Description |
TenantPays | AdaUpgrades | ADA Upgrades |
TenantPays | Advertising | The tenant pays for promotion or advertising. |
TenantPays | AirConditioning | Tenant pays for air conditioning. |
TenantPays | AllUtilities | The tenant pays for all utilities. |
TenantPays | ApplicationFee | The tenant pays application fee. |
TenantPays | AssociationFees | The tenant pays for association fees. |
TenantPays | BankFees | Bank Fees |
TenantPays | CableTv | The tenant pays for cable TV. |
TenantPays | CarpetCleaningFee | Carpet Cleaning Fee |
TenantPays | CommonAreaMaintenance | The tenant pays for common area maintenance. |
TenantPays | CreditCheck | Credit Check. |
TenantPays | DepartureCleaning | Departure Cleaning Fee |
TenantPays | Doors | Doors |
TenantPays | ElectricalSystems | Electrical Systems |
TenantPays | Electricity | The tenant pays for electricity. |
TenantPays | ExteriorElectric | The tenant pays exterior electric. |
TenantPays | ExteriorMaintenance | The tenant pays for exterior maintenance. |
TenantPays | FireInsurance | Fire Insurance |
TenantPays | FireplaceFlueCleaning | Fireplace/Flue Cleaning |
TenantPays | FrozenPipeDamage | Frozen Pipe Damage. |
TenantPays | Gardener | Gardener |
TenantPays | Gas | The tenant pays for gas. |
TenantPays | GreenFees | The tenant pays green fees. |
TenantPays | GroundsCare | The tenant pays for grounds care. |
TenantPays | Heat | Heat. |
TenantPays | HotWater | The tenant pays for hot water. |
TenantPays | HvacMaintenance | The tenant pays for HVAC maintenance. |
TenantPays | Insurance | The tenant pays for insurance. |
TenantPays | InteriorDecor | Interior Decor |
TenantPays | Internet | Internet. |
TenantPays | JanitorialService | The tenant pays for janitorial service. |
TenantPays | KeyDeposit | Tenant pays a Key Deposit |
TenantPays | Management | The tenant pays for management. |
TenantPays | MinorInteriorMaintenance | Minor Interior Maintenance. |
TenantPays | MoveInOutFee | The tenant pays move-in/out fee. |
TenantPays | None | The tenant pays for no other utilities, services, etc. |
TenantPays | Other | The tenant pays for items other than those in this list. |
TenantPays | OtherTax | The tenant pays for other taxes. |
TenantPays | ParkingFee | The tenant pays for parking fees. |
TenantPays | Pavement | Pavement |
TenantPays | PestControl | The tenant pays for pest control. |
TenantPays | PetDeposit | Tenant pays a pet deposit |
TenantPays | Plumbing | Plumbing |
TenantPays | PoolMaintenance | The tenant pays for pool maintenance. |
TenantPays | RecreationFee | The tenant pays recreation fee. |
TenantPays | ReKeyFee | The tenant pays re-key fee. |
TenantPays | RentOnly | Tenant is responsible only for the rent due. |
TenantPays | Repairs | The tenant pays for repairs. |
TenantPays | Roof | The tenant pays for roof maintenance. |
TenantPays | Security | The tenant pays for security. |
TenantPays | SeeRemarks | See the listing's remarks for details on what they tenant pays for. |
TenantPays | Sewer | The tenant pays for sewer. |
TenantPays | SnowRemoval | The tenant pays for snow removal. |
TenantPays | StructuralMaintenance | Structural Maintenance |
TenantPays | Taxes | The tenant pays for taxes. |
TenantPays | Telephone | The tenant pays for telephone. |
TenantPays | TrashCollection | The tenant pays for trash collection. |
TenantPays | Water | The tenant pays for water. |
TenantPays | WaterTreatment | Water Treatment |
TenantPays | Windows | Windows |
Name | Value | Description |
ThirdPartyIntegrationType | DownPaymentResource | Down Payment Resource. |
ThirdPartyIntegrationType | RentalBeastApply | Rental Beast Apply. |
ThirdPartyIntegrationType | Rentspree | RentSpree. |
ThirdPartyIntegrationType | Showingtime | ShowingTime. |
Name | Value | Description |
Topography | Bottomland | The land topography is bottomland. |
Topography | CanyonValley | Canyon/Valley |
Topography | Cleared | Cleared. |
Topography | Desert | Desert |
Topography | DrainageArea | Drainage Area. |
Topography | Filled | Filled |
Topography | Hill | Hill |
Topography | Hilltop | Hilltop |
Topography | Level | Level. |
Topography | Mountainous | The topography is mountainous. |
Topography | NeedsFill | Needs Fill |
Topography | Other | Topography is notable but not defined specifically. |
Topography | Pad | Pad |
Topography | Pasture | Pasture. |
Topography | Rolling | Rolling |
Topography | Rough | Rough. |
Topography | SeeAgent | See Agent. |
Topography | SeeRemarks | See Remarks |
Topography | Sloping | Sloping. |
Topography | Terraced | Terraced. |
Topography | Unknown | Unknown |
Topography | Varied | Varied. |
Name | Value | Description |
UnitTypeOccupantType | Annual | Annual. |
UnitTypeOccupantType | CallAgent | Call Agent. |
UnitTypeOccupantType | Occupied | Occupied (unspecified). |
UnitTypeOccupantType | Other | Other |
UnitTypeOccupantType | Owner | The occupant is the owner. |
UnitTypeOccupantType | Tenant | The occupant is a tenant. |
UnitTypeOccupantType | Vacant | The property is vacant. |
Name | Value | Description |
UnitTypeType | Apartments | The type of unit is apartments. |
UnitTypeType | Commercial | The type of unit is commercial. |
UnitTypeType | Efficiency | The type of unit is an efficiency. |
UnitTypeType | FourBedroomOrMore | The type of unit is a 4 or more bedroom. |
UnitTypeType | HotelRoom | Hotel Room |
UnitTypeType | Industrial | The type of unit is industrial. |
UnitTypeType | Living | The type of unit is living. |
UnitTypeType | Loft | The type of unit is a loft. |
UnitTypeType | ManagersUnit | The type of unit is a manager's unit. |
UnitTypeType | Office | Office. |
UnitTypeType | OneBedroom | The type of unit is a 1 bedroom. |
UnitTypeType | Other | The type of unit is other. |
UnitTypeType | Penthouse | The type of unit is a penthouse. |
UnitTypeType | Residential | The type of unit is residential. |
UnitTypeType | Retail | Retail. |
UnitTypeType | Shop | The type of unit is a shop. |
UnitTypeType | Storage | The type of unit is storage. |
UnitTypeType | Studio | The type of unit is a studio. |
UnitTypeType | ThreeBedroom | The type of unit is a 3 bedroom. |
UnitTypeType | Townhouse | Townhouse. |
UnitTypeType | TwoBedroom | The type of unit is a 2 bedroom. |
UnitTypeType | Warehouse | The type of unit is a warehouse. |
Name | Value | Description |
Utilities | AboveGroundUtilities | All or some of the utilities are run above ground. |
Utilities | CableAvailable | The property has cable available but is not connected. |
Utilities | CableConnected | Cable service is physically connected, but not necessarily paid. |
Utilities | CableNotAvailable | Cable is not available in the area of the property. |
Utilities | CellularPhoneReception | The area has cellular phone reception available. |
Utilities | ElectricityAvailable | Electricity is available from the public utility but not connected. |
Utilities | ElectricityConnected | Electricity from the public utility is available and connected, but not necessarily paid. |
Utilities | ElectricityNotAvailable | Electricity from the public utility is not available. An independent source of electricity is the only option. |
Utilities | FiberOpticAvailable | Fiber Optic Available |
Utilities | HighSpeedInternetAvailable | High Speed Internet Available |
Utilities | HighSpeedInternetConnected | High Speed Internet Connected |
Utilities | MunicipalUtilities | Municipal Utilities |
Utilities | NaturalGasAvailable | Natural gas is available from the public utility but not connected. |
Utilities | NaturalGasConnected | Natural gas from the public utility is available and connected, but not necessarily paid. |
Utilities | NaturalGasNotAvailable | Natural gas from the public utility is not available. An independent source of gas is the only option. i.e. propane. |
Utilities | None | There are no public utilities currently available or connected. |
Utilities | OilAvailable | Oil Available |
Utilities | Other | There are utilities other than those listed. |
Utilities | OverheadUtilities | Overhead Utilities |
Utilities | PhoneAvailable | The property has telephone service available but is not connected. |
Utilities | PhoneConnected | Telephone service is physically connected, but not necessarily paid. |
Utilities | PhoneNotAvailable | Telephone service is not available in the area of the property. |
Utilities | Propane | The property has a propane system. |
Utilities | RecyclingCollection | The property includes recycling collection. |
Utilities | SatelliteInternetAvailable | Satellite Internet Available |
Utilities | SeeRemarks | See remarks for details about the public or other utilities available/installed at the property. |
Utilities | SeparateMeters | The utilities have separate or individual meters. |
Utilities | SepticAvailable | Septic tank is available. |
Utilities | SewerAvailable | Sewer service is available from the public utility but not connected. |
Utilities | SewerConnected | Sewer service from the public utility is available and connected, but not necessarily paid. |
Utilities | SewerNotAvailable | Sewer service from the public utility is not available. An independent alternative to sewer is the only option. i.e. septic. |
Utilities | TrashCollection | Trash Collection |
Utilities | TrashCollectionPrivate | The property includes private trash collection. |
Utilities | TrashCollectionPublic | This property includes public trash collection. |
Utilities | UndergroundUtilities | All or some of the utilities are run underground. |
Utilities | Unknown | The utilities are unknown. |
Utilities | WaterAvailable | Water service is available from the public utility but not connected. |
Utilities | WaterConnected | Water service from the public utility is available and connected, but not necessarily paid. |
Utilities | WaterNotAvailable | Water service from the public utility is not available. An independent source for water is the only option. i.e. well. |
Utilities | YardMaintenance | Yard Maintenance |
Name | Value | Description |
Vegetation | Aspen | Aspen |
Vegetation | Brush | The lot has brush. |
Vegetation | Cleared | The lot has been cleared. |
Vegetation | Crops | There are crops on the lot. |
Vegetation | Evergreen | Evergreen |
Vegetation | FruitTrees | The lot contains Fruit Trees |
Vegetation | Grassed | The lot is grassed. |
Vegetation | HeavilyWooded | The lot is heavily wooded. |
Vegetation | Mixed | Mixed vegetation |
Vegetation | NaturalState | The lot is in its natural state. |
Vegetation | None | None |
Vegetation | Oak | Oak |
Vegetation | Other | There are other types of vegetation on the lot than those in this list. |
Vegetation | PartiallyWooded | The lot is partially wooded. |
Vegetation | Pine | Pine |
Vegetation | Sagebrush | Sagebrush |
Vegetation | ScrubOak | Scrub Oak |
Vegetation | SeeRemarks | See the Public or Private Remarks for details about the vegetation found on the lot. |
Vegetation | Wooded | The lot is wooded. |
Name | Value | Description |
View | BackBay | Back Bay |
View | Bay | The property has a bay view. |
View | Bayou | Bayou |
View | Beach | The property has a beach view. |
View | Bluff | Bluff |
View | Bridges | The property has a bridge(s) view. |
View | Canal | The property has a canal view. |
View | Canyon | The property has a canyon view. |
View | Casino | Casino |
View | Catalina | Catalina |
View | Channel | The property has a channel view. |
View | City | The property has a city view. |
View | CityLights | The property has a view of the city lights. |
View | Clubhouse | View of a clubhouse facility. |
View | Coastline | Coastline |
View | Courtyard | View of a courtyard. |
View | CreekStream | The property has a creek/stream view. |
View | CulDeSac | Property has a view of a Cul-De-Sac. |
View | Desert | The property has a desert view. |
View | Downtown | The property has a downtown view. |
View | East | East |
View | Farmland | Farmland View. |
View | Forest | The property has a forest view. |
View | Garden | The property has a garden view. |
View | GolfCourse | The property has a view of the golf course. |
View | GolfFairway | The view is of a golf fairway. |
View | GolfGreen | The view is of a golf green. |
View | Greenbelt | A view of an area of open land around a city, on which building is restricted. |
View | Gulf | Property has a view of a gulf. |
View | Harbor | The view is a harbor. |
View | Hills | The property has a view of the hills. |
View | Intercoastal | Intercoastal View. |
View | Lagoon | Lagoon View. |
View | Lake | The property has a lake view. |
View | Landmark | Landmark |
View | Landscaped | Landscaped View. |
View | LongRange | Long range view |
View | Mangroves | The view is of Mangrove. |
View | Marina | The property has a marina view. |
View | MarshView | Marsh View. |
View | Meadow | The property has a view of the meadow. |
View | Mountains | The property has a mountain view. |
View | Neighborhood | The property has a view of the neighborhood. |
View | None | The property has no view. |
View | North | North |
View | Ocean | The property has an ocean view. |
View | Orchard | The property has a view of the orchard(s). |
View | Other | The property has a view other than those in this list. |
View | Panoramic | The property has a panoramic view. |
View | ParkGreenbelt | The property has a park/greenbelt view. |
View | Partial | Partial View. |
View | PartialBuildings | The view is partial buildings. |
View | Pasture | The property has a view of the pasture. |
View | PeekABoo | Peek-A-Boo |
View | Pier | Pier |
View | Pond | The property has a view of a pond. |
View | Pool | The property has a view of the pool. |
View | Preserve | The view is of a preserve. |
View | Reservoir | Reservoir |
View | Residential | Residential |
View | Ridge | The property has a view of the ridge. |
View | River | The property has a river view. |
View | Rocks | Rocks |
View | Rural | The property has a rural view. |
View | Saltwater | Saltwater |
View | Scenic | Scenic View. |
View | SeasonalView | Seasonal View |
View | SeeRemarks | See the remarks fields for more information about the view from the property. |
View | SkiArea | Property has a view of ski area. |
View | Skyline | The property has a view of the skyline. |
View | SlopeView | Slope View |
View | Sound | Property has a view of a sound. |
View | South | South |
View | SouthernExposure | Property faces the south |
View | StripView | Strip View |
View | Sunrise | Sunrise View. |
View | Sunset | Sunset View. |
View | TennisCourt | Tennis Court View. |
View | Territorial | The property has a view of the surrounding area. |
View | TreesWoods | The property has a view of the trees or woods. |
View | Valley | The property has a view of the valley. |
View | Vineyard | The property has a view of the vineyard(s). |
View | Water | The property has a water view. |
View | West | West |