Expand Drawer

Enumerations M-O


Name Value Description
MediaCategory Addendum The media is a addendum
MediaCategory AerialView This Media is of aerial view
MediaCategory AgentPhoto The media is an agent photo.
MediaCategory BrandedVirtualTour The media is a branded virtual tour.
MediaCategory Disclosure This is a disclosure document
MediaCategory Document The media is a document.
MediaCategory FloorPlan The media is a floor plan.
MediaCategory Map Map
MediaCategory OfficeLogo The media is an office logo.
MediaCategory OfficePhoto The media is an office photo.
MediaCategory Other Other category
MediaCategory Photo The media is a photo.
MediaCategory RentalDocuments The media is of Rental Documents
MediaCategory Restriction This is a restriction document
MediaCategory Survey Survey Document
MediaCategory Topography Topography
MediaCategory UnbrandedVirtualTour The media is an unbranded virtual tour.
MediaCategory Video The media is a video.


Name Value Description
MediaClassification Document Document
MediaClassification Photo Photo


Name Value Description
MediaStatus Active Active
MediaStatus Deleted Deleted
MediaStatus Other Other


Name Value Description
MediaType Bmp The media is a bmp file type.
MediaType Doc The media is a doc file type.
MediaType Docx The media is a docx file type.
MediaType Gif The media is a gif file type.
MediaType Htm The media is a htm file type.
MediaType Html The media is a html file type.
MediaType Jpeg The media is a jpeg file type.
MediaType Mov The media is a mov file type.
MediaType Mp4 The media is an mp4 file type.
MediaType Mpeg The media is an mpeg file type.
MediaType Pdf The media is a pdf file type.
MediaType Png The media is a png file type.
MediaType Pptx The media is a pptx file type.
MediaType Quicktime The media is a QuickTime file type.
MediaType Rtf The media is a rtf file type.
MediaType Svg The media is a svg file type.
MediaType Tiff The media is a tiff file type.
MediaType Txt The media is a txt file type.
MediaType Wmv The media is a wmv file type.
MediaType Wps The media is a wps file type.
MediaType Xls The media is a xls file type.
MediaType Xlsx The media is a xlsx file type.


Name Value Description
MemberMlsSecurityClass Administrative Administrative
MemberMlsSecurityClass AgentLevel Agent Level
MemberMlsSecurityClass AgentLimitedInput Agent Limited Input
MemberMlsSecurityClass BaseLevelUser Base Level User
MemberMlsSecurityClass Broker Broker level user
MemberMlsSecurityClass HeadBroker Head Broker
MemberMlsSecurityClass NoAccess No Access
MemberMlsSecurityClass OfficeLevel Office level user


Name Value Description
MemberOtherPhoneType Direct This is the member's direct number.
MemberOtherPhoneType Fax This is the member's fax.
MemberOtherPhoneType First This is the member's first preferred phone.
MemberOtherPhoneType Home This is the member's home phone.
MemberOtherPhoneType Mobile This is the member's mobile phone.
MemberOtherPhoneType Modem This is the member's modem.
MemberOtherPhoneType Office This is the member's office phone.
MemberOtherPhoneType Pager This is the member's pager.
MemberOtherPhoneType Preferred This is the member's preferred phone.
MemberOtherPhoneType Second This is the member's second preferred phone.
MemberOtherPhoneType Sms This is the member's SMS/text number.
MemberOtherPhoneType Third This is the member's third preferred phone.
MemberOtherPhoneType TollFree This is the member's toll free number.
MemberOtherPhoneType Voicemail This is the member's voicemail.


Name Value Description
MemberStatus Active The member's account is active.
MemberStatus DisciplinaryCaution Disciplinary Caution
MemberStatus Inactive the member's account is not active.


Name Value Description
MemberType Affiliate The individual is an affiliate member.
MemberType Assistant The member is an assistant. The status of the assistant being licensed is not known or possibly not required.
MemberType AssociateBroker Associate Broker
MemberType AssociationStaff The member is a member of the association's staff.
MemberType Broker Broker
MemberType BrokerOfRecord Broker Of Record
MemberType DesignatedRealtorAppraiser The member is a designated appraiser and a member of NAR.
MemberType DesignatedRealtorParticipant The member is a designated broker and a member of NAR.
MemberType LicensedAssistant The member is a licensed assistant.
MemberType MlsOnlyAppraiser The member is an appraiser and not a member of NAR, receiving MLS services only.
MemberType MlsOnlyBroker The member is a broker and not a member of NAR, receiving MLS services only.
MemberType MlsOnlyBrokerAssociate The member is a broker and not a member of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), receiving MLS services only.
MemberType MlsOnlySalesperson The member is a sales person and not a member of NAR, receiving MLS services only.
MemberType MlsStaff The individual is a member of MLS staff.
MemberType NonMemberVendor The individual is not a member or is a vendor.
MemberType OfficeManager The member is a license office manager.
MemberType OfficeStaff Office Staff
MemberType Photographer The member is a photographer.
MemberType RealtorAppraiser The member is an appraiser and a member of NAR.
MemberType RealtorBrokerAssociate The member has a broker's license but is working under a broker and is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).
MemberType RealtorSalesperson The member is a sales person and a member of NAR.
MemberType Team Member type is Team
MemberType UnlicensedAssistant The member is an unlicensed assistant.


Name Value Description
MlsStatus Active The listing is on market and an offer has not been accepted.
MlsStatus ActiveUnderContract An offer has been accepted but the listing is still on market.
MlsStatus Canceled The listing contract has been terminated.
MlsStatus Closed The purchase agreement has been fulfilled or the lease agreement has been executed.
MlsStatus ComingSoon This is a listing that has not yet been on market but will be on market soon. A listing contract has been executed. Some systems may use Hold or Withdrawn for similar purposes. When all three are in use, Hold expresses a listing that may have been on market but is off market temporarily and is expected to return to market. Withdrawn may have been on market but when used in conjunction with Hold, is not expected to return to market. Coming Soon is different from Hold and Withdrawn as the property, under the current listing contract only, has not been previously on market.
MlsStatus CompSold Comp Sold
MlsStatus Contingent There is a contract on this property, but it is contingent based on a contingency
MlsStatus Delete The listing contract was never valid or other reason for the contract to be nullified.
MlsStatus Expired The listing contract has expired.
MlsStatus Hold The listing is off market, but a contract still exists between the seller and the listing member and the listing is expected to come back on market. This is commonly done for renovations or other pre-showing preparation. For systems that do not use Hold, use Withdrawn. For systems that use both Hold and Withdrawn, Hold may be interpreted as a off market with the intention to return back on market.
MlsStatus Incomplete The listing has not yet be completely entered and is not yet published in the MLS.
MlsStatus Leased Leased
MlsStatus Pending An offer has been accepted and the listing is no longer on market.
MlsStatus Terminated The listing has been terminated
MlsStatus Withdrawn The listing has been withdrawn from the market, but a contract still exists between the seller and the listing member. For those systems that use both Hold and Withdrawn, Withdrawn may represent an intention not to bring the listing back on the market. When Hold is not used by the system, Withdrawn does not represent any intention of returning to market or not.


Name Value Description
OccupantType Annual Annual.
OccupantType CallAgent Call Agent.
OccupantType Occupied Occupied (unspecified).
OccupantType Other Other
OccupantType Owner The occupant is the owner.
OccupantType Tenant The occupant is a tenant.
OccupantType Vacant The property is vacant.


Name Value Description
OfficeBranchType Branch This office is a branch office.
OfficeBranchType Main This office is the broker's main office.
OfficeBranchType StandAlone This office is a stand alone, or single office brokerage.


Name Value Description
OfficeStatus Active The member office's account is active.
OfficeStatus Inactive The member office's account is not active.


Name Value Description
OfficeType Affiliate The record in the office roster is an affiliate office.
OfficeType Appraiser The record in the office roster is an appraiser office.
OfficeType Association The record in the office roster is an association office.
OfficeType Mls The record in the office roster is an MLS office.
OfficeType MlsOnlyBranch The record in the office roster is a broker branch office who receives only MLS service.
OfficeType MlsOnlyFirm The record in the office roster is a broker Firm office who receives only MLS service.
OfficeType MlsOnlyOffice The record in the office roster is a broker office who receives only MLS service.
OfficeType NonMemberVendor The record in the office roster is an non member/vendor office.
OfficeType RealEstate Office is a generic Real Estate office.
OfficeType RealtorBranchOffice The record in the office roster is an realtor branch office .
OfficeType RealtorFirm The record in the office roster is an realtor firm office.
OfficeType RealtorOffice The record in the office roster is an realtor office.


Name Value Description
OpenHouseStatus Active The open house is active and continuing as scheduled.
OpenHouseStatus Canceled The open house has been canceled.
OpenHouseStatus Ended The open house has ended and is past the scheduled open house date and time.


Name Value Description
OpenHouseType Broker The open house is only open to brokers, and at times agents.
OpenHouseType InPersonAndLivestreamBroker The open house is in-person and livestreamed and only open to brokers and, at times, agents.
OpenHouseType InPersonAndLivestreamPublic The open house is in-person and livestreamed and open to the general public.
OpenHouseType LivestreamBroker The open house is livestreamed and only open to brokers and, at times, agents.
OpenHouseType LivestreamOffice The open house is a live stream and only open to the members of a particular office(s).
OpenHouseType LivestreamPublic The open house is livestreamed and open to the general public.
OpenHouseType Office The open house is only open to the members of a particular office(s).
OpenHouseType Private The open house is private.
OpenHouseType Public The open house is open to the general public.


Name Value Description
OriginatingSystemSubName CVR Central Virginia Regional MLS
OriginatingSystemSubName FTL Ft. Lauderdale
OriginatingSystemSubName NEOHREX NEOHREX
OriginatingSystemSubName NYS NYS
OriginatingSystemSubName PPMLS PPMLS.
OriginatingSystemSubName RANWW Realtors of Northwestern Wisconsin
OriginatingSystemSubName RECO RECO
OriginatingSystemSubName SEFMIAMI SEFMIAMI
OriginatingSystemSubName SWFL SWFL


Name Value Description
OwnershipType Common The ownership type of the business being sold is common.
OwnershipType CoOwnership Co-Ownership
OwnershipType Corporation The ownership type of the business being sold is a corporation.
OwnershipType FeeSimple The ownership type of the business being sold is a fee simple.
OwnershipType Fractional Fractional
OwnershipType Franchise Franchise
OwnershipType LimitedPartnership Limited Partnership
OwnershipType Llc The ownership type of the business being sold is a limited liability corporation.
OwnershipType Partnership The ownership type of the business being sold is a partnership.
OwnershipType Private The ownership type of the business being sold is a private.
OwnershipType Reo Ownership type is REO
OwnershipType SeeRemarks See Remarks
OwnershipType SoleProprietor The ownership type of the business being sold is a sole proprietor.


Name Value Description
MediaAlteration DeclutteredItemRemoved Decluttered Item Removed
MediaAlteration ModelHome Model Home
MediaAlteration None None
MediaAlteration OtherMediaModification Other Media Modification.
MediaAlteration TwilightConversion Twilight Conversion
MediaAlteration VirtualEnhancements Virtual Enhancements
MediaAlteration VirtualRenovation Virtual Renovation
MediaAlteration VirtualRepresentationToBeBuilt Virtual Representation To Be Built
MediaAlteration VirtualRepresentationUnderConstruction Virtual Representation Under Construction
MediaAlteration VirtualStagingItemAddition Virtual Staging Item Addition


Name Value Description
MemberDesignation AccreditedAppraiserCanadianInstitute Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute
MemberDesignation AccreditedBuyerRepresentativeManager Accredited Buyer Representative Manager
MemberDesignation AccreditedBuyersRepresentative The Accredited Buyer�s Representative (ABR�) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. http://www.rebac.net/abr
MemberDesignation AccreditedCommercialProfessional Accredited Commercial Professional
MemberDesignation AccreditedGreenagentResidential Accredited GREENAGENT-Residential
MemberDesignation AccreditedGreenbrokerCommercial Accredited GREENBROKER-Commercial
MemberDesignation AccreditedLandConsultant Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable, experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the REALTORS� Land Institute, the designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/alc
MemberDesignation AccreditedLeasingOfficer Accredited Leasing Officer
MemberDesignation AccreditedLuxuryHomeSpecialist Accredited Luxury Home Specialist
MemberDesignation AccreditedManagementOrganization Accredited Management Organization / AMO
MemberDesignation AccreditedMortgageProfessional Accredited Mortgage Professional
MemberDesignation AccreditedResidentialManager Accredited Residential Manager
MemberDesignation AccreditedSeniorAgent Accredited Senior Agent
MemberDesignation AccreditedSeniorAppraiser Accredited Senior Appraiser
MemberDesignation AccreditedStagingProfessional Accredited Staging Professional
MemberDesignation AssociateOfTheCanadianCondominiumInstitute Associate of the Canadian Condominium Institute
MemberDesignation AssociateReservePlanner Associate Reserve Planner
MemberDesignation AtHomeWithDiversity Learn to work effectively with � and within � today�s diverse real estate market. The At Home With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ahwd
MemberDesignation BrokerPriceOpinionResource Broker Price Opinion Resource / BPOR
MemberDesignation BusinessCorporationOwnedByARealEstateBroker Business Corporation Owned by a Real Estate Broker
MemberDesignation CanadianEmployeeRelocationCouncilRelocationSpecialist Canadian Employee Relocation Council Relocation Specialist
MemberDesignation CanadianEmployeeRelocationProfessional Canadian Employee Relocation Professional
MemberDesignation CanadianPersonalPropertyAppraiser Canadian Personal Property Appraiser
MemberDesignation CanadianRealtorAssociationExecutive Canadian REALTOR Association Executive
MemberDesignation CanadianResidentialAppraiser Canadian Residential Appraiser
MemberDesignation CertifiedCommercialInvestmentMember The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate�s global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ccim
MemberDesignation CertifiedCondoSpecialist Certified Condo Specialist
MemberDesignation CertifiedDistressedPropertyExpert A Certified Distressed Property Expert� (CDPE) has a thorough understanding of complex issues in today�s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships. http://www.cdpe.com/
MemberDesignation CertifiedGeneralAccountant Certified General Accountant
MemberDesignation CertifiedInMarketingOfRealEstate Certified in Marketing of Real Estate
MemberDesignation CertifiedInRealEstateFinance Certified in Real Estate Finance
MemberDesignation CertifiedInternationalPropertySpecialist The CIPS designation is for REALTORS� from the United States and abroad, as well as association staff and volunteer leaders who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It will provide you with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cips-designation
MemberDesignation CertifiedLeaseProfessionalDesignation Certified Lease Professional Designation
MemberDesignation CertifiedLeasingOfficer Certified Leasing Officer
MemberDesignation CertifiedLuxuryHomeMarketingSpecialist Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist
MemberDesignation CertifiedManagementAccountant Certified Management Accountant
MemberDesignation CertifiedManagerOfCondominiums Certified Manager of Condominiums
MemberDesignation CertifiedMoldRemediation Certified Mold Remediation
MemberDesignation CertifiedMountainAreaSpecialist Certified Mountain Area Specialist / CMAS
MemberDesignation CertifiedNegotiationExpert Certified Negotiation Expert
MemberDesignation CertifiedNewHomeSpecialist Certified New Home Specialist
MemberDesignation CertifiedProfessionalResidentialPropertyManager Certified Professional Residential Property Manager
MemberDesignation CertifiedPropertyManager Certified Property Managers� (CPM�) are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession. 70% of those who hold the CPM� designation hold the highest management positions in their offices (owner/partner/officer/director). https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cpm
MemberDesignation CertifiedRealEstateBrokerageManager The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) Designation raises professional standards, strengthens individual and office performance, and indicates expertise in brokerage management. This designation represents the highest level of professional achievement in real estate brokerage management. You do not need a broker's license to earn the CRB Designation. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crb
MemberDesignation CertifiedRealEstateSpecialist Certified Real Estate Specialist
MemberDesignation CertifiedRealEstateTeamSpecialist The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist certification is designed to improve team development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. The courses provide the tools, strategies, and knowledge that are required of today�s real estate professionals who are either considering or currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team, and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/c-rets
MemberDesignation CertifiedReserveFundPlanner Certified Reserve Fund Planner
MemberDesignation CertifiedReservePlanner Certified Reserve Planner
MemberDesignation CertifiedResidentialSpecialist Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers and brokers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crs
MemberDesignation CertifiedResidentialUnderwriter Certified Residential Underwriter
MemberDesignation CertifiedValuationAnalyst Certified Valuation Analyst
MemberDesignation CharteredAccountant Chartered Accountant
MemberDesignation CharteredProfessionalAccountant Chartered Professional Accountant
MemberDesignation CounselorOfRealEstate The Counselors of Real Estate� is an international group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, expert, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only 1,100 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE� designation. Membership is by invitation only. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cre
MemberDesignation DesignatedAgencyRepresentatives Designated Agency Representatives
MemberDesignation DistinguishedRealEstateInstructor Distinguished Real Estate Instructor
MemberDesignation Ecobroker EcoBroker
MemberDesignation ePRO NAR's e-PRO� certification teaches you to use cutting-edge technologies and digital initiatives to link up with today's savvy real estate consumer. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/e-pro
MemberDesignation FellowOfTheRealEstateInstitute Fellow of the Real Estate Institute
MemberDesignation FellowOfTheRealEstateInstituteAppraisalSpecialist Fellow of the Real Estate Institute (Appraisal Specialist)
MemberDesignation FellowOfTheRealEstateInstituteExecutive Fellow of the Real Estate Institute (Executive)
MemberDesignation FellowsOfTheRoyalInstitutionOfCharteredSurveyors Fellows of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
MemberDesignation GeneralAccreditedAppraiser For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS�. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gaa
MemberDesignation GraduateRealtorInstitute REALTORS� with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gri
MemberDesignation HomeFinanceResource The Home Finance Resource Certification course (HFR) is designed to teach REALTORS� how to explain key pieces of the loan origination process to clients and confidently answer questions about mortgage options.
MemberDesignation InstituteOfRealEstateManagement Institute of Real Estate Management / IREM
MemberDesignation LeadershipTrainingGraduate Leadership Training Graduate / LTG
MemberDesignation MarketValueAppraiserResidential Market Value Appraiser-Residential
MemberDesignation MasterCertifiedNegotiationExpert Master Certified Negotiation Expert
MemberDesignation MemberAppraisalInstitute Member, Appraisal Institute
MemberDesignation MemberOfTheRoyalInstituteOfCharterSurveyors Member of the Royal Institute of Charter Surveyors
MemberDesignation MilitaryRelocationProfessional NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/mrp
MemberDesignation NARsGreenDesignation Through NAR's Green Designation, the Green Resource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/green
MemberDesignation PerformanceManagementNetwork This designation is unique to the REALTOR� family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/pmn
MemberDesignation PersonalRealEstateCorporation A corporation belonging to a single real estate salesperson, associate broker, or managing broker for the purpose of benefiting from the income and tax planning potential of a corporation.
MemberDesignation PricingStrategyAdvisor Enhance your skills in pricing properties, creating CMAs, working with appraisers, and guiding clients through the anxieties and misperceptions they often have about home values with NAR�s PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/psa
MemberDesignation ProfessionalLandEconomist Professional Land Economist
MemberDesignation RealEstateNegotiationExpert This certification is for real estate professionals who want to sharpen their negotiation skills. The RENE certification program gives REALTORS� the tips and tools they need to be skillful advocates for their clients. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rene
MemberDesignation RealEstateProfessionalAssistant Real Estate Professional Assistant
MemberDesignation RealPropertyAdministrator Real Property Administrator
MemberDesignation RealtorAssociationCertifiedExecutive RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR� association executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and commitment to professional growth. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rce
MemberDesignation RealtorsCommitmentToExcellence Realtors Commitment to Excellence / C2EX
MemberDesignation RelocationResortSpecialist Relocation Resort Specialist
MemberDesignation ResidentialAccreditedAppraiser For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS�. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/raa
MemberDesignation ResidentialConstructionCertified Residential Construction Certified
MemberDesignation ResortAndSecondHomePropertySpecialist This certification is designed for REALTORS� who facilitate the buying, selling, or management of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rsps
MemberDesignation RoyalInstituteOfCharteredSurveyors Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
MemberDesignation SellerRepresentativeSpecialist The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/seller-representative-specialist-srs
MemberDesignation SeniorResidentialAppraiser Senior Residential Appraiser
MemberDesignation SeniorsRealEstateSpecialist The SRES� Designation program educates REALTORS� on how to profitably and ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES� designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sres
MemberDesignation ShortSalesAndForeclosureResource The SFR� certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sfr
MemberDesignation SocietyOfIndustrialAndOfficeRealtors The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sior
MemberDesignation TransnationalReferralCertification Real estate professionals who have taken the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) training, have completed special training on making and receiving client referrals from professionals in other countries. https://worldproperties.com/about-us/international-referrals-and-trc/


Name Value Description
Membership GolfClub Golf Club Membership.


Name Value Description
MineralRights Available Mineral rights are available.
MineralRights CompleteSellerReservation Complete Seller Reservation
MineralRights GroundWater The mineral rights include ground water.
MineralRights Included Included
MineralRights Leased Leased
MineralRights MineralRightsReserved Mineral Rights Reserved
MineralRights Negotiable Mineral rights are negotiable.
MineralRights None No mineral rights.
MineralRights NoSellerReservation No Seller Reservation
MineralRights NotIncluded Not Included
MineralRights NotLeased Mineral rights are not leased.
MineralRights NotOwnedBySeller Not Owned By Seller
MineralRights Other Other
MineralRights OwnedBySeller The mineral rights are owned by the seller.
MineralRights Partial Partial.
MineralRights PartialSellerReservation Partial Seller Reservation
MineralRights SeeAgent See Agent.
MineralRights SeeRemarks See Remarks
MineralRights Unknown Mineral rights unknown.
MineralRights Yes Property has mineral rights.


Name Value Description
MoveInCosts AdministrationFee Administration Fee
MoveInCosts ApplicationFee Application Fee
MoveInCosts AssociationDeposit Association Deposit
MoveInCosts CleaningFee Cleaning Fee
MoveInCosts FirstMonthRent First Month Rent
MoveInCosts LastMonthRent Last Month Rent
MoveInCosts Other Other
MoveInCosts PetDeposit Pet Deposit
MoveInCosts SecurityDeposit Security Deposit


Name Value Description
OngoingFees HoaFee HOA Fee
OngoingFees Other Other
OngoingFees ParkingFee Parking Fee
OngoingFees PetFee Pet Fee


Name Value Description
OperatingExpenseIncludes Accounting The operating expense amount includes accounting costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Advertising The operating expense amount includes advertising costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Association The operating expense amount includes association costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes CableTv The operating expense amount includes cable TV costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes CapitalImprovements The operating expense amount includes capital improvements costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Depreciation The operating expense amount includes depreciation costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Electric Electric
OperatingExpenseIncludes EquipmentRental The operating expense amount includes equipment rental costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Fuel The operating expense amount includes fuel costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes FurnitureReplacement The operating expense amount includes furniture replacement costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Gardener The operating expense amount includes gardener costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Insurance The operating expense amount includes insurance costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Legal The operating expense amount includes legal costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Licenses The operating expense amount includes licenses costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Maintenance The operating expense amount includes maintenance costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes MaintenanceGrounds The operating expense amount includes maintenance grounds costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes MaintenanceStructure The operating expense amount includes maintenance structure costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Manager The operating expense amount includes manager costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes MortgageLoans The operating expense amount includes mortgage/loans costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes NewTax The operating expense amount includes new tax costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes None None
OperatingExpenseIncludes Other The operating expense amount includes other costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Parking The operating expense amount includes parking costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes PersonalPropertyTax Personal Property Tax
OperatingExpenseIncludes PestControl The operating expense amount includes pest control costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes PoolSpa The operating expense amount includes pool/spa costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes ProfessionalManagement The operating expense amount includes professional management costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes RealEstateTax Real Estate Tax
OperatingExpenseIncludes Rent Operating expenses include rent.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Security The operating expense amount includes security costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes SeeRemarks See Remarks
OperatingExpenseIncludes SnowRemoval The operating expense amount includes snow removal costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Staff The operating expense amount includes staff costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Supplies The operating expense amount includes supplies costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Trash The operating expense amount includes trash costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes Utilities The operating expense amount includes utilities costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes VacancyAllowance The operating expense amount includes vacancy allowance costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes WaterSewer The operating expense amount includes water/sewer costs.
OperatingExpenseIncludes WorkmansCompensation The operating expense amount includes workman's compensation costs.


Name Value Description
OriginatingSystemSubName CVR Central Virginia Regional MLS
OriginatingSystemSubName FTL Ft. Lauderdale
OriginatingSystemSubName NEOHREX NEOHREX
OriginatingSystemSubName NYS NYS
OriginatingSystemSubName PPMLS PPMLS.
OriginatingSystemSubName RANWW Realtors of Northwestern Wisconsin
OriginatingSystemSubName RECO RECO
OriginatingSystemSubName SEFMIAMI SEFMIAMI
OriginatingSystemSubName SWFL SWFL


Name Value Description
OtherEquipment AirPurifier The property includes an air purifier.
OtherEquipment CallListingAgent Call the listing agent for more information about other equipment included with the property.
OtherEquipment CompressedAirLines Compressed Air Lines
OtherEquipment Compressor The property includes a compressor.
OtherEquipment Coolers Cooler(s)
OtherEquipment DcWellPump The property includes a DC well pump.
OtherEquipment Dehumidifier The property includes a dehumidifier.
OtherEquipment EmergencyLighting Emergency Lighting
OtherEquipment EquipmentSoldSeparately Other equipment is solid separately.
OtherEquipment FarmEquipment The property includes farm equipment.
OtherEquipment FuelTanks The property includes a fuel tank(s).
OtherEquipment Generator The property includes a generator.
OtherEquipment Hoists Hoist(s)
OtherEquipment HomeTheater The property includes a home theater.
OtherEquipment HvacSystem HVAC System
OtherEquipment Intercom The property includes an intercom.
OtherEquipment IronRemovalSystem Iron Removal System
OtherEquipment IrrigationEquipment The property includes irrigation equipment.
OtherEquipment ListAvailable A list of other equipment included with the property is available upon request.
OtherEquipment LivestockEquipment The property includes livestock equipment.
OtherEquipment Negotiable The other equipment included with the property is negotiable.
OtherEquipment None There is no other equipment included with the property.
OtherEquipment NotApplicable Not Applicable
OtherEquipment OrchardEquipment The property includes orchard equipment.
OtherEquipment Other The property includes equipment other than what's included in this list.
OtherEquipment PropaneTank Propane Tank
OtherEquipment ReverseOsmosisSystem Reverse Osmosis System
OtherEquipment RotaryAntenna The property includes a rotary antenna.
OtherEquipment SatelliteDish The property includes a satellite dish.
OtherEquipment TvAntenna The property includes a TV antenna.
OtherEquipment VariesByUnit The equipment included with the property varies from unit to unit.
OtherEquipment VentilationSystem Ventilation System
OtherEquipment WaterSoftenerLoop A specific pre-plumbed piping arrangement that makes it easy to connect a water softener to the main water line of a house.
OtherEquipment WheelLine A wheel line is included with purchase.
OtherEquipment Workbench Workbench


Name Value Description
OtherStructures AirplaneHangar The property includes an airplane hangar.
OtherStructures Apartment There is a separate apartment in addition to the principal dwelling.
OtherStructures Arena The property includes an arena.
OtherStructures Aviary Aviary
OtherStructures Barns The property includes a barn(s).
OtherStructures Bathroom Bathroom
OtherStructures BoatHouse The property includes a boat house.
OtherStructures Bunkhouse The property has an additional structure of a bunkhouse.
OtherStructures Cabana The property includes a cabana.
OtherStructures Cabin Cabin
OtherStructures Carports The property includes a carport or carports.
OtherStructures CarriageHouse Carriage House
OtherStructures Caves The property includes a cave(s).
OtherStructures Corrals The property includes a corral(s).
OtherStructures CoveredArena The property includes a covered arena.
OtherStructures GarageApartment The property features a garage apartment as an other structure.
OtherStructures Garages The property includes a garage(s).
OtherStructures Gazebo The property includes a gazebo.
OtherStructures GrainStorage The property includes grain storage.
OtherStructures Greenhouse The property includes a greenhouse.
OtherStructures GuestHouse The property includes a guest house.
OtherStructures GuestHouseAttached The property includes an attached guest house.
OtherStructures GuestHouseDetached The property includes a detached guest house.
OtherStructures KennelDogRun The property includes a kennel or dog run.
OtherStructures Kennels Property includes a Kennel.
OtherStructures LivestockPens An enclosure for holding livestock
OtherStructures LivingQuarters Living Quarters
OtherStructures ManufacturedHome Manufactured home(s) on property.
OtherStructures MobileHome The property includes a mobile home.
OtherStructures None The property has no other structures.
OtherStructures Other The property includes a structure other than those included in this list.
OtherStructures Outbuilding The property includes an outbuilding.
OtherStructures OutdoorKitchen The property includes an outdoor kitchen.
OtherStructures Outhouse Outhouse
OtherStructures PackingShed The property includes a packing shed.
OtherStructures Pergola The property includes a pergola.
OtherStructures PoleBarn Other structures includes a pole barn.
OtherStructures PoolHouse The property includes a pool house.
OtherStructures PoultryCoop The property includes a poultry coop.
OtherStructures Quonset Quonset
OtherStructures Residence The property includes a residence structure.
OtherStructures RvBoatStorage The property includes RV or boat storage.
OtherStructures SaunaPrivate Sauna Private
OtherStructures SecondGarage The property includes a second garage.
OtherStructures SecondResidence The property includes a second residence.
OtherStructures SeeRemarks See the Public or Private Remarks for information about other structures on the property.
OtherStructures Sheds The property includes a shed(s).
OtherStructures SmokeHouse Smoke House
OtherStructures Stables The property includes stable(s).
OtherStructures Storage The property includes storage.
OtherStructures StudioAttached The property includes an attached studio.
OtherStructures StudioDetached The property includes a detached studio.
OtherStructures StudioOffice Studio/Office
OtherStructures TennisCourts The property includes a tennis court(s).
OtherStructures TwoOnALot Two On A Lot
OtherStructures UtilityBuildings There is a utility building as an additional structure on the property.
OtherStructures WellHouse Property includes a Well house.
OtherStructures Workshop The property includes a workshop.
OtherStructures Yurt Yurt


Name Value Description
OwnerPays AirConditioning Air Conditioning
OwnerPays AllUtilities The owner/lessor pays for all utilities.
OwnerPays Assessments The owner pays the assessments.
OwnerPays AssociationFees The owner/lessor pays for association fees.
OwnerPays CableTv The owner/lessor pays for cable television.
OwnerPays CommonAreaMaintenance The owner/lessor pays for common area maintenance.
OwnerPays Electricity The owner/lessor pays for electricity.
OwnerPays ExteriorMaintenance The owner/lessor pays for exterior maintenance.
OwnerPays Garage The owner pays for the garage.
OwnerPays Gardener Gardener
OwnerPays Gas The owner/lessor pays for gas.
OwnerPays GroundsCare The owner/lessor pays for grounds care.
OwnerPays Heat Owner pays for heating.
OwnerPays HotWater The owner/lessor pays for hot water.
OwnerPays HvacMaintenance The owner/lessor pays for HVAC maintenance.
OwnerPays Insurance The owner/lessor pays for insurance.
OwnerPays Internet Owner pays for internet.
OwnerPays JanitorialService The owner/lessor pays for janitorial service .
OwnerPays Laundry The owner pays for laundry.
OwnerPays Management The owner/lessor pays for management.
OwnerPays None The owner/lessor pays for no utilities, services, etc.
OwnerPays Other The owner/lessor pays for items that are not included in this list.
OwnerPays OtherTax The owner/lessor pays for other taxes.
OwnerPays ParkingFee The owner/lessor pays for parking fees.
OwnerPays PestControl The owner/lessor pays for pest control.
OwnerPays PoolMaintenance The owner/lessor pays for pool maintenance.
OwnerPays Recreational The owner pays the recreational charges.
OwnerPays Repairs The owner/lessor pays for repairs.
OwnerPays RoofMaintenance The owner/lessor pays for roof maintenance.
OwnerPays Security The owner/lessor pays for security.
OwnerPays SeeRemarks See the listing's remarks for details on what the owner/lessor pays for.
OwnerPays Sewer The owner/lessor pays for sewer.
OwnerPays SnowRemoval The owner/lessor pays for snow removal.
OwnerPays Supplies Supplies
OwnerPays Taxes The owner/lessor pays for taxes.
OwnerPays Telephone The owner/lessor pays for telephone.
OwnerPays TrashCollection The owner/lessor pays for trash collection.
OwnerPays Water The owner/lessor pays for water.