Enumerations J-L
Name | Value | Description |
LeaseAmountPerAreaUnit | DollarsPerAcre | Dollars Per Acre |
LeaseAmountPerAreaUnit | DollarsPerHectare | Dollars Per Hectare |
LeaseAmountPerAreaUnit | DollarsPerSquareFoot | Dollars per Square Foot. |
LeaseAmountPerAreaUnit | DollarsPerSquareMeter | Dollars Per Square Meter |
LeaseAmountPerAreaUnit | DollarsPerTract | Dollars Per Tract |
Name | Value | Description |
LeaseTerm | Daily | Daily lease term. |
LeaseTerm | FiveYears | The lease is five years. |
LeaseTerm | FourYears | The lease is four years. |
LeaseTerm | LessThan1Year | Less Than 1 Year |
LeaseTerm | LongTerm | The least term is long term |
LeaseTerm | MonthToMonth | The length of the lease is month to month. |
LeaseTerm | Negotiable | The length of the lease is negotiable. |
LeaseTerm | NineMonths | 9 Months |
LeaseTerm | None | There is no stated term to the lease. |
LeaseTerm | Other | The term of the lease is something other than is available in this list. |
LeaseTerm | OverSixYears | The lease term is for 6 years or more. |
LeaseTerm | RenewalOption | The lease has a renewal option. |
LeaseTerm | Seasonal | The lease term is seasonal. |
LeaseTerm | SeeRemarks | See Remarks |
LeaseTerm | ShortTermLease | The lease is short term. |
LeaseTerm | SixMonths | The length of the lease is 6 months. |
LeaseTerm | Sublease | A lease of a property by a tenant to a subtenant. |
LeaseTerm | ThirtySixMonths | The lease term is 36 months. |
LeaseTerm | ThreeMonths | 3 Months |
LeaseTerm | ThreeToFiveYears | Lease term is between 3 and 5 years. |
LeaseTerm | TwelveMonths | The length of the lease is 12 months. |
LeaseTerm | TwentyFourMonths | The length of the lease is 24 months. |
LeaseTerm | Weekly | The length of the lease is weekly. |
Name | Value | Description |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Appraiser | Appraiser. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Assessor | Assessor. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Builder | Builder. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | CondoDocuments | Condo Documents |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Estimated | Estimated. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | GisCalculated | GIS Calculated |
LevelLivingAreaSource | ListingAgent | Listing Agent |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Measured | Measured. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Multiple | Multiple |
LevelLivingAreaSource | NotAvailable | not available. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | NotMeasured | Not Taped/Measured |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Other | Other |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Owner | Owner. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Plans | Plans. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | PublicRecords | Public Records. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Realist | Realist. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | SeeRemarks | See Remarks. |
LevelLivingAreaSource | Survey | The source of the building area is the survey. |
Name | Value | Description |
LevelLivingAreaUnits | SquareFeet | The value reported in the related Area field is in square feet. |
LevelLivingAreaUnits | SquareMeters | The value reported in the related Area field is in square feet. |
Name | Value | Description |
LevelType | Basement | The given room is located on the basement level. |
LevelType | Eighth | The given room is located on the Eighth level. |
LevelType | Fifth | The given room is located on the Fifth level. |
LevelType | First | The given room is located on the first level. |
LevelType | Fourth | The given room is located on the fourth level. |
LevelType | Lower | The given room is located on the lower level. |
LevelType | Main | The given room is located on the main level. |
LevelType | Middle | The given room is located on the Middle level. |
LevelType | Ninth | The given room is located on the Ninth level. |
LevelType | Other | Other |
LevelType | Second | The given room is located on the second level. |
LevelType | Seventh | The given room is located on the Seventh level. |
LevelType | Sixth | The given room is located on the Sixth level. |
LevelType | Third | The given room is located on the third level. |
LevelType | Upper | The given room is located on the upper level. |
Name | Value | Description |
LinearUnits | Blocks | The unit of measurement to bus is in blocks. |
LinearUnits | Feet | The elevation of the property is measured in feet. |
LinearUnits | Meters | The elevation of the property is measured in meters. |
LinearUnits | Miles | The unit of measurement to bus is in miles. |
Name | Value | Description |
ListingAgreement | CoExclusiveAgency | Co-Exclusive Agency |
ListingAgreement | ExclusiveAgency | A contract giving one Brokerage Firm, for a specified time, the right to sell/lease the property and also allowing the owner, acting alone, to sell/lease the property without paying commission. |
ListingAgreement | ExclusiveRightToLease | A contract giving the Broker the right to collect commission if the property is leased by anyone, including the owning, during the term of the agreement. |
ListingAgreement | ExclusiveRightToSell | A contract giving the Broker the right to collect commission if the property is sold by anyone, including the owning, during the term of the agreement. |
ListingAgreement | ExclusiveRightWithException | A contract giving the Broker the right to collect commission if the property is sold by anyone, including the owner, during the term of the agreement unless some specified exceptions to the agreement occur. |
ListingAgreement | Net | A listing in which the broker's commission is the excess of the sale price over an agreed-upon (net0 price to the seller; illegal in some states because it can create a conflict of interest for the broker. |
ListingAgreement | NonExclusiveAgency | Non-Exclusive Agency |
ListingAgreement | Open | Often used for commercial property, a listing given to any number of Brokers without liability to compensate any except the one who first secures a buyer who is ready, willing and able to meet the terms of the listing and secures the seller's acceptance. The seller may, acting alone, sell the property without paying commission. |
ListingAgreement | Probate | An Exclusive Right To Sell listing agreement that also resides under authority of the local probate code. |
ListingAgreement | PropertyManagement | Property Management |
ListingAgreement | SellerReserved | Seller Reserved |
Name | Value | Description |
ListingService | EntryOnly | The only service provided by the brokerage is the input of the listing into the MLS system. |
ListingService | FullService | A full set of services offered by a brokerage. |
ListingService | LimitedService | A limited set of services offered by a brokerage |
Name | Value | Description |
ListingURLDescription | AgentWebsite | A link that directs to the listing on an agent website. |
ListingURLDescription | BrokerageWebsite | A link that directs to the listing on a brokeage website. |
ListingURLDescription | BrokerWebsite | A link that directs to the listing on a broker website. |
ListingURLDescription | FranchisorWebsite | A link that directs to the listing on a franchisor website. |
ListingURLDescription | MlsWebsite | A link that directs to the listing on an MLS website. |
ListingURLDescription | OtherWebsite | A link that directs to the listing on a general website. |
ListingURLDescription | SyndicationWebsite | A link that directs to the listing on a syndication website. |
Name | Value | Description |
LotDimensionsSource | Appraiser | The lot dimensions were provided by an appraiser. |
LotDimensionsSource | Assessor | The lot dimensions were provided by the assessor. |
LotDimensionsSource | Builder | The lot dimensions were provided by the builder. |
LotDimensionsSource | Estimated | The lot dimensions were estimated. |
LotDimensionsSource | GisCalculated | The lot dimensions were GIS calculated. |
LotDimensionsSource | ListingAgent | The lot dimensions were provided by the listing agent. |
LotDimensionsSource | Measured | The lot dimensions were measured. |
LotDimensionsSource | NotTaped | Not Taped |
LotDimensionsSource | Other | The lot dimensions were provided by a source other than those in this list. |
LotDimensionsSource | Owner | The lot dimensions were provided by the owner. |
LotDimensionsSource | Plans | Plans |
LotDimensionsSource | PublicRecords | The lot dimensions were taken from public records. |
LotDimensionsSource | SeeRemarks | See the Public or Private Remarks for details on the source of the lot dimensions. |
LotDimensionsSource | Survey | The lot dimensions were provided by a land survey. |
Name | Value | Description |
LotSizeSource | Appraiser | An appraiser provided the measurement of the lot size. |
LotSizeSource | Assessor | The assessor provided the measurement of the lot size. |
LotSizeSource | Builder | The builder provided the measurement of the lot size. |
LotSizeSource | Estimated | The measurement of the lot size is an estimate. |
LotSizeSource | GisCalculated | GIS Calculated |
LotSizeSource | ListingAgent | The listing agent provided the measurement of the lot size. |
LotSizeSource | Measured | Measured |
LotSizeSource | NotAvailable | Not Available |
LotSizeSource | NotTaped | Not Taped |
LotSizeSource | Other | The measurement of the lot size was provided by another party not listed. |
LotSizeSource | Owner | The owner provided the measurement of the lot size. |
LotSizeSource | Plans | The measurement of the lot size was taken from building plans. |
LotSizeSource | PublicRecords | The measurement of the lot size was received from public records. |
LotSizeSource | SeeRemarks | See remarks for information about the source of the lot size measurement. |
LotSizeSource | Survey | Survey |
Name | Value | Description |
LotSizeUnits | Acres | The value reported in the Lot Size Area field is in acres. |
LotSizeUnits | Hectares | Hectares |
LotSizeUnits | SquareFeet | The value reported in the Lot Size Area field is in square feet. |
LotSizeUnits | SquareMeters | The value reported in the Lot Size Area field is in square meters. |
Name | Value | Description |
LaborInformation | EmployeeLicenseRequired | Special licensing is required for employees. |
LaborInformation | NonUnion | A labor union(s) are not currently established with the given business. |
LaborInformation | Union | A labor union(s) are established with the given business. |
Name | Value | Description |
LandTenure | Abstract | Abstract. |
LandTenure | FeeSimple | Fee Simple. |
LandTenure | LeaseHold | Lease Hold. |
LandTenure | Torrens | Torrens. |
Name | Value | Description |
Languages | Abkhazian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Abkhazian. |
Languages | Afar | The language spoken by the member/individual is Afar. |
Languages | Afrikaans | The language spoken by the member/individual is Afrikaans. |
Languages | Albanian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Albanian. |
Languages | AmericanSignLanguage | The language spoken by the member/individual is American Sign Language. |
Languages | Amharic | The language spoken by the member/individual is Amharic. |
Languages | Arabic | The language spoken by the member/individual is Arabic. |
Languages | Aramaic | The language spoken by the member/individual is Aramaic. |
Languages | Armenian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Armenian. |
Languages | Assamese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Assamese. |
Languages | AssyrianNeoAramaic | The language spoken by the member/individual is Assyrian Neo-Aramaic. |
Languages | Avestan | The language spoken by the member/individual is Avestan. |
Languages | Aymara | The language spoken by the member/individual is Aymara. |
Languages | Azerbaijani | The language spoken by the member/individual is Azerbaijani. |
Languages | BahasaMalaysia | The language spoken by the member/individual is Bahasa Malaysia |
Languages | Bambara | The language spoken by the member/individual is Bambara. |
Languages | Bangla | The language spoken by the member/individual is Bangla |
Languages | Bashkir | The language spoken by the member/individual is Bashkir. |
Languages | Basque | The language spoken by the member/individual is Basque. |
Languages | Belorussian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Belorussian |
Languages | Bengali | The language spoken by the member/individual is Bengali. |
Languages | Bihari | The language spoken by the member/individual is Bihari. |
Languages | Bikol | The language spoken by the member/individual is Bikol. |
Languages | Bislama | The language spoken by the member/individual is Bislama. |
Languages | Bosnian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Bosnian. |
Languages | BrazilianPortuguese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Brazilian Portuguese. |
Languages | Bulgarian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Bulgarian. |
Languages | Burmese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Burmese. |
Languages | Byelorussian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Byelorussian. |
Languages | Cambodian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Cambodian. |
Languages | Cantonese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Cantonese. |
Languages | CapeVerdeanCreole | The language spoken by the member/individual is Cape Verdean Creole. |
Languages | Catalan | The language spoken by the member/individual is Catalan. |
Languages | Cebuano | The language spoken by the member/individual is Cebuano. |
Languages | Chaldean | The language spoken by the member/individual is Chaldean |
Languages | Chamorro | The language spoken by the member/individual is Chamorro. |
Languages | Chechen | The language spoken by the member/individual is Chechen. |
Languages | Chinese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Chinese. |
Languages | Chuukese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Chuukese. |
Languages | Chuvash | The language spoken by the member/individual is Chuvash. |
Languages | Cornish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Cornish. |
Languages | Corsican | The language spoken by the member/individual is Corsican. |
Languages | Cree | The language spoken by the member/individual is Cree |
Languages | Creole | The language spoken by the member/individual is Creole |
Languages | Croatian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Croatian. |
Languages | Czech | The language spoken by the member/individual is Czech. |
Languages | Danish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Danish. |
Languages | Dari | The language spoken by the member/individual is Dari (Afghan Persian). |
Languages | Dioula | The language spoken by the member/individual is Dioula. |
Languages | Dutch | The language spoken by the member/individual is Dutch. |
Languages | Dzongkha | The language spoken by the member/individual is Dzongkha. |
Languages | English | The language spoken by the member/individual is English. |
Languages | Esperanto | The language spoken by the member/individual is Esperanto. |
Languages | Estonian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Estonian. |
Languages | Faroese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Faroese. |
Languages | Farsi | The language spoken by the member/individual is Farsi. |
Languages | Fiji | The language spoken by the member/individual is Fiji. |
Languages | Finnish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Finnish. |
Languages | Flemish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Flemish. |
Languages | French | The language spoken by the member/individual is French. |
Languages | Frisian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Frisian. |
Languages | Galician | The language spoken by the member/individual is Galician. |
Languages | Galla | The language spoken by the member/individual is Galla |
Languages | Gan | The language spoken by the member/individual is Gan |
Languages | Georgian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Georgian. |
Languages | German | The language spoken by the member/individual is German. |
Languages | Greek | The language spoken by the member/individual is Greek. |
Languages | Greenlandic | The language spoken by the member/individual is Greenlandic. |
Languages | Guarani | The language spoken by the member/individual is Guarani. |
Languages | Gujarati | The language spoken by the member/individual is Gujarati. |
Languages | HaitianCreole | The language spoken by the member/individual is Haitian Creole. |
Languages | Hakka | The language spoken by the member/individual is Hakka |
Languages | Hausa | The language spoken by the member/individual is Hausa. |
Languages | Hebrew | The language spoken by the member/individual is Hebrew. |
Languages | Herero | The language spoken by the member/individual is Herero. |
Languages | Hiligaynon | The language spoken by the member/individual is Hiligaynon. |
Languages | Hindi | The language spoken by the member/individual is Hindi. |
Languages | HiriMotu | The language spoken by the member/individual is Hiri Motu. |
Languages | Hmong | The language spoken by the member/individual is Hmong. |
Languages | Hungarian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Hungarian. |
Languages | Iban | The language spoken by the member/individual is Iban. |
Languages | Icelandic | The language spoken by the member/individual is Icelandic. |
Languages | Igbo | The language spoken by the member/individual is Igbo. |
Languages | Ilocano | The language spoken by the member/individual is Ilocano. |
Languages | Indonesian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Indonesian. |
Languages | Interlingua | The language spoken by the member/individual is Interlingua. |
Languages | Inuktitut | The language spoken by the member/individual is Inuktitut. |
Languages | Inupiak | The language spoken by the member/individual is Inupiak. |
Languages | Irish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Irish (Gaelic). |
Languages | Italian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Italian. |
Languages | Japanese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Japanese. |
Languages | Javanese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Javanese. |
Languages | JinYu | The language spoken by the member/individual is Jin-yu |
Languages | Kannada | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kannada. |
Languages | Kashmiri | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kashmiri. |
Languages | Kazakh | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kazakh. |
Languages | Kejia | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kejia |
Languages | Khmer | The language spoken by the member/individual is Khmer |
Languages | KIche | The language spoken by the member/individual is K'iche'. |
Languages | Kichwa | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kichwa. |
Languages | Kikuyu | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kikuyu. |
Languages | Kinyarwanda | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kinyarwanda. |
Languages | Kirghiz | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kirghiz. |
Languages | Kirundi | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kirundi. |
Languages | Kiswahili | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kiswahili |
Languages | Komi | The language spoken by the member/individual is Komi. |
Languages | Konkani | The language spoken by the member/individual is Konkani |
Languages | Korean | The language spoken by the member/individual is Korean. |
Languages | Kpelle | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kpelle. |
Languages | Kru | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kru. |
Languages | Kurdish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Kurdish. |
Languages | Lao | The language spoken by the member/individual is Lao. |
Languages | Latin | The language spoken by the member/individual is Latin. |
Languages | Latvian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Latvian. |
Languages | Lingala | The language spoken by the member/individual is Lingala. |
Languages | Lithuanian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Lithuanian. |
Languages | Luxemburgish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Luxemburgish. |
Languages | Macedonian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Macedonian. |
Languages | Malagasy | The language spoken by the member/individual is Malagasy. |
Languages | Malay | The language spoken by the member/individual is Malay. |
Languages | Malayalam | The language spoken by the member/individual is Malayalam. |
Languages | Malaysian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Malaysian |
Languages | Maltese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Maltese. |
Languages | Mandarin | The language spoken by the member/individual is Mandarin. |
Languages | Maninka | The language spoken by the member/individual is Maninka. |
Languages | ManxGaelic | The language spoken by the member/individual is Manx Gaelic. |
Languages | Maori | The language spoken by the member/individual is Maori. |
Languages | Marathi | The language spoken by the member/individual is Marathi. |
Languages | Marshallese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Marshallese. |
Languages | Miny | The language spoken by the member/individual is Miny |
Languages | Moldovan | The language spoken by the member/individual is Moldovan. |
Languages | Mongolian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Mongolian. |
Languages | Nauru | The language spoken by the member/individual is Nauru. |
Languages | Navajo | The language spoken by the member/individual is Navajo. |
Languages | Ndebele | The language spoken by the member/individual is Ndebele. |
Languages | Ndonga | The language spoken by the member/individual is Ndonga. |
Languages | Nepali | The language spoken by the member/individual is Nepali. |
Languages | Norwegian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Norwegian. |
Languages | NorwegianNynorsk | The language spoken by the member/individual is Norwegian (Nynorsk). |
Languages | Nyanja | The language spoken by the member/individual is Nyanja. |
Languages | Occitan | The language spoken by the member/individual is Occitan. |
Languages | Oriya | The language spoken by the member/individual is Oriya. |
Languages | Oromo | The language spoken by the member/individual is Oromo. |
Languages | Ossetian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Ossetian. |
Languages | Pakhto | The language spoken by the member/individual is Pakhto |
Languages | Pali | The language spoken by the member/individual is Pali. |
Languages | Pangasinan | The language spoken by the member/individual is Pangasinan. |
Languages | Papiamento | The language spoken by the member/individual is Papiamento. |
Languages | Pashto | The language spoken by the member/individual is Pashto. |
Languages | Polish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Polish. |
Languages | Portuguese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Portuguese. |
Languages | Punjabi | The language spoken by the member/individual is Punjabi. |
Languages | Quechua | The language spoken by the member/individual is Quechua. |
Languages | Romanian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Romanian. |
Languages | Romany | The language spoken by the member/individual is Romany. |
Languages | Russian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Russian. |
Languages | Sami | The language spoken by the member/individual is Sami. |
Languages | Samoan | The language spoken by the member/individual is Samoan. |
Languages | Sangho | The language spoken by the member/individual is Sangho. |
Languages | Sanskrit | The language spoken by the member/individual is Sanskrit. |
Languages | Sardinian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Sardinian. |
Languages | ScotsGaelic | The language spoken by the member/individual is Scots Gaelic. |
Languages | Serbian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Serbian. |
Languages | SerboCroatian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Serbo-Croatian. |
Languages | Sesotho | The language spoken by the member/individual is Sesotho. |
Languages | Setswana | The language spoken by the member/individual is Setswana. |
Languages | Shan | The language spoken by the member/individual is Shan. |
Languages | Shona | The language spoken by the member/individual is Shona. |
Languages | Sindhi | The language spoken by the member/individual is Sindhi. |
Languages | Sinhalese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Sinhalese. |
Languages | Siswati | The language spoken by the member/individual is Siswati. |
Languages | Slovak | The language spoken by the member/individual is Slovak. |
Languages | Slovenian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Slovenian. |
Languages | Somali | The language spoken by the member/individual is Somali. |
Languages | SouthernNdebele | The language spoken by the member/individual is Southern Ndebele. |
Languages | Spanish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Spanish. |
Languages | Sundanese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Sundanese. |
Languages | Swahili | The language spoken by the member/individual is Swahili. |
Languages | Swedish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Swedish. |
Languages | Syriac | The language spoken by the member/individual is Syriac. |
Languages | Tagalog | The language spoken by the member/individual is Tagalog. |
Languages | Tahitian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Tahitian. |
Languages | Tajik | The language spoken by the member/individual is Tajik. |
Languages | Tamil | The language spoken by the member/individual is Tamil. |
Languages | Tatar | The language spoken by the member/individual is Tatar. |
Languages | Tchi | The language spoken by the member/individual is Tchi |
Languages | Telugu | The language spoken by the member/individual is Telugu. |
Languages | Thai | The language spoken by the member/individual is Thai. |
Languages | Tibetan | The language spoken by the member/individual is Tibetan. |
Languages | Tigrinya | The language spoken by the member/individual is Tigrinya. |
Languages | Tongan | The language spoken by the member/individual is Tongan. |
Languages | Tsonga | The language spoken by the member/individual is Tsonga. |
Languages | Turkish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Turkish. |
Languages | Turkmen | The language spoken by the member/individual is Turkmen. |
Languages | Twi | The language spoken by the member/individual is Twi. |
Languages | Uigur | The language spoken by the member/individual is Uigur. |
Languages | Ukrainian | The language spoken by the member/individual is Ukrainian. |
Languages | Urdu | The language spoken by the member/individual is Urdu. |
Languages | Uzbek | The language spoken by the member/individual is Uzbek. |
Languages | Vietnamese | The language spoken by the member/individual is Vietnamese. |
Languages | Volapuk | The language spoken by the member/individual is Volapuk. |
Languages | Welsh | The language spoken by the member/individual is Welsh. |
Languages | Wolof | The language spoken by the member/individual is Wolof. |
Languages | Xhosa | The language spoken by the member/individual is Xhosa. |
Languages | Xiang | The language spoken by the member/individual is Xiang |
Languages | Yiddish | The language spoken by the member/individual is Yiddish. |
Languages | Yoruba | The language spoken by the member/individual is Yoruba. |
Languages | Yue | The language spoken by the member/individual is Yue |
Languages | Zhuang | The language spoken by the member/individual is Zhuang. |
Languages | Zulu | The language spoken by the member/individual is Zulu. |
Name | Value | Description |
LaundryFeatures | AccessibleUtilitiesOrLaundry | Accessible Utilities or Laundry |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingCoinOperated | Building Coin-Operated. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingInBasement | Building In Basement. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingInHall | Building In Hall. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingInside | Building Inside. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingLowerLevel | Building Lower Level. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingMainLevel | Building Main Level. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingMultipleLocations | Building Multiple Locations. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingNone | Building None. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingOther | Building Other. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingOutside | Building Outside. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingUpperLevel | Building Upper Level. |
LaundryFeatures | BuildingWasherDryerInstallAllowed | Building Washer Dryer Install Allowed. |
LaundryFeatures | Cabinets | The laundry space has cabinets. |
LaundryFeatures | CoinOperated | The laundry facilities are coin-operated. |
LaundryFeatures | CommonArea | Laundry facilities are in a common area. |
LaundryFeatures | CommonOnFloor | There is common laundry available on the unit's floor. |
LaundryFeatures | DryerHookup | Dryer Hookup |
LaundryFeatures | ElectricDryerHookup | The property has electric clothes dryer connections. |
LaundryFeatures | EnSuiteLaundry | Laundry room joined with a room. |
LaundryFeatures | GasDryerHookup | The property has gas clothes dryer connections. |
LaundryFeatures | InBasement | Laundry is located in the basement. |
LaundryFeatures | InBathroom | Laundry is located in the bathroom. |
LaundryFeatures | InCarport | Laundry is located in the carport. |
LaundryFeatures | InGarage | Laundry is located in the garage. |
LaundryFeatures | InHall | Laundry is located in the hall. |
LaundryFeatures | InKitchen | Laundry is located in the kitchen. |
LaundryFeatures | InMudRoom | Laundry is located in the mud room. |
LaundryFeatures | Inside | Laundry is located indoors. |
LaundryFeatures | InUnit | Laundry is located within the unit. |
LaundryFeatures | LaundryChute | The property has a laundry chute. |
LaundryFeatures | LaundryCloset | The property has a laundry closet. |
LaundryFeatures | LaundryInUtilityRoom | The laundry facility is in the utility room. |
LaundryFeatures | LaundryLivingArea | Laundry - Living Area |
LaundryFeatures | LaundryRoom | The property has a laundry room. |
LaundryFeatures | LaundryTub | Laundry Tub. |
LaundryFeatures | LowerLevel | Laundry is on the lower level. |
LaundryFeatures | MainLevel | Laundry is on the main level. |
LaundryFeatures | MultipleLocations | Laundry is in multiple locations. |
LaundryFeatures | None | There are no laundry features. |
LaundryFeatures | Other | There are laundry features other than those in this list. |
LaundryFeatures | Outside | Laundry is located outside. |
LaundryFeatures | PropaneDryerHookup | Propane Dryer Hookup |
LaundryFeatures | SeeAgent | See Agent for more information about the Laundry Features. |
LaundryFeatures | SeeRemarks | See remarks for additional information about laundry. |
LaundryFeatures | Sink | The laundry area has a sink. |
LaundryFeatures | Stacked | Stacked. |
LaundryFeatures | UpperLevel | Laundry is on the upper level. |
LaundryFeatures | WasherDryerInstallAllowed | Washer Dryer Install Allowed |
LaundryFeatures | WasherHookup | The property has a hookups for a clothes washer. |
Name | Value | Description |
LeaseRenewalCompensation | CallListingAgent | For details on about additional selling office compensation for lease renewals, contact the listing agent. |
LeaseRenewalCompensation | CallListingOffice | For details on about additional selling office compensation for lease renewals, contact the listing office. |
LeaseRenewalCompensation | CommissionPaidOnTenantPurchase | Additional commission is paid in the event the tenant purchase the property. |
LeaseRenewalCompensation | NoRenewalCommission | There is no additional commission if the tenant renews or extends the lease. |
LeaseRenewalCompensation | RenewalCommissionPaid | There is additional commission paid if the tenant renews the lease. |
Name | Value | Description |
LeaseTerm | Daily | Daily lease term. |
LeaseTerm | FiveYears | The lease is five years. |
LeaseTerm | FourYears | The lease is four years. |
LeaseTerm | LessThan1Year | Less Than 1 Year |
LeaseTerm | LongTerm | The least term is long term |
LeaseTerm | MonthToMonth | The length of the lease is month to month. |
LeaseTerm | Negotiable | The length of the lease is negotiable. |
LeaseTerm | NineMonths | 9 Months |
LeaseTerm | None | There is no stated term to the lease. |
LeaseTerm | Other | The term of the lease is something other than is available in this list. |
LeaseTerm | OverSixYears | The lease term is for 6 years or more. |
LeaseTerm | RenewalOption | The lease has a renewal option. |
LeaseTerm | Seasonal | The lease term is seasonal. |
LeaseTerm | SeeRemarks | See Remarks |
LeaseTerm | ShortTermLease | The lease is short term. |
LeaseTerm | SixMonths | The length of the lease is 6 months. |
LeaseTerm | Sublease | A lease of a property by a tenant to a subtenant. |
LeaseTerm | ThirtySixMonths | The lease term is 36 months. |
LeaseTerm | ThreeMonths | 3 Months |
LeaseTerm | ThreeToFiveYears | Lease term is between 3 and 5 years. |
LeaseTerm | TwelveMonths | The length of the lease is 12 months. |
LeaseTerm | TwentyFourMonths | The length of the lease is 24 months. |
LeaseTerm | Weekly | The length of the lease is weekly. |
Name | Value | Description |
LevelRoomType | AdditionalRoom | Additional Room |
LevelRoomType | AdditlLivingSuite | An additional living suite. |
LevelRoomType | ArtStudio | Art Studio |
LevelRoomType | Atrium | Atrium. |
LevelRoomType | Attic | Attic |
LevelRoomType | Bar | Room with a bar. |
LevelRoomType | Basement | A floor of a building below ground level. |
LevelRoomType | Bathroom | The first bathroom, when a Master Bathroom is not designated. |
LevelRoomType | Bathroom1 | The first bathroom, when a Master Bathroom is not designated. |
LevelRoomType | Bathroom2 | The second bathroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bathroom3 | The third bathroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bathroom4 | The fourth bathroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bathroom5 | The fifth bathroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bathroom6 | The sixth bathroom. |
LevelRoomType | BathroomRoughIn | Bathroom Rough-In |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom | The type of room is a bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom1 | The first bedroom, when a Master Bedroom is not designated. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom10 | The tenth bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom11 | The eleventh bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom12 | The twelfth bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom13 | The thirteenth bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom14 | The fourteenth bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom15 | The fifteenth bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom2 | The second bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom3 | The third bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom4 | The fourth bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom5 | The fifth bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom6 | Bedroom 6 |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom7 | Bedroom 7 |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom8 | The eighth bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | Bedroom9 | The ninth bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | BilliardRoom | Billiard room is a recreation room, such as in a house or recreation center, with a billiards, pool or snooker table. |
LevelRoomType | BonusRoom | A room that can be used for multiple purposes. |
LevelRoomType | BreakfastRoomNook | Breakfast Room or Nook |
LevelRoomType | Breezeway | A transitional space within the home allowing easy passage from one part of the house to another. |
LevelRoomType | CarolinaRoom | Carolina Room. |
LevelRoomType | CenterHall | The room type is center hall. |
LevelRoomType | ColdRoom | Cold Room |
LevelRoomType | ComputerRoom | Computer Room |
LevelRoomType | Conservatory | Conservatory |
LevelRoomType | ConvertedBedroom | Converted Bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | ConvertedGarage | Converted Garage. |
LevelRoomType | DanceStudio | Dance Studio |
LevelRoomType | Den | Used for a variety of purposes, a den is typically a secluded comfortable room use as a study or entertainment room. |
LevelRoomType | Dinette | Dinette |
LevelRoomType | DiningRoom | A room, in a home, where meals are eaten. |
LevelRoomType | EatInKitchen | An eat-in kitchen. |
LevelRoomType | EnSuiteBathroom | En Suite Bathroom |
LevelRoomType | EntryFoyer | Entry/Foyer. |
LevelRoomType | ExerciseRoom | A room that is specifically geared to contain exercise equipment. |
LevelRoomType | FamilyRoom | A comfortable room in a dwelling, for frequent leisure use. |
LevelRoomType | FloridaRoom | Florida Room. |
LevelRoomType | FourSeason | The room is a four season room. |
LevelRoomType | Foyer | A foyer. |
LevelRoomType | FullBath | Full Bathroom. |
LevelRoomType | GameRoom | A room that, typically a bonus room, that is specifically equipped for game play. This may include billiards, Ping-Pong, video games, board games or other recreational activities. |
LevelRoomType | Garage | Garage |
LevelRoomType | GarageApartment | Garage Apartment |
LevelRoomType | GreatRoom | The term great room denotes a room space within an abode which combines the specific functions of several of the more traditional room spaces (e.g. the family room, the living room, the study, etc.) into a singular unified space. Great rooms are typically |
LevelRoomType | GuestQuarters | Guest Quarters |
LevelRoomType | Gym | A room that, in addition to exercise equipment, has other characteristics of a gymnasium. |
LevelRoomType | HalfBath | Half bathroom. |
LevelRoomType | Hall | Hall |
LevelRoomType | HearthRoom | Hearth Room |
LevelRoomType | HotTubSpa | The room is a Hot Tub/Spa room. |
LevelRoomType | InLawSuite | In-Law Suite. |
LevelRoomType | KeepingRoom | Keeping Room |
LevelRoomType | Kitchen | The room used for the preparation and storage of food. Cookery. |
LevelRoomType | Kitchenette | Kitchenette |
LevelRoomType | Laundry | A utility room specifically equipment and used for laundry equipment (washer and dryer). |
LevelRoomType | LeisureRoom | Leisure Room. |
LevelRoomType | Library | A room that is specifically geared to house books and other media typically found in a library. |
LevelRoomType | LivingRoom | A room in a private house used for general social and leisure activities. |
LevelRoomType | Loft | A loft can be an upper story or attic in a building, directly under the roof. Alternatively, a loft apartment refers to large adaptable open space, often converted for residential use (a converted loft) from some other use, often light industrial. Adding |
LevelRoomType | MasterBathroom | Typically the largest of the bathrooms and attached to the master bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | MasterBedroom | Typically the largest of the bedrooms with an attached bathroom. |
LevelRoomType | MasterFullBath | Master Full Bath. |
LevelRoomType | MasterHalfBath | Master Half Bath. |
LevelRoomType | MasterQuarterBath | Master Quarter Bath. |
LevelRoomType | MasterThreeQtrBath | Master Three Qtr Bath. |
LevelRoomType | MediaRoom | A room that is specifically geared for the watching of movies, TV or other forms of multimedia. |
LevelRoomType | MudRoom | |
LevelRoomType | MusicRoom | Music Room |
LevelRoomType | None | None |
LevelRoomType | Nursery | Nursery |
LevelRoomType | Office | A room used for business. |
LevelRoomType | OneQuarterBath | One Quarter Bath |
LevelRoomType | Other | Other Room |
LevelRoomType | PanicRoom | The room is a panic or safe room. |
LevelRoomType | Pantry | Pantry. |
LevelRoomType | Patio | Patio |
LevelRoomType | Porch | The room type is a porch. |
LevelRoomType | PowderRoom | A powder room is generally defined as a small bathroom that contains only a sink and a toilet. |
LevelRoomType | PrimaryBathroom | Typically the largest of the bathrooms and attached to the Primary bedroom. |
LevelRoomType | PrimaryBedroom | Typically the largest of the bedrooms with an attached bathroom. |
LevelRoomType | PrimaryFullBath | Primary Full Bath. |
LevelRoomType | PrimaryHalfBath | Primary Half Bath. |
LevelRoomType | PrimaryQuarterBath | Primary Quarter Bath. |
LevelRoomType | PrimaryThreeQtrBath | Primary Three Qtr Bath. |
LevelRoomType | ProjectionRoom | Projection Room |
LevelRoomType | Recreation | Rec/Game/Play Room |
LevelRoomType | Retreat | Retreat |
LevelRoomType | Sauna | A small room or house designed as a place to experience dry or wet heat sessions, or an establishment with one or more of these and auxiliary facilities. |
LevelRoomType | ScreenedPorch | Screened Porch. |
LevelRoomType | SittingRoom | Sitting Room. |
LevelRoomType | SoundStudio | Sound Studio |
LevelRoomType | SpiceKitchen | A separate enclosed area, most often located adjacent to the main kitchen in your home. |
LevelRoomType | SteamRoom | Steam Room |
LevelRoomType | StorageRoom | Storage Room |
LevelRoomType | Studio | Studio |
LevelRoomType | Study | |
LevelRoomType | SummerKitchen | Summer Kitchen |
LevelRoomType | Sunroom | |
LevelRoomType | ThreeQuarterBath | Three Quarter Bath. |
LevelRoomType | ThreeSeason | The room is a three season room. |
LevelRoomType | Unfinished | Unfinished Room |
LevelRoomType | UtilityRoom | A room that usually contains laundry, HVAC, water heating or some other utilitarian equipment. In some areas this is simply the laundry room. In other areas it may be used for many other purposes, all having some utility. |
LevelRoomType | WineCellar | Wine Cellar. |
LevelRoomType | WineRoom | Wine Room |
LevelRoomType | Workshop | A room containing tools or equipment used for the manufacturing or repair of goods. |
Name | Value | Description |
Levels | BiLevel | A bi-level home has two staggered levels. There are typically two short sets of stairs off of a landing area, one running upward and one running downward. |
Levels | FiveLevelSplit | Five Level Split |
Levels | FourLevelSplit | Four Level Split |
Levels | MultiLevelUnit | Multi Level Unit |
Levels | MultiSplit | A split-level home (also called a tri-level home) is a style of house in which the floor levels are staggered, so that the "main" level of the house (e.g. the level that usually contains the front entry), is partway between the upper and lower floors. |
Levels | None | None |
Levels | One | The property being sold has one level. A discreet horizontal plane of interior living space (excluding basements). |
Levels | OneAndOneHalf | A 1.5 story house is where the height of any of the walls on the second floor are less than the height of the walls on the first floor. First floor walls that extend up to the second floor level are not included in the height comparison. Depending on your State, Provence or other local regulations there may be a specific height difference required. For example some areas required that the second floor walls be less than 70% the height of the first floor walls in order to be called a 1.5 story structure. Other areas are 50% and it is clear that this may vary substantially from region to region. Another common trait is angled ceilings that compensate for the short walls making all but the edges of the room high enough for normal use. |
Levels | Other | The Levels type is Other |
Levels | QuadLevel | A quad-level home has four staggered levels connected by two or more short sets of stairs. The levels consist of ground, underground, partial underground and upper. |
Levels | SingleLevelUnit | Single Level Unit |
Levels | SplitLevel | Split Level |
Levels | ThreeLevelSplit | Three Level Split |
Levels | ThreeOrMore | The property being sold has three or more levels. A discreet horizontal plane of interior living space (excluding basements). |
Levels | TriLevel | A tri-level home has three staggered levels connected by two or more short sets of stairs. The levels consist of ground, partial underground and upper. |
Levels | Two | The property being sold has two levels. A discreet horizontal plane of interior living space (excluding basements). |
Levels | TwoAndOneHalf | A 2.5 story house is where the height of any of the walls on the third floor are less than the height of the walls on the first and second floor. |
Levels | TwoOrMore | Two or more levels in the structure. |
Name | Value | Description |
ListAgentDesignation | AccreditedBuyersRepresentative | The Accredited Buyer�s Representative (ABR�) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. http://www.rebac.net/abr |
ListAgentDesignation | AccreditedLandConsultant | Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable, experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the REALTORS� Land Institute, the designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/alc |
ListAgentDesignation | AtHomeWithDiversity | Learn to work effectively with � and within � today�s diverse real estate market. The At Home With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ahwd |
ListAgentDesignation | CertifiedCommercialInvestmentMember | The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate�s global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ccim |
ListAgentDesignation | CertifiedDistressedPropertyExpert | A Certified Distressed Property Expert� (CDPE) has a thorough understanding of complex issues in today�s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships. http://www.cdpe.com/ |
ListAgentDesignation | CertifiedInternationalPropertySpecialist | The CIPS designation is for REALTORS� from the United States and abroad, as well as association staff and volunteer leaders who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It will provide you with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cips-designation |
ListAgentDesignation | CertifiedPropertyManager | Certified Property Managers� (CPM�) are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession. 70% of those who hold the CPM� designation hold the highest management positions in their offices (owner/partner/officer/director). https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cpm |
ListAgentDesignation | CertifiedRealEstateBrokerageManager | The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) Designation raises professional standards, strengthens individual and office performance, and indicates expertise in brokerage management. This designation represents the highest level of professional achievement in real estate brokerage management. You do not need a broker's license to earn the CRB Designation. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crb |
ListAgentDesignation | CertifiedRealEstateTeamSpecialist | The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist certification is designed to improve team development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. The courses provide the tools, strategies, and knowledge that are required of today�s real estate professionals who are either considering or currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team, and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/c-rets |
ListAgentDesignation | CertifiedResidentialSpecialist | Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers and brokers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crs |
ListAgentDesignation | CounselorOfRealEstate | The Counselors of Real Estate� is an international group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, expert, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only 1,100 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE� designation. Membership is by invitation only. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cre |
ListAgentDesignation | ePRO | NAR's e-PRO� certification teaches you to use cutting-edge technologies and digital initiatives to link up with today's savvy real estate consumer. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/e-pro |
ListAgentDesignation | GeneralAccreditedAppraiser | For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS�. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gaa |
ListAgentDesignation | GraduateRealtorInstitute | REALTORS� with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gri |
ListAgentDesignation | MilitaryRelocationProfessional | NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/mrp |
ListAgentDesignation | NARsGreenDesignation | Through NAR's Green Designation, the Green Resource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/green |
ListAgentDesignation | PerformanceManagementNetwork | This designation is unique to the REALTOR� family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/pmn |
ListAgentDesignation | PricingStrategyAdvisor | Enhance your skills in pricing properties, creating CMAs, working with appraisers, and guiding clients through the anxieties and misperceptions they often have about home values with NAR�s PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/psa |
ListAgentDesignation | RealEstateNegotiationExpert | This certification is for real estate professionals who want to sharpen their negotiation skills. The RENE certification program gives REALTORS� the tips and tools they need to be skillful advocates for their clients. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rene |
ListAgentDesignation | RealtorAssociationCertifiedExecutive | RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR� association executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and commitment to professional growth. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rce |
ListAgentDesignation | ResidentialAccreditedAppraiser | For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS�. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/raa |
ListAgentDesignation | ResortAndSecondHomePropertySpecialist | This certification is designed for REALTORS� who facilitate the buying, selling, or management of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rsps |
ListAgentDesignation | SellerRepresentativeSpecialist | The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/seller-representative-specialist-srs |
ListAgentDesignation | SeniorsRealEstateSpecialist | The SRES� Designation program educates REALTORS� on how to profitably and ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES� designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sres |
ListAgentDesignation | ShortSalesAndForeclosureResource | The SFR� certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sfr |
ListAgentDesignation | SocietyOfIndustrialAndOfficeRealtors | The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sior |
ListAgentDesignation | TransnationalReferralCertification | Real estate professionals who have taken the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) training, have completed special training on making and receiving client referrals from professionals in other countries. https://worldproperties.com/about-us/international-referrals-and-trc/ |
Name | Value | Description |
ListingPermission | AgentOnly | The image or document is for agent use only. |
ListingPermission | CompSold | Comp Sold |
ListingPermission | DownPaymentResourceNo | Down Payment Resource No |
ListingPermission | DownPaymentResourceYes | Down Payment Resource Yes |
ListingPermission | FirmOnly | The image or document is for firm use only. |
ListingPermission | History | History. |
ListingPermission | IDX | The image or document is okay for IDX use. |
ListingPermission | MemberInactive | Member Inactive |
ListingPermission | Officeidxoptout | OfficeIDXOptOUT |
ListingPermission | OfficeInactive | Office Inactive. |
ListingPermission | OfficeOnly | The image or document is for office use only. |
ListingPermission | OfficeSuspended | Office Suspended |
ListingPermission | PhotoOptedOut | The image prohibted for distrubition by Seller or Buyer opt out. |
ListingPermission | Private | The image or document is private and should have limited distribution. |
ListingPermission | Public | The image or document may be viewed by the public. |
ListingPermission | SyndicateOptOut | Syndicate Opt Out |
ListingPermission | VOW | The image or document is okay for VOW use. |
Name | Value | Description |
ListingTerms | AllFinancingConsidered | All Financing Considered. |
ListingTerms | AllInclusiveTrustDeed | The property is under an all inclusive trust deed. |
ListingTerms | Arm | Adjustable Rate Mortgage. |
ListingTerms | Assumable | The seller is interested in assumable financing. |
ListingTerms | BondForDeed | Bond For Deed |
ListingTerms | BuyerAssistancePrograms | Buyer Assistance Programs |
ListingTerms | CalVetLoan | Cal Vet Loan |
ListingTerms | Cash | The seller would like a cash sale. |
ListingTerms | CashToExistingLoan | Cash to Existing Loan |
ListingTerms | CashToNewLoan | Cash to New Loan |
ListingTerms | CommercialLease | Commercial Lease. |
ListingTerms | CommittedFunds | Financing facility provided by a Bank to a borrower which cannot be withdrawn unless the borrower breaches covenants or other terms of the facility. |
ListingTerms | Contract | The seller may be interested in an agreement to perform services, provide product, share of income, or some other agreement as the method of payment for the property. |
ListingTerms | Conventional | The seller may accept a buyer using conventional financing to purchase the home. |
ListingTerms | CourtApproval | Court Approval |
ListingTerms | Cryptocurrency | Cryptocurrency |
ListingTerms | Exchange1031 | The seller is may be interested in a 1031 exchange as part of the sale. |
ListingTerms | ExistingBonds | The property for sale has existing bonds. |
ListingTerms | FannieMae | The seller may accept a buyer using Fannie Mae financing to purchase the home. |
ListingTerms | FederalLandBank | Federal Land Bank |
ListingTerms | FHA | The seller may accept a buyer with a loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. |
ListingTerms | Fha203b | FHA 203(b) |
ListingTerms | Fha203k | FHA 203(k) |
ListingTerms | FreddieMac | The seller may accept a buyer using Freddie Mac financing to purchase the home. |
ListingTerms | GovernmentLoan | Government Loan |
ListingTerms | GraduatedPaymentMortgage | Graduated Payment Mortgage. |
ListingTerms | InvestorFinancing | Investor Financing. |
ListingTerms | LandContract | An Installment contract for the sale of land ( could be real property). The seller (vendor) has legal title until paid in full. The buyer (vendee) has equitable title during the contract term period. |
ListingTerms | LandUseFee | The listed property has a land use fee. |
ListingTerms | Lease | Lease |
ListingTerms | LeaseBack | The seller may be interested in the simultaneous sale of a property with a lease back to the seller, who then becomes the tenant. |
ListingTerms | LeaseOption | The seller may be interested in selling as a lease option to the buyer. |
ListingTerms | LeasePurchase | The seller may be interested in selling as a lease purchase. |
ListingTerms | LenderApproval | Lender Approval |
ListingTerms | LienRelease | The property for sale may require a lien release. |
ListingTerms | NewLoan | New Loan. |
ListingTerms | Other | Other Financing. |
ListingTerms | OwnerMayCarry | The seller may be interested in carrying the mortgage note. |
ListingTerms | OwnerMayCarrySecond | The seller may be interested in carrying the second mortgage note. |
ListingTerms | OwnerPayPoints | The seller may carry points. |
ListingTerms | OwnerSurvey | Owner Survey |
ListingTerms | OwnerWillCarry | The seller will carry points. |
ListingTerms | PortfolioLoan | Portfolio Loan |
ListingTerms | PreQualified | Pre Qualified. |
ListingTerms | PrivateFinancingAvailable | Financing is provided by a private party. |
ListingTerms | RehabFinancing | Rehab Financing. |
ListingTerms | RelocationProperty | The property for sale is a relocation property. |
ListingTerms | SbaTypeLoan | SBA Type Loan |
ListingTerms | SeeAgent | See Agent. |
ListingTerms | SeeRemarks | See Remarks for additional listing terms. |
ListingTerms | SellerEquityShare | The seller may be interested in investing in an equity share. |
ListingTerms | SpecialFunding | The seller may be interested in a special funding arrangement. |
ListingTerms | StateBond | State Bond |
ListingTerms | SubjectToOther | Subject To Other |
ListingTerms | Submit | Contact the listing agent for the listing terms. |
ListingTerms | Subordinate | Subordinate |
ListingTerms | TexasVet | Texas Vet |
ListingTerms | ThirdPartyFinancing | 3rd party financing is available. |
ListingTerms | Trade | The seller may be interested in a trade arrangement. |
ListingTerms | TrustConveyance | A trust conveyance (to another trustee) may be involved in the sale of the property. |
ListingTerms | TrustDeed | The seller may accept financing where title of the property is placed with a trustee who secures payment of the loan for a beneficiary. |
ListingTerms | UsdaLoan | The seller may accept a loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Agriculture. |
ListingTerms | VaLoan | The seller may accept a loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Veteran's Affairs. |
ListingTerms | VaNoLoan | VA No Loan |
ListingTerms | VaNoNoLoan | VA No No Loan |
ListingTerms | WarrantyDeed | Warranty Deed |
ListingTerms | ZeroDown | Zero Down |
Name | Value | Description |
LockBoxType | CallListingOffice | Call the listing office for information about accessing the property. |
LockBoxType | CallSellerDirect | Call the seller directly to arrange for access to the property. |
LockBoxType | Combo | The lockbox on the property is opened via combination. See remarks or contact the agent/office for the combination. |
LockBoxType | Electronic | Electronic |
LockBoxType | LobbyBox | Lobby Box |
LockBoxType | None | There is no lockbox on the property. |
LockBoxType | Other | A lock box type not included in this list. |
LockBoxType | Risco | Risco |
LockBoxType | SeeRemarks | See remarks for details about the lockbox and accessing the property. |
LockBoxType | Sentrilock | The lockbox is from SentriLock and requires a SentriLock key or access code. |
LockBoxType | Supra | The lockbox is from Supra and requires a Supra key. |
Name | Value | Description |
LotFeatures | Acreage | Acreage. |
LotFeatures | AdditionalLandAvailable | There is additional land available. |
LotFeatures | AdjacentToOpenSpace | Property is adjacent or near open space. |
LotFeatures | AdjacentToPublicLand | Lot is adjacent or near to public land. |
LotFeatures | Agricultural | The lot has agricultural features. |
LotFeatures | Airpark | An airpark is a "fly-in community" specifically designed around an airport where the residents own their privately owned airplanes which they park in their hangars, usually attached to the home or integrated into their home. |
LotFeatures | Alley | The lot has access to the alley. |
LotFeatures | BacksToCommonGrounds | The lot backs to common ground. |
LotFeatures | BacksToGreenbeltPark | Backs to Greenbelt/Park. |
LotFeatures | BacksToTrees | Lot backs up against trees. |
LotFeatures | BackYard | The lot has a back yard. |
LotFeatures | BayFront | Lot faces a Bay. |
LotFeatures | BeachFront | Lot is beach front. |
LotFeatures | Bluff | The lot is on or near a bluff. |
LotFeatures | BordersNationalForest | Borders National Forest |
LotFeatures | BordersStateLand | Borders State Land |
LotFeatures | Buildable | Lot is ready for improvement. |
LotFeatures | BusinessPark | Business Park |
LotFeatures | BuyerApprovalRequired | Lot requires that the buyer be pre-approved before negotiations may occur. |
LotFeatures | CattleGuard | The lot features a cattle guard. |
LotFeatures | CentralBusinessDistrict | Central Business District |
LotFeatures | CertifiedOrganicSoil | Soil that is created by the decomposition of plant and animal materials to create a nutrient and mineral rich mini-ecosystem. |
LotFeatures | CityLot | The lot is in a city/urban setting. |
LotFeatures | Cleared | The lot has been cleared. |
LotFeatures | CloseToClubhouse | The lot is located close to the community clubhouse. |
LotFeatures | ConservationArea | The lot is in a conservation area. |
LotFeatures | CornerLot | The lot is located on the corner of an intersection. |
LotFeatures | CornersMarked | The corners of the lot have been marked. |
LotFeatures | CulDeSac | The lot is located on street that is closed on one end in a circular shape. Cul-de-sac translated literally from French is "the bottom of the bag", which helps explain the circular shape. |
LotFeatures | DeadEnd | Property is located at a dead end street |
LotFeatures | DesertBack | The back of the lot faces desert. |
LotFeatures | DesertFront | The front of the lot faces desert. |
LotFeatures | DesertLandscaping | Desert Landscaping |
LotFeatures | Drainage | Drainage |
LotFeatures | DripIrrigationBubblers | Drip Irrigation/Bubblers |
LotFeatures | Easement | Easement |
LotFeatures | EasyAccess | The lot is easily accessible. |
LotFeatures | ElevenToFifteenUnitsAcre | 11-15 Units/Acre |
LotFeatures | EstateLot | Estate Lot |
LotFeatures | Farm | The lot is, or has characteristics of a farm. |
LotFeatures | FewTrees | The lot has a few trees. |
LotFeatures | FiftyToOneHundred | 50-100 Acres |
LotFeatures | FishingPonds | The lot has fishing pond(s). |
LotFeatures | FishingRights | Fishing Rights |
LotFeatures | FiveToTenAcres | The lot is 5-10 Acres. |
LotFeatures | FlagLot | Named for the shape, a flag lot has a long driveway leading to the property, together may have the appearance of a pole and flag. The driveway in a flag lot typically runs between two other properties. |
LotFeatures | Flat | The lot is flat. |
LotFeatures | FloodZone | The lot is on or near an area prone to flooding. |
LotFeatures | Foothills | Foothills |
LotFeatures | FrontYard | The lot has a front yard. |
LotFeatures | FruitTrees | Fruit Trees. |
LotFeatures | Garden | The lot has a garden. |
LotFeatures | GentleSloping | The lot's slop is gentle. |
LotFeatures | Greenbelt | the lot is adjacent to a greenbelt. |
LotFeatures | HalfToOneAcreLot | 1/2 to 1 Acre Lot. |
LotFeatures | HardwoodTrees | Hardwood Trees. |
LotFeatures | HistoricDistrict | The lot is in a historic district. |
LotFeatures | HorseProperty | Horse Property |
LotFeatures | IndustrialPark | Industrial Park |
LotFeatures | InteriorLot | Also referred to as an inside lot, an interior lot faces street on only one side. |
LotFeatures | IrregularLot | The lot is not a rectangle. |
LotFeatures | Island | Lot is located on an island. |
LotFeatures | LakeErieFront | Lake Erie Front |
LotFeatures | LakeFront | Lot faces a lake. |
LotFeatures | LakeOnLot | The lot is not waterfront but the lake water feature is part of the lot. |
LotFeatures | Landscaped | The lot has been fully or partially landscaped. |
LotFeatures | Lawn | The lot has a lawn. |
LotFeatures | LessThanHalfAcre | < 1/2 Acre |
LotFeatures | LessThanOneAcre | Property has lot size under one acre |
LotFeatures | LessThanQuarterAcre | Less Than 1/4 Acre Lot. |
LotFeatures | Levee | Levee |
LotFeatures | Level | The lot is level/flat. |
LotFeatures | LotOver40000Sqft | Lot Over 40000 Sqft |
LotFeatures | LowMaintenanceLandscape | Low Maintenance Landscape |
LotFeatures | Mainland | Lot exists on the Mainland. |
LotFeatures | ManufacturedHomePad | The lot has a manufactured home pad. |
LotFeatures | ManyTrees | The lot has many trees. |
LotFeatures | MatureTrees | Mature Trees |
LotFeatures | Meadow | The lot has a meadow. |
LotFeatures | MineralRights | Mineral Rights. |
LotFeatures | MobileHomeAllowed | Mobile Home Allowed |
LotFeatures | MobileHomeReady | The lot is mobile home ready. |
LotFeatures | ModerateTrees | Moderate Trees |
LotFeatures | MoreThanOneHundredAcres | 100+ Acres |
LotFeatures | MultipleLots | There are multiple lots included. |
LotFeatures | NativePlants | The lot's landscaping includes native plants. |
LotFeatures | NearGolfCourse | The lot is near a golf course. |
LotFeatures | NearPark | Near Park |
LotFeatures | NearPublicTransit | The lot is near public transportation. |
LotFeatures | NearSkiArea | The lot is near a ski area. |
LotFeatures | Neighborhood | The lot is in a neighborhood. |
LotFeatures | NoBackyardGrass | No Backyard Grass |
LotFeatures | NoLandscaping | No Landscaping |
LotFeatures | None | None (LotFeatures). |
LotFeatures | NoRearNeighbors | No Rear Neighbors |
LotFeatures | NotInSubdivision | Property is not in a subdivision |
LotFeatures | OffGrid | The lot is off grid. |
LotFeatures | OneOrMoreAcres | 1 or More Acres |
LotFeatures | OneToFiveAcres | 1 to 5 Acres |
LotFeatures | OneToFourAcres | 1 to 4 Acres. |
LotFeatures | OneToThreeAcres | The lot is 1-3 acres |
LotFeatures | OneToTwoAcres | The lot is 1-2 Acres |
LotFeatures | OnGolfCourse | The lot is directly adjacent to a golf course. |
LotFeatures | OpenLot | The lot is open. |
LotFeatures | OpenSpace | The lot features open space. |
LotFeatures | Orchards | The lot includes one or more orchards. |
LotFeatures | Other | The lot has features other than those in this list. |
LotFeatures | OutsideCityLimits | The lot is outside of city limits. |
LotFeatures | Over40UnitsAcre | Over 40 Units/Acre |
LotFeatures | OversizedLot | Oversized Lot. |
LotFeatures | PartiallyCleared | Partially Cleared |
LotFeatures | Pasture | The lot includes a pasture. |
LotFeatures | Paved | The lot is partially or fully paved. |
LotFeatures | Percolate | Percolate |
LotFeatures | PieShapedLot | The lot is pie, or triangle shaped. Typically narrow at the front and wide at the back, the reverse, a wide front, could be referred to as pie shaped or reverse pie shaped. |
LotFeatures | PlannedUnitDevelopment | Planned Unit Development |
LotFeatures | PondOnLot | The lot is not waterfront but the pond water feature is part of the lot. |
LotFeatures | Private | The lot is private or features that provide privacy form adjacent areas such as neighbors or roads. |
LotFeatures | PrivateRoad | Private Road. |
LotFeatures | PublicMaintainedRoad | Public/Maintained Road. |
LotFeatures | PublicRoad | Lot is on a public road. |
LotFeatures | QuarterToHalfAcreLot | 1/4 to 1/2 Acre Lot. |
LotFeatures | QuarterToOneAcre | 1/4 to 1 Acre Lot |
LotFeatures | Ranch | Ranch |
LotFeatures | Ravine | Property has a view of a ravine. |
LotFeatures | Recreational | Lot has a recreation use. |
LotFeatures | Rectangular | Lot is a rectangular shape. |
LotFeatures | RectangularLot | Also known as a regular shaped lot, the lot has is a rectangle or square. |
LotFeatures | ResidentialLot | Residential Lot. |
LotFeatures | ResortProperty | Resort Property |
LotFeatures | RetainingWall | The lot features a retaining wall. |
LotFeatures | ReversePieShapedLot | Reverse Pie Shaped Lot |
LotFeatures | RimLot | Rim Lot |
LotFeatures | RockOutcropping | Rock features or barriers that transition a grading in the landscape. |
LotFeatures | Rocks | Rocks |
LotFeatures | RollingSlope | The slope of the property varies in a rolling or wavy fashion. |
LotFeatures | RoughGradeYard | Rough Grade Yard |
LotFeatures | RuralLot | Rural Lot. |
LotFeatures | RvLot | RV Lot |
LotFeatures | Secluded | The lot is secluded. |
LotFeatures | SeeRemarks | See the remarks fields for additional information about the lot's features. |
LotFeatures | SideYard | Lot has potential for a side yard. |
LotFeatures | SixteenToTwentyUnitsAcre | 16-20 Units/Acre |
LotFeatures | SixToTenUnitsAcre | 6-10 Units/Acre |
LotFeatures | SkiInSkiOut | The lot is a ski in ski out lot. |
LotFeatures | Sloped | The lot is sloped. |
LotFeatures | SlopedDown | The lot is sloped down, typically from the perspective of looking at the property from the street. |
LotFeatures | SlopedUp | The lot is sloped up, typically from the perspective of looking at the property from the street. |
LotFeatures | SplitPossible | It may be possible that the lot could be split into two or more parcels. |
LotFeatures | Spring | The lot features a spring. |
LotFeatures | SprinklerRainSensor | Sprinkler - Rain Sensor |
LotFeatures | SprinklersAutomatic | Sprinklers Automatic |
LotFeatures | SprinklersInFront | there are irrigation sprinklers on the front of the lot. |
LotFeatures | SprinklersInGround | Sprinklers In Ground |
LotFeatures | SprinklersInRear | there are irrigation sprinklers to the rear of the lot. |
LotFeatures | SprinklersManual | Sprinklers Manual |
LotFeatures | SprinklersMultipleLocations | Sprinklers Multiple Locations |
LotFeatures | SprinklersNone | Sprinklers None |
LotFeatures | SprinklersOnSide | Sprinklers On Side |
LotFeatures | SprinklersPartial | Sprinklers Partial |
LotFeatures | SprinklersTimer | Sprinklers Timer |
LotFeatures | SprinklerSystem | Sprinkler System |
LotFeatures | SquareShapedLot | Square Shaped Lot |
LotFeatures | SteepSlope | The lot is sloped steeply. |
LotFeatures | StreamCreek | Stream/Creek. |
LotFeatures | StreetLevel | Street Level. |
LotFeatures | Subdivided | The lot has been subdivided into two or more parcels. |
LotFeatures | Subdivision | The lot is in a subdivision. |
LotFeatures | SuitableForGrazing | The lot is suitable for grazing. |
LotFeatures | SyntheticGrass | Synthetic Grass |
LotFeatures | TearDown | Tear Down |
LotFeatures | TenToTwentyAcres | 10-20 Acres |
LotFeatures | TenToTwentyFive | The lot is 10-25 acres. |
LotFeatures | ThirtyOneToThirtyFiveUnitsAcre | 31-35 Units/Acre |
LotFeatures | ThirtySixToFortyUnitsAcre | 36-40 Units/Acre |
LotFeatures | ThreeToFiveAcres | The lot is between 3-5 Acres. |
LotFeatures | Tillable | Lot features tillable soil. |
LotFeatures | Trees | Trees. |
LotFeatures | TreesLargeSize | The lot has large size trees. |
LotFeatures | TreesMediumSize | The lot has medium size trees. |
LotFeatures | TreesSmallSize | The lot has small size trees. |
LotFeatures | TwentyFiveToFiftyAcres | The lot is 25-50 acres. |
LotFeatures | TwentyOneToTwentyFiveUnitsAcre | 21-25 Units/Acre |
LotFeatures | TwentySixToThirtyUnitsAcre | 26-30 Units/Acre |
LotFeatures | TwentyToFiftyAcres | 20-50 Acres |
LotFeatures | TwoToFiveUnitsAcre | 2-5 Units/Acre |
LotFeatures | TwoToThreeAcres | The lot is 2-3 Acres |
LotFeatures | Undeveloped | The lot is undeveloped. |
LotFeatures | ValueInLand | Value In Land |
LotFeatures | Views | There are views from the lot. |
LotFeatures | Walkstreet | Walkstreet |
LotFeatures | Waterfall | The lot has a waterfall. |
LotFeatures | Waterfront | The lot is located on a waterfront. |
LotFeatures | Wetlands | The lot is located near or within wetlands. |
LotFeatures | Wooded | The lot is wooded. |
LotFeatures | Xeriscape | A style of landscape design requiring little or no irrigation or other maintenance. |
LotFeatures | Yard | Yard |
LotFeatures | YardLights | Yard Lights |
LotFeatures | ZeroLotLine | The structure comes up to, or very near the property line. Attached single family residences, row homes, garden homes, patio homes all may be zero lot line homes. |
LotFeatures | ZeroToOneUnitAcre | 0-1 Unit/Acre |