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Enumerations H


Name Value Description
Heating ActiveSolar Active solar heating systems use solar energy to heat a fluid -- either liquid or air -- and then transfer the solar heat directly to the interior space or to a storage system for later use.
Heating Baseboard Baseboard heating utilizes convection, as cold air drops from the window, it enters the baseboard heating unit where the air is warmed by heating elements, typically fins.
Heating BuildingCitySteam Building City Steam.
Heating BuildingDuctless Building Ductless.
Heating BuildingElectric Building Electric
Heating BuildingEnergyStarAccaRsiQualifiedInstallation Building ENERGY STAR/ACCA RSI Qualified Installation.
Heating BuildingEnergyStarQualifiedEquipment Building ENERGY STAR Qualified Equipment.
Heating BuildingExhaustFan Building Exhaust Fan.
Heating BuildingFireplaces Building Fireplace(s).
Heating BuildingForcedAir Building Forced Air.
Heating BuildingGeothermal Building Geothermal.
Heating BuildingGravity Building Gravity.
Heating BuildingHeatPump Building Heat Pump.
Heating BuildingHotWater Building Hot Water.
Heating BuildingHumidityControl Building Humidity Control.
Heating BuildingKerosene Building Kerosene.
Heating BuildingNaturalGas Building Natural Gas
Heating BuildingNone Building None.
Heating BuildingOil Building Oil
Heating BuildingOther Building Other.
Heating BuildingPassiveSolar Building Passive Solar.
Heating BuildingPropane Building Propane.
Heating BuildingRadiant Building Radiant.
Heating BuildingRadiantCeiling Building Radiant Ceiling.
Heating BuildingRadiantFloor Building Radiant Floor.
Heating BuildingSeparateMeters Building Separate Meters.
Heating BuildingSolar Building Solar.
Heating BuildingSteam Building Steam
Heating BuildingWood Building Wood.
Heating BuildingZoned Building Zoned.
Heating Ceiling A heating unit that is installed into, or upon the surface, of the ceiling.
Heating Central A system where heat is generated in one or more locations in the structure and distributed throughout the structure. The term "Central" is commonly understood as distribution done by ducting air. Piping a fluid to radiators is also a central type of heating, but this can be clarified with the options "Radiator" and "Forced Air".
Heating CitySteam City Steam
Heating Coal The heating system uses coal as its fuel to generate heat.
Heating CoalStove A coal burning stove that is used for heat.
Heating Combination The type of heating is a combination system.
Heating Common The heating type is a common system.
Heating DualSystem Dual System heating
Heating Ductless The heating system does not have ducting like that found in central forced air systems.
Heating Electric A heating system that utilizes electricity and heating elements, such as coils or fins, to generate heat.
Heating EnergyStarAccaRsiQualifiedInstallation The heating system installation was done by an ENERGY STAR or ACCA RSI qualified contractor.
Heating EnergyStarQualifiedEquipment The heating system is ENERGY STAR Qualified. Specific performance information must be determined by review of the actual unit.
Heating ExhaustFan The property has an exhaust fan.
Heating FanCoil Fan Coil
Heating FireplaceInsert The property has a fireplace insert for generating heat.
Heating Fireplaces The property has one or more fireplaces used to generate heat.
Heating FloorFurnace A radiant heating system that is mounted into the floor and distributes the heat via convection.
Heating FloorRoughIn Floor Rough-In
Heating ForcedAir The property has a forced air system, typically via ducting throughout the structure.
Heating Gas Gas.
Heating Geothermal A geothermal heating system, also known as a ground source heat pump, transfers heat from below ground into the structure.
Heating Gravity A gravity heating system, also known as an octopus furnace, is typically a ducted system that doesn't use a fan, but rather is designed to allow the heat to rise naturally thought the ducts to the different areas of the structure.
Heating HeatPump A system that exchanges heat between a warm and cool space. The heat exchange is done between the dwelling and another air space, like outdoors; or a water source; or below ground (geothermal).
Heating HeatRecoverySystem Heat Recovery System
Heating HeatStrip Heat Strip
Heating HighEfficiency High Efficiency
Heating HotWater The heating system uses a boiler and pipes to deliver hot water to radiators throughout the dwelling.
Heating HumidityControl The heating system has humidity control.
Heating HydroAir The heating is a hydro air system.
Heating Individual The heating is an individual heat unit.
Heating Kerosene The heating system uses kerosene as its fuel to generate heat.
Heating MakeUpAir Make-up Air
Heating MidEfficiency Mid Efficiency
Heating MultiFuel Multi-Fuel.
Heating MultipleHeatingUnits Property contains more than one heating units
Heating NaturalGas The heating system uses natural gas as its fuel to generate heat.
Heating None The property does not have a heating system.
Heating Oil The heating system uses oil as its fuel to generate heat.
Heating Other The property has a heating system or features that are not included in this list.
Heating OutdoorFurnace Heating system that is located on the exterior of the building.
Heating OverheadHeaters Overhead Heater(s)
Heating PassiveSolar Passive solar is a building design where the walls, windows, floors, etc., are made to collect heat and warm the dwelling.
Heating PelletStove The property has a stove that burns compressed wood or biomass pellets to generate heat.
Heating Propane The heating system uses propane as its fuel to generate heat.
Heating PropaneStove The property has a stove that burns propane to generate heat.
Heating Radiant The heating system uses radiators to release heat within the dwelling. The heat is typically delivered to the radiator(s) by water/steam or electricity.
Heating RadiantCeiling The radiant heating element(s) are located in the ceiling.
Heating RadiantFloor The radiant heating element(s) are located in the floor.
Heating Radiators Radiator(s).
Heating Rooftop Heating system located on Rooftop
Heating SeeAgent See Agent for additional information about the heating.
Heating SeeRemarks See the remarks fields for additional information about the heating system included with the property.
Heating SeparateMeters The heating system has multiple units and/or is zoned with separate meters for each zone/unit.
Heating SeparateUnits Separate Units
Heating Solar The property has a heating system or method that uses an unspecified type of solar heating.
Heating SpaceHeater The property comes with a stand-alone space heater.
Heating Steam The heating system uses a boiler and pipes to deliver hot water to radiators throughout the dwelling.
Heating Stove Stove.
Heating VariesByUnit The type of heating or heating features vary from unit to unit.
Heating WallFurnace Typically a ductless system that is built into a wall to deliver to the room in which it's installed.
Heating WindowUnit Heating is provided by a Window Unit.
Heating Wood The heating system uses wood as its fuel to generate heat.
Heating WoodStove The property has a stove that burns wood to generate heat.
Heating Zoned The heating system is zoned allowing for indepenant control of two or more parts of the structure.


Name Value Description
HorseAmenities Arena The property allows for horses and has an arena.
HorseAmenities Barn The property allows horses and has a barn.
HorseAmenities BoardingFacilities The property had horse boarding facilities.
HorseAmenities Corrals The property allows horses and has one or more corrals.
HorseAmenities FederalLandAccess Federal Land Access.
HorseAmenities Fenced Fenced.
HorseAmenities HayStorage The property allows horses and has hay storage.
HorseAmenities HorsesAllowed Horses Allowed.
HorseAmenities HorseTrack Horse Track.
HorseAmenities HotWalker Hot Walker.
HorseAmenities IndoorArena Indoor Arena
HorseAmenities LivestockBarn Livestock Barn.
HorseAmenities LivestockTrough Livestock Trough.
HorseAmenities LoafingShed Loafing Shed.
HorseAmenities None The property either does not allow horses or has no amenities for horses.
HorseAmenities Other The property has horse amenities other than those in this list.
HorseAmenities OutdoorArena Outdoor Arena
HorseAmenities OutdoorLights Outdoor Lights
HorseAmenities Paddocks The property allows horses and has an enclosed living are for your horse(s). A paddock is also known as a sacrifice area which got its name because the owner was sacrificing some of their land for the benefit of the horse.
HorseAmenities PalpationChute A portion of the livestock chute where the animal is held for examination or other purposes.
HorseAmenities Pasture The property includes or has access to a pasture for horses.
HorseAmenities RidingRing Riding Ring
HorseAmenities RidingTrail The property includes or has access to a riding trail(s).
HorseAmenities RoundPen The property includes or has access to a round enclosure used for horse training.
HorseAmenities SeeRemarks See the remarks fields for additional information about horse amenities.
HorseAmenities ShavingBin The property includes or has access to a storage container for wood shavings that are use as ground cover for horses.
HorseAmenities Stables The property includes or has access to horse stable(s).
HorseAmenities StockPens Stock Pen(s).
HorseAmenities TackRoom The property includes or has access to a room to store equipment such as saddles, stirrups, bridles, halters, reins, bits, harnesses, martingales, breastplates, etc.
HorseAmenities TrailerStorage The property includes or has access to a place to store a horse trailer.
HorseAmenities WashRack The property includes or has access to a rack used to confine/restrain a horse for purposes of washing the horse.
HorseAmenities WaterSource Water Source.
HorseAmenities Zoned1Horse Zoned 1 Horse.
HorseAmenities Zoned2Horse Zoned 2 Horse.
HorseAmenities Zoned3Horse Zoned 3 Horse.
HorseAmenities ZonedMultipleHorses Zoned Multiple Horses.


Name Value Description
HoursDaysOfOperation EveningsOnly The business being sold is open in the evenings only.
HoursDaysOfOperation Open24Hours The business being sold is open 24 hours per day.
HoursDaysOfOperation Open7Days The business being sold is open 7 days per week.
HoursDaysOfOperation Open8HoursDay The business being sold is open 8 hours per day.
HoursDaysOfOperation OpenLessThan8HoursDay The business being sold is open less than 8 hours per day.
HoursDaysOfOperation OpenMondayFriday The business being sold is open Monday through Friday.
HoursDaysOfOperation OpenMoreThan8HoursDay The business being sold is open more than 8 hours/day.
HoursDaysOfOperation OpenSaturday The business being sold is open on Saturdays.
HoursDaysOfOperation OpenSunday The business being sold is open on Sundays.