Enumerations G
Name | Value | Description |
GeocodeSource | Bing | Bing |
GeocodeSource | GeoService | Geo Service |
GeocodeSource | ||
GeocodeSource | Imported | Imported |
GeocodeSource | Linctbl | LINCTbl |
GeocodeSource | Manual | Manual |
GeocodeSource | Pxpoint | PxPoint |
GeocodeSource | Realist | Realist |
GeocodeSource | Starmap | Starmap |
GeocodeSource | Unknown | Unknown |
Name | Value | Description |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | AustinEnergyGreenBuildingProgram | Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) cultivates innovation in building for the enrichment of the community’s environmental, economic, and human well-being. In 1991, AEGB developed the first rating system in the U.S. for evaluating the sustainability of buildings, inspiring many cities to follow. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | BuildGreenNewMexicoBronze | The property is state certified type: Build Green New Mexico Bronze. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | BuildGreenNewMexicoEmerald | The property is state certified type: Build Green New Mexico Emerald. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | BuildGreenNewMexicoGold | The property is state certified type: Build Green New Mexico Gold. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | BuildGreenNewMexicoSilver | The property is state certified type: Build Green New Mexico Silver. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | CertifiedPassiveHouse | Super-insulated new homes that have been built to meet certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | EarthcraftHome | EarthCraft Home |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | EnergyStarCertifiedHomes | EPA ENERGY STAR Certified Homes is a set of optional construction practices and technologies (above minimum code requirements) that builders can follow to upgrade a new home's energy efficiency beyond minimum code requirements. Guidelines are outlined in the National Performance Path; or the National Prescriptive Path; This whole-house label differs from the ENERGY STAR products label. To achieve the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes label, a home's energy efficiency must be verified by a third-party organization. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | Enerphit | Super-insulated existing homes that have been remodeled to meet certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | EnvironmentsForLiving | The Environments For Living program provides a rigorous set of requirements for home builders who've made a commitment to go the extra mile. It's a program that treats a home as a "system of systems" that work together, with limited guarantees* on comfort and heating/cooling energy use. And the Envi |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | HersIndexScore | The HERS Index is the nationally recognized scoring system for measuring a home's energy performance. To calculate a home's HERS Index Score, a certified RESNET home energy rater will do a home energy rating and compare the data against a reference home (a design-modeled home of the same size and shape as the actual home), so the HERS Index Score is always relative to the size, shape, and type of the house. The lower the number, the more energy efficient the home. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | HomeEnergyScore | The Home Energy Score, managed by the US DOE, is a national system that allows homes to receive an energy efficiency rating, similar to the MPG rating available for cars. The Home Energy Score uses a 10-point scale to reflect how much energy a home is expected to use under standard operating conditions. Homes that are expected to use the least amount of energy (and are considered the most energy efficient) score a 10, and homes that are expected to use the most amount of energy (and are considered the least energy efficient) score a 1. The Home Energy Score uses a standard calculation method and takes into account the home's structure and envelope (walls, windows, foundation) and its heating, cooling, and hot water systems. Only Qualified Assessors who pass a DOE exam are allowed to provide the Home Energy Score. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | HomeEnergyUpgradeCertificateOfEnergyEfficiencyImprovements | Buildings Performance Institute BPI- 2101 Standard Requirements for a Certificate of Completion for Whole-House Energy Efficiency Upgrades specifies a standard way of describing the improvements made to an existing home through a home energy upgrade (HEU). Certificates are provided by a local energy efficiency program sponsor. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | HomeEnergyUpgradeCertificateOfEnergyEfficiencyPerformance | Buildings Performance Institute BPI- 2101 Standard Requirements for a Certificate of Completion for Whole-House Energy Efficiency Upgrades specifies a standard way of describing the improvements made to an existing home through a home energy upgrade (HEU) and provides one or more measures of a home's performance. Measures of performance may include a HERS rating, a Home Energy Score, an indication of projected or actual energy consumption, or other systems. Certificates are provided by a local energy efficiency program sponsor. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | HomePerformanceWithEnergyStar | Home Performance with ENERGY STAR offers whole-house solutions to high energy bills and homes with comfort problems. The program is managed by a local sponsor that recruits home improvement contractors who are qualified to perform comprehensive home assessments and improvements. Local sponsors must follow specific guidelines to participate as outlined in the HPwES Sponsor Guide and Reference Manual. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | IndoorAirplus | EPA Indoor airPLUS is a set of optional construction practices and technologies builders can follow to reduce indoor air pollutants and improve the indoor air quality in a new home beyond minimum code requirements. It is only available to homes that first meet ENERGY STAR Certified Homes certification. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | LeedForHomes | USGBC's residential rating system, LEED for Homes, was launched in 2008. The LEED rating systems are developed through an open, consensus-based process led by LEED committees. LEED is a voluntary program that provides independent, third-party verification that a home was designed and built using methods for achieving high performance in multiple areas of sustainability including energy, water, waste management, indoor air quality, and sustainable site development. There are multiple rating systems for all types of buildings including Existing Buildings and Homes for residential projects. Homes may achieve different levels of certification (platinum, gold, silver, certified) depending on the number of LEED prerequisites and credits that are met. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | LivingBuildingChallenge | Living Future Institute's Homes certified by a third-party that they produce as much or more energy than they use. Super-insulated homes that have met certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | NahbGreenBuildingCertified | NAHB Green Building Certified |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | NgbsNewConstruction | Home Innovation Research Labs certifies homes to the ICC-700 National Green Building Standard(tm) (NGBS), which has undergone the full consensus process and received approval from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Home Innovation Research Labs provides project certification to the NGBS. NGBS applies to both single-family homes and multifamily buildings. Certification options also exist for new construction, remodel projects (both whole-home and functional areas such as a kitchen or bathroom) and land development/subdivision. Homes may qualify for a bronze, silver, gold, or emerald certification level depending on the number of green building practices met. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | NgbsSmallProjectsRemodel | Home Innovation Research Labs provides project certification to the NGBS. NGBS applies to both single-family homes and multifamily buildings. Certification options also exist for new construction, remodel projects (both whole-home and functional areas such as a kitchen or bathroom), and land development/subdivision. For the Small Projects Remodel, the functional area (kitchen, bathroom, basement, addition) is either certified or not. Unlike other NGBS certifications, multiple certification levels (bronze, silver, gold, or emerald) do not exist for this certification option. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | NgbsWholeHomeRemodel | Home Innovation Research Labs provides project certification to the NGBS. NGBS applies to both single-family homes and multifamily buildings. Certification options also exist for new construction, remodel projects (both whole-home and functional areas such as a kitchen or bathroom), and land development/subdivision. Homes may qualify for a bronze, silver, gold, or emerald certification level depending on the number of green building practices met. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | None | None (GreenBuildingVerificationType). |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | Other | Other (GreenBuildingVerificationType). |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | PearlCertification | Pearl is a national firm that provides third-party certification of high-performing homes (residential, 1-4 units) at various levels. For more information, visit https://pearlcertification.com/. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | PhiusPlus | Super-insulated homes that have met certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | Unknown | Unknown. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | Watersense | EPA WaterSense is a set of optional construction practices and technologies (above minimum code requirements) that builders can follow to ensure a home uses less water while still providing the same level of comfort and convenience. WaterSense also applies to specific plumbing fixtures (see InteriorFeatures) and should not be confused with the whole-house label. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | ZeroEnergyReadyHome | DOE Zero Energy Ready Home is a set of optional construction practices and technologies (above minimum code and ENERGY STAR Certified Home requirements) that builders can follow to ensure high-performance homes so energy efficient all or most annual energy consumption can be offset with renewable energy. Guidelines are outlined in the "DOE Zero Energy Ready Home National Program Requirements." |
Name | Value | Description |
GreenVerificationSource | Administrator | An administrator such as a utility, governmental entity, etc. provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
GreenVerificationSource | Assessor | The assessor provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
GreenVerificationSource | Builder | The builder provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
GreenVerificationSource | ContractorOrInstaller | The contractor or installer provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
GreenVerificationSource | Other | Data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. was received from another party not listed. |
GreenVerificationSource | Owner | The owner provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
GreenVerificationSource | ProgramSponsor | The program sponsor provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
GreenVerificationSource | ProgramVerifier | The program verifier hired as a third-party provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
GreenVerificationSource | PublicRecords | Data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. was received from public record such as a building permit. |
GreenVerificationSource | SeeRemarks | See remarks for information about the source of data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. |
Name | Value | Description |
GreenVerificationStatus | Complete | Indicates that verification process is complete. All requirements are complete and official verification documentation is on file or published; or more than 12 months of occupancy. |
GreenVerificationStatus | Expired | Expired |
GreenVerificationStatus | InProcess | Indicates that verification process is underway, but not complete. Application, plans testing or specifications in process; or may be less than 12 months of occupancy. |
GreenVerificationStatus | Proposed | Proposed |
Name | Value | Description |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | AustinEnergyGreenBuildingProgram | Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) cultivates innovation in building for the enrichment of the community�s environmental, economic, and human well-being. In 1991, AEGB developed the first rating system in the U.S. for evaluating the sustainability of buildings, inspiring many cities to follow. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | BuildGreenNewMexicoBronze | The property is state certified type: Build Green New Mexico Bronze. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | BuildGreenNewMexicoEmerald | The property is state certified type: Build Green New Mexico Emerald. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | BuildGreenNewMexicoGold | The property is state certified type: Build Green New Mexico Gold. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | BuildGreenNewMexicoSilver | The property is state certified type: Build Green New Mexico Silver. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | CertifiedPassiveHouse | Super-insulated new homes that have been built to meet certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | EarthcraftHome | EarthCraft Home |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | EnergyStarCertifiedHomes | EPA ENERGY STAR Certified Homes is a set of optional construction practices and technologies (above minimum code requirements) that builders can follow to upgrade a new home's energy efficiency beyond minimum code requirements. Guidelines are outlined in the National Performance Path; or the National Prescriptive Path; This whole-house label differs from the ENERGY STAR products label. To achieve the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes label, a home's energy efficiency must be verified by a third-party organization. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | Enerphit | Super-insulated existing homes that have been remodeled to meet certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | EnvironmentsForLiving | The Environments For Living program provides a rigorous set of requirements for home builders who've made a commitment to go the extra mile. It's a program that treats a home as a "system of systems" that work together, with limited guarantees* on comfort and heating/cooling energy use. And the Envi |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | HersIndexScore | The HERS Index is the nationally recognized scoring system for measuring a home's energy performance. To calculate a home's HERS Index Score, a certified RESNET home energy rater will do a home energy rating and compare the data against a reference home (a design-modeled home of the same size and shape as the actual home), so the HERS Index Score is always relative to the size, shape, and type of the house. The lower the number, the more energy efficient the home. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | HomeEnergyScore | The Home Energy Score, managed by the US DOE, is a national system that allows homes to receive an energy efficiency rating, similar to the MPG rating available for cars. The Home Energy Score uses a 10-point scale to reflect how much energy a home is expected to use under standard operating conditions. Homes that are expected to use the least amount of energy (and are considered the most energy efficient) score a 10, and homes that are expected to use the most amount of energy (and are considered the least energy efficient) score a 1. The Home Energy Score uses a standard calculation method and takes into account the home's structure and envelope (walls, windows, foundation) and its heating, cooling, and hot water systems. Only Qualified Assessors who pass a DOE exam are allowed to provide the Home Energy Score. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | HomeEnergyUpgradeCertificateOfEnergyEfficiencyImprovements | Buildings Performance Institute BPI- 2101 Standard Requirements for a Certificate of Completion for Whole-House Energy Efficiency Upgrades specifies a standard way of describing the improvements made to an existing home through a home energy upgrade (HEU). Certificates are provided by a local energy efficiency program sponsor. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | HomeEnergyUpgradeCertificateOfEnergyEfficiencyPerformance | Buildings Performance Institute BPI- 2101 Standard Requirements for a Certificate of Completion for Whole-House Energy Efficiency Upgrades specifies a standard way of describing the improvements made to an existing home through a home energy upgrade (HEU) and provides one or more measures of a home's performance. Measures of performance may include a HERS rating, a Home Energy Score, an indication of projected or actual energy consumption, or other systems. Certificates are provided by a local energy efficiency program sponsor. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | HomePerformanceWithEnergyStar | Home Performance with ENERGY STAR offers whole-house solutions to high energy bills and homes with comfort problems. The program is managed by a local sponsor that recruits home improvement contractors who are qualified to perform comprehensive home assessments and improvements. Local sponsors must follow specific guidelines to participate as outlined in the HPwES Sponsor Guide and Reference Manual. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | IndoorAirplus | EPA Indoor airPLUS is a set of optional construction practices and technologies builders can follow to reduce indoor air pollutants and improve the indoor air quality in a new home beyond minimum code requirements. It is only available to homes that first meet ENERGY STAR Certified Homes certification. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | LeedForHomes | USGBC's residential rating system, LEED for Homes, was launched in 2008. The LEED rating systems are developed through an open, consensus-based process led by LEED committees. LEED is a voluntary program that provides independent, third-party verification that a home was designed and built using methods for achieving high performance in multiple areas of sustainability including energy, water, waste management, indoor air quality, and sustainable site development. There are multiple rating systems for all types of buildings including Existing Buildings and Homes for residential projects. Homes may achieve different levels of certification (platinum, gold, silver, certified) depending on the number of LEED prerequisites and credits that are met. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | LivingBuildingChallenge | Living Future Institute's Homes certified by a third-party that they produce as much or more energy than they use. Super-insulated homes that have met certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | NahbGreenBuildingCertified | NAHB Green Building Certified |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | NgbsNewConstruction | Home Innovation Research Labs certifies homes to the ICC-700 National Green Building Standard(tm) (NGBS), which has undergone the full consensus process and received approval from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Home Innovation Research Labs provides project certification to the NGBS. NGBS applies to both single-family homes and multifamily buildings. Certification options also exist for new construction, remodel projects (both whole-home and functional areas such as a kitchen or bathroom) and land development/subdivision. Homes may qualify for a bronze, silver, gold, or emerald certification level depending on the number of green building practices met. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | NgbsSmallProjectsRemodel | Home Innovation Research Labs provides project certification to the NGBS. NGBS applies to both single-family homes and multifamily buildings. Certification options also exist for new construction, remodel projects (both whole-home and functional areas such as a kitchen or bathroom), and land development/subdivision. For the Small Projects Remodel, the functional area (kitchen, bathroom, basement, addition) is either certified or not. Unlike other NGBS certifications, multiple certification levels (bronze, silver, gold, or emerald) do not exist for this certification option. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | NgbsWholeHomeRemodel | Home Innovation Research Labs provides project certification to the NGBS. NGBS applies to both single-family homes and multifamily buildings. Certification options also exist for new construction, remodel projects (both whole-home and functional areas such as a kitchen or bathroom), and land development/subdivision. Homes may qualify for a bronze, silver, gold, or emerald certification level depending on the number of green building practices met. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | None | None (GreenBuildingVerificationType). |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | Other | Other (GreenBuildingVerificationType). |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | PearlCertification | Pearl is a national firm that provides third-party certification of high-performing homes (residential, 1-4 units) at various levels. For more information, visit https://pearlcertification.com/. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | PhiusPlus | Super-insulated homes that have met certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | Unknown | Unknown. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | Watersense | EPA WaterSense is a set of optional construction practices and technologies (above minimum code requirements) that builders can follow to ensure a home uses less water while still providing the same level of comfort and convenience. WaterSense also applies to specific plumbing fixtures (see InteriorFeatures) and should not be confused with the whole-house label. |
GreenBuildingVerificationType | ZeroEnergyReadyHome | DOE Zero Energy Ready Home is a set of optional construction practices and technologies (above minimum code and ENERGY STAR Certified Home requirements) that builders can follow to ensure high-performance homes so energy efficient all or most annual energy consumption can be offset with renewable energy. Guidelines are outlined in the "DOE Zero Energy Ready Home National Program Requirements." |
Name | Value | Description |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Appliances | For purposes of marketing, the property has appliances that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Construction | For purposes of marketing, the property has construction that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Doors | For purposes of marketing, the property has doors that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | EnergyRecoveryVentilator | An energy-recovery system preconditions the fresh incoming air to match the indoor air temperature by recovering energy from the outgoing air. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | ExposureShade | For purposes of marketing, the property has exposure/shade that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | HealthyLivingFeatures | The property has healthy living features. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Hvac | For purposes of marketing, the property has a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Incentives | For purposes of marketing, the property has incentives that have some green/efficiency focus. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Insulation | For purposes of marketing, the property has insulation that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Lighting | For purposes of marketing, the property has lighting that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Materials | The property contains green energy efficient materials. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Other | Other (GreenEnergyEfficient). |
GreenEnergyEfficient | RadiantAtticBarrier | Radiant Attic Barrier. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | RainFreezeSensors | Rain/Freeze Sensors. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Roof | For purposes of marketing, the property has a roof that has some green/efficient rating or quality. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | SeeRemarks | See Remarks |
GreenEnergyEfficient | SolarFeatures | Property has some solar features |
GreenEnergyEfficient | SolarPanels | Solar Panel(s) |
GreenEnergyEfficient | SolarPanelsLeased | Solar Panel(s) Leased |
GreenEnergyEfficient | SolarScreens | Solar Screens. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Sustainability | The property has sustainable features. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Thermostat | For purposes of marketing, the property has thermostat(s) that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | WaterConservation | The property has water conservation methods. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | WaterHeater | For purposes of marketing, the property has a water heater that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
GreenEnergyEfficient | Windows | For purposes of marketing, the property has windows that have some green/efficient rating or quality. |
Name | Value | Description |
GreenEnergyGeneration | BatteryStorage | Battery storage. |
GreenEnergyGeneration | Geothermal | Geothermal |
GreenEnergyGeneration | GridTied | Grid-tied. |
GreenEnergyGeneration | None | None |
GreenEnergyGeneration | Offgrid | Off Grid. |
GreenEnergyGeneration | Other | Other (GreenEnergyGeneration). |
GreenEnergyGeneration | Solar | Renewable form of onsite power generation. Most common are solar photovoltaic (PV) devices which generate electricity directly from sunlight via an electronic process that occurs naturally in certain types of material, called semiconductors. Powers electrical devices or sends electricity to the grid. See: <a href="http://www.seia.org/policy/solar-technology/photovoltaic-solar-electric">http://www.seia.org/policy/solar-technology/photovoltaic-solar-electric</a> |
GreenEnergyGeneration | Wind | Renewable form of onsite power generation. Wind turbines use wind to make electricity. Powers electrical devices or sends electricity to the grid. See: <a href="http://energy.gov/eere/wind/how-do-wind-turbines-work">http://energy.gov/eere/wind/how-do-wind-turbines-work</a> |
Name | Value | Description |
GreenIndoorAirQuality | ContaminantControl | Property has been carefully designed to prevent, monitor, and suppress pollution issues. Carefully selected low-emission materials have been used in the home. May include passive or active radon control, carbon monoxide monitoring, and high-efficiency sealed combustion for equipment such as furnaces and water heaters. May include elimination of materials that contain lead or asbestos. May include reduction of materials that contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs, including formaldehyde) and pesticides. |
GreenIndoorAirQuality | Filtration | Filtration |
GreenIndoorAirQuality | IntegratedPestManagement | Property is designed for systematic management of pests that uses prevention, exclusion, monitoring, and suppression. |
GreenIndoorAirQuality | LowVocPaintMaterials | Low VOC Paint/Materials. |
GreenIndoorAirQuality | MoistureControl | Every foundation, roof, roofing component, exterior wall, door, skylight, and window is designed and maintained to be watertight and free of persistent dampness or moisture. |
GreenIndoorAirQuality | RadonMitigationSystem | Radon Mitigation System |
GreenIndoorAirQuality | Ventilation | Furnaces, water heaters, woodstoves, and other devices that employ combustion-burning fuel are vented to the outside in a manner that meets manufacturer specifications to prevent back-drafting. Natural and/or mechanical ventilation delivers fresh air to every habitable room and bathroom to remove moisture laden air and other contaminants generated during cooking and bathing/showering. The air exhausted from a bathroom, toilet room, or kitchen does not vent into habitable space or an attic. |
GreenIndoorAirQuality | WholeHouseExhaustOnlyVentilation | Exhaust-only ventilation effectively rids a space of stale indoor air. |
Name | Value | Description |
GreenLocation | CarChargingStation | Car Charging Station. |
GreenLocation | None | None (GreenLocation). |
GreenLocation | Other | Other (GreenLocation). |
GreenLocation | PublicTransportation | Public transportation. |
GreenLocation | Walkability | Walkability. |
Name | Value | Description |
GreenSustainability | BiodegradableMaterials | Biodegradable Materials. |
GreenSustainability | ConservingMethods | Construction is planned to require fewer materials while maintaining structural integrity. May include advanced wall framing as documented in several major green building programs. May also include indigenous construction methods such as straw bale, sod, clay, etc., based on local climate, materials, and practices. |
GreenSustainability | OnsiteRecyclingCenter | Property includes sufficient built-in storage space and/ or containers for temporary storage of recyclable materials and/or compost collection. |
GreenSustainability | ProductiveVeggieGarden | Productive Veggie Garden |
GreenSustainability | RecyclableMaterials | Structure includes multiple products that have a significant amount of postconsumer recycled content. Major green building programs tend to use 25 percent postconsumer recycled content as a threshold. Postindustrial recycled content tends to count toward overall content, but to a less scale. Some more common examples of recycled content materials include masonry, paving stones, or foundations with fly ash; aluminum gutters and downspouts; decking; drywall fibers, insulation, and house wrap; vinyl plastics; countertops; and cabinets, interior doors, or trim. More details are available on Home Innovation Research Labs �Browse Green Certified Products� tool or LEED Environmentally Preferred Products credit table. |
GreenSustainability | RecycledMaterials | Structure includes multiple products that have a significant amount of postconsumer recycled content. Major green building programs tend to use 25 percent postconsumer recycled content as a threshold. Postindustrial recycled content tends to count toward overall content, but to a less scale. Some more common examples of recycled content materials include masonry, paving stones, or foundations with fly ash; aluminum gutters and downspouts; decking; drywall fibers, insulation, and house wrap; vinyl plastics; countertops; and cabinets, interior doors, or trim. More details are available on Home Innovation Research Labs �Browse Green Certified Products� tool or LEED Environmentally Preferred Products credit table. |
GreenSustainability | RegionallySourcedMaterials | Refers to building materials that were manufactured, extracted, harvested, or recovered within 500 miles of the building. Several major green building programs define regionally sourced as within a 500-mile radius. |
GreenSustainability | RenewableMaterials | Structure includes materials that are naturally occurring, abundant, and/or fast-growing materials. Some products are certified to come from fast-growing or otherwise renewable sources such as flooring and wood products. Some materials may be bio-based, which means they have been processed from once-living materials such as paper, straw, soy, natural fibers, and crops. |
GreenSustainability | SalvagedMaterials | Structure incorporates materials that were diverted from a landfill and/or sourced to give an otherwise unused item fresh use as an attached fixture. May include bricks, timbers, roofing, flooring, walls, cabinets, doors, etc. |
Name | Value | Description |
GreenWaterConservation | CompostingToilet | A composting toilet is a waterless toilet that dissolves waste through evaporation and natural decomposition. |
GreenWaterConservation | DualFlushToilet | Dual Flush Toilet. |
GreenWaterConservation | EfficientHotWaterDistribution | Efficient hot water distribution systems are designed to generate hot water using fewer fuel resources, and to get hot water to low-flow faucets and fixtures more quickly. These systems often feature carefully designed plumbing lines that are less redundant and/or shorter. Rather than measuring time to hot water at a fixture in gallons, efficient distribution systems can be measured in cups. EPA WaterSense Guide for Hot Water Distribution as well as several green building programs have further details. This may also be known as Structured Plumbing. |
GreenWaterConservation | GrayWaterSystem | The property includes a grey water system. |
GreenWaterConservation | GreenInfrastructure | Green Infrastructure is a set of strategies and specifically designed systems to manage stormwater runoff through a variety of small, cost-effective landscape features located on a property. Green Infrastructure employs infiltration (allowing water to slowly sink into the soil), evaporation/transpiration using native vegetation, and rainwater capture and reuse (storing runoff to water plants, flush toilets, etc.). May include green roof, rain gardens, rain barrels, permeable paving, etc. EPA Green Infrastructure webpage has more information |
GreenWaterConservation | LowFlowFixtures | Toilets, bathroom faucets, showerheads, irrigation controllers, and other products can be manufactured to use less water than minimum standards. Some products are qualified by third-party programs like the EPA WaterSense and are typically at least 20 percent more water-efficient than standard products. EPA WaterSense website has additional information |
GreenWaterConservation | LowVolumeDripIrrigation | Low Volume/Drip Irrigation. |
GreenWaterConservation | Other | Other (GreenWaterConservation). |
GreenWaterConservation | RainGardens | A water retention feature in landscaping that allows for water runoff from storms to be absorbed slowly. These gardens are often full of native plants, insects, and animals and can serve as a means of water conservation. |
GreenWaterConservation | RainWaterCollection | Rain Water Collection. |
GreenWaterConservation | WaterRecycling | The property includes a system to reuse stormwater via rain barrels or cisterns for landscaping, or to treat and reuse water from bathroom sinks, showers, and clothes washing drains for landscape irrigation and/or toilet flushing. |
GreenWaterConservation | WaterSmartLandscaping | Water-smart landscapes are designed to require less water and fertilizer treatments. These landscapes feature regionally appropriate plants that require low water and are native to the local climate. Plants are organized by hydrozones (watering needs). Any irrigation system is qualified for high water-efficiency. Turfgrass is minimized and grown to the tallest height recommended. Strategic maintenance includes mulching and soil aeration. Other details are documented in EPA�s Water-Smart Landscape Design Tips. |
Name | Value | Description |
GulfAccessType | Bridges | Bridge(s) |
GulfAccessType | NoBridges | No Bridge(s) |
GulfAccessType | NoBridgesWaterDirect | Water Direct |
GulfAccessType | Other | Other |
GulfAccessType | ViaBoatLift | Via Boat Lift |
GulfAccessType | ViaBoatLock | Via Boat Lock |
GulfAccessType | WaterDirect | Water Direct |
GulfAccessType | WaterIndirect | Water Indirect |