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Enumerations E


Name Value Description
Electric Amps100 The electrical features of the property include 100 amp service.
Electric Amps150 The electrical features of the property include 150 amp service.
Electric Amps200OrMore The electrical features of the property include 200+ amp service.
Electric Amps400 400 Amp Service
Electric Amps600 600 Amp Service
Electric Amps800 800 Amp Service
Electric Amps801OrMore 801+ Amp Service
Electric BatteryBackup Battery Backup
Electric CircuitBreakers The electrical features of the property include circuit breakers.
Electric ElectricityOnBond Electricity - On Bond
Electric ElectricityOnProperty Electricity - On Property
Electric EnergyStorageDevice Device(s) that capture energy at one time to be used at a later time. Most commonly these refer to single or groups of stand-alone batteries, such as could be used as back-up power, but it also might include flywheels or other devices to store power.
Electric Fuses The electrical features of the property include fuses.
Electric Generator The electrical features of the property include generator.
Electric GeneratorHookup The electrical features of the property include a generator hookup.
Electric Heavy Heavy
Electric Mixed The electric is of mixed types.
Electric NetMeter Net metering is an electric service that allows electricity generated on a consumer�s site (�on-site�) to offset that consumer�s use. This generation can include (generally small) renewable energy facilities (such as wind, solar power, fuel cells or hydro). Net meters might also be used with energy storage devices such as batteries (stand alone or for electric vehicles). Net meters can �spin backwards� such that at the end of the billing period, the consumer only pays for its use, less what it produced (i.e., the �net�).
Electric None None (Electric).
Electric Other Other (Electric).
Electric Phases3 3 Phase electric.
Electric PhotovoltaicsNone There is no solar photovoltaic system.
Electric PhotovoltaicsOnGrid Photovoltaics on Grid
Electric PhotovoltaicsSellerOwned The electrical features of the property include a solar photovoltaic system that is owned by the seller.
Electric PhotovoltaicsStandAlone Photovoltaics Stand-Alone
Electric PhotovoltaicsThirdPartyOwned The electrical features of the property include a solar photovoltaic system owned by a third party. This is typically a lease but may be some other arrangement where the property owner does not own the photovoltaic system.
Electric PreWiredForRenewables Indicates the electric infrastructure on the property has been extended to more easily incorporate an on-site electric generation facility in the future. This would often include, for example, installing conduit and wire from the generation facility to the electric panel, designating circuits on the panel for that generation, and/or leaving room near the panel for future components, such as an inverter.
Electric ReadyForRenewables Indicates a comprehensive infrastructure is in place on the property to more easily incorporate an on-site electric generation facility in the future. Can be confirmed via supporting documentation such as a checklist provided by the DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes program. Solar-PV ready, for example, would often include extensive efficiency measures such as insulation and appliances, architectural drawings that design for a clear roof space, installing conduit from the attic to the electric panel, dedicated circuits on the electric panel, and leaving room near the panel for future components of a solar electric system, such as an inverter. Local requirements may vary. (source: DOE Zero Energy Ready Home http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2015/05/f22/PV-Ready%20Checklist.pdf )
Electric SeeRemarks See Remarks (Electric)
Electric SinglePhase Single phase electric.
Electric Standard Standard
Electric Underground The electrical features of the property include underground.
Electric Unknown Unknown
Electric Volts110 The electrical features of the property include 110 volts.
Electric Volts220 The electrical features of the property include 220 volts.
Electric Volts220ForSpa The electrical features of the property include 220 volts for spa.
Electric Volts220InGarage The electrical features of the property include 220 volts in garage.
Electric Volts220InKitchen The electrical features of the property include 220 volts in kitchen.
Electric Volts220InLaundry The electrical features of the property include 220 volts in laundry.
Electric Volts220InWorkshop The electrical features of the property include 220 volts in workshop.
Electric Volts220Other 220 Volts Other
Electric Volts240 The electrical features of the property include 240 volts.
Electric Volts440 The electrical features of the property include 440 volts.
Electric WindTurbineSellerOwned A wind turbine is provided on the property to generate electricity. Seller owned turbines are typically considered real property and can be transferred with the property.
Electric WindTurbineThirdPartyOwned A wind turbine is provided on the property to generate electricity. The homeowner enters a lease agreement with the owner of the wind turbine(s). Third-Party Owned turbines indicate a lease or a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) exists. The lease/PPA can o


Name Value Description
ExistingLeaseType AbsoluteNet Also known as a Bondable Lease, the tenant carries every risk in addition to the costs of a NNN Lease.
ExistingLeaseType BaseAndPercentage Base & Percentage lease.
ExistingLeaseType CpiAdjustment An escalation clause/provision in a lease to adjust the amount paid by the tenant (lessee) where the adjustment will follow the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
ExistingLeaseType DepositRequired Deposit Required
ExistingLeaseType EscalationClause A clause or provision in a lease document that set a formula for how rent will increase over time.
ExistingLeaseType Fixed The existing lease type is a fixed lease.
ExistingLeaseType FullService The existing lease type is full service.
ExistingLeaseType Gross A lease agreement where the owner (lessor) pays all property changes normal to ownership. The opposite to net leases where the tenant (lessee) may pay taxes, insurance, maintenance and even for damages that were not caused by the tenant.
ExistingLeaseType GroundLease Typically a long term lease of land where the tenant (lessee) has the right to develop or make improvements.
ExistingLeaseType IndustrialGross Industrial Gross
ExistingLeaseType Modified Modified lease type.
ExistingLeaseType ModifiedGross The existing lease is a modified gross lease.
ExistingLeaseType Net A lease agreement where the tenant pays the real estate taxes.
ExistingLeaseType Nn A lease agreement where the tenant pays real estate taxes and building insurance.
ExistingLeaseType Nnn A lease agreement where the tenant pays real estate taxes, building insurance and maintenance.
ExistingLeaseType None None
ExistingLeaseType NotForLease Not for Lease.
ExistingLeaseType Oral The terms of the lease are agreed orally (not in writing) between the lessee and lessor. Legal restrictions around oral agreements vary from state to state.
ExistingLeaseType Other Other
ExistingLeaseType Percentage The existing lease is percentage lease.
ExistingLeaseType SeeAgent See agent for additional information.
ExistingLeaseType SeeRemarks See Remarks
ExistingLeaseType Sublease Sublease


Name Value Description
Exposures East East exposure.
Exposures North North exposure.
Exposures Northeast Northeast exposure.
Exposures Northwest Northwest exposure.
Exposures South South exposure.
Exposures Southeast Southeast exposure.
Exposures Southwest Southwest exposure.
Exposures Unknown Unknown exposure.
Exposures West West exposure.


Name Value Description
ExteriorFeatures Arbor The exterior features an arbor.
ExteriorFeatures Awnings The property has one or more awnings on it's exterior.
ExteriorFeatures Balcony The property has an exterior balcony.
ExteriorFeatures Barbecue The property has an outdoors barbeque.
ExteriorFeatures BasketballCourt The property has a basketball court.
ExteriorFeatures BlacktopDriveway Blacktop Driveway
ExteriorFeatures BoatLift Boat Lift
ExteriorFeatures BoatLock Boat Lock
ExteriorFeatures BoatRamp Boat Ramp
ExteriorFeatures BoatSlip The property includes a boat slip.
ExteriorFeatures Breezeway Breezeway
ExteriorFeatures BrickDriveway The exterior features a brick driveway.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingAwnings Building Awning(s).
ExteriorFeatures BuildingBalcony Building Balcony.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingBarbecue Building Barbecue.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingBasketballCourt Building Basketball Court.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingBoatSlip Building Boat Slip.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingBuiltInBarbecue Building Built-in Barbecue.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingCourtyard Building Courtyard
ExteriorFeatures BuildingCoveredCourtyard Building Covered Courtyard.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingDock Building Dock.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingDogRun Building Dog Run.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingElectricGrill Building Electric Grill.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingFirePit Building Fire Pit.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingGarden Building Garden
ExteriorFeatures BuildingGasGrill Building Gas Grill.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingGrayWaterSystem Building Gray Water System.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingKennel Building Kennel.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingLighting Building Lighting.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingMistingSystem Building Misting System.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingNone Building None.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingOther Building Other.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingOutdoorGrill Building Outdoor Grill.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingOutdoorKitchen Building Outdoor Kitchen.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingOutdoorShower Building Outdoor Shower.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingPermeablePaving Building Permeable Paving.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingPlayground Building Playground.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingRainBarrelCisterns Building Rain Barrel/Cistern(s).
ExteriorFeatures BuildingRainGutters Building Rain Gutters.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingRoofDeck Building Roof Deck
ExteriorFeatures BuildingRvHookup Building RV Hookup.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingStorage Building Storage.
ExteriorFeatures BuildingTennisCourts Building Tennis Court(s).
ExteriorFeatures BuildingUncoveredCourtyard Building Uncovered Courtyard.
ExteriorFeatures BuiltInBarbecue The property has a built-in outdoor barbeque.
ExteriorFeatures BurglarBar The property has burglar bars on parts of the exterior.
ExteriorFeatures ChimneyCaps Chimney Cap(s)
ExteriorFeatures CircularDriveway Circular Driveway.
ExteriorFeatures Columns The exterior features columns.
ExteriorFeatures ConcreteDriveway The driveway is concrete.
ExteriorFeatures CornerLot Corner Lot.
ExteriorFeatures Courtyard The property has a courtyard.
ExteriorFeatures CoveredCourtyard The property has a covered courtyard.
ExteriorFeatures CoveredPatio Covered Patio.
ExteriorFeatures Curb Curb.
ExteriorFeatures Deck Deck.
ExteriorFeatures DirtDriveway Dirt Driveway
ExteriorFeatures Dock The property includes a dock.
ExteriorFeatures DogRun The property has a dog run.
ExteriorFeatures ElectricGrill The property has an outdoor electric grill.
ExteriorFeatures Elevator Elevator
ExteriorFeatures EnclosedPorch Enclosed Porch.
ExteriorFeatures EntryFlatOrRampedAccess Entry Flat or Ramped Access
ExteriorFeatures ExteriorSteps The property has exterior steps.
ExteriorFeatures Fence Fence.
ExteriorFeatures FirePit The property has an outdoor fire pit.
ExteriorFeatures FrenchPatioDoors French Patio Doors.
ExteriorFeatures FruitTrees Fruit Trees.
ExteriorFeatures FullyFenced Fully Fenced.
ExteriorFeatures Garden The property has a garden.
ExteriorFeatures GasGrill The property has an outdoor gas grill.
ExteriorFeatures GolfCourseAccess Golf Course Access.
ExteriorFeatures GravelDriveway Gravel Driveway.
ExteriorFeatures GrayWaterSystem The property has a grey water system.
ExteriorFeatures Greenhouse Greenhouse.
ExteriorFeatures HandicapAccessible Handicap Accessible.
ExteriorFeatures HeatedDriveway Heated Driveway.
ExteriorFeatures HeatedWalkway The exterior features a heated walkway.
ExteriorFeatures HorseFacilities Horse Facilities.
ExteriorFeatures HotTubSpa Hot Tub/Spa.
ExteriorFeatures InWallPestControlSystem In-wall pest control systems work through a network of tubes that run through the wall, attaching to an outside port.
ExteriorFeatures JulietBalcony Juliet Balcony
ExteriorFeatures Kennel The property has a kennel.
ExteriorFeatures KoiPond The exterior features a koi pond.
ExteriorFeatures LandscapeLights Landscape Lights.
ExteriorFeatures Landscaping Landscaping.
ExteriorFeatures Lighting The property has exterior lighting.
ExteriorFeatures MatureTreesLandscape Mature Trees/Landscape.
ExteriorFeatures MistingSystem The property has a misting system.
ExteriorFeatures MultipleEntryFlatOrRamped Multiple Entry Flat or Ramped
ExteriorFeatures NoExteriorSteps The property has no exterior steps.
ExteriorFeatures None The property has no exterior features.
ExteriorFeatures Other The property has exterior features other than those in this list.
ExteriorFeatures OutBuildings Out Building(s).
ExteriorFeatures OutdoorGrill The property has an outdoor grill.
ExteriorFeatures OutdoorKitchen The property has an outdoor kitchen.
ExteriorFeatures OutdoorLivingArea The exterior features an area for an outdoor living space.
ExteriorFeatures OutdoorShower The property has an outdoor shower.
ExteriorFeatures Patio Patio.
ExteriorFeatures PavedDriveway Paved Driveway.
ExteriorFeatures PermeablePaving The property has preamble paving that allows fluids to run through the paving to the below ground or channeling.
ExteriorFeatures Playground The property has a playground.
ExteriorFeatures PlayStructure Play Structure.
ExteriorFeatures Pool Pool.
ExteriorFeatures Porch Porch.
ExteriorFeatures PrivacyWall The exterior features include a privacy wall
ExteriorFeatures PrivateEntrance The property has a private entrance.
ExteriorFeatures PrivateYard The property has a private yard.
ExteriorFeatures PropaneTankLeased The exterior features a propane tank that is leased.
ExteriorFeatures PropaneTankOwned The exterior features a propane tank that is owned.
ExteriorFeatures RainBarrelCisterns The property has a cistern for water collection.
ExteriorFeatures RainGutters The structure has rain gutters.
ExteriorFeatures RoomForPool Room For Pool.
ExteriorFeatures RvHookup The property has hookups for recreational vehicles.
ExteriorFeatures RvParkingRvHookup RV Parking/RV Hookup.
ExteriorFeatures SatelliteDish Satellite Dish.
ExteriorFeatures SecurityHighImpactDoors Security/High Impact Doors.
ExteriorFeatures SecurityLighting Security Lighting.
ExteriorFeatures SeeRemarks See Remarks
ExteriorFeatures Shed Shed.
ExteriorFeatures ShuttersElectric Shutters Electric
ExteriorFeatures ShuttersManual Shutters Manual
ExteriorFeatures SideEntryAccess Side Entry Access
ExteriorFeatures Skirting The exterior of the property has skirting.
ExteriorFeatures SlidingGlassPatioDoors Sliding Glass Patio Doors.
ExteriorFeatures SmartCamerasRecording A camera or recording control unit that has convenience and energy-saving aspects. A smart camera may also integrate with a larger smart home system and typically operates through a third-party service.
ExteriorFeatures SmartIrrigation An irragation system that has convenience and energy-saving aspects. A smart irrigation system may also integrate with a larger smart home system and typically operates through a third-party service.
ExteriorFeatures SmartLights A lighting control unit that has convenience and energy-saving aspects. Smart lights may also integrate with a larger smart home system and typically operates through a third-party service.
ExteriorFeatures SmartLocks A locking system that has convenience and safety aspects. A smart-locking system may also integrate with a larger smart home system and typically operates through a third-party service.
ExteriorFeatures SoundSystem Sound System
ExteriorFeatures SportCourt The exterior features a sport court.
ExteriorFeatures SprinklerIrrigation Sprinkler/Irrigation.
ExteriorFeatures StampedConcreteDriveway The driveway is stamped concrete.
ExteriorFeatures StoneWall The exterior features a stone wall.
ExteriorFeatures Storage The property has external storage.
ExteriorFeatures StormSecurityShutters Storm/Security Shutters.
ExteriorFeatures StormShelter Storm Shelter.
ExteriorFeatures StormWindowsDoors Storm Windows/Doors.
ExteriorFeatures StreetLamp Street Lamp.
ExteriorFeatures TarAndGravelDriveway Tar and Gravel Driveway
ExteriorFeatures TennisCourts The property has one or more tennis courts.
ExteriorFeatures TvAntenna TV Antenna
ExteriorFeatures UncoveredCourtyard The property has an uncovered courtyard.
ExteriorFeatures UndergroundUtilities Underground Utilities.
ExteriorFeatures UnpavedDriveway Unpaved Driveway
ExteriorFeatures WaterFeature Water Feature.
ExteriorFeatures Workshop Workshop.