Expand Drawer

Enumerations A-C


Name Value Description
AOR AbileneAssociationOfRealtors Abilene Association Of Realtors
AOR AdaCountyAssociationOfRealtors Ada County Association of REALTORS
AOR AkronClevelandAssociationOfRealtors Akron Cleveland Association of REALTORS
AOR AlamanceMlsInc Alamance MLS Inc
AOR Alameda Alameda
AOR AlbemarleAreaAssociationOfRealtors Albemarle Area Association Of REALTORS
AOR AlbertaRealEstateAssociation Alberta Real Estate Association
AOR AlbertaWestRealtorsAssociation Alberta West REALTORS Association
AOR AlbuquerqueBoardOfRealtors Albuquerque Board of REALTORS
AOR AliceBoardOfRealtors Alice Board Of Realtors
AOR Amador Amador
AOR AmarilloAssociationOfRealtors Amarillo Association Of Realtors
AOR AmeliaIslandNassauCountyAssocOfRealtorsInc Amelia Island-Nassau County Assoc of Realtors Inc
AOR AnnArborAreaBoardOfRealtors Ann Arbor Area Board of REALTORS
AOR AnneArundelCountyAssociationOfRealtors Anne Arundel County Association of REALTORS
AOR AntelopeValley Antelope Valley
AOR AntrimCharlevoixKalkaskaAssociationOfRealtors Antrim Charlevoix Kalkaska Association of REALTORS
AOR Arcadia Arcadia
AOR ArkansasRegionalMlsLlc Arkansas Regional MLS, LLC
AOR ArkansasValleyBoardOfRealtors Arkansas Valley Board of Realtors
AOR ArlingtonBoardOfRealtors Arlington Board Of Realtors
AOR AsheboroRandolphBoardOfRealtors Asheboro Randolph Board of Realtors
AOR AshevilleBoardOfRealtors Asheville Board of Realtors
AOR AshtabulaCountyRealtors Ashtabula County REALTORS
AOR AspenBoardOfRealtors Aspen Board of Realtors
AOR AspireNorthRealtors Aspire North REALTORS
AOR AssociationOfInteriorRealtors Association of Interior REALTORS
AOR AssociationOfReginaRealtors Association of Regina REALTORS
AOR AssociationOfSaskatchewanRealtors Association of Saskatchewan REALTORS
AOR Atascadero Atascadero
AOR AthensAreaAssociationOfRealtors Athens Area Association of REALTORS
AOR AtlantaBoardOfRealtors Atlanta Board of Realtors
AOR AtlantaCommercialBoardOfRealtors Atlanta Commercial Board of Realtors
AOR AtlanticCityAndCountyBoardOfRealtors Atlantic City and County Board of REALTORS
AOR AuroraAssociationOfRealtors Aurora Association of Realtors
AOR AustinBoardOfRealtors Austin Board of Realtors.
AOR AveryWataugaAssociationOfRealtors Avery Watauga Association of Realtors
AOR BagnellDamAssociationOfRealtors Bagnell Dam Association Of Realtors
AOR BancroftAndAreaAssociationOfRealtors Bancroft and Area Association of REALTORS
AOR BarrieAndDistrictAssociationOfRealtors Barrie & District Association of REALTORS
AOR BarryEatonBoardOfRealtors Barry Eaton Board of REALTORS
AOR Bartow Bartow
AOR BastropAssociationOfRealtors Bastrop Association Of Realtors
AOR BattleCreekAreaAssociationOfRealtors Battle Creek Area Association of REALTORS
AOR BayCountyRealtorAssociation Bay County REALTOR Association
AOR BayEast Bay East
AOR BayouBoardOfRealtors Bayou Board of REALTORS
AOR BcNorthernRealEstateBoard BC Northern Real Estate Board
AOR BeachesmlsFlexmls BeachesMLS (Flexmls)
AOR BeachesmlsMatrix BeachesMLS (Matrix)
AOR BeaumontBoardOfRealtorsInc Beaumont Board Of Realtors Inc
AOR BeaverCreekAreaAssociationOfRealtors Beaver Creek Area Association of REALTORS
AOR BemidjiBoardOfRealtors Bemidji Board of Realtors
AOR Berkeley Berkeley
AOR BeverlyHillsGreaterLa Beverly Hills/Greater LA
AOR BigBearAssociationOfRealtors Big Bear Association of REALTORS
AOR BigSkyCountryMls Big Sky Country MLS
AOR BillingsAssociationOfRealtors Billings Association Of REALTORS
AOR BitterrootValleyBoardOfRealtors Bitterroot Valley Board of REALTORS
AOR BlueRidgeAssociationOfRealtors Blue Ridge Association Of REALTORS
AOR BoiseRegionalRealtors Boise Regional REALTORS
AOR BonitaSprings Bonita Springs
AOR BootheelRegionalBoardOfRealtors Bootheel Regional Board of REALTORS
AOR BoulderAreaRealtorsAssociation Boulder Area Realtors Association
AOR BramptonRealEstateBoard Brampton Real Estate Board
AOR BranchCountyAssociationOfRealtors Branch County Association of REALTORS
AOR BrandonAreaRealtors Brandon Area REALTORS
AOR BrantfordRegionalRealEstateAssociationInc Brantford Regional Real Estate Association Inc.
AOR BrazoriaCountyBoardOfRealtors Brazoria County Board Of Realtors
AOR BrevardBoardOfRealtors Brevard Board of Realtors
AOR BridgeAssociationOfRealtors Bridge Association Of REALTORS
AOR Bridgeport Bridgeport
AOR BrightMls Bright MLS
AOR BritishColumbiaRealEstateAssociation British Columbia Real Estate Association
AOR BrooklynNewYorkMls Brooklyn New York MLS
AOR BrownsvilleSouthPadreIslandBoardOfRealtors Brownsville South Padre Island Board Of REALTORS
AOR BrownwoodBoardOfRealtorsInc Brownwood Board Of Realtors Inc
AOR BrunswickCountyBoardOfRealtors Brunswick County Board of Realtors
AOR BryanCollegeStationRegionalAor Bryan College Station Regional AOR
AOR BucksCountyAssociationOfRealtors Bucks County Association of REALTORS
AOR Buffalo Buffalo
AOR BuffaloNiagaraAssociationOfRealtorsInc Buffalo Niagara Association of Realtors Inc
AOR Burbank Burbank
AOR BurkeCountyBoardOfRealtorsInc Burke County Board of Realtors Inc
AOR BurlingtonAlamanceCountyAssociationOfRealtors Burlington Alamance County Association Of REALTORS
AOR CalaverasCountyAssociationOfRealtors Calaveras County Association of Realtors
AOR CalgaryRealEstateBoard Calgary Real Estate Board
AOR CaliforniaDesert California Desert
AOR CaliforniaRegionalMls California Regional MLS
AOR CambridgeAssociationOfRealtorsInc Cambridge Association of REALTORS Inc.
AOR CanopyMls Canopy MLS
AOR CapeFearRealtors Cape Fear REALTORS
AOR CapeMayCountyAssociationOfRealtors Cape May County Association of REALTORS
AOR CarbonCountyBoardOfRealtors Carbon County Board of REALTORS
AOR CarlisleBoardOfRealtors Carlisle Board of REALTORS
AOR CarolinaMls Carolina MLS
AOR CarolinasSmokiesAssociationOfRealtors Carolinas Smokies Association of Realtors
AOR CarteretCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Carteret County Association of Realtors Inc
AOR CatawbaValleyAssociationOfRealtors Catawba Valley Association of Realtors
AOR CedarRapidsAreaAssociationOfRealtors Cedar Rapids Area Association Of Realtors
AOR CentralAlbertaRealtorsAssociation Central Alberta REALTORS Association
AOR CentralCarolinaAssociationOfRealtors Central Carolina Association of Realtors
AOR CentralHillCountryBoardOfRealtorsInc Central Hill Country Board Of Realtors Inc
AOR CentralIllinoisBoardOfRealtors Central Illinois Board Of REALTORS
AOR CentralizedRealEstateInfo Centralized Real Estate Info
AOR CentralJerseyMls Central Jersey MLS
AOR CentralMichiganAssociationOfRealtors Central Michigan Association of REALTORS
AOR CentralOzarksBoardOfRealtorsAssociation Central Ozarks Board Of REALTORS Association
AOR CentralPanhandleAssociationOfRealtors Central Panhandle Association of REALTORS
AOR CentralPasco Central Pasco
AOR CentralTexasCcimChapter Central Texas Ccim Chapter
AOR CentralTexasCommercialAssociationOfRealtors Central Texas Commercial Association Of Realtors
AOR CentralTexasMls Central Texas MLS
AOR CentralValley Central Valley
AOR CentralVirginiaRegionalMls Central Virginia Regional MLS
AOR CentralWisconsinBoardOfRealtors Central Wisconsin Board of REALTORS
AOR ChapelHillBoardOfRealtorsInc Chapel Hill Board of Realtors Inc
AOR Char Char
AOR CharlestonTridentAssociationOfRealtors Charleston Trident Association Of REALTORS
AOR CharlotteRegionalRealtorAssociationInc Charlotte Regional Realtor Association Inc
AOR CharlottesvilleAreaAssociationOfRealtors Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors
AOR ChathamKentAssociationOfRealtors Chatham-Kent Association of REALTORS
AOR ChautauquaCattaraugus Chautauqua-Cattaraugus
AOR CherokeeCountyBoardOfRealtors Cherokee County Board of Realtors
AOR ChesapeakeBayAreaMls Chesapeake Bay Area MLS
AOR ChicagoAssociationOfRealtorsInc Chicago Association of Realtors Inc
AOR ChilliwackAndDistrictRealEstateBoard Chilliwack & District Real Estate Board
AOR ChsRegionalMls CHS Regional MLS
AOR CitrusValley Citrus Valley
AOR CitrusValleyAssociationOfRealtors Citrus Valley Association of Realtors
AOR ClareGladwinBoardOfRealtors Clare Gladwin Board of REALTORS
AOR ClevelandCountyAssociationOfRealtors Cleveland County Association of Realtors
AOR CoastalCarolinasAssociationOfRealtors Coastal Carolinas Association of Realtors
AOR CoastalMendocino Coastal Mendocino
AOR CoastalPlainsAssociationOfRealtors Coastal Plains Association Of REALTORS
AOR CobbAssociationOfRealtors Cobb Association of Realtors
AOR CochraneAndTimiskamingDistrictsAssociationOfRealtors Cochrane & Timiskaming Districts Association of REALTORS
AOR ColinCountyAssociationOfRealtors Colin County Association Of Realtors
AOR CollinCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Collin County Association of Realtors Inc
AOR ColoradoAssociationOfRealtors Colorado Association of Realtors
AOR CommercialAllianceOfRealtors Commercial Alliance of REALTORS
AOR CommercialAssociationOfRealtorsOfNewMexico Commercial Association of REALTORS of New Mexico
AOR CommercialBoard Commercial Board
AOR Conejo Conejo
AOR ContraCosta Contra Costa
AOR CookeCountyBoardOfRealtors Cooke County Board Of Realtors
AOR CornwallAndDistrictRealEstateBoard Cornwall and District Real Estate Board
AOR CorpusChristi Corpus Christi
AOR Cortland Cortland
AOR CoshoctonCountyBoardOfRealtors Coshocton County Board of REALTORS
AOR CraigAssociationOfRealtors Craig Association of Realtors
AOR Crisnet CRISNet
AOR CumberlandCountyBoardOfRealtors Cumberland County Board Of REALTORS
AOR Darien Darien
AOR DaytonaBeachAreaAssociationOfRealtors Daytona Beach Area Association of Realtors
AOR DaytonAreaBoardOfRealtors Dayton Area Board of REALTORS
AOR DearbornAreaBoardOfRealtors Dearborn Area Board Of REALTORS
AOR DekalbBoardOfRealtorsInc Dekalb Board of Realtors Inc
AOR DelRioBoardOfRealtors Del Rio Board Of REALTORS
AOR Delta Delta
AOR DeltaAssociationOfRealtors Delta Association of Realtors
AOR DeltaCountyBoardOfRealtors Delta County Board of REALTORS
AOR DenverBoardOfRealtors Denver Board of Realtors
AOR DenverMetroAssocOfRealtors Denver Metro Assoc of Realtors
AOR DenverMetroCommAssocRealtor Denver Metro Comm Assoc Realtor
AOR DesertCommunities Desert Communities
AOR DesertMls Desert MLS
AOR DesMoinesAreaAssociationOfRealtors Des Moines Area Association of REALTORS
AOR Desoto DeSoto
AOR DetroitAssociationOfRealtors Detroit Association Of REALTORS
AOR DoorCountyBoardOfRealtors Door County Board of REALTORS
AOR Downey Downey
AOR DownRiverAssociationOfRealtors Down River Association of REALTORS
AOR DullesAreaAssociationOfRealtors Dulles Area Association of REALTORS
AOR DuluthAreaAssociationOfRealtors Duluth Area Association of REALTORS
AOR DurangoAreaAssociationOfRealtors Durango Area Association of Realtors
AOR DurhamAssociationOfRealtors Durham Association of Realtors
AOR DurhamRegionAssociationOfRealtors Durham Region Association of REALTORS
AOR EastAlabamaBoardOfRealtors East Alabama Board of Realtors
AOR EastBayRecip East Bay Recip
AOR EastBayRegionalDataMls East Bay Regional Data MLS
AOR EastCentralAssociationOfRealtors East Central Association of REALTORS
AOR EasternCt Eastern CT
AOR EasternThumbAssociationOfRealtors Eastern Thumb Association of REALTORS
AOR EasternUpperPeninsulaAssociationOfRealtors Eastern Upper Peninsula Association of REALTORS
AOR EastPasco East Pasco
AOR EastPolk East Polk
AOR EastValley East Valley
AOR EastValleyRedlands East Valley (Redlands)
AOR EastValleyYucaipa East Valley (Yucaipa)
AOR ElkoCountyAssociationOfRealtors Elko County Association of Realtors
AOR EllisHillAssociationOfRealtors Ellis Hill Association Of Realtors
AOR ElmiraCorningRegionalAssociationOfRealtors Elmira-Corning Regional Association Of REALTORS
AOR ElPasoAssociationOfRealtors El Paso Association Of Realtors
AOR EmeraldCoastAssociationOfRealtors Emerald Coast Association of REALTORS
AOR EmmetAssociationOfRealtors Emmet Association of REALTORS
AOR Englewood Englewood
AOR EstesParkBoardOfRealtors Estes Park Board of Realtors
AOR FargoMoorheadAreaAssociationOfRealtors Fargo Moorhead Area Association Of REALTORS
AOR FayettevilleAssociationOfRealtorsInc Fayetteville Association of Realtors Inc
AOR FirelandsAssociationOfRealtors Firelands Association Of REALTORS
AOR FirstMls First MLS
AOR Flagler Flagler
AOR FloridaGulfCoast Florida Gulf Coast.
AOR FoothillsRealtorAssociationOfNorthCarolina Foothills REALTOR Association Of North Carolina
AOR FortCollinsBoardOfRealtors Fort Collins Board of Realtors
AOR FortHoodAreaAssociationOfRealtors Fort Hood Area Association of REALTORS
AOR FortMcmurrayRealEstateBoard Fort McMurray Real Estate Board
AOR FortSmithBoardOfRealtors Fort Smith Board of Realtors
AOR FourCornersBoardOfRealtors Four Corners Board of REALTORS
AOR FourRiversAssociationOfRealtors Four Rivers Association of REALTORS
AOR FranklinBoardOfRealtors Franklin Board of Realtors
AOR FraserValleyRealEstateBoard Fraser Valley Real Estate Board
AOR FredericksburgAreaAssociationOfRealtors Fredericksburg Area Association of REALTORS
AOR Fresno Fresno
AOR FtLauderdale Ft. Lauderdale
AOR GainesvilleAlachua Gainesville-Alachua
AOR GallatinAssociationOfRealtors Gallatin Association of REALTORS
AOR GalvestonAssociationOfRealtors Galveston Association Of REALTORS
AOR GardenCityMls Garden City MLS
AOR GastonAssociationOfRealtors Gaston Association of Realtors
AOR GeorgiaMls Georgia MLS
AOR GeorgiaUpstateLakesBoardOfRealtors Georgia Upstate Lakes Board of Realtors
AOR Glendale Glendale
AOR GlendaleWestMaricopaBoardOfRealtorsInc Glendale West Maricopa Board Of Realtors Inc
AOR GlenwoodSpringsAssociationRealtors Glenwood Springs Association/Realtors
AOR GloucesterSalemCountiesBoardOfRealtors Gloucester Salem Counties Board of REALTORS
AOR GoldenIslesAssociationOfRealtors Golden Isles Association of Realtors
AOR GranburyAssociationOfRealtors Granbury Association Of Realtors
AOR GrandCountyBoardOfRealtors Grand County Board of Realtors
AOR GrandePrairieAndAreaAssociationOfRealtors Grande Prairie & Area Association of REALTORS
AOR GrandJunctionRealtorAssociation Grand Junction Realtor Association
AOR GrandPrairieBoardOfRealtors Grand Prairie Board Of Realtors
AOR GrandRapidsAssociationOfRealtors Grand Rapids Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterAlexandriaAreaAssociationOfRealtors Greater Alexandria Area Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterAugustaAssociationOfRealtorsInc Greater Augusta Association of Realtors Inc
AOR GreaterBaltimoreBoardOfRealtors Greater Baltimore Board of REALTORS
AOR GreaterBatonRougeAssociationOfRealtors Greater Baton Rouge Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterBergenRealtors Greater Bergen REALTORS
AOR GreaterBinghamtonAssociationOfRealtors Greater Binghamton Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterBostonRealEstateBoard Greater Boston Real Estate Board
AOR GreaterCapitalAreaAssociationOfRealtors Greater Capital Area Association of Realtors
AOR GreaterCapitalAssociationOfRealtorsInc Greater Capital Association of REALTORS, Inc.
AOR GreaterCentralLouisianaRealtorsAssociation Greater Central Louisiana REALTORS Association
AOR GreaterChattanoogaMls Greater Chattanooga MLS
AOR GreaterColumbiaAssociationOfRealtorsInc Greater Columbia Association of Realtors Inc
AOR GreaterDentonWiseAssociationOfRealtors Greater Denton Wise Association Of Realtors
AOR GreaterErieBoardOfRealtors Greater Erie Board Of Realtors
AOR GreaterFairfield Greater Fairfield
AOR GreaterFortWorthAssociationOfRealtors Greater Fort Worth Association Of Realtors
AOR GreaterFtLauderdaleRealtors Greater Ft Lauderdale REALTORS
AOR GreaterGreenvilleAssocOfRealtors Greater Greenville Assoc of Realtors
AOR GreaterHarrisburgAssociationOfRealtors Greater Harrisburg Association Of REALTORS
AOR GreaterHartford Greater Hartford
AOR GreaterHartfordAssociationOfRealtorsrInc Greater Hartford Association of Realtorsr Inc
AOR GreaterKalamazooAssociationOfRealtors Greater Kalamazoo Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterLakesAssociationOfRealtors Greater Lakes Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterLansingAssociationOfRealtors Greater Lansing Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterLasVegasAssociationOfRealtorsInc Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors Inc
AOR GreaterLewisvilleAssociationOfRealtors Greater Lewisville Association Of Realtors
AOR GreaterMcallenAssociationOfRealtors Greater McAllen Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterMetropolitanAssociationOfRealtors Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterMetroWestAssociationRealtorsInc Greater Metro West Association Realtors Inc
AOR GreaterNashvilleAssociationOfRealtorsInc Greater Nashville Association of Realtors Inc
AOR GreaterNewHavenAssociationOfRealtorsInc Greater New Haven Association of Realtors Inc
AOR GreaterNewMilford Greater New Milford
AOR GreaterPhiladelphiaAssociationOfRealtors Greater Philadelphia Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterPiedmontRealtors Greater Piedmont REALTORS
AOR GreaterRegionalAllianceOfRealtors Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
AOR GreaterRochesterAssociationOfRealtorsInc Greater Rochester Association of Realtors Inc
AOR GreaterScrantonBoardOfRealtors Greater Scranton Board Of REALTORS
AOR GreaterShiawasseeAssociationOfRealtors Greater Shiawassee Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterSouthernMls Greater Southern MLS
AOR GreaterTampaAssociationOfRealtors Greater Tampa Association of Realtors
AOR GreaterTexomaAssociationOfRealtors Greater Texoma Association Of Realtors
AOR GreaterTylerAssociationOfRealtorsInc Greater Tyler Association Of Realtors Inc
AOR GreaterUnionCountyAssociationOfRealtors Greater Union County Association of REALTORS
AOR GreaterVancouverRealtors Greater Vancouver REALTORS
AOR GreaterWaterbury Greater Waterbury
AOR GreatFallsAssociationOfRealtors Great Falls Association of REALTORS
AOR GreeleyAreaRealtorAssociation Greeley Area Realtor Association
AOR GreensboroRegionalRealtorsAssociation Greensboro Regional REALTORS Association
AOR GreenValleySahuaritaAssociationOfRealtors Green Valley Sahuarita Association of REALTORS
AOR Greenwich Greenwich
AOR GrossePointeBoardOfRealtors Grosse Pointe Board of REALTORS
AOR GuelphAndDistrictAssociationOfRealtors Guelph & District Association of REALTORS
AOR GuernseyMuskingumValleyAssociationOfRealtors Guernsey-Muskingum Valley Association of REALTORS
AOR GulfCoastMls Gulf Coast MLS
AOR GulfSouthRealEstateInformationNetworkInc Gulf South Real Estate Information Network Inc
AOR GunnisonCountryAssociationRealtors Gunnison Country Association/Realtors
AOR GunnisonCrestedButteAssociationOfRealtors Gunnison-Crested Butte Association of REALTORS
AOR HamptonRoadsRealtorsAssociationInc Hampton Roads Realtors Association Inc
AOR HarlingenBoardOfRealtors Harlingen Board Of REALTORS
AOR HarrisonDistrictBoardOfRealtors Harrison District Board Of REALTORS
AOR HaywoodCountyBoardOfRealtors Haywood County Board of Realtors
AOR Heartland Heartland
AOR HeartlandAssociationOfRealtors Heartland Association Of Realtors
AOR HeartOfIowaRegionalBoardOfRealtors Heart of Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS
AOR HelenaAssociationOfRealtors Helena Association of REALTORS
AOR HemetSanJacinto Hemet-San Jacinto
AOR HendersonCountyBoardOfRealtors Henderson County Board Of Realtors
AOR HendersonvilleBoardOfRealtors Hendersonville Board of Realtors
AOR HerefordBoardOfRealtors Hereford Board Of Realtors
AOR HernandoCountyAssociationOfRealtors Hernando County Association of Realtors
AOR HgarHudsonGatewayAssociationOfRealtors HGAR Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors
AOR HiCentral HI Central
AOR HighCountryAssociationOfRealtorsInc High Country Association of Realtors Inc.
AOR HighDesert High Desert
AOR HighlandLakesAssociationOfRealtors Highland Lakes Association Of Realtors
AOR HighlandsCashiersBoardOfRealtors Highlands Cashiers Board of Realtors
AOR HighPointRegionalAssocOfRealtorsInc High Point Regional Assoc of Realtors Inc.
AOR HillsdaleCountyBoardOfRealtors Hillsdale County Board of REALTORS
AOR HiltonHeadAreaAssociationOfRealtors Hilton Head Area Association of Realtors
AOR HiltonHeadIsland Hilton Head Island
AOR HoustonAssociationOfRealtors Houston Association of Realtors
AOR HunterdonSomersetAssociationOfRealtors Hunterdon Somerset Association of REALTORS
AOR HuntsvilleAreaAssociationOfRealtorsInc Huntsville Area Association of Realtors Inc
AOR HuronPerthAssociationOfRealtors Huron Perth Association of REALTORS
AOR InclineVillageBoardOfRealtors Incline Village Board of Realtors
AOR IndianRiver Indian River
AOR InformationAndRealEstateServices Information and Real Estate Services
AOR Inglewood Inglewood
AOR InlandValleys Inland Valleys
AOR IrvingLasColinasAssociationOfRealtors Irving/Las Colinas Association Of Realtors
AOR ItascaCountyBoardOfRealtors Itasca County Board of REALTORS
AOR ITech i-Tech
AOR IthacaBoardOfRealtors Ithaca Board of Realtors
AOR JacksonAreaAssociationOfRealtors Jackson Area Association of REALTORS
AOR JacksonvilleBoardOfRealtors Jacksonville Board Of REALTORS
AOR JasperAreaBoardOfRealtors Jasper Area Board Of REALTORS
AOR JeffersonLewisBoard Jefferson-Lewis Board
AOR JohnsonCountyAssociationOfRealtors Johnson County Association Of Realtors
AOR JohnstonCountyAssociationOfRealtors Johnston County Association of Realtors
AOR JoshuaTreeGateway Joshua Tree Gateway
AOR KamloopsRealEstateAssociation Kamloops Real Estate Association
AOR KanawhaValleyBoardOfRealtors Kanawha Valley Board of REALTORS
AOR KansasCityRegionalAssociationOfRealtorsInc Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors Inc
AOR KaufmanVanZandtAssociationOfRealtors Kaufman/Van Zandt Association Of Realtors
AOR KawarthaLakesRealEstateAssociationInc Kawartha Lakes Real Estate Association Inc.
AOR KerrLakeBoardOfRealtorsInc Kerr Lake Board of Realtors Inc
AOR KerrvilleBoardOfRealtors Kerrville Board Of Realtors
AOR KershawCountyBoardOfRealtors Kershaw County Board of Realtors
AOR KingstonAndAreaRealEstateAssociation Kingston and Area Real Estate Association
AOR KingsvilleAreaAssociationOfRealtors Kingsville Area Association Of Realtors
AOR KitchenerWaterlooAssociationOfRealtors Kitchener-Waterloo Association of REALTORS
AOR KnoxvilleAreaAssociationOfRealtorsInc Knoxville Area Association of Realtors Inc
AOR KootenayAssociationOfRealtors Kootenay Association of REALTORS
AOR KootenayRealEstateBoard Kootenay Real Estate Board
AOR Laguna Laguna
AOR LakeAndSumter Lake and Sumter
AOR LakeCitiesAssociationOfRealtors Lake Cities Association Of Realtors
AOR LakeCounty Lake County
AOR LakeGeaugaAreaAssociationOfRealtors Lake Geauga Area Association of REALTORS
AOR LakeHavasuAssociationOfRealtors Lake Havasu Association Of Realtors
AOR Lakeland Lakeland
AOR LakeOfTheOzarksBoardOfRealtors Lake of the Ozarks Board of Realtors
AOR LakeRegionAssociationOfRealtors Lake Region Association of REALTORS
AOR LakesCountryAssociationOfRealtors Lakes Country Association of REALTORS
AOR LakeWales Lake Wales
AOR LandOfTheSkyAssociationOfRealtors Land of The Sky Association of Realtors
AOR LapeerAndUpperThumbAssociationOfRealtors Lapeer and Upper Thumb Association of REALTORS
AOR LaredoBoardOfRealtorsInc Laredo Board Of Realtors Inc
AOR LasCrucesAssociationOfRealtors Las Cruces Association of REALTORS
AOR LasVegasBoardOfRealtors Las Vegas Board of REALTORS
AOR LatahCountyBoardOfRealtors Latah County Board Of REALTORS
AOR LebanonBoardOfRealtors Lebanon Board of REALTORS
AOR LeeCountyAssociationOfRealtors Lee County Association of REALTORS
AOR LehighValleyMls Lehigh Valley MLS
AOR LenaweeCountyAssociationOfRealtors Lenawee County Association of REALTORS
AOR LethbridgeAndDistrictAssociationOfRealtors Lethbridge & District Association of REALTORS
AOR LexingtonBluegrassAssociationOfRealtors Lexington-Bluegrass Association of Realtors
AOR LexingtonBoardOfRealtors Lexington Board of Realtors
AOR LibertyBoardOfRealtorsInc Liberty Board of Realtors Inc
AOR LincolnCountyBoardOfRealtors Lincoln County Board of Realtors
AOR LitchfieldCounty Litchfield County
AOR LivingstonCountyAssociationOfRealtors Livingston County Association of REALTORS
AOR LoganCountyBoardOfRealtors Logan County Board of Realtors
AOR LompocValley Lompoc Valley
AOR LondonAndStThomasAssociationOfRealtors London and St. Thomas Association of REALTORS
AOR LongIslandBoardOfRealtorsInc Long Island Board of Realtors Inc
AOR LongleafPineRealtors The Buyer Agent AOR is Longleaf Pine Realtors
AOR LongmontAssociationOfRealtors Longmont Association of Realtors
AOR LongviewAreaAssociationOfRealtors Longview Area Association Of Realtors
AOR LorainCountyAssociationOfRealtors Lorain County Association Of REALTORS
AOR LovelandBerthoudAssociationRealtors Loveland Berthoud Association/Realtors
AOR LowerYakimaValleyAssociationOfRealtors Lower Yakima Valley Association of REALTORS
AOR LubbockAssociationOfRealtors Lubbock Association Of Realtors
AOR LynchburgAssociationOfRealtors Lynchburg Association of REALTORS
AOR Madera Madera
AOR Malibu Malibu
AOR Manatee Manatee
AOR ManitobaRealEstateAssociation Manitoba Real Estate Association
AOR MarcoIslandAreaAssociationOfRealtors Marco Island Area Association of REALTORS
AOR MariettaBoardOfRealtors Marietta Board of REALTORS
AOR MarinetteCountyBoardOfRealtors Marinette County Board of REALTORS
AOR MariposaCounty Mariposa County
AOR MarkTwainAssociationOfRealtors Mark Twain Association of REALTORS
AOR MartinCounty Martin County
AOR MasonOceanaManisteeBoardOfRealtors Mason Oceana Manistee Board of REALTORS
AOR MassanuttenBoardOfRealtors Massanutten Board of REALTORS
AOR MatagordaCountyBoardOfRealtors Matagorda County Board Of REALTORS
AOR McdowellBoardOfRealtors Mcdowell Board of Realtors
AOR MckeanPa McKean PA
AOR MedicineHatRealEstateBoard Medicine Hat Real Estate Board
AOR MedinaCountyBoardOfRealtors Medina County Board of REALTORS
AOR MemphisAreaAssociationOfRealtors Memphis Area Association Of REALTORS
AOR MercedCounty Merced County
AOR MercerCountyAssociationOfRealtors Mercer County Association of Realtors
AOR MetroAreaBoardOfRealtors Metro Area Board of REALTORS
AOR MetroCentreAssociationOfRealtors Metro Centre Association of REALTORS
AOR MetroMilwaukee Metro Milwaukee
AOR MetropolitanConsolidatedAssociationOfRealtors Metropolitan Consolidated Association of Realtors
AOR MetropolitanIndianapolisBoardOfRealtors Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors
AOR MetrotexAssociationOfRealtorsInc Metrotex Association of Realtors Inc
AOR MiamiAssociationOfRealtors Miami Association of REALTORS
AOR MiamiAssociationOfRealtorsInc Miami Association of Realtors Inc
AOR MichiganRegionalInformationCenter Michigan Regional Information Center
AOR MidAmericaRegionalInformationSystems Mid America Regional Information Systems
AOR MidCarolinaRegionalAssociationOfRealtors Mid Carolina Regional Association Of REALTORS
AOR MidFairfieldCounty Mid-Fairfield County
AOR MidHudsonMultipleListingService Mid-Hudson Multiple Listing Service
AOR MidIowaRegionalBoardOfRealtors Mid-Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS
AOR MidlandBoardOfRealtors Midland Board of REALTORS
AOR MidState Mid-State
AOR MiltonAndDistrictRealEstateBoard Milton and District Real Estate Board
AOR MineralAreaBoardOfRealtors Mineral Area Board of REALTORS
AOR MinneapolisAreaAssociationOfRealtors Minneapolis Area Association of REALTORS
AOR MinnesotaArrowheadMls Minnesota Arrowhead MLS
AOR Mirealsource MiRealSource
AOR MiscellaneousAssociation Miscellaneous Association
AOR MississaugaRealEstateBoard Mississauga Real Estate Board
AOR MissoulaCountyAssociationOfRealtors Missoula County Association of REALTORS
AOR MissoulaOrganizationOfRealtors Missoula Organization Of REALTORS
AOR Mlslistings MLSListings
AOR MlsOfCatawbaValley MLS of Catawba Valley
AOR MlsOfSouthernArizona MLS of Southern Arizona
AOR Mlspin MLSPin
AOR MlsTechnology MLS Technology
AOR MobileAreaAssociationOfRealtors Mobile Area Association of REALTORS
AOR MohawkValley Mohawk Valley
AOR MonmouthCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Monmouth County Association of Realtors Inc
AOR MonmouthOceanRegionalRealtors Monmouth Ocean Regional REALTORS
AOR MonroeCountyAssociationOfRealtors Monroe County Association of REALTORS
AOR MontagueCountyBoardOfRealtors Montague County Board Of Realtors
AOR MontanaRegionalMls Montana Regional MLS
AOR MontcalmCountyAssociationOfRealtors Montcalm County Association of REALTORS
AOR MontebelloDistrict Montebello District
AOR MontgomeryAreaAssociationOfRealtors Montgomery Area Association Of Realtors
AOR MontgomeryCountyAssociationOfRealtors Montgomery County Association of REALTORS
AOR MontroseAssociationOfRealtors Montrose Association of Realtors
AOR MountainCentralAssociationOfRealtors Mountain Central Association Of REALTORS
AOR MountainMetroAssociationOfRealtors Mountain Metro Association of Realtors
AOR NacogdochesCountyBoardOfRealtors Nacogdoches County Board Of REALTORS
AOR NampaAssociationOfRealtors Nampa Association Of REALTORS
AOR Naples Naples
AOR NaplesAreaBoardOfRealtors Naples Area Board of Realtors
AOR NavarroCountyBoardOfRealtors Navarro County Board Of Realtors
AOR NeuseRiverRegionAssociationOfRealtors Neuse River Region Association Of REALTORS
AOR NevadaCounty Nevada County
AOR NewBernBoardOfRealtorsInc New Bern Board of Realtors Inc
AOR NewBraunfelsCanyonLakeAreaAssocOfRealtors New Braunfels/Canyon Lake Area Assoc Of Realtors
AOR NewBrunswickRealEstateAssociation New Brunswick Real Estate Association
AOR NewCanaanBoardOfRealtors New Canaan Board Of REALTORS
AOR NewfoundlandAndLabradorAssociationOfRealtors Newfoundland and Labrador Association of REALTORS
AOR NewHavenMiddlesex New Haven Middlesex
AOR Newport Newport
AOR NewportBeachAssociationOfRealtors Newport Beach Association of REALTORS
AOR NewSmyrnaBeachBoardOfRealtors New Smyrna Beach Board of REALTORS
AOR Newtown Newtown
AOR NexusAssociationOfRealtors Nexus Association of REALTORS
AOR NiagaraAssociationOfRealtors Niagara Association of REALTORS
AOR NolanCountyBoardOfRealtors Nolan County Board Of Realtors
AOR NormanBoardOfRealtors Norman Board Of Realtors
AOR NorthBay North Bay
AOR NorthBayAndAreaRealtorsAssociation North Bay and Area REALTORS Association
AOR NorthBayRealEstateBoard North Bay Real Estate Board
AOR NorthCarolinaMountainsMls North Carolina Mountains MLS
AOR NorthCarolinaRegionalMls North Carolina Regional MLS
AOR NorthCentralJerseyAssociationOfRealtors North Central Jersey Association of REALTORS
AOR NortheastAtlantaMetroAssnOfRealtorsInc Northeast Atlanta Metro Assn of Realtors Inc
AOR NortheasternMichiganBoardOfRealtors Northeastern Michigan Board of REALTORS
AOR NortheastFloridaAssociationOfRealtorsInc Northeast Florida Association of Realtors Inc
AOR NortheastTarrantCountyBoardOfRealtors Northeast Tarrant County Board Of Realtors
AOR NortheastTennesseeAssociationOfRealtors Northeast Tennessee Association Of REALTORS
AOR NorthernColoradoCommercialAssociationOfRealtors Northern Colorado Commercial Association of Realtors
AOR NorthernFairfieldCounty Northern Fairfield County
AOR NorthernGreatLakesRealtors Northern Great Lakes REALTORS
AOR NorthernJacksonCountyBoardOfRealtors Northern Jackson County Board of Realtors
AOR NorthernKentuckyMultipleListingService Northern Kentucky Multiple Listing Service
AOR NorthernNevadaRegionalMls Northern Nevada Regional MLS
AOR NorthernNewBrunswickRealEstateBoard Northern New Brunswick Real Estate Board
AOR NorthernOhioRegionalMls Northern Ohio Regional MLS
AOR NorthernVirginiaAssociationOfRealtors Northern Virginia Association of Realtors
AOR NorthIowaRegionalBoardOfRealtors North Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS
AOR NorthMetroDenverRealtorAssociationInc North Metro Denver Realtor Association Inc
AOR NorthMetroRealtorsAssociation North Metro REALTORS Association
AOR NorthOaklandCountyBoardOfRealtorsInc North Oakland County Board of Realtors Inc
AOR NorthSanDiegoCounty North San Diego County
AOR NorthSanLuisObispo North San Luis Obispo
AOR NorthshoreAreaBoardOfRealtors Northshore Area Board Of REALTORS
AOR NorthTennesseeAssociationOfRealtors North Tennessee Association of Realtors
AOR NorthTexasCommercialAssociationOfRealtors North Texas Commercial Association Of Realtors
AOR NorthTexasInformationSystems North Texas Information Systems
AOR NorthTexasRealEstateInformationSystems North Texas Real Estate Information Systems
AOR NorthumberlandHillsAssociationOfRealtors Northumberland Hills Association of REALTORS
AOR NorthwestArkansasBoardOfRealtorsMls Northwest Arkansas Board of REALTORS MLS
AOR NorthwestLouisianaAssociationOfRealtors Northwest Louisiana Association of REALTORS
AOR NorthwestMinnesotaAssociationOfRealtors Northwest Minnesota Association of REALTORS
AOR NorthwestMontanaAssociationOfRealtors Northwest Montana Association of REALTORS
AOR NorthwestMultipleListingService Northwest Multiple Listing Service
AOR NorthwoodsAssocOfRealtorsInc Northwoods Assoc Of Realtors Inc
AOR Oakland Oakland
AOR Oakville Oakville
AOR OcalaMarion Ocala - Marion
AOR OcalaMarionCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Ocala Marion County Association of Realtors Inc
AOR OceanCityBoardOfRealtors Ocean City Board Of REALTORS
AOR OceanCountyBoardOfRealtors Ocean County Board of REALTORS
AOR OdessaBoardOfRealtors Odessa Board Of Realtors
AOR OjaiValley Ojai Valley
AOR OkanaganMainlineRealEstateBoard Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board
AOR Okeechobee Okeechobee
AOR OklahomaCityMetropolitanAor Oklahoma City Metropolitan AOR.
AOR OmahaAreaBoardOfRealtors Omaha Area Board of REALTORS
AOR OmniMlsLlc Omni MLS LLC
AOR OnekeyMls OneKey MLS
AOR OrangeChathamAssociationOfRealtors Orange Chatham Association Of REALTORS
AOR OrangeCoastAssociationOfRealtors Orange Coast Association Of REALTORS
AOR OrangeCounty Orange County
AOR OrlandoRegional Orlando Regional
AOR OrlandoRegionalRealtorAssociation Orlando Regional Realtor Association
AOR Oroville Oroville
AOR Osceola Osceola
AOR OtherUnspecificed Other/Unspecificed
AOR OtsegoDelaware Otsego-Delaware
AOR OttawaRealEstateBoard Ottawa Real Estate Board
AOR OutOfAreaBoard Out of Area Board
AOR PacificSouthwest Pacific Southwest
AOR PacificWest Pacific West
AOR PagosaSpringsAreaAssnOfRealtors Pagosa Springs Area Assn of REALTORS
AOR PalestineAssociationOfRealtors Palestine Association Of REALTORS
AOR PalmSprings Palm Springs
AOR PalosVerdesPeninsula Palos Verdes Peninsula
AOR Paradise Paradise
AOR ParisBoardOfRealtors Paris Board Of Realtors
AOR ParkCityBoardOfRealtors Park City Board Of REALTORS
AOR ParkersburgAreaAssociationOfRealtors Parkersburg Area Association of REALTORS
AOR PasadenaFoothills Pasadena-Foothills
AOR PasoRobles Paso Robles
AOR PassaicCountyBoardOfRealtors Passaic County Board of REALTORS
AOR PensacolaAssociationOfRealtorsInc Pensacola Association of Realtors Inc
AOR PermianBasinBoardOfRealtorsInc Permian Basin Board Of Realtors Inc
AOR PeterboroughAndTheKawarthasAssociationOfRealtors Peterborough and the Kawarthas Association of REALTORS
AOR PhoenixAssociationOfRealtors Phoenix Association of Realtors
AOR PikesPeakAssociationOfRealtors Pikes Peak Association of Realtors
AOR PikeWayneAssociationOfRealtors Pike Wayne Association of REALTORS
AOR Pillar9 Pillar 9
AOR PinehurstSouthernPinesAreaAssociation Pinehurst-Southern Pines Area Association
AOR PinellasSuncoast Pinellas Suncoast
AOR PinellasSuncoastAssociationOfRealtorsInc Pinellas Suncoast Association of Realtors Inc
AOR PineyWoodsBoardOfRealtors Piney Woods Board Of Realtors
AOR PismoCoast Pismo Coast
AOR PittsburgBoardOfRealtors Pittsburg Board of REALTORS
AOR PlacerCountyAssociationOfRealtors Placer County Association Of Realtors
AOR Plumas Plumas
AOR PoconoMountainsAssociationOfRealtors Pocono Mountains Association Of REALTORS
AOR PortageCountyAssociationOfRealtors Portage County Association of REALTORS
AOR PortCharlotte Port Charlotte
AOR PortlandMetropolitanAssociationOfRealtors Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors
AOR PowellRiverSunshineCoastRealEstateBoard Powell River Sunshine Coast Real Estate Board
AOR PrescottAreaAssociationOfRealtors Prescott Area Association Of REALTORS
AOR PrinceGeorgesCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Prince Georges County Association of Realtors Inc
AOR PrinceWilliamAssociationOfRealtors Prince William Association of REALTORS
AOR PuebloAssociationOfRealtors Pueblo Association of Realtors
AOR PuertoRico Puerto Rico
AOR PulaskiCountyBoardOfRealtors Pulaski County Board of REALTORS
AOR QuinteAndDistrictAssociationOfRealtors Quinte and District Association of REALTORS
AOR RaleighRegionalAssociationOfRealtors Raleigh Regional Association of Realtors
AOR RaleighWakeBoardOfRealtors Raleigh/Wake Board of Realtors
AOR RanchoSoutheast Rancho-Southeast
AOR RapbBeachesmls RAPB/BeachesMLS
AOR ReadingBerksAssociationOfRealtorsInc Reading-Berks Association of Realtors Inc
AOR RealcompIiLtd Realcomp II Ltd
AOR RealEstateBoardOfGreaterVancouver Real Estate Board Of Greater Vancouver
AOR RealEstateBoardOfNewYork Real Estate Board of New York
AOR RealEstateBoardOfTheFrederictonArea Real Estate Board of the Fredericton Area
AOR RealEstateInformationNetworkInc Real Estate Information Network Inc
AOR RealsourceAssociationOfRealtorsInc Realsource Association of Realtors Inc
AOR RealtorAssnGreaterFortLauderdale Realtor Assn Greater Fort Lauderdale
AOR RealtorAssociationOfAcadiana REALTOR Association Of Acadiana
AOR RealtorAssociationOfFranklinAndGulfCounties REALTOR Association of Franklin and Gulf Counties
AOR RealtorAssociationOfSouthernMinnesota REALTOR Association of Southern Minnesota
AOR RealtorAssociationOfTheGreaterPeeDeeInc Realtor Association of The Greater Pee Dee Inc
AOR RealtorAssociationPalmBeaches Realtor Association Palm Beaches
AOR RealtorAssocOfGreaterMiamiAndTheBeaches Realtor Assoc of Greater Miami & The Beaches
AOR RealtorsAssociationOfCitrusCounty Realtors Association of Citrus County
AOR RealtorsAssociationOfEdmonton REALTORS Association of Edmonton
AOR RealtorsAssociationOfGreyBruceOwenSound REALTORS Association of Grey Bruce Owen Sound
AOR RealtorsAssociationOfHamiltonBurlington REALTORS Association of Hamilton-Burlington
AOR RealtorsAssociationOfLloydminsterAndDistrict REALTORS Association of Lloydminster & District
AOR RealtorsAssociationOfMetropolitanPittsburgh Realtors Association of Metropolitan Pittsburgh
AOR RealtorsAssociationOfNortheastWisconsin REALTORS Association of Northeast Wisconsin
AOR RealtorsAssociationOfSouthCentralAlberta REALTORS Association of South Central Alberta
AOR RealtorsAssociationOfSouthCentralWisconsin REALTORS Association of South Central Wisconsin
AOR RealtorsAssociationOfSouthwesternIllinois REALTORS Association of Southwestern Illinois
AOR RealtorsAssocOfGreaterFtMyersAndTheBeach Realtors Assoc of Greater Ft Myers & The Beach
AOR RealtorsLandInstitute REALTORS Land Institute
AOR RealtorsOfCentralColorado Realtors of Central Colorado
AOR RealtorsOfNorthwesternWisconsin Realtors of Northwestern Wisconsin
AOR Realtracs Realtracs
AOR ReciprocalBoard Reciprocal Board
AOR Recolorado Recolorado
AOR RegionalMlsOfMinnesota Regional MLS of Minnesota
AOR RemMetroSouthAssociationOfRealtorsInc Rem - Metro South Association of Realtors Inc
AOR RemMiddleTennesseeAssociationOfRealtorsInc Rem - Middle Tennessee Association of Realtors Inc
AOR RemSoutheastValleyRegionalAssociationOfRealtors Rem - Southeast Valley Regional Association of Realtors
AOR RemWilliamsonCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Rem - Williamson County Association of Realtors Inc
AOR RenfrewCountyRealEstateBoard Renfrew County Real Estate Board
AOR RhodeIslandStateWideMls Rhode Island State-Wide MLS
AOR RichmondAssociationOfRealtors Richmond Association Of REALTORS
AOR RichmondCountyBoardOfRealtorsInc Richmond County Board of Realtors Inc
AOR RideauStLawrenceRealEstateBoard Rideau-St. Lawrence Real Estate Board
AOR Ridgefield Ridgefield
AOR RimOTheWorld Rim O The World
AOR RoanokeValleyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Roanoke Valley Association of Realtors Inc
AOR Rochester Rochester
AOR RockinghamCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Rockingham County Association of Realtors Inc
AOR RockportAreaBoardOfRealtors Rockport Area Board Of Realtors
AOR RockyMountainAssociationOfRealtors Rocky Mountain Association of REALTORS
AOR RoyalGorgeAssociationOfRealtors Royal Gorge Association of Realtors
AOR RoyalPalmCoastRealtorAssociation Royal Palm Coast Realtor Association
AOR RutherfordCountyBoardOfRealtors Rutherford County Board of Realtors
AOR SacramentoAssociationOfRealtorsInc Sacramento Association of Realtors Inc
AOR SaginawBoardOfRealtors Saginaw Board of REALTORS
AOR SaintJohnRealEstateBoard Saint John Real Estate Board
AOR SalisburyRowanAssociationOfRealtors Salisbury Rowan Association Of REALTORS
AOR SalisburyRowanRealtors Salisbury Rowan REALTORS
AOR SaltLakeBoardOfRealtors Salt Lake Board of Realtors
AOR SanAngeloAssociationOfRealtors San Angelo Association Of Realtors
AOR SanAntonioBoardOfRealtors San Antonio Board Of Realtors
AOR SandicorMls Sandicor MLS
AOR SanDiego San Diego
AOR SanDiegoAssociationOfRealtors San Diego Association of Realtors
AOR SanFrancisco San Francisco
AOR SanLuisObispo San Luis Obispo
AOR SanLuisObispoCoastal San Luis Obispo Coastal
AOR SanMarcosAreaBoardOfRealtors San Marcos Area Board Of Realtors
AOR SanMateoCountyAssociationOfRealtors San Mateo County Association Of REALTORS
AOR SantaBarbara Santa Barbara
AOR SantaClaraCounty Santa Clara County
AOR SantaCruzCountyBoardOfRealtors Santa Cruz County Board of REALTORS
AOR SantaFeAssociationOfRealtors Santa Fe Association of REALTORS
AOR SantaMaria Santa Maria
AOR SantaYnezValley Santa Ynez Valley
AOR SarasotaAssociationOfRealtorsInc Sarasota Association of Realtors Inc
AOR SarasotaManatee Sarasota - Manatee
AOR SaratogaSchenectadySchoharieAssociation Saratoga Schenectady Schoharie Association
AOR SarniaLambtonRealEstateBoard Sarnia-Lambton Real Estate Board
AOR SaskatchewanRealtorsAssociation Saskatchewan REALTORS Association
AOR SaskatoonRegionAssociationOfRealtors Saskatoon Region Association of REALTORS
AOR SaultSteMarieRealEstateBoard Sault Ste. Marie Real Estate Board
AOR SavannahBoardOfRealtors Savannah Board of Realtors
AOR SavannahMultiListCorporation Savannah Multi-List Corporation
AOR ScenicCoast Scenic Coast
AOR ScottsdaleAreaAssociationOfRealtorsInc Scottsdale Area Association of Realtors Inc
AOR SeattleKingCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Seattle King County Association Of Realtors Inc
AOR SeguinBoardOfRealtors Seguin Board Of Realtors
AOR Selma Selma
AOR SierraNevadaAssociationOfRealtors Sierra Nevada Association Of REALTORS
AOR SierraNevadaRealtors Sierra Nevada REALTORS
AOR SierraNorthValley Sierra North Valley
AOR SiliconValleyAssociationOfRealtors Silicon Valley Association Of REALTORS
AOR SimcoeAndDistrictRealEstateBoard Simcoe and District Real Estate Board
AOR SimiValley Simi Valley
AOR SmartMls Smart MLS
AOR SoBrowardBoardOfRealtors So Broward Board of REALTORS
AOR Socalmls SoCalMLS
AOR SouthBay South Bay
AOR SouthCentralBoardOfRealtors South Central Board Of Realtors
AOR SoutheasternBorderAssociationOfRealtors Southeastern Border Association of REALTORS
AOR SoutheastFloridaRegional Southeast Florida Regional
AOR SoutheastIowaRegionalBoardOfRealtors Southeast Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS
AOR SoutheastKern Southeast Kern
AOR SoutheastMinnesotaAssociationOfRealtors Southeast Minnesota Association of REALTORS
AOR SoutheastMissouriRealtors Southeast Missouri REALTORS
AOR SouthernAdirondackRealtors Southern Adirondack Realtors
AOR SouthernGatewayAssociationOfRealtors Southern Gateway Association of REALTORS
AOR SouthernGeorgianBayAssociationOfRealtors Southern Georgian Bay Association of REALTORS
AOR SouthernIndianaRealtorsAssociation Southern Indiana REALTORS Association
AOR SouthJerseyShoreRegionalMls South Jersey Shore Regional MLS
AOR Southland Southland
AOR SouthlandRegionalAssociationOfRealtorsInc Southland Regional Association of Realtors Inc
AOR SouthMetroDenverRealtorAssociation South Metro Denver Realtor Association
AOR SouthMonmouthBoardOfRealtors South Monmouth Board of REALTORS
AOR SouthOkanaganRealEstateBoard South Okanagan Real Estate Board
AOR SouthPadreIslandBoardOfRealtors South Padre Island Board Of REALTORS
AOR SouthTahoeAssociationOfRealtors South Tahoe Association Of REALTORS
AOR SouthTexasCommercialAssociationOfRealtors South Texas Commercial Association Of Realtors
AOR SouthwesternIllinoisBoardOfRealtors Southwestern Illinois Board of REALTORS
AOR SouthwesternMichiganAssociationOfRealtors Southwestern Michigan Association of REALTORS
AOR SouthwestLosAngeles Southwest Los Angeles
AOR SouthwestLosAngelesAssociationOfRealtors Southwest Los Angeles Association of Realtors
AOR SouthwestLouisianaAssociationOfRealtors Southwest Louisiana Association of Realtors
AOR SouthwestMichiganAssociationOfRealtors Southwest Michigan Association of REALTORS
AOR SouthwestRiversideCounty Southwest Riverside County
AOR SpaceCoastAssociationOfRealtors Space Coast Association Of REALTORS
AOR SpanishPeaksBoard Spanish Peaks Board
AOR SpartanburgBoardOfRealtorsInc Spartanburg Board of Realtors Inc
AOR Stamford Stamford
AOR StarkCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Stark County Association of Realtors Inc
AOR StarkTrumbullAreaRealtors Stark Trumbull Area REALTORS
AOR StatenIslandBoardOfRealtors Staten Island Board Of REALTORS
AOR StCharlesCountyAssociationOfRealtors St Charles County Association of REALTORS
AOR StCloudAreaAssociationOfRealtors St. Cloud Area Association of REALTORS
AOR SteamboatSpringsBoardOfRealtors Steamboat Springs Board of Realtors
AOR StellarMls Stellar MLS
AOR StephenvilleAssociationOfRealtors Stephenville Association Of Realtors
AOR StJosephCountyAssociationOfRealtors St. Joseph County Association of REALTORS
AOR StLouisRealtors St Louis REALTORS
AOR StPaulAreaAssociationOfRealtors St. Paul Area Association of REALTORS
AOR SudburyRealEstateBoard Sudbury Real Estate Board
AOR SummitAssociationOfRealtors Summit Association of Realtors
AOR SumterBoardOfRealtors Sumter Board Of REALTORS
AOR SuperiorAssociationOfRealtors Superior Association of REALTORS
AOR SussexCountyAssociationOfRealtors Sussex County Association of REALTORS
AOR SutterYubaAssnOfRealtors Sutter-Yuba Assn of Realtors
AOR Syracuse Syracuse
AOR Tampa Tampa
AOR TaosAssociationOfRealtors Taos Association of REALTORS
AOR TaosCountyAssociationOfRealtors Taos County Association Of REALTORS
AOR TehamaCounty Tehama County
AOR TellurideAssociationOfRealtors Telluride Association of Realtors
AOR TempleBeltonBoardOfRealtors Temple-Belton Board of REALTORS
AOR TexarkanaBoardOfRealtors Texarkana Board Of Realtors
AOR TheGreaterMonctonRealtorsDuGrandMoncton The Greater Moncton REALTORS du Grand Moncton
AOR TheInlandGateway The Inland Gateway
AOR TheLakelandsAssociationOfRealtors The Lakelands Association of REALTORS
AOR Themls TheMLS
AOR ThreeRiversBoardOfRealtors Three Rivers Board of REALTORS
AOR ThunderBayRealEstateBoard Thunder Bay Real Estate Board
AOR TillsonburgDistrictRealEstateBoard Tillsonburg District Real Estate Board
AOR Timmins Timmins
AOR Tmp Template Board Example.
AOR Toledo Toledo
AOR TorontoRealEstateBoard Toronto Real Estate Board
AOR TraverseAreaAssociationOfRealtors Traverse Area Association of REALTORS
AOR TriadMultipleListingService TRIAD Multiple Listing Service
AOR TriangleCommercialAssocOfRealtors Triangle Commercial Assoc of Realtors
AOR TriangleMls Triangle MLS
AOR TriCityAssociationOfRealtors Tri-City Association of REALTORS
AOR TriCounties Tri-Counties
AOR TriCounty Tri County
AOR TriCountySuburbanRealtors Tri-County Suburban REALTORS
AOR TriStateCommercialRealty Tri State Commercial Realty
AOR TucsonAssociationOfRealtors Tucson Association Of REALTORS
AOR TylerCountyBoardOfRealtors Tyler County Board Of Realtors
AOR UlsterCountyBoardOfRealtors Ulster County Board of REALTORS
AOR UnionCountyAssociationOfRealtors Union County Association of Realtors
AOR UnitedAssociationOfRealtors United Association of REALTORS
AOR UpperPeninsulaAssociationOfRealtors Upper Peninsula Association of REALTORS
AOR UvaldeBoardOfRealtors Uvalde Board Of Realtors
AOR VailBoardOfRealtors Vail Board of Realtors
AOR Valley Valley
AOR VancouverIslandRealEstateBoard Vancouver Island Real Estate Board
AOR Venice Venice
AOR VenturaCoastal Ventura Coastal
AOR VictoriaAreaAssociationOfRealtors Victoria Area Association of REALTORS
AOR VictoriaBoardOfRealtorsInc Victoria Board Of Realtors Inc
AOR VictoriaRealEstateBoard Victoria Real Estate Board
AOR VictorValley Victor Valley
AOR WacoAssociationOfRealtors Waco Association Of Realtors
AOR WarrenAreaBoardOfRealtors Warren Area Board of REALTORS
AOR WaterlooRegionAssociationOfRealtors Waterloo Region Association of REALTORS
AOR WaterWonderlandBoardOfRealtors Water Wonderland Board of REALTORS
AOR WayneHolmesAssociationOfRealtors Wayne Holmes Association of REALTORS
AOR WestAlabamaMultipleListingService West Alabama Multiple Listing Service
AOR WestCentralAssociationOfRealtors West Central Association of REALTORS
AOR WestCentralIowaRealEstateAndRealtors West Central Iowa Real Estate and REALTORS
AOR WestchesterCountyBoardOfRealtors Westchester County Board of REALTORS
AOR WestchesterPutnam Westchester Putnam
AOR WestContraCosta West Contra Costa
AOR WesternAzRegionalRealEstateDataExchange Western AZ Regional Real Estate Data Exchange
AOR WesternMagicValleyRealtors Western Magic Valley REALTORS
AOR WesternUpstateAssociationOfRealtors Western Upstate Association of Realtors
AOR WesternWayneOaklandCountyAssnOfRealtors Western Wayne Oakland County Assn of Realtors
AOR WesternWayneOaklandCountyAssociationRealtors Western Wayne Oakland County Association Realtors
AOR WesternWisconsinRealtorsAssociation Western Wisconsin REALTORS Association
AOR WestEssexBoardOfRealtors West Essex Board of REALTORS
AOR WestMichiganLakeshoreAssociationOfRealtors West Michigan Lakeshore Association of REALTORS
AOR WestPasco West Pasco
AOR WestPennMultiList West Penn Multi-List
AOR WestSanGabrielValley West San Gabriel Valley
AOR WestVolusia West Volusia
AOR WhitmanCountyAssociationOfRealtors Whitman County Association of REALTORS
AOR WichitaFallsAssociationOfRealtors Wichita Falls Association Of Realtors
AOR WilkesCountyAssociationOfRealtors Wilkes County Association Of REALTORS
AOR WilliamsburgMls Williamsburg MLS
AOR WilliamsonCountyAssociationOfRealtors Williamson County Association of REALTORS
AOR WilliamsonCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Williamson County Association of Realtors Inc
AOR WilmingtonRegionalAssociationOfRealtorsInc Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors Inc
AOR WindsorEssexCountyAssociationOfRealtors Windsor-Essex County Association of REALTORS
AOR WinnipegRegionalRealEstateBoard Winnipeg Regional Real Estate Board
AOR WinstonSalemBoardOfRealtors Winston Salem Board of Realtors
AOR WiregrassBoardOfRealtors Wiregrass Board Of REALTORS
AOR WisconsinRealtorsAssociation Wisconsin REALTORS Association
AOR WoodstockIngersollAndDistrictRealEstateBoard Woodstock-Ingersoll & District Real Estate Board
AOR WoodstockIngersollTillsonburgAreaAssociationOfRealtors Woodstock-Ingersoll Tillsonburg Area Association of REALTORS
AOR WorcesterRegionalAssociationOfRealtors Worcester Regional Association of Realtors
AOR YadkinValleyAssociationOfRealtorsInc Yadkin Valley Association of Realtors Inc
AOR YanceyMitchellBoardOfRealtors Yancey Mitchell Board of Realtors
AOR YorkCountyAssociationOfRealtors York County Association of Realtors
AOR YoungstownColumbianaAssociationOfRealtors Youngstown Columbiana Association of REALTORS


Name Value Description
AreaSource Appraiser An appraiser provided the measurement of the area.
AreaSource Assessor The assessor provided the measurement of the area.
AreaSource Builder The builder provided the measurement of the area.
AreaSource CondoDocuments Condo Documents
AreaSource Estimated The measurement of the area is an estimate.
AreaSource GisCalculated GIS Calculated
AreaSource ListingAgent Listing Agent
AreaSource Measured Measured.
AreaSource Multiple Multiple
AreaSource NotAvailable not available.
AreaSource NotMeasured Not Taped/Measured
AreaSource Other The measurement of the area was provided by another party not listed.
AreaSource Owner The owner provided the measurement of the area.
AreaSource Plans The measurement of the area was taken from building plans.
AreaSource PublicRecords The measurement of the area was received from public records.
AreaSource Realist Realist.
AreaSource SeeRemarks See remarks for information about the source of the area measurement.
AreaSource Survey The source of the building area is the survey.


Name Value Description
AreaUnits SquareFeet The value reported in the related Area field is in square feet.
AreaUnits SquareMeters The value reported in the related Area field is in square feet.


Name Value Description
Attended Agent A licensed real estate agent will be present at the open house event.
Attended Seller A licensed real estate agent will not be present and the property owner will be present at the open house event.
Attended Unattended The open house event will not be attended. Access will normally be via lockbox or other pre-arranged means.


Name Value Description
BillingPreference Email Send billing to the member's email address.
BillingPreference Fax Send billing to the member via fax.
BillingPreference Mail Send billing to the member via postal mail.


Name Value Description
ChangeType Active The change to the listing was a change of status to Active provided the measurement of the area.
ChangeType ActiveUnderContract The change to the listing was a change of status to Active Under Contract provided the measurement of the area.
ChangeType BackOnMarket The change to the listing was a change of status to Back On Market provided the measurement of the area.
ChangeType Canceled The change to the listing was a change of status to Canceled provided the measurement of the area.
ChangeType Closed The change to the listing was a change of status to Closed provided the measurement of the area.
ChangeType ComingSoon Coming Soon
ChangeType Deleted The change to the listing was a change of status to Deleted provided the measurement of the area.
ChangeType Expired The change to the listing was a change of status to Expired provided the measurement of the area.
ChangeType Hold The change to the listing was a change of status to Hold provided the measurement of the area.
ChangeType NewListing The listing is new and hasn't had any status or price changes since its original input.
ChangeType Pending The change to the listing was a change of status to Pending provided the measurement of the area.
ChangeType PriceChange The change to the listing was a change to the ListPrice.
ChangeType StatusChange The change to the listing was a change to the status.
ChangeType Withdrawn The change to the listing was a change of status to Withdrawn provided the measurement of the area.


Name Value Description
Class Levels Levels
Class Slips Boat Slips


Name Value Description
ClassFeatures LargestSlip Largest Slip


Name Value Description
ClassName BusinessOpportunity The class, sometimes known as property type, is a business for sale.
ClassName CommercialLease The class, sometimes known as property type, is a commercial property for lease.
ClassName CommercialSale The class, sometimes known as property type, is a commercial property for sale.
ClassName Contacts The class is the collection of the member's contacts/clients.
ClassName CrossProperty The class, sometimes known as property type, is a collection of all listing property types.
ClassName Farm The class, sometimes known as property type, is a farm.
ClassName HistoryTransactional The class is the transactional history of another class.
ClassName Land The class, sometimes known as property type, is land for sale or lease.
ClassName ManufacturedInPark The class, sometimes known as property type, is a manufactured or mobile home in a mobile park.
ClassName Media The class is one that contains records referencing media files.
ClassName Member The class containing member records.
ClassName Office The class containing office records.
ClassName OpenHouse The class containing Open House records.
ClassName Residential The class, sometimes known as property type, is residential property for sale.
ClassName ResidentialIncome The class, sometimes known as property type, is income or multi-family property for sale.
ClassName ResidentialLease The class, sometimes known as property type, is residential property for lease.
ClassName SavedSearch The class containing saved search data.


Name Value Description
ClassType LargestSlip Largest Slip
ClassType Slip Slip


Name Value Description
CommonInterest BareLandCondominium A type of condominium in which the owners each own their individual lot (or plot of land). It is the opposite of a conventional condominium where the owners collectively own the land and individually own their unit.
CommonInterest CommunityApartment Ownership interest where purchaser receives a partial/fractional interest in the land coupled with the right of exclusive occupancy of an apartment located thereon. The owners elect a governing board which operates and maintains the project.
CommonInterest Condominium Ownership of an individual unit where each homeowner only owns their individual unit space, and an undivided share in the ownership of common areas or in a common homeowner’s association (HOA). Generally, the ownership of the individual unit is described in a Condominium Plan and usually consists of ownership of the surface of the walls and the space within. The CC&Rs will detail what building components and other complex amenities are considered part of the common area and will describe the common area or HOA ownership percentages, and maintenance responsibilities.
CommonInterest Condop A condop is a co-op that was formed inside of a condominium building. The street level of the building often houses a single condo unit for commercial and retail uses. This space is run under conventional condo rules. Above the commercial space is the co-op, where apartments are divided via shares among residents. Because the above space abides by co-op rules and the commercial space abides by condo rules, both sets of rules are in effect for condop owners.
CommonInterest CoOwnership Co-Ownership
CommonInterest Freehold Freehold
CommonInterest Leasehold Leasehold
CommonInterest None Ownership of an entire parcel or lot that is not in a CID, or not held subject to any other Common Interest rights.
CommonInterest Other Other
CommonInterest PlannedDevelopment Ownership consisting of an individual lot or parcel, generally including the ownership of the land and any structures on the individual lot or parcel. Owners also receive use right in common areas that are generally owned by a HOA. Some common areas may be reserved for the use of some or all of the individual lot owners. Generally, the CC&Rs will detail the method of management, maintenance, use and control of the common areas and may provide for some control and maintenance of the individual lots.
CommonInterest RentalBuilding This classification indicates whether the building consists of all rental units (neither condo, coop, condop).
CommonInterest StockCooperative Ownership of an interest in a corporation which is formed primarily for the purpose of holding title to improved real property, either in fee simple or for a term of years. All or substantially all of the shareholders receive a right of exclusive occupancy of a portion of the real property, which right is transferable only concurrently with the transfer of the share(s) of stock in the corporation.
CommonInterest Timeshare Ownership in a time period or a point system granting possession rights to a unit or occupancy rights at a property. The property may be owned either by a number of individuals on a fractional basis, or may be an interest in a corporation each with the right of possession for a specified time interval. Time-sharing is commonly applied to resort and vacation properties.


Name Value Description
CompensationType Dollars The value entered in the BuyerAgencyCompensation field is in dollars.
CompensationType Mx MX$
CompensationType Other A compensation type not included in this list
CompensationType Percent The value entered in the BuyerAgencyCompensation field is a percent of the gross compensation.
CompensationType SeeRemarks The Buyer Agency Compensation Type is something other than % or $ or is some special combination of $, %, and other compensation types. See the applicable remarks field for more details about the compensation.


Name Value Description
ConcessionInPriceType Item $
ConcessionInPriceType Item1 %


Name Value Description
Concessions CallListingAgent Call the listing agent for information about concessions made/offered by the seller.
Concessions No There are no concessions included with this listing.
Concessions Yes There are concessions that are part of the listing/sale.


Name Value Description
Country AD Andorra is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AE United Arab Emirates is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AF Afghanistan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AG Antigua Barbuda is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AI Anguilla is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AL Albania is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AM Armenia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AN Netherlands Antilles is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AO Angola is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AQ Antarctica is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AR Argentina is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AS American Samoa is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AT Austria is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AU Australia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AW Aruba is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AX Aland Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country AZ Azerbaijan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BA Bosnia Herzegovina is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BB Barbados is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BD Bangladesh is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BE Belgium is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BF Burkina Faso is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BG Bulgaria is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BH Bahrain is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BI Burundi is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BJ Benin is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BL Saint Barthelemy is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BM Bermuda is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BN Brunei Darussalam is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BO Bolivia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BR Brazil is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BS Bahamas is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BT Bhutan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BV Bouvet Island is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BW Botswana is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BY Belarus is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country BZ Belize is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CA Canada is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CD Congo Democratic Republic is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CF Central African Republic is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CG Congo is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CH Switzerland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CI Cote d'Ivoire is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CK Cook Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CL Chile is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CM Cameroon is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CN China is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CO Colombia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CR Costa Rica is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CU Cuba is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CV Cabo Verde is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CX Christmas Island is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CY Cyprus is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country CZ Czech Republic is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country DE Germany is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country DJ Djibouti is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country DK Denmark is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country DM Dominica is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country DO Dominican Republic is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country DZ Algeria is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country EC Ecuador is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country EE Estonia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country EG Egypt is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country EH Western Sahara is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country ER Eritrea is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country ES Spain is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country ET Ethiopia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country FI Finland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country FJ Fiji is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country FK Falkland Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country FM Micronesia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country FO Faroe Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country FR France is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GA Gabon is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GB United Kingdom is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GD Grenada is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GE Georgia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GF French Guiana is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GG Guernsey is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GH Ghana is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GI Gibraltar is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GL Greenland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GM Gambia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GN Guinea is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GP Guadeloupe is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GQ Equatorial Guinea is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GR Greece is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GS South Georgia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GT Guatemala is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GU Guam is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GW Guinea-Bissau is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country GY Guyana is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country HK Hong Kong is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country HM Heard And McDonald Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country HN Honduras is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country HR Croatia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country HT Haiti is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country HU Hungary is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country ID Indonesia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country IE Ireland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country IL Israel is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country IM Isle Of Man is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country IN India is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country IO British Indian Ocean Territory is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country IQ Iraq is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country IR Iran is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country IS Iceland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country IT Italy is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country JE Jersey is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country JM Jamaica is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country JO Jordan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country JP Japan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KE Kenya is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KG Kyrgyzstan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KH Cambodia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KI Kiribati is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KM Comoros is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KN Saint Kitts And Nevis is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KP North Korea, officially named the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KR South Korea, officially named the Republic of Korea, is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KW Kuwait is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KY Cayman Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country KZ Kazakhstan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LA Lao is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LB Lebanon is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LC Saint Lucia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LI Liechtenstein is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LK Sri Lanka is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LR Liberia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LS Lesotho is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LT Lithuania is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LU Luxembourg is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LV Latvia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MA Morocco is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MC Monaco is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MD Moldova is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country ME Montenegro is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MF Saint Martin is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MG Madagascar is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MH Marshall Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MK Macedonia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country ML Mali is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MM Myanmar is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MN Mongolia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MO Macao is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MP Northern Mariana Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MQ Martinique is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MR Mauritania is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MS Montserrat is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MT Malta is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MU Mauritius is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MV Maldives is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MW Malawi is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MX Mexico is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MY Malaysia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country MZ Mozambique is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NA Namibia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NC New Caledonia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NE Niger is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NF Norfolk Island is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NG Nigeria is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NI Nicaragua is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NL Netherlands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NP Nepal is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NR Nauru is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NU Niue is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country NZ New Zealand is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country OM Oman is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country OT Other is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PA Panama is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PE Peru is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PF French Polynesia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PG Papua New Guinea is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PH Philippines is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PK Pakistan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PL Poland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PM Saint Pierre And Miquelon is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PN Pitcairn is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PR Puerto Rico is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PS Palestinian Territory is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PT Portugal is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PW Palau is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country PY Paraguay is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country QA Qatar is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country RE Reunion is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country RO Romania is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country RS Serbia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country RU Russian Federation is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country RW Rwanda is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SA Saudi Arabia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SB Solomon Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SC Seychelles is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SD Sudan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SE Sweden is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SG Singapore is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SH Saint Helena is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SI Slovenia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SJ Svalbard - Jan Mayen is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SK Slovakia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SL Sierra Leone is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SM San Marino is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SN Senegal is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SO Somalia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SR Suriname is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country ST Sao Tome And Principe is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SV El Salvador is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SY Syrian Arab Republic is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country SZ Swaziland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TC Turks - Caicos Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TD Chad is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TF French Southern Territories is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TG Togo is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TH Thailand is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TJ Tajikistan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TK Tokelau is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TL Timor-Leste is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TM Turkmenistan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TN Tunisia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TO Tonga is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TR Turkey is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TT Trinidad - Tobago is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TV Tuvalu is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TW Taiwan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country TZ Tanzania is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country UA Ukraine is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country UG Uganda is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country UM United States Minor Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country US United States is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country UY Uruguay is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country UZ Uzbekistan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country VA Holy See (Vatican City) is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country VC Saint Vincent - Grenadines is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country VE Venezuela is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country VG Virgin Islands British is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country VI Virgin Islands U.S. is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country VN Viet Nam is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country VU Vanuatu is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country WF Wallis And Futuna is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country WS Samoa is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country YE Yemen is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country YT Mayotte is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country ZA South Africa is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country ZM Zambia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.
Country ZW Zimbabwe is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166.


Name Value Description
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibilityFeatures Property has some Accessibility Features.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleApproachWithRamp A minimum of one entrance to the structure with clear, evenly-paved walkway from parking area or pedestrian arrival area; Path of travel does not include a running slope in excess of 1:12 (8.33%); a cross slope exceeding 1:50 (2%); nor level changes of more than 1/2 inch; if slope is over 5%, handrails are required. Level landing; 32 inch clear width opening doors; and adequate lighting on pathway and landing. This is required to be considered "Visitable".
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleBedroom Bedroom has adequate turnaround of 60 inches or other approved turnaround configuration; Closet doors have 32 inch clearance. Accessible environmental controls. Multiple lighting fixtures. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Some lower-height storage in closet. Remote control of lighting and environmental controls.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleCentralLivingArea Hard surface flooring or low-pile carpet, securely attached along edges. Entrances to all rooms on all floors provide 36 inch clear passage. Multiple lighting fixtures installed to provide adaptable lighting for general purpose and tasks. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleClosets Closet doors are 32� clearance throughout Central Living Area.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleCommonArea Common Area, used for entertaining guests, is level, with 36-inch passage through and around the space. Required to be considered Visitable.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleDoors Minimum 32 inches clear passage; levered handle; threshold, if present, maximum 1/2-inch, but beveled on both sides when over 1/4 inch. Required to be considered Visitable or Enhanced Accessible.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleElectricalAndEnvironmentalControls Thermostats and security system controls located on floor with central living area. Control devices for light switches and thermostats at 42-48 inches height off floor and side- to-side. Electrical plugs minimum of 18 inches above floor. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Rocker-style light switches; Lighted switches; Automatic/remote control for environmental controls.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleElevatorInstalled Elevator with minimum 32" door and minimum 36" x 48" turning radius.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleEntrance Entrance door is a minimum of 32 inches wide; threshold , when present, maximum 1/2-inch, but when over 1/4-inch, is beveled on both sides. The entry door has lever handle for egress. This is required to be considered Visitable. Optional: Entryway is covered; Bench near outside entry door; Motion-detection outside lights. Accessible peephole or other method for inside viewing of anyone outside the entry door. House number easily visible from street by emergency responders.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleForHearingImpairment Home is wired for flashing lights and/or vibrating smoke alarm, door bell, other alerting features.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleFullBath Bathroom has adequate turnaround: 60 inches or other approved turnaround configuration. Accessible bathing area: Roll-in shower or space for shower chair or transfer bench in bathtub. Slip-resistant surface on bathroom floor and bathtub/shower. Roll-under or side-access to sink, with padded trap. Lighting directly over shower/bathing areas, in addition to general bathroom lighting. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Removable cabinet doors and base under sink. Grab bars with shear force of 250 pounds, installed around toilet and shower/tub, with proper backing. Hand-held and/or height-adjustable shower head; automatic water temperature controlled (anti-scald) tub/shower; offset tub/shower controls toward front edge of tub/shower for easy access. Raised toilet (17-19 inches minimum).
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleHallways Hallway is minimum 36, preferred 42 inches wide (or adequate alternative based on individual configuration). At least one lighting fixture is present.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleKitchen 40" clear turn-around, or 36" clear with clear under-counter space for T-turn space in kitchen, unimpeded by fixtures. Roll-under/adaptable sink with padded trap or side-access to sink. Roll-out shelves in at least 50% of lower cabinets, Roll-under work area (36" clearance). Lighting fixtures directed over all task areas with adaptable control. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Adaptable under-sink cabinet with removable doors and cabinet base. Accessible features for upper kitchen cabinets. Space for side-by-side refrigerator (minimum 36 inches); Contrasting color counter edges for vison accessibility.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleKitchenAppliances Stove controls in front or side, at counter top height; Oven with side-access door at counter level; Microwave is at counter level. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Raised dishwasher. Microwave has clear work area below or to the right side.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleStairway Handrails on both sides of stairs, extended when possible, with shear force of 250 pounds. Interior and exterior stairs have adequate number of light fixtures for full coverage. Non-slip stair treads. If stairs are carpeted, covering is non-moveable, low-pile carpet. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Stair treads are in high contrast colors for increased visibility.
AccessibilityFeatures AccessibleWasherDryer Raised clothes washer and/or dryer, front controls, side opening, both open to center.
AccessibilityFeatures AdaCompliant The property or unit is ADA compliant.
AccessibilityFeatures AdaptableBathroomWalls Reinforced main bathroom walls, including bath or shower, to permit installation of grab bars (with shear force of 250 pounds) and/or fixtures in the future. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible.
AccessibilityFeatures AdaptableForElevator Stacked closets in a multi-story house for possible future conversion to an elevator.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAccessibleApproachWithRamp Building Accessible Approach With Ramp.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAccessibleCommonArea Building Accessible Common Area.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAccessibleDoors Building Accessible Doors.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAccessibleElectricalAndEnvironmentalControls Building Accessible Electrical And Environmental Controls.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAccessibleElevatorInstalled Building Accessible Elevator Installed.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAccessibleEntrance Building Accessible Entrance.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAccessibleForHearingImpairment Building Accessible For Hearing-Impairment.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAccessibleHallways Building Accessible Hallway(s).
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAccessibleStairway Building Accessible Stairway.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAdaCompliant Building ADA Compliant
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingAdaptableForElevator Building Adaptable For Elevator.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingCeilingTrack Building Ceiling Track.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingElectronicEnvironmentalControls Building Electronic Environmental Controls.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingEnhancedAccessible Building Enhanced Accessible.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingGripAccessibleFeatures Building Grip-Accessible Features.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingReinforcedFloors Building Reinforced Floors.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingSmartTechnology Building Smart Technology.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingStairLift Building Stair Lift.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingStandbyGenerator Building Standby Generator.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingTherapeuticWhirlpool Building Therapeutic Whirlpool.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingVisitable Building Visitable.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingWalkerAccessibleStairs Building Walker-Accessible Stairs.
AccessibilityFeatures BuildingWheelchairAccessible Building Wheelchair Accessible
AccessibilityFeatures CeilingTrack Track installed in ceiling for lift chair (Hoyer lift).
AccessibilityFeatures CentralLivingArea Central Living Area includes: Common Area, hallway(s), full or 3/4 bathroom, kitchen, at least one bedroom, access to environmental controls, and access to floors above main floor, if necessary.
AccessibilityFeatures CommonArea The Common Area is the portion of the home near accessible entrance, used for entertaining guests.
AccessibilityFeatures CoveredEntry Property has Covered Entry.
AccessibilityFeatures CustomizedWheelchairAccessible Customized accessibility for specific size or style of wheelchair or scooter.
AccessibilityFeatures ElectronicEnvironmentalControls Programmable electronic controls for thermostat, lights, security system and automatic doors.
AccessibilityFeatures EnhancedAccessible The Central Living Area is fully accessible for lifelong living by all residents, no matter their ability. A person in a wheel chair or with other disability is able to perform all personal and housekeeping tasks. Persons without disabilities are also able to perform basic tasks with greater ease. To be considered "Enhanced Accessible" the home also includes all "Visitable" features.
AccessibilityFeatures ExteriorWheelchairLift Mechanical wheelchair lift is installed outside the home to facilitate barrier-free approach.
AccessibilityFeatures GrabBars Property has Grab Bars.
AccessibilityFeatures GripAccessibleFeatures All doors, faucets and other mechanisms throughout central living area are lever, hands-free or other style that can be controlled with a closed, clenched fist or weak hands. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Wire pull (D-ring) handles or equivalent or easy touch latches on cabinets and drawers.
AccessibilityFeatures HandRails Property has Hand Rails.
AccessibilityFeatures LevelLot Level Lot.
AccessibilityFeatures LeveredHandles Property has levered door handles.
AccessibilityFeatures LowCabinetry Accessible lower cabinetry.
AccessibilityFeatures LowerFixtures Lower Fixtures
AccessibilityFeatures LowPileCarpet The property features low nap/pile carpet.
AccessibilityFeatures LowThresholdShower Property has Low Threshold Shower.
AccessibilityFeatures None None (AccessibilityFeatures).
AccessibilityFeatures NoStairs Property has no stairs.
AccessibilityFeatures NotAdaCompliant This property may have Accessibility Features, but it is not ADA Compliant.
AccessibilityFeatures Other Other (AccessibilityFeatures).
AccessibilityFeatures Parking Parking
AccessibilityFeatures ReinforcedFloors Reinforced floors for bariatric needs, power wheelchairs, therapeutic tub or heavy medical equipment.
AccessibilityFeatures SafeEmergencyEgressFromHome Minimum two, no-step, accessible egresses from Central Living Area. Window locks are 19 to 54 inches from the floor and can be opened with a closed fist. Emergency egress windows in sleeping areas require minimal effort to open. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible.
AccessibilityFeatures SeeRemarks See Remarks
AccessibilityFeatures SmartTechnology Smart Home (computer-controlled) and/or smart products� for example, voice activated controls, voice reminder, remote monitoring of individuals with dementia.
AccessibilityFeatures StairLift Stair lift with motorized rail to climb interior or exterior stairway installed professionally.
AccessibilityFeatures StandbyGenerator Backup generator for refrigeration of medications, life-sustaining medical equipment or essential room temperature control.
AccessibilityFeatures TherapeuticWhirlpool Therapeutic whirlpool, properly installed.
AccessibilityFeatures Visitable The home is �visitable� for all guests: a person in a wheel chair can easily enter the home and access the main Common Area, a half-bathroom at minimum, and the hall leading to that bathroom.
AccessibilityFeatures VisitorBathroom Bathroom that is closest to Common Area. Minimum half bath. Door has minimum 32-inch clear width opening; lever handles. Minimum 60-inch turnaround or other approved turnaround configuration (30" x 48" clear space if door opens out.). Grab bar installed in toilet area with proper blocking. This is required to be considered Visitable.
AccessibilityFeatures WalkerAccessibleStairs Treads are minimum 25 inches deep, with maximum 4 inches rise, minimum 36 inches wide. May be a custom feature in addition to approach with ramp.
AccessibilityFeatures WheelchairAccess Property has Wheelchair Access.


Name Value Description
Appliances AirToAirExchanger Recycles the heat from vented indoor air to heat the incoming fresh outside air.
Appliances AppliancesNegotiable Appliances are negotiable.
Appliances Barbecue Barbecue
Appliances BarFridge A refrigerator that is sized and/or built to be part of a bar.
Appliances BuiltIn Built-In
Appliances BuiltInCoffeeMaker Property has a built in coffee maker
Appliances BuiltInElectricOven A built-in electric oven.
Appliances BuiltInElectricRange A built-in electric range.
Appliances BuiltInFreezer A built-in freezer.
Appliances BuiltInGasOven A built-in gas oven
Appliances BuiltInGasRange A built-in gas range.
Appliances BuiltInOven The appliances include a built-in oven.
Appliances BuiltInRange A built-in range where the fuel type is not specified.
Appliances BuiltInRefrigerator A built-in refrigerator
Appliances CentralAirConditioner Central Air Conditioner
Appliances CentralVacuum Property includes a Central Vacuum
Appliances CoalWaterHeater Coal Water Heater
Appliances CommonWaterHeater Common Water Heater
Appliances ConvectionOven A convection oven (also known as a fan-assisted oven or simply a fan oven) is an oven that has fans to circulate air around food.
Appliances Cooktop A kitchen stove, often called simply a stove or a cooker, is a kitchen appliance designed for the purpose of cooking food. Kitchen stoves rely on the application of direct heat for the cooking process.
Appliances CounterTop Counter Top
Appliances Dishwasher A dishwasher is a mechanical device for cleaning dishware and cutlery.
Appliances Disposal A garbage disposal unit (also known as a garbage disposal, waste disposal unit, garbage disposer, or in Canadian English a garburator) is a device, usually electrically powered, installed under a kitchen sink between the sink's drain and the trap. The disposal unit shreds food waste into pieces small enough, generally less than 2 mm (0.079 in), to pass through plumbing.
Appliances DoubleOven A built-in oven fixture that has either two ovens, or one oven and one microwave oven. It is usually built into the kitchen cabinet.
Appliances DownDraft A vent that is part of the surface of a cook top that has a fan which sucks cooking fumes/smoke down. This is an alternative to a hooded cooktop/range.
Appliances Dryer A clothes dryer.
Appliances ElectricCooking Electric Cooking
Appliances ElectricCooktop A cooktop or stove that produces heat by way of electricity rather than gas. An induction cooktop is electric, but not all electric cooktops are induction.
Appliances ElectricDryer Electric Dryer
Appliances ElectricOven An oven that is heated by electricity, typically by way of heating coils.
Appliances ElectricRange An oven and cooktop that generates heat by way of electricity.
Appliances ElectricWaterHeater A water heater that heats the water by way of electricity.
Appliances EnergyStarQualifiedAppliances The property includes Energy Star qualified appliances.
Appliances EnergyStarQualifiedDishwasher The property includes an Energy Star qualified dishwasher.
Appliances EnergyStarQualifiedDryer The property includes an Energy Star qualified clothes dryer.
Appliances EnergyStarQualifiedFreezer The property includes an Energy Star qualified freezer.
Appliances EnergyStarQualifiedRefrigerator The property includes an Energy Star qualified refrigerator.
Appliances EnergyStarQualifiedWasher The property includes an Energy Star qualified clothes washer.
Appliances EnergyStarQualifiedWaterHeater The property includes an Energy Star qualified water heater.
Appliances ExhaustFan The cooktop has an exhaust fan.
Appliances FreeStanding Free Standing
Appliances FreeStandingElectricOven The oven is free standing, not built-in, and uses electricity to produce heat.
Appliances FreeStandingElectricRange The range is free standing, not built-in, and uses electricity to produce heat for its oven and cooktop.
Appliances FreeStandingFreezer The freezer is free standing and not built-in.
Appliances FreeStandingGasOven The oven is free standing, not built-in, and uses gas to produce heat.
Appliances FreeStandingGasRange The range is free standing, not built-in, and uses gas to produce heat for its oven and cooktop.
Appliances FreeStandingRange The range is free standing, not built-in.
Appliances FreeStandingRefrigerator The refrigerator is free-standing, not built-in.
Appliances Freezer The property includes a freezer.
Appliances GasCooking Gas Cooking
Appliances GasCooktop A cooktop or stove that produces heat by way of gas rather than electricity. An induction cooktop is electric, but not all electric cooktops are induction.
Appliances GasDryer Gas Dryer
Appliances GasGrillConnection Gas Grill Connection
Appliances GasOven An oven that is heated by gas.
Appliances GasRange An oven and cooktop that generates heat by way of gas.
Appliances GasWaterHeater A water heater that heats the water with gas.
Appliances GeothermalWaterHeater The water heater runs on a geothermal source.
Appliances Heater Property includes a Heater
Appliances HeatPumpWaterHeater Heat Pump Water Heater
Appliances HighEfficiencyWaterHeater High Efficiency Water Heater
Appliances HotWaterCirculator Hot Water Circulator
Appliances Humidifier The property includes a humidity control device or system.
Appliances IceMaker The property includes an ice maker.
Appliances IndoorGrill The property has an indoor grill.
Appliances InductionCooktop The electric cooktop is based on magnetic induction rather than heating coils.
Appliances InstantHotWater The property has a circulatory or instant hot water system.
Appliances Microwave The property includes a microwave.
Appliances MicrowaveHoodFan Microwave Hood Fan
Appliances MultipleDishwashers Multiple Dishwashers
Appliances MultipleRefrigerators Multiple Refrigerators
Appliances MultipleWaterHeaters There is more than one water heater on the property.
Appliances NoHotWater No Hot Water
Appliances None The property includes no appliances.
Appliances OilWaterHeater Oil Water Heater
Appliances Other The property includes appliances other than those available in this list.
Appliances Oven The property includes an oven.
Appliances PlumbedForGas Plumbed For Gas
Appliances PlumbedForIceMaker The property has plumbing for an ice maker.
Appliances PortableAirConditioningUnits A self-contained cooling unit designed for easy mobility and installation.
Appliances PortableDishwasher The property includes a portable dishwasher.
Appliances PropaneCooking Propane Cooking
Appliances PropaneCooktop The gas cooktop uses propane as its fuel and either has a local tank or runs on a house wide propane system.
Appliances PropaneOven Propane Oven
Appliances PropaneRange Propane Range
Appliances PropaneWaterHeater Propane Water Heater
Appliances Range The property includes a range, which is a single unit that has both an oven and a cooktop.
Appliances RangeHood The range has a hooded exhaust.
Appliances Refrigerator The property includes a refrigerator.
Appliances RefrigeratorWithIceMaker Refrigerator with Ice Maker
Appliances SeeRemarks See Remarks
Appliances SelfCleaningOven The oven included with the property has a self-cleaning feature.
Appliances SeparateIceMachine Property has a separate ice machine
Appliances SixBurnerStove 6 Burner Stove
Appliances SmartAppliances Appliances that have convenience and energy saving aspects. Smart appliances may also integrate with a larger smart home system and typically operate through a third-party service.
Appliances SmoothCooktop Property includes a smooth cooktop.
Appliances SolarHotWater The hot water heater has either a passive or active solar component.
Appliances SomeCommercialGrade The property has some commercial grade appliances.
Appliances SomeElectricAppliances Some Electric Appliances.
Appliances SomeGasAppliances Some Gas Appliances.
Appliances SomePropaneAppliances Some Propane Appliances.
Appliances StainlessSteelAppliances Some or all of the appliances included in the property are stainless steal.
Appliances Stove Property includes a Stove or Cooktop
Appliances SumpPump Property includes Sump Pump
Appliances TanklessWaterHeater A tankless water heater is included with the property.
Appliances TrashCompactor The property has a trash compactor.
Appliances VentedExhaustFan The cooktop has an exhaust fan that is vented.
Appliances WalkInCooler Walk-In Cooler
Appliances WallWindowAirConditioner Wall/Window Air Conditioner
Appliances WarmingDrawer The property has a warming drawer.
Appliances Washer The property includes a clothes washer.
Appliances WasherDryer The property includes a clothes washer and dryer.
Appliances WasherDryerAllInOne Washer Dryer All In One
Appliances WasherDryerAllowed Washer Dryer Allowed
Appliances WasherDryerStacked The property has a stacked clothes washer and dryer.
Appliances WaterHeater The property has a water heater.
Appliances WaterHeaterOwned Water Heater Owned
Appliances WaterHeaterRented Water Heater Rented
Appliances WaterPurifier The property has a water purifier.
Appliances WaterPurifierOwned The property has a water purifier that is owned and not rented/leased.
Appliances WaterPurifierRented The property has a water purifier that is on a rental or lease agreement.
Appliances WaterSoftener The property has a water softening system.
Appliances WaterSoftenerOwned The property has a water softening system that is owned and not rented/leased.
Appliances WaterSoftenerRented The property has a water softening system that is on a rental or lease agreement.
Appliances WaterToRefrigerator Water To Refrigerator
Appliances WineCooler The property includes a wine cooler.
Appliances WineRefrigerator The property includes a wine refrigerator.
Appliances WoodWaterHeater Wood Water Heater


Name Value Description
ArchitecturalStyle AFrame A-Frame.
ArchitecturalStyle Airlite AirLite.
ArchitecturalStyle ArtDeco Art Deco.
ArchitecturalStyle ArtNouveau The architectural style is art nouveau.
ArchitecturalStyle Backsplit The style of the home is a backsplit style
ArchitecturalStyle Barndominium An open concept building that combines living quarters and a working area.
ArchitecturalStyle BeauxArts The architectural style is beaux arts.
ArchitecturalStyle Berm Berm.
ArchitecturalStyle BiLevel Bi-Level.
ArchitecturalStyle Brutalist The architectural style is brutalist.
ArchitecturalStyle Bungalow Bungalow.
ArchitecturalStyle BungalowRaised Style of the property is a raised bungalow
ArchitecturalStyle Cabin Cabin.
ArchitecturalStyle Camelback Camelback
ArchitecturalStyle Camp Camp
ArchitecturalStyle CapeCod Cape Cod.
ArchitecturalStyle CastIron The architectural style is cast iron.
ArchitecturalStyle ChaletAlpine Chalet/Alpine.
ArchitecturalStyle ClusterHome Cluster Home.
ArchitecturalStyle CoachCarriage Coach/Carriage.
ArchitecturalStyle Coastal Coastal
ArchitecturalStyle Colonial Colonial.
ArchitecturalStyle CommonEntryBuilding Common Entry Building
ArchitecturalStyle Contemporary Contemporary
ArchitecturalStyle ContemporaryModern Contemporary/Modern.
ArchitecturalStyle Conventional Conventional.
ArchitecturalStyle Cottage Cottage
ArchitecturalStyle Country The architectural style is Country.
ArchitecturalStyle Courtyard The architectural style is courtyard.
ArchitecturalStyle Craftsman Craftsman.
ArchitecturalStyle Creole Creole
ArchitecturalStyle Custom Custom.
ArchitecturalStyle Dallas Dallas
ArchitecturalStyle Detached Detached.
ArchitecturalStyle Dome Dome.
ArchitecturalStyle Duplex Duplex.
ArchitecturalStyle DutchColonial Dutch Colonial
ArchitecturalStyle EarlyAmerican The architectural style is Early American
ArchitecturalStyle English English.
ArchitecturalStyle European European.
ArchitecturalStyle Farmhouse Farmhouse.
ArchitecturalStyle Federal Federal.
ArchitecturalStyle Flat The architectural style is a flat.
ArchitecturalStyle Florida Florida.
ArchitecturalStyle Fourplex Duplex.
ArchitecturalStyle FrenchProvincial French Provincial
ArchitecturalStyle GambrelBarn Gambrel/Barn.
ArchitecturalStyle GarageApartment Garage Apartment.
ArchitecturalStyle GardenApartment Garden Apartment
ArchitecturalStyle GardenHome Garden Home.
ArchitecturalStyle GarrisonFrontier Garrison/Frontier.
ArchitecturalStyle Georgian Georgian.
ArchitecturalStyle GothicRevival The architectural style is gothic revival.
ArchitecturalStyle GreekRevival Greek Revival.
ArchitecturalStyle HighRise High Rise.
ArchitecturalStyle HillCountry Hill Country.
ArchitecturalStyle HistoricAntique Historic/Antique.
ArchitecturalStyle HouseWithCottage House with Cottage.
ArchitecturalStyle International International
ArchitecturalStyle Italianate Italianate
ArchitecturalStyle Loft The style of the home is a Loft
ArchitecturalStyle LogHome Log Home.
ArchitecturalStyle LowRise Low Rise.
ArchitecturalStyle Mansion Mansion.
ArchitecturalStyle ManufacturedHome Manufactured Home.
ArchitecturalStyle Mediterranean Mediterranean
ArchitecturalStyle MidCenturyModern Mid-Century Modern
ArchitecturalStyle MidEntry Mid Entry
ArchitecturalStyle MidRise Mid Rise.
ArchitecturalStyle MobileHome Mobile Home.
ArchitecturalStyle Modern Modern.
ArchitecturalStyle ModularPrefab Modular/Prefab.
ArchitecturalStyle Monterey Monterey
ArchitecturalStyle Mountain Mountain
ArchitecturalStyle MultiFamily Multi-Family.
ArchitecturalStyle MultiLevel Multi-Level.
ArchitecturalStyle Multiplex Multiplex.
ArchitecturalStyle National National
ArchitecturalStyle Neoclassical Neoclassical
ArchitecturalStyle NewEngland New England.
ArchitecturalStyle None None.
ArchitecturalStyle NorthernNewMexico The architectural style of the property is Northern New Mexico.
ArchitecturalStyle OneAndOneHalfStory One and One Half Story
ArchitecturalStyle OneStory One Story.
ArchitecturalStyle Other Other (ArchitecturalStyle).
ArchitecturalStyle PatioHome Patio Home.
ArchitecturalStyle Penthouse The architectural style is a penthouse.
ArchitecturalStyle PostAndBeam The style of the home is post and beam
ArchitecturalStyle Prairie Prairie
ArchitecturalStyle Prewar Prewar
ArchitecturalStyle Pueblo The property is a Pueblo style home.
ArchitecturalStyle QueenAnne The architectural style is queen anne.
ArchitecturalStyle RaisedBeach Raised Beach
ArchitecturalStyle RaisedRanch Raised Ranch.
ArchitecturalStyle Ranch Ranch.
ArchitecturalStyle Regency Regency
ArchitecturalStyle Reverse A reverse living floor plan often the bedrooms, garage, storage, and other secondary spaces are on the ground or main floor.
ArchitecturalStyle Romanesque Romanesque architecture is known by its massive quality, thick walls, round arches, sturdy pillars, barrel vaults, large towers and decorative arcading.
ArchitecturalStyle RowHouse Row House.
ArchitecturalStyle Rustic Rustic.
ArchitecturalStyle Saltbox Saltbox.
ArchitecturalStyle SecondEmpire The architectural style is second empire.
ArchitecturalStyle SeeRemarks See remarks for information about the architectural style of the home.
ArchitecturalStyle Shingle Shingle
ArchitecturalStyle Shotgun Shotgun
ArchitecturalStyle Sidesplit The style of the home is a sidesplit
ArchitecturalStyle Southwestern Southwestern.
ArchitecturalStyle Spanish Spanish
ArchitecturalStyle SpanishMediterranean Spanish/Mediterranean.
ArchitecturalStyle SplitFoyer Split-Foyer.
ArchitecturalStyle SplitLevel Split Level
ArchitecturalStyle SquareDesign Square Design.
ArchitecturalStyle Stick Stick
ArchitecturalStyle Stilt Stilt
ArchitecturalStyle StraightThru Straight Thru.
ArchitecturalStyle Studio Studio
ArchitecturalStyle Territorial The property is a Territorial style home.
ArchitecturalStyle ThreeStory Three Story.
ArchitecturalStyle TimberFrame The style of home is timber frame.
ArchitecturalStyle Traditional Traditional.
ArchitecturalStyle Transitional Transitional.
ArchitecturalStyle TriLevel Tri-Level.
ArchitecturalStyle Triplex Duplex.
ArchitecturalStyle Tudor Tudor.
ArchitecturalStyle TwinHome The architectural style is a twin home.
ArchitecturalStyle TwoAndOneHalfStory Two and One Half Story
ArchitecturalStyle TwoStory Two Story.
ArchitecturalStyle TwoUnitCondo A 2 unit condo has each unit deeded separately.
ArchitecturalStyle Victorian Victorian.
ArchitecturalStyle WalkUp An apartment building without an elevator.
ArchitecturalStyle Williamsburg Williamsburg.


Name Value Description
AssociationAmenities AdjacentWater Association amenity is adjacent to water.
AssociationAmenities AirportRunway The home owner's association includes access or some service related to an airport or runway.
AssociationAmenities Barbecue The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a barbecue.
AssociationAmenities BasketballCourt The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a basketball court.
AssociationAmenities BeachAccess The home owner's association includes access to a beach.
AssociationAmenities BeachRights The home owner's association includes use of a beach that has beach rights restrictions.
AssociationAmenities BikeStorage The association amenities feature bike storage.
AssociationAmenities BilliardRoom The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a billiard room.
AssociationAmenities BoatDock The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a boat dock.
AssociationAmenities BoatHouse Boat House
AssociationAmenities Boating The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, boating.
AssociationAmenities BoatRamp Boat Ramp
AssociationAmenities BoatSlip The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a boat slip.
AssociationAmenities BocceCourt The association features a bocce court.
AssociationAmenities BuildingRoofDeck Building Roof Deck
AssociationAmenities BusinessCenter Business Center.
AssociationAmenities Cabana The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a cabana.
AssociationAmenities CableTv The home owner's association includes cable based services.
AssociationAmenities CallForRules Call for Rules
AssociationAmenities Campground Association offers a camp ground facility.
AssociationAmenities CarWashArea The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an are to wash your car.
AssociationAmenities Clubhouse The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a clubhouse.
AssociationAmenities CoinLaundry The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a coin laundry.
AssociationAmenities CommonGrounds Common Grounds.
AssociationAmenities CommunityKitchen The Association has a community kitchen.
AssociationAmenities Concierge The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a concierge service.
AssociationAmenities ControlledAccess Controlled access to the association.
AssociationAmenities CountryClub Country Club
AssociationAmenities DayCare The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a day care service.
AssociationAmenities Dock Association includes a dock.
AssociationAmenities DogPark The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a dog park.
AssociationAmenities DryDock The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a dry dock.
AssociationAmenities DuesPaidAnnually Dues Paid Annually
AssociationAmenities DuesPaidMonthly Dues Paid Monthly
AssociationAmenities DuesPaidQuarterly Dues Paid Quarterly
AssociationAmenities DuesPaidSemiAnnually Dues Paid Semi-Annually
AssociationAmenities Electricity The home owner's association includes electricity.
AssociationAmenities Elevators The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an elevator(s).
AssociationAmenities ExerciseCourse The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an exercise course.
AssociationAmenities FirePit Fire Pit
AssociationAmenities FitnessCenter The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a fitness center.
AssociationAmenities FoodServices The association has food services available.
AssociationAmenities GameCourtExterior The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an outdoors game court.
AssociationAmenities GameCourtInterior The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an indoors game court.
AssociationAmenities GameRoom The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a game room .
AssociationAmenities GardenArea The association has a garden area.
AssociationAmenities Gas The home owner's association includes natural gas.
AssociationAmenities Gated The home owner's association property/area is gated.
AssociationAmenities Gazebo Gazebo
AssociationAmenities GolfCourse The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a golf course.
AssociationAmenities Guard Security/Guard.
AssociationAmenities GuestSuites Condo amenities include guest suites
AssociationAmenities HobbyRoom The association amenities include a hobby room.
AssociationAmenities HorseTrails Horse Trails
AssociationAmenities HotWater The home owner's association includes hot water.
AssociationAmenities IndoorPool The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an indoor pool.
AssociationAmenities Insurance The home owner's association includes insurance.
AssociationAmenities JoggingPath The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a jogging path.
AssociationAmenities Kennel Kennel
AssociationAmenities LakeOrPond Lake or Pond
AssociationAmenities Landscaping The home owner's association includes landscaping.
AssociationAmenities Laundry The home owner's association includes laundry.
AssociationAmenities Library Association provides access to a Library.
AssociationAmenities MaidService The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a maid service.
AssociationAmenities Maintenance The home owner's association includes maintenance.
AssociationAmenities MaintenanceFrontYard Maintenance Front Yard
AssociationAmenities MaintenanceGrounds The home owner's association includes grounds maintenance.
AssociationAmenities MaintenanceStructure The home owner's association includes building maintenance.
AssociationAmenities Management The home owner's association includes management services.
AssociationAmenities ManagementFees Management Fees.
AssociationAmenities Marina The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a marina.
AssociationAmenities MediaRoom The preoperty's amenities include a media room
AssociationAmenities MedicalCareService The association has medical care services available.
AssociationAmenities MedicalFacility The association amenities include a medical facility.
AssociationAmenities MeetingBanquetPartyRoom Meeting/Banquet/Party Room.
AssociationAmenities MeetingRoom The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a meeting room.
AssociationAmenities None The home owner's association has no amenities.
AssociationAmenities Other The home owner's association includes amenities not included in this list.
AssociationAmenities OtherCourts Other Courts
AssociationAmenities OutdoorCookingArea Outdoor Cooking Area
AssociationAmenities OwnerAllowedGolfCart The owner is allowed a golf cart.
AssociationAmenities OwnerAllowedMotorcycle The owner is allowed a motorcycle.
AssociationAmenities PaddleTennis Paddle Tennis
AssociationAmenities Park The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a park.
AssociationAmenities Parking The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, parking.
AssociationAmenities PartyRoom The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a party room.
AssociationAmenities PetRestrictions Pet Restrictions.
AssociationAmenities PetsAllowed Pets Allowed.
AssociationAmenities PetsNotAllowed The Association does not allow pets.
AssociationAmenities Pickleball The association features a pickleball court.
AssociationAmenities PicnicArea The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a picnic area.
AssociationAmenities Pier Pier
AssociationAmenities Playground The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a playground.
AssociationAmenities PondSeasonal The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a seasonal pond.
AssociationAmenities PondYearRound The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a year round pond.
AssociationAmenities Pool The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a pool.
AssociationAmenities PoweredBoatsAllowed The home owner's association allows the use of powered boats.
AssociationAmenities PrivateMembership Association has private membership.
AssociationAmenities PuttingGreens The Association has a putting green.
AssociationAmenities Racquetball The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a racquetball court(s).
AssociationAmenities RecreationFacilities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, recreation facilities.
AssociationAmenities RecreationRoom The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a recreation room.
AssociationAmenities Restaurant Association provides access to a Restaurant.
AssociationAmenities RoofDeck The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a roof deck.
AssociationAmenities RvBoatStorage The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, RV and/or boat storage.
AssociationAmenities RvParking The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, recreational vehicle (RV) parking.
AssociationAmenities SatelliteTv Satellite TV
AssociationAmenities Sauna The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a sauna.
AssociationAmenities SchoolBusStop The association has a school bus stop.
AssociationAmenities Security The home owner's association includes security services.
AssociationAmenities SeeRemarks See Remarks.
AssociationAmenities ServiceElevators The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a service elevator(s).
AssociationAmenities ShuffleboardCourt The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a shuffleboard court.
AssociationAmenities Sidewalks Sidewalks.
AssociationAmenities SkiAccessible The home owner's association includes access to skiing.
AssociationAmenities SkiInSkiOut Ski In Ski Out
AssociationAmenities SkiStorage Association fees include ski storage
AssociationAmenities SnowRemoval The home owner's association includes snow removal.
AssociationAmenities SpaHotTub The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a spa and/or hot tub.
AssociationAmenities SportCourt The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a sport court.
AssociationAmenities SportsFields Sports Fields.
AssociationAmenities Stables The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, horse stable(s).
AssociationAmenities Storage The home owner's association includes storage space.
AssociationAmenities StreamSeasonal The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a seasonal stream.
AssociationAmenities StreamYearRound The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a year round accessible stream.
AssociationAmenities Taxes The home owner's association includes taxes.
AssociationAmenities TenantAllowedGolfCart The tenant is allowed a golf cart.
AssociationAmenities TenantAllowedMotorcycle The tenant is allowed a motorcycle.
AssociationAmenities TennisCourts The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a tennis court(s).
AssociationAmenities Trails The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a trail(s).
AssociationAmenities TransportationService Transportation Service
AssociationAmenities Trash The home owner's association includes trash service.
AssociationAmenities Utilities Utilities
AssociationAmenities VehicleWashArea Association provides access to a Car Wash.
AssociationAmenities Water The home owner's association includes water.
AssociationAmenities WorkshopArea The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a workshop area.


Name Value Description
AssociationFeeIncludes AirConditioning The association fee includes air conditioning.
AssociationFeeIncludes AllFacilities Fee includes access to all facilities available.
AssociationFeeIncludes Amenities Amenities
AssociationFeeIncludes AssociationManagement Association Management.
AssociationFeeIncludes BoatRamp Association fee includes access to a shared or private boat ramp.
AssociationFeeIncludes CableTv Cable TV is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes Caretaker Caretaker
AssociationFeeIncludes Clubhouse Association fee pays for the club house.
AssociationFeeIncludes CommonAreaElectricity Common area electricity is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes CommonAreaInsurance Common area insurance is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes CommonAreaMaintenance Common area maintenance is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes CommonAreas Common Area Maintenance.
AssociationFeeIncludes DockReserve The association fee includes a dock reserve fund.
AssociationFeeIncludes EarthquakeInsurance Earthquake Insurance is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes Electricity Electricity is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes Fencing Association fee covers maintenance of fences.
AssociationFeeIncludes FishingRights The association fee includes fishing rights.
AssociationFeeIncludes FitnessFacility Association fee includes access to a fitness facilty.
AssociationFeeIncludes FloodInsurance The association fee includes flood insurance.
AssociationFeeIncludes Gas Gas is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes Golf Golf.
AssociationFeeIncludes Heat The association fee includes heat.
AssociationFeeIncludes HighSpeedInternet Association fee includes high speed internet.
AssociationFeeIncludes HotWater The association fee includes hot water.
AssociationFeeIncludes Hvac Association Fee covers HVAC cost and maintenance.
AssociationFeeIncludes Insurance Insurance is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes Internet Internet access is included with the Home Owner�s Association dues paid by the owner. Questions about the means of access (e.g. wifi, ethernet), the speed of the access and other information about the Internet Service Provider (ISP) may be directed to the Home Owner�s Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes IrrigationWater The association fee includes irrigation water.
AssociationFeeIncludes Laundry Association Fee Includes access to a laundry facility.
AssociationFeeIncludes LegalAccounting Services included with the association fee.
AssociationFeeIncludes MaintenanceGrounds Maintenance of the grounds including lawns and common areas but not including exterior structures.
AssociationFeeIncludes MaintenanceStructure Maintenance of the exterior of the structure including roofing, walls, exterior structures and does not include the grounds.
AssociationFeeIncludes None None (AssociationFeeIncludes).
AssociationFeeIncludes Other Other (AssociationFeeIncludes).
AssociationFeeIncludes Parking Association fee includes the cost of parking.
AssociationFeeIncludes PartialAmenities Partial Amenities
AssociationFeeIncludes PartialUtilities Partial Utilities
AssociationFeeIncludes PestControl Pest Control is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes Phone Association fee includes telephone.
AssociationFeeIncludes Playground Association fee covers maintenance of a playground.
AssociationFeeIncludes Pools Pool(s).
AssociationFeeIncludes Receptionist The association fee includes a receptionist.
AssociationFeeIncludes RecreationFacilities Association fee includes access to Recreation Facilities.
AssociationFeeIncludes Recycling Recycling
AssociationFeeIncludes ReserveFund Reserve Fund.
AssociationFeeIncludes RoadMaintenance Association fees pay for road maintenance.
AssociationFeeIncludes Roof Roof.
AssociationFeeIncludes Security Security is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes SeeAgent See agent for more information on what the association fee includes.
AssociationFeeIncludes SeeRemarks See remarks for additional items that are covered by the association fee.
AssociationFeeIncludes Sewer Sewer is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes SharedAmenities Shared or common amenities are included in the fee paid to the association.
AssociationFeeIncludes SnowRemoval Snow Removal is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes SpecialAssessment Special Assessments are extra, �unusual� fees that you may be charged by your HOA board under certain conditions. These costs are usually levied by the board only in emergencies, such as in the case of unexpected large-scale damages.
AssociationFeeIncludes Sprinkler Association Fee covers access to a sprinkler system.
AssociationFeeIncludes StreetLights Association fees pay for the street lights.
AssociationFeeIncludes Taxes Association fees pay for taxes.
AssociationFeeIncludes TennisCourts Association Fee includes Tennis Courts
AssociationFeeIncludes Trash Trash is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes Utilities Utilities is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes Valet Association fee provides a valet.
AssociationFeeIncludes Water Water is included in the fee paid to the Association.
AssociationFeeIncludes WaterAccess The association fee includes water access.


Name Value Description
Attic AccessOnly Access Only
Attic Common Common
Attic CrawlSpace Crawl Space
Attic Dormer Dormer
Attic Expandable Expandable
Attic Finished Finished
Attic Floored Floored
Attic Full Full
Attic None None
Attic Other Other
Attic Partial Partial
Attic PartiallyFinished Partially Finished
Attic PartiallyFloored Partially Floored
Attic PermanentStairs Permanent Stairs
Attic PullDownStairs Pull-Down Stairs
Attic Scuttle Scuttle
Attic SeeRemarks See Remarks
Attic Storage Storage
Attic StorageOnly Storage Only
Attic Unfinished Unfinished
Attic WalkIn Walk-In
Attic WalkUp Walk-Up


Name Value Description
AvailabilityType Annual Annual
AvailabilityType Biweekly Biweekly
AvailabilityType Daily Daily
AvailabilityType LongTerm Long Term
AvailabilityType Monthly Monthly
AvailabilityType None None
AvailabilityType OffSeason Off-Season
AvailabilityType Other Other
AvailabilityType Seasonal Seasonal
AvailabilityType ShortTerm Short Term
AvailabilityType Vacation Property may be used for vacation rental.
AvailabilityType Weekly Weekly


Name Value Description
Basement Apartment The basement is setup as an apartment living space.
Basement Bathroom There is a bathroom in the basement.
Basement BathStubbed The basement is stubbed for a bathroom.
Basement Bedroom There is a bedroom in the basement.
Basement Block The basement has block construction.
Basement CommonBasement Common basement.
Basement Concrete The basement has a concrete floor and/or walls.
Basement CrawlSpace The basement is/has a crawl space.
Basement Daylight The basement has natural lighting.
Basement DirtFloor The basement has a dirt floor.
Basement DrainTiled A drain has been tiled in the basement.
Basement DrivewayAccess The basement has access to the driveway.
Basement EgressWindows The basement has egress windows.
Basement Encapsulated The basement has been sealed against moisture leaks after a water drainage system installation.
Basement ExteriorEntry The basement has an exterior entry.
Basement Finished The basement is finished to a given standard of competition. Examples may include underlayment and flooring; walls are framed, insulated, drywalled and painted; etc.
Basement FoyerFinished The basement has a finished foyer.
Basement FrenchDrain The basement has a French drain.
Basement Full The basement fills the entire space under the house.
Basement FullExposure Full Exposure
Basement GarageAccess The basement has access to the garage.
Basement GardenLevel A garden level basically means that the basement is half above grade, so in other words when you look out the window you see the outside world and not the inside of a window well.
Basement HatchwayAccess The entrance to basement is though a hatchway.
Basement Heated The basement is heated.
Basement InteriorEntry The basement has an interior entry.
Basement Kitchen There is a kitchen in the basement.
Basement NoExposure No Exposure
Basement None The property has no basement.
Basement Other The basement has features or attributes other than those listed in this field.
Basement Partial The basement partially fills the space under the house.
Basement PartialExposure Partial Exposure
Basement PartiallyFinished The basement is partially finished. Some finishing work is done but not all. Examples may include underlayment and flooring; walls are framed, insulated, drywalled and painted; etc.
Basement Private Private
Basement RecFamilyArea The basement has a recreation/family area.
Basement SeeRemarks See remarks for additional information about the basement.
Basement SeparateEntrance The basement of the property has a separate entrance
Basement SleepingArea Basement has a sleeping area
Basement StorageSpace The basement has storage space.
Basement SumpPump The basement has a sump pump.
Basement Unfinished The basement is unfinished.
Basement Utility Utility
Basement WalkOutAccess A walk-out basement is a structure where the basement space directly accessible from the outside with the entryway level with the ground.
Basement WalkUpAccess A walk-up basement is a structure where the basement space directly accessible from the outside with the entryway below ground and usually exterior stairs leading up to ground level.


Name Value Description
BoatDockSlipFeatures CommunityRamp Community Ramp
BoatDockSlipFeatures Composite The dock or slip is made from composite material.
BoatDockSlipFeatures DeepWaterAccess The boat dock or slip has deep water access.
BoatDockSlipFeatures DockAvailable Dock Available
BoatDockSlipFeatures ElectricAvailable The dock or slip has electric available.
BoatDockSlipFeatures Floating The dock or slip is floating.
BoatDockSlipFeatures Hoist Hoist
BoatDockSlipFeatures Lift Lift
BoatDockSlipFeatures MarinaServices Marina Services
BoatDockSlipFeatures MarineRail Marine Rail
BoatDockSlipFeatures Other Other
BoatDockSlipFeatures Private The dock or slip is private to owner.
BoatDockSlipFeatures Ramp Ramp
BoatDockSlipFeatures RestroomFacilities The dock or slip features restroom facilities.
BoatDockSlipFeatures SeeAgent See Agent.
BoatDockSlipFeatures SlipAvailable Slip Available
BoatDockSlipFeatures TreatedLumber The dock or slip is made from treated lumber.
BoatDockSlipFeatures WaterSupplyAvailable The dock or slip has a water supply available.
BoatDockSlipFeatures Wood The dock or slip is made from wood.


Name Value Description
BodyType DoubleWide The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is double wide.
BodyType Expando The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is Expando.
BodyType Other A body type not included in this list.
BodyType QuadWide The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is quad wide.
BodyType SeeRemarks The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is see remarks.
BodyType SingleWide The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is single wide.
BodyType TripleWide The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is triple wide.


Name Value Description
BuildingFeatures AlleyLoading Alley Loading
BuildingFeatures Appliances The building has at least some appliances included.
BuildingFeatures BasketballCourt Basketball Court.
BuildingFeatures BikeStorage Bike Storage.
BuildingFeatures BilliardRoom Billiard Room.
BuildingFeatures BowlingAlley Bowling Alley.
BuildingFeatures Cafeteria The building has a cafeteria.
BuildingFeatures CarWashArea Car Wash Area.
BuildingFeatures CleaningService Cleaning Service.
BuildingFeatures ClearSpan Clear Span
BuildingFeatures ClubhouseOrPartyRoom Clubhouse Or Party Room.
BuildingFeatures ColdPlungePool Cold Plunge Pool.
BuildingFeatures ColdStorage Cold Storage.
BuildingFeatures CommonDiningRoom Common Dining Room.
BuildingFeatures CommonLibrary Common Library.
BuildingFeatures CommonLounge Common Lounge.
BuildingFeatures CommonPlayroom Common Playroom.
BuildingFeatures CompactedYard Compacted Yard
BuildingFeatures CompressedAirLines Compressed Air Lines
BuildingFeatures ComputerArea The building features a computer area.
BuildingFeatures Concierge Concierge.
BuildingFeatures ConferenceRoom Conference Room
BuildingFeatures Conveyor Conveyor
BuildingFeatures Coolers Cooler(s)
BuildingFeatures Coworkspace Coworkspace.
BuildingFeatures DangerousGoodsStorage Dangerous good (also known as hazardous material or hazmat) is any substance or material that is capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when transported in commerce.
BuildingFeatures DayCareFacility Day Care Facility
BuildingFeatures DeliveryDoor The building features a delivery door.
BuildingFeatures DockGradeLoading The building has dock grade loading.
BuildingFeatures DockLevelers A piece of equipment usually mounted to the dock face or recessed into a pit at a loading dock door creating a bridge between a building and a transport vehicle.
BuildingFeatures DogCare Dog Care.
BuildingFeatures DogPark Dog Park.
BuildingFeatures DogRun Dog Run.
BuildingFeatures DoorSign The building features a door sign.
BuildingFeatures DriveInDoors Drive-In Doors
BuildingFeatures DryCleaningService The building includes use of, or access to, a dry cleaning service.
BuildingFeatures Dumpster The building features a dumpster.
BuildingFeatures ElectricCarChargingStation Electric Car Charging Station.
BuildingFeatures Elevators Elevator(s)
BuildingFeatures EmergencyLighting Emergency Lighting
BuildingFeatures Escalators The building has an escalator.
BuildingFeatures EventSuite Event Suite.
BuildingFeatures ExerciseCourse Exercise Course.
BuildingFeatures ExhaustSystem The building features an exhaust system.
BuildingFeatures ExteriorLighting Exterior Lighting
BuildingFeatures FitnessCenter Fitness Center
BuildingFeatures FloorDrains Floor Drain(s)
BuildingFeatures FoodServices The building has food services.
BuildingFeatures Fountain Fountain
BuildingFeatures Freezers Freezer(s)
BuildingFeatures FreightElevator The building features a freight elevator.
BuildingFeatures GameRoom Game Room.
BuildingFeatures GolfSimulatorRoom Golf Simulator Room.
BuildingFeatures GradeLevelLoading The building has grade level loading.
BuildingFeatures GreenBuilding Green Building
BuildingFeatures GuestSuites Guest Suites.
BuildingFeatures HandicapAccess The building has handicap access.
BuildingFeatures HealthClub Health Club.
BuildingFeatures IndoorPool Indoor Pool.
BuildingFeatures JanitorialService Janitorial Service
BuildingFeatures KitchenFacilities The building has kitchen facilities.
BuildingFeatures LaundryDropOffService The building includes use of, or access to, a laundry service.
BuildingFeatures LaundryFacility Laundry Facility
BuildingFeatures LivingArea The building features a living area.
BuildingFeatures LoadingDock The building has a loading dock.
BuildingFeatures Lockers The building has lockers for storage.
BuildingFeatures Lunchroom Lunchroom
BuildingFeatures Maintenance Maintenance.
BuildingFeatures Management Management.
BuildingFeatures MeetingRooms Meeting Rooms
BuildingFeatures Mezzanine Mezzanine
BuildingFeatures MultiTenant Multi-Tenant
BuildingFeatures NoElevators No elevators
BuildingFeatures NoLoading The building does not have a loading area.
BuildingFeatures NotApplicable Not Applicable
BuildingFeatures Office The building features office space.
BuildingFeatures OffStreetLoading Off Street Loading
BuildingFeatures OnSiteManagement On Site Management.
BuildingFeatures Other Other
BuildingFeatures OverheadCrane Overhead Crane
BuildingFeatures OverheadDoors The building has overhead doors.
BuildingFeatures PackageDeliveryLocker Package Delivery Locker.
BuildingFeatures PackageRoom Package Room.
BuildingFeatures Parking Parking
BuildingFeatures PavedYard Paved Yard
BuildingFeatures PhoneSystem Phone System
BuildingFeatures PilatesStudio Pilates Studio.
BuildingFeatures PoleSign The building features a pole sign.
BuildingFeatures PrivateRestrooms Private Restrooms
BuildingFeatures PublicRestrooms Public Restrooms
BuildingFeatures Racquetball Racquetball.
BuildingFeatures RailroadSiding The building features railroad siding track section.
BuildingFeatures RailService Access to a rail service stop is located on the property.
BuildingFeatures ReceptionArea Reception Area
BuildingFeatures RecreationRoom Recreation Room
BuildingFeatures RentalSuite Additional living suite on the property that can be used as a rental.
BuildingFeatures Restaurant Restaurant.
BuildingFeatures RoofSign The building features a roof sign or billboard.
BuildingFeatures Sauna Sauna.
BuildingFeatures ScreeningRoom Screening Room.
BuildingFeatures SeeRemarks See Remarks
BuildingFeatures Shelving Shelving
BuildingFeatures Showers Shower(s)
BuildingFeatures Showroom Showroom
BuildingFeatures ShuffleboardCourt Shuffleboard Court.
BuildingFeatures Signs The building has a sign.
BuildingFeatures SignsExcluded The building sign is excluded from the sale or lease.
BuildingFeatures SignsLeased The building sign(s) are leased.
BuildingFeatures SignsNotPermitted The building does not allow signs.
BuildingFeatures SignsOwned The building sign(s) are owned.
BuildingFeatures SignsPermitted The building permits signs.
BuildingFeatures SingleTenant Single-Tenant
BuildingFeatures SpaHotTub Spa/Hot Tub.
BuildingFeatures SportCourt Sport Court.
BuildingFeatures SteamRoom Steam Room.
BuildingFeatures Storage Storage
BuildingFeatures Storefront Storefront
BuildingFeatures TennisCourts Tennis Court(s).
BuildingFeatures TvAntenna The building features include a TV Antenna.
BuildingFeatures TvSystem TV System
BuildingFeatures WiFi The building has Wi-Fi.
BuildingFeatures WorkshopArea Workshop Area.
BuildingFeatures YogaStudio Yoga Studio.


Name Value Description
BusinessType Accounting The listing is for an accounting business.
BusinessType AdministrativeAndSupport The listing is for an administrative and support business.
BusinessType AdultFamilyHome Adult Family Home
BusinessType Advertising The listing is for an advertising business.
BusinessType Agriculture The listing is for an agriculture business.
BusinessType AnimalGrooming The listing is for an animal grooming business.
BusinessType Antiques The business type is related to antiques.
BusinessType Appliances The listing is for an appliances business.
BusinessType AquariumSupplies The listing is for an aquarium supplies business.
BusinessType ArtsAndEntertainment The listing is for an arts and entertainment business.
BusinessType Athletic The listing is for an athletic business.
BusinessType AutoBody The listing is for an Auto Body business.
BusinessType AutoDealer The listing is for an auto dealer business.
BusinessType AutoGlass The listing is for an Auto Glass business.
BusinessType AutoParts The listing is for an Auto Parts business.
BusinessType AutoRentLease The listing is for an Auto Rent/Lease business.
BusinessType AutoRepairSpecialty The listing is for an Auto Repair-Specialty business.
BusinessType AutoService The listing is for an auto service business.
BusinessType AutoStereoAlarm The listing is for an Auto Stereo/Alarm business.
BusinessType AutoTires The listing is for an Auto Tires business.
BusinessType AutoWrecking The listing is for an Auto Wrecking business.
BusinessType Bakery The listing is for a bakery business.
BusinessType BarberBeauty The listing is for a barber/beauty business.
BusinessType BarTavernLounge The listing is for a bar/tavern/lounge business.
BusinessType BedAndBreakfast The listing is for a bed & breakfast business.
BusinessType BooksCardsStationary The listing is for a Books/Cards/Stationary business.
BusinessType BowlingAlley Bowling Alley
BusinessType BuildToSuit Build to Suit
BusinessType Butcher The listing is for a butcher business.
BusinessType Cabinets The listing is for a Cabinets business.
BusinessType Cafe Business is a Cafe.
BusinessType CandyCookie The listing is for a Candy/Cookie business.
BusinessType Cannabis Cannabis
BusinessType CareHome A care home is a place that provides accommodation, personal care, and supervision for people who can't live independently.
BusinessType CarParkGarages Business is a parking Garage
BusinessType CarpetTile The listing is for a Carpet/Tile business.
BusinessType CarWash The listing is for a car wash business.
BusinessType Casino Business is a Casino.
BusinessType ChildCare The listing is for a child care business.
BusinessType Church The listing is for a church business.
BusinessType Clothing The listing is for a clothing business.
BusinessType Commercial The listing is for a commercial business.
BusinessType Computer The listing is for a computer business.
BusinessType Condominium Condominium
BusinessType ConstructionContractor The listing is for a construction/contractor business.
BusinessType Convalescent The listing is for a Convalescent business.
BusinessType ConvenienceStore The listing is for a convenience store business.
BusinessType DanceStudio The listing is for a Dance Studio business.
BusinessType Decorator The listing is for a Decorator business.
BusinessType DeliCatering The listing is for a Deli/Catering business.
BusinessType Dental The listing is for a dental business.
BusinessType Distribution The listing is for a distribution business.
BusinessType Doughnut The listing is for a doughnut business.
BusinessType Drugstore The listing is for a Drugstore business.
BusinessType DryCleaner The listing is for a dry cleaner business.
BusinessType EducationSchool The listing is for an education/school business.
BusinessType Electronics The listing is for an Electronics business.
BusinessType Employment The listing is for an Employment business.
BusinessType Farm The listing is for a farm business.
BusinessType FastFood The listing is for a fast food business.
BusinessType Financial The listing is for a financial business.
BusinessType Fitness The listing is for a fitness business.
BusinessType FloristNursery The listing is for a florist/nursery business.
BusinessType FoodAndBeverage The listing is for a food & beverage business.
BusinessType ForestReserve The listing is for a forest reserve business.
BusinessType Franchise The listing is for a franchise business.
BusinessType FuneralHome Funeral Home
BusinessType Furniture The listing is for a Furniture business.
BusinessType GasStation The listing is for a gas station business.
BusinessType GiftShop The listing is for a gift shop business.
BusinessType Government Government
BusinessType GravelPit A mining operation that extracts gravel, sand, and other materials from the ground for sale or use in construction, manufacturing, and other industries.
BusinessType Grocery The listing is for a grocery business.
BusinessType Hardware The listing is for a hardware business.
BusinessType HealthFood The listing is for a Health Food business.
BusinessType HealthServices The listing is for a health services business.
BusinessType Hobby The listing is for a Hobby business.
BusinessType HomeCleaner The listing is for a Home Cleaner business.
BusinessType Hospitality The listing is for a hospitality business.
BusinessType HotelMotel The listing is for a hotel/motel business.
BusinessType IceCreamFrozenYogurt The listing is for an ice cream/frozen yogurt business.
BusinessType Industrial The listing is for an industrial business.
BusinessType Institutional Institutional
BusinessType Jewelry The listing is for a Jewelry business.
BusinessType Landscaping The listing is for a Landscaping business.
BusinessType Laundromat The listing is for a laundromat business.
BusinessType LiquorStore The listing is for a liquor store business.
BusinessType LiveWork Live/Work
BusinessType Locksmith The listing is for a Locksmith business.
BusinessType Manufacturing The listing is for a manufacturing business.
BusinessType Marina The business type is a marina.
BusinessType Medical The listing is for a medical business.
BusinessType Mixed The listing is for a mixed business.
BusinessType MobileTrailerPark The listing is for a mobile/trailer park business.
BusinessType MultiTenant Multi-Tenant
BusinessType Music The listing is for a Music business.
BusinessType NursingHome The listing is for a nursing home business.
BusinessType OfficeSupply The listing is for an Office Supply business.
BusinessType Other The listing is for an other business.
BusinessType Pads Pad(s)
BusinessType Paints The listing is for a Paints business.
BusinessType Parking The listing is for a parking business.
BusinessType PetBoarding Business is a Pet Boarding facility.
BusinessType PetStore The listing is for a pet store business.
BusinessType Photographer The listing is for a Photographer business.
BusinessType Pizza The listing is for a Pizza business.
BusinessType Printing The listing is for a printing business.
BusinessType ProfessionalOffice The listing is for a professional/office business.
BusinessType ProfessionalService The listing is for a professional service business.
BusinessType Ranch Ranch
BusinessType RealEstate The listing is for a Real Estate business.
BusinessType Recreation The listing is for a recreation business.
BusinessType Recycling Recycling
BusinessType RegionalCenter Regional Center
BusinessType Rental The listing is for a Rental business.
BusinessType Residential The listing is for a residential business.
BusinessType Restaurant The listing is for a restaurant business.
BusinessType Retail The listing is for a retail business.
BusinessType SaddleryHarness The listing is for a Saddlery/Harness business.
BusinessType SeeRemarks See Remarks
BusinessType Showroom Showroom
BusinessType SingleTenant Single-Tenant
BusinessType SpecialUse Special Use
BusinessType SportingGoods The listing is for a sporting goods business.
BusinessType StandAlone Stand-Alone
BusinessType Storage The listing is for a storage business.
BusinessType StripMall Strip Mall
BusinessType Technology The business is a technology company.
BusinessType Toys The listing is for a Toys business.
BusinessType Transportation The listing is for a transportation business.
BusinessType Travel The listing is for a Travel business.
BusinessType Upholstery The listing is for an Upholstery business.
BusinessType Utility The listing is for a Utility business.
BusinessType Variety The listing is for a Variety business.
BusinessType Video The listing is for a Video business.
BusinessType Wallpaper The listing is for a Wallpaper business.
BusinessType Warehouse The listing is for a warehouse business.
BusinessType Weddings .Business is a Wedding Venue.
BusinessType Wholesale The listing is for a wholesale business.


Name Value Description
BuyerAgentDesignation AccreditedBuyersRepresentative The Accredited Buyer�s Representative (ABR�) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. http://www.rebac.net/abr
BuyerAgentDesignation AccreditedLandConsultant Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable, experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the REALTORS� Land Institute, the designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/alc
BuyerAgentDesignation AtHomeWithDiversity Learn to work effectively with � and within � today�s diverse real estate market. The At Home With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ahwd
BuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedCommercialInvestmentMember The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate�s global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ccim
BuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedDistressedPropertyExpert A Certified Distressed Property Expert� (CDPE) has a thorough understanding of complex issues in today�s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships. http://www.cdpe.com/
BuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedInternationalPropertySpecialist The CIPS designation is for REALTORS� from the United States and abroad, as well as association staff and volunteer leaders who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It will provide you with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cips-designation
BuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedPropertyManager Certified Property Managers� (CPM�) are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession. 70% of those who hold the CPM� designation hold the highest management positions in their offices (owner/partner/officer/director). https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cpm
BuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedRealEstateBrokerageManager The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) Designation raises professional standards, strengthens individual and office performance, and indicates expertise in brokerage management. This designation represents the highest level of professional achievement in real estate brokerage management. You do not need a broker's license to earn the CRB Designation. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crb
BuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedRealEstateTeamSpecialist The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist certification is designed to improve team development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. The courses provide the tools, strategies, and knowledge that are required of today�s real estate professionals who are either considering or currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team, and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/c-rets
BuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedResidentialSpecialist Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers and brokers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crs
BuyerAgentDesignation CounselorOfRealEstate The Counselors of Real Estate� is an international group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, expert, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only 1,100 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE� designation. Membership is by invitation only. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cre
BuyerAgentDesignation ePRO NAR's e-PRO� certification teaches you to use cutting-edge technologies and digital initiatives to link up with today's savvy real estate consumer. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/e-pro
BuyerAgentDesignation GeneralAccreditedAppraiser For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS�. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gaa
BuyerAgentDesignation GraduateRealtorInstitute REALTORS� with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gri
BuyerAgentDesignation MilitaryRelocationProfessional NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/mrp
BuyerAgentDesignation NARsGreenDesignation Through NAR's Green Designation, the Green Resource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/green
BuyerAgentDesignation PerformanceManagementNetwork This designation is unique to the REALTOR� family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/pmn
BuyerAgentDesignation PricingStrategyAdvisor Enhance your skills in pricing properties, creating CMAs, working with appraisers, and guiding clients through the anxieties and misperceptions they often have about home values with NAR�s PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/psa
BuyerAgentDesignation RealEstateNegotiationExpert This certification is for real estate professionals who want to sharpen their negotiation skills. The RENE certification program gives REALTORS� the tips and tools they need to be skillful advocates for their clients. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rene
BuyerAgentDesignation RealtorAssociationCertifiedExecutive RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR� association executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and commitment to professional growth. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rce
BuyerAgentDesignation ResidentialAccreditedAppraiser For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS�. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/raa
BuyerAgentDesignation ResortAndSecondHomePropertySpecialist This certification is designed for REALTORS� who facilitate the buying, selling, or management of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rsps
BuyerAgentDesignation SellerRepresentativeSpecialist The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/seller-representative-specialist-srs
BuyerAgentDesignation SeniorsRealEstateSpecialist The SRES� Designation program educates REALTORS� on how to profitably and ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES� designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sres
BuyerAgentDesignation ShortSalesAndForeclosureResource The SFR� certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sfr
BuyerAgentDesignation SocietyOfIndustrialAndOfficeRealtors The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sior
BuyerAgentDesignation TransnationalReferralCertification Real estate professionals who have taken the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) training, have completed special training on making and receiving client referrals from professionals in other countries. https://worldproperties.com/about-us/international-referrals-and-trc/


Name Value Description
BuyerFinancing Arm Adjustable Rate Mortgage.
BuyerFinancing Assumed The buyer assumed a current form of financing.
BuyerFinancing BondForDeed Bond for Deed
BuyerFinancing BuyerAssistanceProgram Buyer Assistance Program
BuyerFinancing CalVetLoan Cal Vet Loan
BuyerFinancing Cash The buyer paid cash for the property.
BuyerFinancing CashToLoan Cash to Loan
BuyerFinancing CashToNewLoan Cash to New Loan
BuyerFinancing CashToSecondLoan Cash to Second Loan
BuyerFinancing CommittedFunds Financing facility provided by a Bank to a borrower which cannot be withdrawn unless the borrower breaches covenants or other terms of the facility.
BuyerFinancing Contract The purchase of a property involves an agreement to perform services, provide product, share of income, or some other agreement as the method of payment for the property.
BuyerFinancing Conventional The buyer is using conventional financing to purchase the home.
BuyerFinancing CourtApproval Court Approval
BuyerFinancing Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency
BuyerFinancing Exchange1031 1031 Exchange.
BuyerFinancing FederalLandBank The federal land bank (FLB) is a network of regional cooperative banks that provide long-term loans to farmers and ranchers.
BuyerFinancing Fha A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration.
BuyerFinancing Fha203b The basic home mortgage loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration.
BuyerFinancing Fha203k A loan, for the rehabilitation and repair of single family residence, from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration.
BuyerFinancing Fhva FHVA
BuyerFinancing Fmha The buyer financing was through FMHA.
BuyerFinancing GraduatedPaymentMortgage Graduated Payment Mortgage.
BuyerFinancing Lease The buyer financing was a lease.
BuyerFinancing LenderApproval Lender Approval
BuyerFinancing NotDisclosed The type of financing used by the buyer will not be disclosed.
BuyerFinancing Other The buyer is using another form of financing that is not included in the options provided in this list.
BuyerFinancing PortfolioLoan Portfolio Loan
BuyerFinancing Private Financing is provided by a private party.
BuyerFinancing RehabFinancing Rehab Financing.
BuyerFinancing RelocationProperty Relocation Property.
BuyerFinancing SbaTypeLoan SBA Type Loan
BuyerFinancing SeeAgent See Agent.
BuyerFinancing SeeRemarks See Remarks
BuyerFinancing SellerFinancing The seller is providing financing to the buyer.
BuyerFinancing TexasVet Texas Vet
BuyerFinancing Trade Trade.
BuyerFinancing TrustConveyance Trust Conveyance.
BuyerFinancing TrustDeed Financing where title of the property is placed with a trustee who secures payment of the loan for a beneficiary.
BuyerFinancing Usda A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Agriculture.
BuyerFinancing Va A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Veteran's Affairs.
BuyerFinancing WrapAround Wrap Around
BuyerFinancing ZeroDown Zero Down


Name Value Description
CoBuyerAgentDesignation AccreditedBuyersRepresentative The Accredited Buyer�s Representative (ABR�) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. http://www.rebac.net/abr
CoBuyerAgentDesignation AccreditedLandConsultant Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable, experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the REALTORS� Land Institute, the designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/alc
CoBuyerAgentDesignation AtHomeWithDiversity Learn to work effectively with � and within � today�s diverse real estate market. The At Home With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ahwd
CoBuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedCommercialInvestmentMember The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate�s global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ccim
CoBuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedDistressedPropertyExpert A Certified Distressed Property Expert� (CDPE) has a thorough understanding of complex issues in today�s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships. http://www.cdpe.com/
CoBuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedInternationalPropertySpecialist The CIPS designation is for REALTORS� from the United States and abroad, as well as association staff and volunteer leaders who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It will provide you with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cips-designation
CoBuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedPropertyManager Certified Property Managers� (CPM�) are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession. 70% of those who hold the CPM� designation hold the highest management positions in their offices (owner/partner/officer/director). https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cpm
CoBuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedRealEstateBrokerageManager The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) Designation raises professional standards, strengthens individual and office performance, and indicates expertise in brokerage management. This designation represents the highest level of professional achievement in real estate brokerage management. You do not need a broker's license to earn the CRB Designation. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crb
CoBuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedRealEstateTeamSpecialist The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist certification is designed to improve team development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. The courses provide the tools, strategies, and knowledge that are required of today�s real estate professionals who are either considering or currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team, and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/c-rets
CoBuyerAgentDesignation CertifiedResidentialSpecialist Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers and brokers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crs
CoBuyerAgentDesignation CounselorOfRealEstate The Counselors of Real Estate� is an international group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, expert, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only 1,100 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE� designation. Membership is by invitation only. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cre
CoBuyerAgentDesignation ePRO NAR's e-PRO� certification teaches you to use cutting-edge technologies and digital initiatives to link up with today's savvy real estate consumer. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/e-pro
CoBuyerAgentDesignation GeneralAccreditedAppraiser For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS�. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gaa
CoBuyerAgentDesignation GraduateRealtorInstitute REALTORS� with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gri
CoBuyerAgentDesignation MilitaryRelocationProfessional NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/mrp
CoBuyerAgentDesignation NARsGreenDesignation Through NAR's Green Designation, the Green Resource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/green
CoBuyerAgentDesignation PerformanceManagementNetwork This designation is unique to the REALTOR� family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/pmn
CoBuyerAgentDesignation PricingStrategyAdvisor Enhance your skills in pricing properties, creating CMAs, working with appraisers, and guiding clients through the anxieties and misperceptions they often have about home values with NAR�s PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/psa
CoBuyerAgentDesignation RealEstateNegotiationExpert This certification is for real estate professionals who want to sharpen their negotiation skills. The RENE certification program gives REALTORS� the tips and tools they need to be skillful advocates for their clients. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rene
CoBuyerAgentDesignation RealtorAssociationCertifiedExecutive RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR� association executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and commitment to professional growth. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rce
CoBuyerAgentDesignation ResidentialAccreditedAppraiser For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS�. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/raa
CoBuyerAgentDesignation ResortAndSecondHomePropertySpecialist This certification is designed for REALTORS� who facilitate the buying, selling, or management of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rsps
CoBuyerAgentDesignation SellerRepresentativeSpecialist The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/seller-representative-specialist-srs
CoBuyerAgentDesignation SeniorsRealEstateSpecialist The SRES� Designation program educates REALTORS� on how to profitably and ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES� designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sres
CoBuyerAgentDesignation ShortSalesAndForeclosureResource The SFR� certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sfr
CoBuyerAgentDesignation SocietyOfIndustrialAndOfficeRealtors The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sior
CoBuyerAgentDesignation TransnationalReferralCertification Real estate professionals who have taken the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) training, have completed special training on making and receiving client referrals from professionals in other countries. https://worldproperties.com/about-us/international-referrals-and-trc/


Name Value Description
CoListAgentDesignation AccreditedBuyersRepresentative The Accredited Buyer�s Representative (ABR�) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. http://www.rebac.net/abr
CoListAgentDesignation AccreditedLandConsultant Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable, experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the REALTORS� Land Institute, the designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/alc
CoListAgentDesignation AtHomeWithDiversity Learn to work effectively with � and within � today�s diverse real estate market. The At Home With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ahwd
CoListAgentDesignation CertifiedCommercialInvestmentMember The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate�s global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ccim
CoListAgentDesignation CertifiedDistressedPropertyExpert A Certified Distressed Property Expert� (CDPE) has a thorough understanding of complex issues in today�s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships. http://www.cdpe.com/
CoListAgentDesignation CertifiedInternationalPropertySpecialist The CIPS designation is for REALTORS� from the United States and abroad, as well as association staff and volunteer leaders who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It will provide you with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cips-designation
CoListAgentDesignation CertifiedPropertyManager Certified Property Managers� (CPM�) are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession. 70% of those who hold the CPM� designation hold the highest management positions in their offices (owner/partner/officer/director). https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cpm
CoListAgentDesignation CertifiedRealEstateBrokerageManager The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) Designation raises professional standards, strengthens individual and office performance, and indicates expertise in brokerage management. This designation represents the highest level of professional achievement in real estate brokerage management. You do not need a broker's license to earn the CRB Designation. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crb
CoListAgentDesignation CertifiedRealEstateTeamSpecialist The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist certification is designed to improve team development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. The courses provide the tools, strategies, and knowledge that are required of today�s real estate professionals who are either considering or currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team, and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/c-rets
CoListAgentDesignation CertifiedResidentialSpecialist Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers and brokers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crs
CoListAgentDesignation CounselorOfRealEstate The Counselors of Real Estate� is an international group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, expert, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only 1,100 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE� designation. Membership is by invitation only. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cre
CoListAgentDesignation ePRO NAR's e-PRO� certification teaches you to use cutting-edge technologies and digital initiatives to link up with today's savvy real estate consumer. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/e-pro
CoListAgentDesignation GeneralAccreditedAppraiser For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS�. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gaa
CoListAgentDesignation GraduateRealtorInstitute REALTORS� with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gri
CoListAgentDesignation MilitaryRelocationProfessional NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/mrp
CoListAgentDesignation NARsGreenDesignation Through NAR's Green Designation, the Green Resource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/green
CoListAgentDesignation PerformanceManagementNetwork This designation is unique to the REALTOR� family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/pmn
CoListAgentDesignation PricingStrategyAdvisor Enhance your skills in pricing properties, creating CMAs, working with appraisers, and guiding clients through the anxieties and misperceptions they often have about home values with NAR�s PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/psa
CoListAgentDesignation RealEstateNegotiationExpert This certification is for real estate professionals who want to sharpen their negotiation skills. The RENE certification program gives REALTORS� the tips and tools they need to be skillful advocates for their clients. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rene
CoListAgentDesignation RealtorAssociationCertifiedExecutive RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR� association executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and commitment to professional growth. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rce
CoListAgentDesignation ResidentialAccreditedAppraiser For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS�. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/raa
CoListAgentDesignation ResortAndSecondHomePropertySpecialist This certification is designed for REALTORS� who facilitate the buying, selling, or management of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rsps
CoListAgentDesignation SellerRepresentativeSpecialist The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/seller-representative-specialist-srs
CoListAgentDesignation SeniorsRealEstateSpecialist The SRES� Designation program educates REALTORS� on how to profitably and ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES� designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sres
CoListAgentDesignation ShortSalesAndForeclosureResource The SFR� certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sfr
CoListAgentDesignation SocietyOfIndustrialAndOfficeRealtors The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sior
CoListAgentDesignation TransnationalReferralCertification Real estate professionals who have taken the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) training, have completed special training on making and receiving client referrals from professionals in other countries. https://worldproperties.com/about-us/international-referrals-and-trc/


Name Value Description
CommonWalls EndUnit The dwelling being sold has one or more common walls with another property that is not part of the sale and is at the end of a row of units. Also known as an attached structure.
CommonWalls NoCommonWalls The dwelling being sold has no attached structures that are not part of the sale. Also know as a detached structure.
CommonWalls NoOneAbove The property is attached to another dwelling that is not part of the sale, but there is no unit above the one being sold.
CommonWalls NoOneBelow The property is attached to another dwelling that is not part of the sale, but there is no unit below the one being sold.
CommonWalls OneCommonWall The dwelling being sold has one common wall with another property that is not part of the sale. Also known as an attached structure.
CommonWalls TwoCommonWallsOrMore The dwelling being sold has two or more common walls with another property that is not part of the sale. Also known as an attached structure.


Name Value Description
CommunityFeatures AirportRunway The community has an airport or runway.
CommunityFeatures ArtsCenter A functional community center with facilities such as theatre space, gallery space, venues for musical performance, workshop areas, educational facilities, technical equipment, etc.
CommunityFeatures Barbecue The community features a barbecue or grill.
CommunityFeatures BarLounge The community features a bar or lounge.
CommunityFeatures BasketballCourt A basketball court is available in the community.
CommunityFeatures Beach The community has a beach.
CommunityFeatures BicycleStorage The community has bicycle storage.
CommunityFeatures Biking Biking
CommunityFeatures BilliardRoom Billiard Room
CommunityFeatures BoatFacilities Community has access to boat facilities. This may be a boat slip, dock, boat ramp, or more. See Waterfront features.
CommunityFeatures BoatSlip Community has access to a boat slip.
CommunityFeatures BocceCourt The community features a bocce court.
CommunityFeatures Bulkhead A bulkhead is a retaining wall, such as a bulkhead within a ship or a watershed retaining wall. It may also be used in mines to contain flooding
CommunityFeatures BusinessCenter Property has a community business center
CommunityFeatures CableTv Community offers Cable TV.
CommunityFeatures CableTvAvailable Cable TV Available.
CommunityFeatures CarShareAvailable Car Share Available
CommunityFeatures Clubhouse The community has a clubhouse.
CommunityFeatures ClubMembershipAvailable Club Membership Available
CommunityFeatures CommonGroundsArea The community features a common grounds area.
CommunityFeatures CommonTv Common TV
CommunityFeatures CommunityMailbox Property has a community mailbox
CommunityFeatures CommunityPool A community pool is available.
CommunityFeatures Concierge Concierge
CommunityFeatures CondoHotelCommunity Condo Hotel Community
CommunityFeatures ConferenceMeetingRoom The community features a conference/meeting room.
CommunityFeatures Courtyard The community features a courtyard.
CommunityFeatures Curbs The community streets have curbs.
CommunityFeatures DeckPorch Community has access to a deck or porch.
CommunityFeatures DeliveryDoor Community has access to a delivery door
CommunityFeatures DisplayWindow Community has access to a display window.
CommunityFeatures Dock Community has access to a dock.
CommunityFeatures DogPark There is a dog park in the community.
CommunityFeatures ElectricityIncluded Electricity Included
CommunityFeatures Elevator Community has access to an elevator.
CommunityFeatures EnclosedPorch Community offers an enclosed porch.
CommunityFeatures EquestrianCommunity Equestrian Community
CommunityFeatures EquestrianFacilities The community has equestrian facilities.
CommunityFeatures FeesRequired Fees are required to utilize the community features.
CommunityFeatures FencedYard Community has access to one or more fenced yards.
CommunityFeatures Fishing The community has places to go fishing.
CommunityFeatures Fitness Fitness facility available to the community.
CommunityFeatures FitnessCenter The community has a fitness center.
CommunityFeatures Foothills Foothills
CommunityFeatures GameRoom The community features a game room.
CommunityFeatures GardenArea The community features a garden area.
CommunityFeatures GasIncluded Gas Included
CommunityFeatures Gated The community is gated.
CommunityFeatures Golf The community has golfing.
CommunityFeatures GolfCartsOk The community allows golf carts.
CommunityFeatures GolfCourseCommunity Golf Course Community
CommunityFeatures Gutters The community features a gutter.
CommunityFeatures HandicapAccess Community has handicap access.
CommunityFeatures HighTrafficLocation High Traffic Location.
CommunityFeatures HighwayAccess Highway Access.
CommunityFeatures Hiking Hiking
CommunityFeatures HomeOwnersAssociation Home Owners Association.
CommunityFeatures HorseTrails Horse Trails
CommunityFeatures Hunting Hunting
CommunityFeatures InternetAccess Internet Access
CommunityFeatures KitchenFacilities The community features kitchen facilities.
CommunityFeatures Lake The community has a lake.
CommunityFeatures LaundryFacilities Community has access to laundry facilities.
CommunityFeatures LaundryService The community has laundry service or dry cleaning service available.
CommunityFeatures Library Community has access to a library.
CommunityFeatures LoadingDock Community has access to a loading dock.
CommunityFeatures LongTermRentalAllowed Properties in the community will permit a long term rental.
CommunityFeatures MaintainedCommunity Maintained Community
CommunityFeatures MaintenanceOnSite The community has maintenance on-site.
CommunityFeatures Marina The community features a marina.
CommunityFeatures MediaRoom The community features a media room.
CommunityFeatures MedicalService The community features a medical service.
CommunityFeatures MilitaryLand Military Land
CommunityFeatures Mountainous Mountainous
CommunityFeatures NearFireStation Near Fire Station.
CommunityFeatures NearHospital Near Hospital.
CommunityFeatures NearHotelMotel Near Hotel/Motel.
CommunityFeatures NearNationalForest Near National Forest
CommunityFeatures NearSchools Near Schools
CommunityFeatures NearStatePark Near State Park
CommunityFeatures None The community includes no additional features.
CommunityFeatures NonGated Community is not gated.
CommunityFeatures Other The community has features beyond those listed in this field.
CommunityFeatures OutdoorShower Outdoor shower is available to the community.
CommunityFeatures PackageService The community has package delivery service.
CommunityFeatures Park The community has a park.
CommunityFeatures Patio Community has access to a patio.
CommunityFeatures PetAmenities The community has pet amenities.
CommunityFeatures Pickleball Pickleball
CommunityFeatures Pier Community has access to a Pier. A pier has a variety of uses including fishing, sightseeing, and commerce.
CommunityFeatures PlaceOfWorship The community features a place of worship.
CommunityFeatures PlannedSocialActivities The community has planned social activities.
CommunityFeatures Playground The community has a playground.
CommunityFeatures Pond Community has access to a pond
CommunityFeatures Pool The community has a pool.
CommunityFeatures PreservePublicLand Preserve/Public Land
CommunityFeatures PrivateBeach Private Beach
CommunityFeatures PropertyManagerOnSite The community has property manager on-site.
CommunityFeatures PublicTransportation Public Transportation.
CommunityFeatures PuttingGreen Property has a community putting green
CommunityFeatures QuietArea Quiet Area
CommunityFeatures Racquetball The community has racquetball facilities.
CommunityFeatures Ravine Ravine
CommunityFeatures RecreationArea A recreation area is available in the community.
CommunityFeatures RecreationCenter The community has a recreation center.
CommunityFeatures Restaurant The community has a restaurant.
CommunityFeatures River The community features a river.
CommunityFeatures RooftopDeck Rooftop Deck
CommunityFeatures RooftopLounge The community features a rooftop lounge
CommunityFeatures Rural Rural
CommunityFeatures Sauna Community has access to a Sauna.
CommunityFeatures SeeRemarks See Remarks
CommunityFeatures Shopping Shopping.
CommunityFeatures ShortTermRentalAllowed Properties in the community will permit a short term rental.
CommunityFeatures Shuffleboard Shuffleboard.
CommunityFeatures Sidewalks The community streets have sidewalks.
CommunityFeatures Skiing Community features access to Skiing.
CommunityFeatures SkiInSkiOut Ski In Ski Out
CommunityFeatures SportCourts The community features sport court(s).
CommunityFeatures SportsField The community has a sports field.
CommunityFeatures Stables The community has horse stables.
CommunityFeatures StorageFacilities Community offers storage facilities.
CommunityFeatures StormDrains A drain that carries water, such as rainwater, away from a street.
CommunityFeatures Stream The community has a stream.
CommunityFeatures StreamSeasonal The community includes use of, or access to, a seasonal stream.
CommunityFeatures StreetLights The community streets have lighting.
CommunityFeatures Suburban The community is a suburban setting.
CommunityFeatures TennisCourts The community has tennis court(s).
CommunityFeatures TrailsPaths Trails/Paths.
CommunityFeatures TrashChute The community has a trash chute.
CommunityFeatures TrashPickupDoorToDoor The community has door to door trash pickup.
CommunityFeatures Urban Urban
CommunityFeatures Valley Valley
CommunityFeatures WalkToSchool Community has walking access to school(s).
CommunityFeatures WaterAccess Water Access
CommunityFeatures Waterfront Community has access to the Water Front.
CommunityFeatures WaterSports The community features water sports.


Name Value Description
ConstructionMaterials Adobe The structure was made wholly or partly with adobe.
ConstructionMaterials Alcan Alcan
ConstructionMaterials AluminumSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with aluminum siding.
ConstructionMaterials Asbestos The structure was made wholly or partly with asbestos.
ConstructionMaterials Asphalt The structure was made wholly or partly with asphalt.
ConstructionMaterials AtticCrawlHatchwaysInsulated When not insulated, a home�s attic hatch or crawlspace hatch creates one of the biggest gaps in the building envelope, increasing heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, and making indoor living areas uncomfortable. Insulation standards are clearly defined: <a href="http://www.ornl.gov/sci/roofs+walls/insulation/fact">http://www.ornl.gov/sci/roofs+walls/insulation/fact</a>
ConstructionMaterials BattsInsulation Rolls and batts, or blankets, are flexible products made from mineral fibers such as fiberglass and rock wool. Can also be made of cotton and wool. They are available in widths suited to standard spacing of wall studs and attic or floor joists.
ConstructionMaterials Block The structure was made wholly or partly with block.
ConstructionMaterials BlownInInsulation Blown-in or loose-fill insulation is usually made of fiberglass, rock wool, or cellulose in the form of loose fibers or fiber pellets installed using special pneumatic equipment. The blown-in material conforms readily to odd-sized building cavities and attics with wires, ducts, and pipes, making it well suited for places where it is difficult to effectively install other types of insulation.
ConstructionMaterials BoardAndBattenSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with board & batten siding.
ConstructionMaterials Brick The structure was made wholly or partly with brick.
ConstructionMaterials BrickVeneer The structure was made wholly or partly with brick veneer.
ConstructionMaterials Cedar The structure was made wholly or partly with cedar.
ConstructionMaterials CementSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with cement siding.
ConstructionMaterials Clapboard The structure was made wholly or partly with clapboard.
ConstructionMaterials CompositeSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with composite siding.
ConstructionMaterials Concrete The structure was made wholly or partly with concrete.
ConstructionMaterials ConcreteComposite Property contains concrete composite construction materials
ConstructionMaterials CopperPlumbing Copper Plumbing.
ConstructionMaterials DoubleWall Double Wall Construction.
ConstructionMaterials Drywall Drywall.
ConstructionMaterials DuctsProfessionallyAirSealed The structure was made wholly or partly with ducts professionally air-sealed.
ConstructionMaterials EngineeredWood The structure was made wholly or partly with engineered wood.
ConstructionMaterials ExteriorDuctWorkIsInsulated DOE estimates that heating and cooling ducts located in unconditioned spaces such as attics and garages can underperform by 60�75 percent. Exterior ducts that are properly insulated can save energy and reduce overall equipment sizing. Insulation standards are clearly defined: <a name="m_-4439061441316115113__MailEndCompose"></a><a href="https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/insulation">https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/insulation</a>
ConstructionMaterials FiberCement The structure was made wholly or partly with fiber cement.
ConstructionMaterials FiberglassSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with fiberglass siding.
ConstructionMaterials Flagstone Flagstone
ConstructionMaterials FoamInsulation Spray foam or foam-in-place insulation can be sprayed into walls, on attic surfaces, or under floors to insulate and reduce air leakage. There are two types of foam-in-place insulation: closed-cell and open-cell. Both are typically made with polyurethane. Closed-cell foam has a greater insulation value and provides stronger resistance against moisture and air leakage. Open-cell foam is lighter and less expensive but should not be used below ground level where it could absorb water.
ConstructionMaterials Frame The structure was made wholly or partly with frame.
ConstructionMaterials Glass The structure was made wholly or partly with glass.
ConstructionMaterials Hardboard The structure was made wholly or partly with hardboard.
ConstructionMaterials HardiplankType The structure was made wholly or partly with HardiPlank type.
ConstructionMaterials HollowTile The structure was made wholly or partly with hollow tile.
ConstructionMaterials IcatRecessedLighting ICAT recessed light fixtures are rated both to safely come in contact with insulation and are better airsealed. ICAT is an acronym for Insulation Contact/AirTight. They can be installed safely with insulation and air sealing. These lights are different from IC (Insulation Contact) fixtures, which are not very airtight. They can also be identified by the wording �Washington State Approved.� Documentation on the installation is recommended because ICAT rating often requires multiple components be used as specified by the manufacturer. Substitutions of components can negate the rating. See: <a href="http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/tips-lighting">http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/tips-lighting</a> and <a href="http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/tips-insulation">http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/tips-insulation</a>
ConstructionMaterials InsulatedConcreteForms The structure was made wholly or partly with insulated concrete forms.
ConstructionMaterials LapSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with lap siding.
ConstructionMaterials Log The structure was made wholly or partly with log.
ConstructionMaterials LogSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with log siding.
ConstructionMaterials LowVocInsulation Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. Different types of insulation can be certified for having low VOC content by third-party verifiers such as GreenGuard.
ConstructionMaterials Manufactured Manufactured.
ConstructionMaterials ManufacturedFloorJoists Manufactured Floor Joists
ConstructionMaterials Masonite The structure was made wholly or partly with Masonite.
ConstructionMaterials Masonry Masonry.
ConstructionMaterials MetalFrame Metal Frame
ConstructionMaterials MetalSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with metal siding.
ConstructionMaterials Mixed Mixed
ConstructionMaterials ModularPrefab Modular/Prefab.
ConstructionMaterials NaturalBuilding The structure was made wholly or partly with natural building.
ConstructionMaterials NesInsulationPackage NES Insulation Package
ConstructionMaterials OffFrameModular An off-frame modular home has no steel frame underneath. Off-frame modular construction is not considered manufactured housing and must conform to all local building codes
ConstructionMaterials OnFrameModular An on-frame modular home is a factory-built home that's delivered to the site on a permanent steel beam chassis.
ConstructionMaterials Other The structure was made wholly or partly with other.
ConstructionMaterials PexPlumbing PEX Plumbing.
ConstructionMaterials Plaster The structure was made wholly or partly with plaster.
ConstructionMaterials PreCastConcrete Pre-Cast Concrete.
ConstructionMaterials RadiantBarrier The structure was made wholly or partly with radiant barrier.
ConstructionMaterials RammedEarth The structure was made wholly or partly with rammed earth.
ConstructionMaterials RecycledBioBasedInsulation Insulation can be made from natural or recycled materials ranging from paper to soy to denim, using sustainable materials to improve energy efficiency.
ConstructionMaterials RedwoodSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with redwood siding.
ConstructionMaterials Rock The structure was made wholly or partly with rock.
ConstructionMaterials SeeRemarks The structure was made wholly or partly with see remarks.
ConstructionMaterials ShakeSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with shake siding.
ConstructionMaterials ShingleSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with shingle siding.
ConstructionMaterials SilentFloorJoists Silent Floor Joists
ConstructionMaterials SingleWall Single Wall Construction.
ConstructionMaterials SlumpBlock The structure was made wholly or partly with slump block.
ConstructionMaterials SprayFoamInsulation The structure was made wholly or partly with spray foam insulation.
ConstructionMaterials Steel The structure was made wholly or partly with steel
ConstructionMaterials SteelFrame The framing of the structure is made of cold formed steel (CFS).
ConstructionMaterials SteelSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with steel siding.
ConstructionMaterials StickBuilt Stick Built
ConstructionMaterials Stone The structure was made wholly or partly with stone.
ConstructionMaterials StoneVeneer The structure was made wholly or partly with stone veneer.
ConstructionMaterials Straw The structure was made wholly or partly with straw.
ConstructionMaterials StructuralInsulatedPanels Structural Insulated Panels
ConstructionMaterials Stucco The structure was made wholly or partly with stucco.
ConstructionMaterials Synthetic Synthetic
ConstructionMaterials SyntheticStucco The structure was made wholly or partly with synthetic stucco.
ConstructionMaterials T111Siding T1-11 Siding
ConstructionMaterials TiltUp Tilt-Up construction features series of concrete panels tilted up into place to form a building's exterior wall.
ConstructionMaterials TvaInsulationPackage TVA Insulation Package
ConstructionMaterials Unknown The structure was made wholly or partly with unknown.
ConstructionMaterials Veneer Veneer
ConstructionMaterials VerticalSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with vertical siding.
ConstructionMaterials VinylSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with vinyl siding.
ConstructionMaterials WoodFrame Wood Frame
ConstructionMaterials WoodSiding The structure was made wholly or partly with wood siding.


Name Value Description
Cooling AtticFan The property has an attic fan.
Cooling BuildingCooling Building Cooling
Cooling CeilingFans The property has one or more ceiling fans.
Cooling CentralAir The property has central air conditioning.
Cooling Common The cooling type is a common system.
Cooling Dual The cooling system has two units.
Cooling Ductless The cooling system does not ducted nor a wall/window type unit. A mini-split is a common type of ductless system where an outdoor condenser is connected to an indoor fan unit that feeds the room in which it's located, rather than being ducted throughout the structure.
Cooling Electric The cooling system is powered by electricity.
Cooling EnergyStarQualifiedEquipment The cooling system is ENERGY STAR Qualified.
Cooling EvaporativeCooling The cooling system works by way of water evaporation rather than a compressor and coolant. Evaporative cooling systems are often referred to as swamp coolers.
Cooling EvaporativeSwamp Evaporative/Swamp.
Cooling ExhaustFan The structure has an exhaust fan.
Cooling ForcedAir Forced Air.
Cooling Full Full
Cooling Gas The cooling system is powered by gas.
Cooling Geothermal The cooling system runs on a geothermal source.
Cooling HeatPump A system that exchanges heat between a warm and cool space. The heat exchange is done between the dwelling and another air space, like outdoors; or a water source; or below ground (geothermal).
Cooling HighEfficiency High Efficiency HVAC
Cooling HumidityControl The cooling system includes humidity control.
Cooling MultiUnits The cooing system includes more than one unit.
Cooling None The property includes no cooling system.
Cooling OneUnit One Unit.
Cooling Other The cooling system is different, or has features, that are not included in this list.
Cooling Partial Partial
Cooling Refrigerated Air is re-circulated using a Refrigerated unit
Cooling ReverseCycle Reverse Cycle
Cooling Rooftop Rooftop
Cooling RoofTurbines The cooling utilizes a roof turbine.
Cooling RoughIn Rough-In
Cooling SeeRemarks See Remarks
Cooling SeparateMeters The cooling system has separate meters for its multiple units/zones.
Cooling SeparateUnits Separate Units
Cooling ThreeOrMoreUnits Three or more Units.
Cooling TwoUnits Two Units.
Cooling VariesByUnit The cooling equipment varies by unit.
Cooling WallUnits The cooling system is stand alone and mounted in an opening in an outer wall.
Cooling WallWindowUnits The cooling system is mounted in an opening in the wall or in a window.
Cooling WholeHouseFan The property has a whole house fan.
Cooling WindowUnits The cooling system is window mounted.
Cooling Zoned The cooling system has more than one zone.


Name Value Description
CurrentFinancing Assumable The financing currently in place may be assumed.
CurrentFinancing CalVetLoan Cal Vet Loan
CurrentFinancing Cash Financing handled via cash
CurrentFinancing Contract The purchase of a property involves an agreement to perform services, provide product, share of income, or some other agreement as the method of payment for the property.
CurrentFinancing Conventional The buyer is using conventional financing to purchase the home.
CurrentFinancing ExistingBonds Existing Bonds
CurrentFinancing FannieMae Fannie Mae
CurrentFinancing Fha A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration.
CurrentFinancing Fha203b The basic home mortgage loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration.
CurrentFinancing Fha203k A loan, for the rehabilitation and repair of single family residence, from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration.
CurrentFinancing FreddieMac Freddie Mac
CurrentFinancing GovernmentLoan Government Loan
CurrentFinancing LeasedRenewables Definition: Renewable system (i.e., solar or wind) belonging to a third-party is installed on a customer�s property at little or no cost to the property owner. Property owner has entered an agreement to pay for the lease of the equipment. Structure: Fee model is based on equipment to generate power, not power itself. Transfer: If requirements are met it may be possible to transfer lease from home seller to buyer with the approval of the system owner. If being transferred, see Fannie Mae guidelines for more info: since lease is for equipment it must be included in the buyers DTI calculation. If a buyer cannot or will not adopt a lease, then the seller is required to pay the remaining contract amount in full and the system would be removed.Real or Personal Property: Renewable system is typically considered personal property. All tax credits as well as maintenance responsibilities, etc. belong to the third-party owner. Some leases require the homeowner to pay the personal property tax. Terms: Lease should provide items homeowner is responsible for paying. In a solar lease model, a customer will sign a contract with an installer/developer and pay for the solar energy equipment over a period of years or decades. Solar leases can be structured so customers pay no up-front costs, some up-front costs (partially prepaid) or can be fully prepaid (the leasing company is then able to depreciate the equipment over time and offers a lower fee for pre-paid leases). The homeowner may have the option to purchase the system during or at the end of the lease term (most leases are for 20-year terms) at its fair market value or terms set in the original lease contract.
CurrentFinancing None The is no current financing on the property.
CurrentFinancing Other The current owner is using another form of financing that is not included in the options provided in this list.
CurrentFinancing PowerPurchaseAgreement Definition: Renewable system belonging to a third-party is installed on a customer�s property at little or no up-front cost to the property owner. Property owner is in an agreement to buy all the power generated at a fixed rate whether it is actually used or not. This is typically lower than the local utility rate. Structure: Fee model is based on power, not equipment to generate it. Transfer: A PPA may be transferred to a homebuyer with approval from the system owner. If a buyer will not adopt a PPA, then the seller is required to pay the remaining contract amount in full and the system would be removed. If being transferred, see Fannie Mae guidelines for more info: portion of the purchase towards equipment must be included in the buyers DTI calculation. Real or Personal Property: Renewable system is typically considered personal property. All tax credits as well as maintenance responsibilities, etc. belong to the third-party owner. Terms: The customer agrees to purchase all energy produced by the system. At the end of the PPA contract term (usually between 10-25 years), property owners can extend the contract and even buy the solar energy system from the developer based on terms in the contract.Additional info on SEIA.org.
CurrentFinancing Private Financing is provided by a private party.
CurrentFinancing PropertyAssessedCleanEnergy Definition: Property-assessed clean energy (PACE) is a financing tool for property owners to fund energy or water efficiency or renewable energy installations. Structure: PACE is a secured loan that attaches to the property as a voluntary assessment on the property taxes. To be eligible for a PACE loan, the building must be located in a local jurisdiction where the City or County has passed a resolution to participate in a PACE program. PACE financing is often a public-private partnership between a private finance company and a public agency.Transfer? The loan may be transferred to the new owner upon sale of the property with the approval of the system owner. Real or Personal Property? If seller owns and not a third-party, then renewable system is typically considered real property and tax credits and maintenance requirements, etc. belong to the property owner. Terms: Loan terms can vary between 5 and 30 years. Some programs also allow PACE to finance solar leases and power purchase agreements (PPAs). Due to the complexities of PACE financing, NAR and states like California have provided statements which are worth further consideration. NAR - http://www.realtor.org/articles/administration-issues-pace-guidance; CAR - http://www.car.org/newsstand/newsreleases/2015releases/fhapacelien
CurrentFinancing SeeRemarks See Remarks
CurrentFinancing TrustDeed Financing where title of the property is placed with a trustee who secures payment of the loan for a beneficiary.
CurrentFinancing Usda A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Agriculture.
CurrentFinancing Va A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Veteran's Affairs.
CurrentFinancing VaNoLoan VA No Loan
CurrentFinancing VaNoNoLoan VA No No Loan


Name Value Description
CurrentOrPossibleUse Agricultural The land is currently used for or could be used for agriculture.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Automotive This land is currently used for or could be used for automotive maintenance or repair.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Berries The land is currently used for berries.
CurrentOrPossibleUse BuyerToVerify Buyer to verify
CurrentOrPossibleUse Cattle This land is currently used for or could be used for cattle.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Commercial This land is currently used for or could be used for comercial purposes.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Dairy This land is currently used as or could be used as a dairy farm.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Development This land is currently used for or could be used for a new development.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Farm This land is currently used as or could be used as a fishery.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Fishery This land is currently used as or could be used as a farm.
CurrentOrPossibleUse FishingRights Fishing Rights
CurrentOrPossibleUse FoodService Current use is food service.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Gallery Possible use is a gallery.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Grazing This land is currently used for or could be used for livestock grazing.
CurrentOrPossibleUse HighwayTouristService This land is currently used for or could be used for highway/tourist service.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Horses This land is currently used for or could be used for horses.
CurrentOrPossibleUse HotelMotel The current use is a hotel or motel.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Hunting This land is currently used for or could be used for hunting.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Improved Improved
CurrentOrPossibleUse Industrial This land is currently used for or could be used for industrial purposes.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Investment This land is currently used as or could be used as an investment.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Irrigation The property is used for irrigation purposes.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Leased Current use is leased.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Livestock This land is currently used for or could be used for livestock.
CurrentOrPossibleUse LiveWork Live/Work
CurrentOrPossibleUse ManufacturedHome This land is currently used for or could be used for a manufactured home or homes.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Manufacturing Manufacturing
CurrentOrPossibleUse Marina Marina
CurrentOrPossibleUse MedicalDental This land is currently used for or could be used for a medical/dental busniess.
CurrentOrPossibleUse MiniStorage This land is currently used for or could be used for a mini storage business.
CurrentOrPossibleUse MixedUse This land is currently used for or could be used for mixed uses.
CurrentOrPossibleUse MobileHome The current use is for a mobile home. A factory built house that is transported to the lot, retains axles and was built prior to June 15, 1976.
CurrentOrPossibleUse MultiFamily The land is currently used for or could be used for a multifamily dwelling or dwellings.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Nursery The land is currently used as or could be used as a nursery.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Office This land is currently used as or could be used as office space.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Orchard This land is currently used as or could be used as an orchard.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Other The land is currently used for or could be used for some use other than those on this list.
CurrentOrPossibleUse ParkingLot Parking Lot
CurrentOrPossibleUse Pasture This land is currently used as or could be used as a pasture.
CurrentOrPossibleUse PlaceOfWorship This land is currently used as or could be used as a place of worship.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Plantable This land is currently used as or could be used as a plantable field.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Poultry This land is currently used as or could be used as a poultry farm.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Ranch This land is currently used as or could be used as a ranch.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Recreational This land is currently used for or could be used for recreational purposes.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Residential This land is currently used for or could be used for residential purposes.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Restaurant Property currently being used for a Restaurant.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Retail This land is currently used for or could be used for retail purposes.
CurrentOrPossibleUse RowCrops This land is currently used for or could be used for row crops.
CurrentOrPossibleUse SeeAgent See agent for more information on the current use.
CurrentOrPossibleUse SeeRemarks See the public or private remarks for details on the current or possible use.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Service Service
CurrentOrPossibleUse ServiceBusiness The current use is a Service Business
CurrentOrPossibleUse SingleFamily The land is currently used for single-family residence.
CurrentOrPossibleUse SpecialUse Special Use
CurrentOrPossibleUse Storage Storage
CurrentOrPossibleUse Subdevelopment This land is currently used for or could be used for a subdevelopment or subdevelopments.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Subdivision This land is currently used for or could be used for property subdivisions.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Timber This land is currently used for or could be used for timber.
CurrentOrPossibleUse TreeFarm This land is currently used as or could be used as a tree farm.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Unimproved The land is currently unimproved.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Vacant The land is currently vacant.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Vineyard This land is currently used as or could be used as a vineyard.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Warehouse This land is currently used for or could be used for warehousing.
CurrentOrPossibleUse Wholesale Wholesale