Enumerations A
Name | Value | Description |
AOR | AbileneAssociationOfRealtors | Abilene Association Of Realtors |
AOR | AdaCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Ada County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | AkronClevelandAssociationOfRealtors | Akron Cleveland Association of REALTORS |
AOR | AlamanceMlsInc | Alamance MLS Inc |
AOR | Alameda | Alameda |
AOR | AlbemarleAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Albemarle Area Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | AlbertaRealEstateAssociation | Alberta Real Estate Association |
AOR | AlbertaWestRealtorsAssociation | Alberta West REALTORS Association |
AOR | AlbuquerqueBoardOfRealtors | Albuquerque Board of REALTORS |
AOR | AliceBoardOfRealtors | Alice Board Of Realtors |
AOR | Amador | Amador |
AOR | AmarilloAssociationOfRealtors | Amarillo Association Of Realtors |
AOR | AmeliaIslandNassauCountyAssocOfRealtorsInc | Amelia Island-Nassau County Assoc of Realtors Inc |
AOR | AnnArborAreaBoardOfRealtors | Ann Arbor Area Board of REALTORS |
AOR | AnneArundelCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Anne Arundel County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | AntelopeValley | Antelope Valley |
AOR | AntrimCharlevoixKalkaskaAssociationOfRealtors | Antrim Charlevoix Kalkaska Association of REALTORS |
AOR | Arcadia | Arcadia |
AOR | ArkansasRegionalMlsLlc | Arkansas Regional MLS, LLC |
AOR | ArkansasValleyBoardOfRealtors | Arkansas Valley Board of Realtors |
AOR | ArlingtonBoardOfRealtors | Arlington Board Of Realtors |
AOR | AsheboroRandolphBoardOfRealtors | Asheboro Randolph Board of Realtors |
AOR | AshevilleBoardOfRealtors | Asheville Board of Realtors |
AOR | AshtabulaCountyRealtors | Ashtabula County REALTORS |
AOR | AspenBoardOfRealtors | Aspen Board of Realtors |
AOR | AspireNorthRealtors | Aspire North REALTORS |
AOR | AssociationOfInteriorRealtors | Association of Interior REALTORS |
AOR | AssociationOfReginaRealtors | Association of Regina REALTORS |
AOR | AssociationOfSaskatchewanRealtors | Association of Saskatchewan REALTORS |
AOR | Atascadero | Atascadero |
AOR | AthensAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Athens Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | AtlantaBoardOfRealtors | Atlanta Board of Realtors |
AOR | AtlantaCommercialBoardOfRealtors | Atlanta Commercial Board of Realtors |
AOR | AtlanticCityAndCountyBoardOfRealtors | Atlantic City and County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | AuroraAssociationOfRealtors | Aurora Association of Realtors |
AOR | AustinBoardOfRealtors | Austin Board of Realtors. |
AOR | AveryWataugaAssociationOfRealtors | Avery Watauga Association of Realtors |
AOR | BagnellDamAssociationOfRealtors | Bagnell Dam Association Of Realtors |
AOR | BancroftAndAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Bancroft and Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | Baries | BARIES |
AOR | BarrieAndDistrictAssociationOfRealtors | Barrie & District Association of REALTORS |
AOR | BarryEatonBoardOfRealtors | Barry Eaton Board of REALTORS |
AOR | Bartow | Bartow |
AOR | BastropAssociationOfRealtors | Bastrop Association Of Realtors |
AOR | BattleCreekAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Battle Creek Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | BayCountyRealtorAssociation | Bay County REALTOR Association |
AOR | BayEast | Bay East |
AOR | BayouBoardOfRealtors | Bayou Board of REALTORS |
AOR | BcNorthernRealEstateBoard | BC Northern Real Estate Board |
AOR | BeachesmlsFlexmls | BeachesMLS (Flexmls) |
AOR | BeachesmlsMatrix | BeachesMLS (Matrix) |
AOR | BeaumontBoardOfRealtorsInc | Beaumont Board Of Realtors Inc |
AOR | BeaverCreekAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Beaver Creek Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | BemidjiBoardOfRealtors | Bemidji Board of Realtors |
AOR | Berkeley | Berkeley |
AOR | BeverlyHillsGreaterLa | Beverly Hills/Greater LA |
AOR | BigBearAssociationOfRealtors | Big Bear Association of REALTORS |
AOR | BigSkyCountryMls | Big Sky Country MLS |
AOR | BillingsAssociationOfRealtors | Billings Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | BitterrootValleyBoardOfRealtors | Bitterroot Valley Board of REALTORS |
AOR | BlueRidgeAssociationOfRealtors | Blue Ridge Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | BoiseRegionalRealtors | Boise Regional REALTORS |
AOR | BoloRealtors | BOLO REALTORS |
AOR | BonitaSprings | Bonita Springs |
AOR | BootheelRegionalBoardOfRealtors | Bootheel Regional Board of REALTORS |
AOR | BoulderAreaRealtorsAssociation | Boulder Area Realtors Association |
AOR | BramptonRealEstateBoard | Brampton Real Estate Board |
AOR | BranchCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Branch County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | BrandonAreaRealtors | Brandon Area REALTORS |
AOR | BrantfordRegionalRealEstateAssociationInc | Brantford Regional Real Estate Association Inc. |
AOR | BrazoriaCountyBoardOfRealtors | Brazoria County Board Of Realtors |
AOR | BrevardBoardOfRealtors | Brevard Board of Realtors |
AOR | BridgeAssociationOfRealtors | Bridge Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | Bridgeport | Bridgeport |
AOR | BrightMls | Bright MLS |
AOR | BritishColumbiaRealEstateAssociation | British Columbia Real Estate Association |
AOR | BrooklynNewYorkMls | Brooklyn New York MLS |
AOR | BrownsvilleSouthPadreIslandBoardOfRealtors | Brownsville South Padre Island Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | BrownwoodBoardOfRealtorsInc | Brownwood Board Of Realtors Inc |
AOR | BrunswickCountyBoardOfRealtors | Brunswick County Board of Realtors |
AOR | BryanCollegeStationRegionalAor | Bryan College Station Regional AOR |
AOR | BucksCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Bucks County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | Buffalo | Buffalo |
AOR | BuffaloNiagaraAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Buffalo Niagara Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | Burbank | Burbank |
AOR | BurkeCountyBoardOfRealtorsInc | Burke County Board of Realtors Inc |
AOR | BurlingtonAlamanceCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Burlington Alamance County Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | CalaverasCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Calaveras County Association of Realtors |
AOR | CalgaryRealEstateBoard | Calgary Real Estate Board |
AOR | CaliforniaDesert | California Desert |
AOR | CaliforniaRegionalMls | California Regional MLS |
AOR | CambridgeAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Cambridge Association of REALTORS Inc. |
AOR | CanopyMls | Canopy MLS |
AOR | CapeFearRealtors | Cape Fear REALTORS |
AOR | CapeMayCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Cape May County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | CarbonCountyBoardOfRealtors | Carbon County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | CarlisleBoardOfRealtors | Carlisle Board of REALTORS |
AOR | CarolinaMls | Carolina MLS |
AOR | CarolinasSmokiesAssociationOfRealtors | Carolinas Smokies Association of Realtors |
AOR | CarteretCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Carteret County Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | CatawbaValleyAssociationOfRealtors | Catawba Valley Association of Realtors |
AOR | CedarRapidsAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Cedar Rapids Area Association Of Realtors |
AOR | CentralAlbertaRealtorsAssociation | Central Alberta REALTORS Association |
AOR | CentralCarolinaAssociationOfRealtors | Central Carolina Association of Realtors |
AOR | CentralHillCountryBoardOfRealtorsInc | Central Hill Country Board Of Realtors Inc |
AOR | CentralIllinoisBoardOfRealtors | Central Illinois Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | CentralizedRealEstateInfo | Centralized Real Estate Info |
AOR | CentralJerseyMls | Central Jersey MLS |
AOR | CentralMichiganAssociationOfRealtors | Central Michigan Association of REALTORS |
AOR | CentralOzarksBoardOfRealtorsAssociation | Central Ozarks Board Of REALTORS Association |
AOR | CentralPanhandleAssociationOfRealtors | Central Panhandle Association of REALTORS |
AOR | CentralPasco | Central Pasco |
AOR | CentralTexasCcimChapter | Central Texas Ccim Chapter |
AOR | CentralTexasCommercialAssociationOfRealtors | Central Texas Commercial Association Of Realtors |
AOR | CentralTexasMls | Central Texas MLS |
AOR | CentralValley | Central Valley |
AOR | CentralVirginiaRegionalMls | Central Virginia Regional MLS |
AOR | CentralWisconsinBoardOfRealtors | Central Wisconsin Board of REALTORS |
AOR | ChapelHillBoardOfRealtorsInc | Chapel Hill Board of Realtors Inc |
AOR | Char | Char |
AOR | CharlestonTridentAssociationOfRealtors | Charleston Trident Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | CharlotteRegionalRealtorAssociationInc | Charlotte Regional Realtor Association Inc |
AOR | CharlottesvilleAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors |
AOR | ChathamKentAssociationOfRealtors | Chatham-Kent Association of REALTORS |
AOR | ChautauquaCattaraugus | Chautauqua-Cattaraugus |
AOR | CherokeeCountyBoardOfRealtors | Cherokee County Board of Realtors |
AOR | ChesapeakeBayAreaMls | Chesapeake Bay Area MLS |
AOR | ChicagoAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Chicago Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | ChilliwackAndDistrictRealEstateBoard | Chilliwack & District Real Estate Board |
AOR | ChsRegionalMls | CHS Regional MLS |
AOR | CitrusValley | Citrus Valley |
AOR | CitrusValleyAssociationOfRealtors | Citrus Valley Association of Realtors |
AOR | ClareGladwinBoardOfRealtors | Clare Gladwin Board of REALTORS |
AOR | Claw | CLAW |
AOR | ClevelandCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Cleveland County Association of Realtors |
AOR | CoastalCarolinasAssociationOfRealtors | Coastal Carolinas Association of Realtors |
AOR | CoastalMendocino | Coastal Mendocino |
AOR | CoastalPlainsAssociationOfRealtors | Coastal Plains Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | CobbAssociationOfRealtors | Cobb Association of Realtors |
AOR | CochraneAndTimiskamingDistrictsAssociationOfRealtors | Cochrane & Timiskaming Districts Association of REALTORS |
AOR | ColinCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Colin County Association Of Realtors |
AOR | CollinCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Collin County Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | ColoradoAssociationOfRealtors | Colorado Association of Realtors |
AOR | CommercialAllianceOfRealtors | Commercial Alliance of REALTORS |
AOR | CommercialAssociationOfRealtorsOfNewMexico | Commercial Association of REALTORS of New Mexico |
AOR | CommercialBoard | Commercial Board |
AOR | Conejo | Conejo |
AOR | ContraCosta | Contra Costa |
AOR | CookeCountyBoardOfRealtors | Cooke County Board Of Realtors |
AOR | CornwallAndDistrictRealEstateBoard | Cornwall and District Real Estate Board |
AOR | CorpusChristi | Corpus Christi |
AOR | Cortland | Cortland |
AOR | CoshoctonCountyBoardOfRealtors | Coshocton County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | CraigAssociationOfRealtors | Craig Association of Realtors |
AOR | Crisnet | CRISNet |
AOR | CumberlandCountyBoardOfRealtors | Cumberland County Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | Darien | Darien |
AOR | DaytonaBeachAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Daytona Beach Area Association of Realtors |
AOR | DaytonAreaBoardOfRealtors | Dayton Area Board of REALTORS |
AOR | DearbornAreaBoardOfRealtors | Dearborn Area Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | DekalbBoardOfRealtorsInc | Dekalb Board of Realtors Inc |
AOR | DelRioBoardOfRealtors | Del Rio Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | Delta | Delta |
AOR | DeltaAssociationOfRealtors | Delta Association of Realtors |
AOR | DeltaCountyBoardOfRealtors | Delta County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | DenverBoardOfRealtors | Denver Board of Realtors |
AOR | DenverMetroAssocOfRealtors | Denver Metro Assoc of Realtors |
AOR | DenverMetroCommAssocRealtor | Denver Metro Comm Assoc Realtor |
AOR | DesertCommunities | Desert Communities |
AOR | DesertMls | Desert MLS |
AOR | DesMoinesAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Des Moines Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | Desoto | DeSoto |
AOR | DetroitAssociationOfRealtors | Detroit Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | DoorCountyBoardOfRealtors | Door County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | Downey | Downey |
AOR | DownRiverAssociationOfRealtors | Down River Association of REALTORS |
AOR | DullesAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Dulles Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | DuluthAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Duluth Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | DurangoAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Durango Area Association of Realtors |
AOR | DurhamAssociationOfRealtors | Durham Association of Realtors |
AOR | DurhamRegionAssociationOfRealtors | Durham Region Association of REALTORS |
AOR | EastAlabamaBoardOfRealtors | East Alabama Board of Realtors |
AOR | EastBayRecip | East Bay Recip |
AOR | EastBayRegionalDataMls | East Bay Regional Data MLS |
AOR | EastCentralAssociationOfRealtors | East Central Association of REALTORS |
AOR | EasternCt | Eastern CT |
AOR | EasternThumbAssociationOfRealtors | Eastern Thumb Association of REALTORS |
AOR | EasternUpperPeninsulaAssociationOfRealtors | Eastern Upper Peninsula Association of REALTORS |
AOR | EastPasco | East Pasco |
AOR | EastPolk | East Polk |
AOR | EastValley | East Valley |
AOR | EastValleyRedlands | East Valley (Redlands) |
AOR | EastValleyYucaipa | East Valley (Yucaipa) |
AOR | ElkoCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Elko County Association of Realtors |
AOR | EllisHillAssociationOfRealtors | Ellis Hill Association Of Realtors |
AOR | ElmiraCorningRegionalAssociationOfRealtors | Elmira-Corning Regional Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | ElPasoAssociationOfRealtors | El Paso Association Of Realtors |
AOR | EmeraldCoastAssociationOfRealtors | Emerald Coast Association of REALTORS |
AOR | EmmetAssociationOfRealtors | Emmet Association of REALTORS |
AOR | Englewood | Englewood |
AOR | EstesParkBoardOfRealtors | Estes Park Board of Realtors |
AOR | FargoMoorheadAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Fargo Moorhead Area Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | FayettevilleAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Fayetteville Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | FirelandsAssociationOfRealtors | Firelands Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | FirstMls | First MLS |
AOR | Flagler | Flagler |
AOR | FloridaGulfCoast | Florida Gulf Coast. |
AOR | FoothillsRealtorAssociationOfNorthCarolina | Foothills REALTOR Association Of North Carolina |
AOR | FortCollinsBoardOfRealtors | Fort Collins Board of Realtors |
AOR | FortHoodAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Fort Hood Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | FortMcmurrayRealEstateBoard | Fort McMurray Real Estate Board |
AOR | FortSmithBoardOfRealtors | Fort Smith Board of Realtors |
AOR | FourCornersBoardOfRealtors | Four Corners Board of REALTORS |
AOR | FourRiversAssociationOfRealtors | Four Rivers Association of REALTORS |
AOR | FranklinBoardOfRealtors | Franklin Board of Realtors |
AOR | FraserValleyRealEstateBoard | Fraser Valley Real Estate Board |
AOR | FredericksburgAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Fredericksburg Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | Fresno | Fresno |
AOR | FtLauderdale | Ft. Lauderdale |
AOR | GainesvilleAlachua | Gainesville-Alachua |
AOR | GallatinAssociationOfRealtors | Gallatin Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GalvestonAssociationOfRealtors | Galveston Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | GardenCityMls | Garden City MLS |
AOR | GastonAssociationOfRealtors | Gaston Association of Realtors |
AOR | GeorgiaMls | Georgia MLS |
AOR | GeorgiaUpstateLakesBoardOfRealtors | Georgia Upstate Lakes Board of Realtors |
AOR | Glendale | Glendale |
AOR | GlendaleWestMaricopaBoardOfRealtorsInc | Glendale West Maricopa Board Of Realtors Inc |
AOR | GlenwoodSpringsAssociationRealtors | Glenwood Springs Association/Realtors |
AOR | GloucesterSalemCountiesBoardOfRealtors | Gloucester Salem Counties Board of REALTORS |
AOR | GoldenIslesAssociationOfRealtors | Golden Isles Association of Realtors |
AOR | GranburyAssociationOfRealtors | Granbury Association Of Realtors |
AOR | GrandCountyBoardOfRealtors | Grand County Board of Realtors |
AOR | GrandePrairieAndAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Grande Prairie & Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GrandJunctionRealtorAssociation | Grand Junction Realtor Association |
AOR | GrandPrairieBoardOfRealtors | Grand Prairie Board Of Realtors |
AOR | GrandRapidsAssociationOfRealtors | Grand Rapids Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterAlexandriaAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Alexandria Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterAugustaAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Greater Augusta Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | GreaterBaltimoreBoardOfRealtors | Greater Baltimore Board of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterBatonRougeAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Baton Rouge Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterBergenRealtors | Greater Bergen REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterBinghamtonAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Binghamton Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterBostonRealEstateBoard | Greater Boston Real Estate Board |
AOR | GreaterCapitalAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Capital Area Association of Realtors |
AOR | GreaterCapitalAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Greater Capital Association of REALTORS, Inc. |
AOR | GreaterCentralLouisianaRealtorsAssociation | Greater Central Louisiana REALTORS Association |
AOR | GreaterChattanoogaMls | Greater Chattanooga MLS |
AOR | GreaterColumbiaAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Greater Columbia Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | GreaterDentonWiseAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Denton Wise Association Of Realtors |
AOR | GreaterErieBoardOfRealtors | Greater Erie Board Of Realtors |
AOR | GreaterFairfield | Greater Fairfield |
AOR | GreaterFortWorthAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Fort Worth Association Of Realtors |
AOR | GreaterFtLauderdaleRealtors | Greater Ft Lauderdale REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterGreenvilleAssocOfRealtors | Greater Greenville Assoc of Realtors |
AOR | GreaterHarrisburgAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Harrisburg Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterHartford | Greater Hartford |
AOR | GreaterHartfordAssociationOfRealtorsrInc | Greater Hartford Association of Realtorsr Inc |
AOR | GreaterKalamazooAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Kalamazoo Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterLakesAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Lakes Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterLansingAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Lansing Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterLasVegasAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | GreaterLewisvilleAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Lewisville Association Of Realtors |
AOR | GreaterMcallenAssociationOfRealtors | Greater McAllen Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterMetropolitanAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterMetroWestAssociationRealtorsInc | Greater Metro West Association Realtors Inc |
AOR | GreaterNashvilleAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Greater Nashville Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | GreaterNewHavenAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Greater New Haven Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | GreaterNewMilford | Greater New Milford |
AOR | GreaterPhiladelphiaAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Philadelphia Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterPiedmontRealtors | Greater Piedmont REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterRegionalAllianceOfRealtors | Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterRochesterAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Greater Rochester Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | GreaterScrantonBoardOfRealtors | Greater Scranton Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterShiawasseeAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Shiawassee Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterSouthernMls | Greater Southern MLS |
AOR | GreaterTampaAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Tampa Association of Realtors |
AOR | GreaterTexomaAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Texoma Association Of Realtors |
AOR | GreaterTylerAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Greater Tyler Association Of Realtors Inc |
AOR | GreaterUnionCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Greater Union County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterVancouverRealtors | Greater Vancouver REALTORS |
AOR | GreaterWaterbury | Greater Waterbury |
AOR | GreatFallsAssociationOfRealtors | Great Falls Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GreeleyAreaRealtorAssociation | Greeley Area Realtor Association |
AOR | GreensboroRegionalRealtorsAssociation | Greensboro Regional REALTORS Association |
AOR | GreenValleySahuaritaAssociationOfRealtors | Green Valley Sahuarita Association of REALTORS |
AOR | Greenwich | Greenwich |
AOR | GrossePointeBoardOfRealtors | Grosse Pointe Board of REALTORS |
AOR | GuelphAndDistrictAssociationOfRealtors | Guelph & District Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GuernseyMuskingumValleyAssociationOfRealtors | Guernsey-Muskingum Valley Association of REALTORS |
AOR | GulfCoastMls | Gulf Coast MLS |
AOR | GulfSouthRealEstateInformationNetworkInc | Gulf South Real Estate Information Network Inc |
AOR | GunnisonCountryAssociationRealtors | Gunnison Country Association/Realtors |
AOR | GunnisonCrestedButteAssociationOfRealtors | Gunnison-Crested Butte Association of REALTORS |
AOR | HamptonRoadsRealtorsAssociationInc | Hampton Roads Realtors Association Inc |
AOR | HarlingenBoardOfRealtors | Harlingen Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | HarrisonDistrictBoardOfRealtors | Harrison District Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | HaywoodCountyBoardOfRealtors | Haywood County Board of Realtors |
AOR | Heartland | Heartland |
AOR | HeartlandAssociationOfRealtors | Heartland Association Of Realtors |
AOR | HeartOfIowaRegionalBoardOfRealtors | Heart of Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS |
AOR | HelenaAssociationOfRealtors | Helena Association of REALTORS |
AOR | HemetSanJacinto | Hemet-San Jacinto |
AOR | HendersonCountyBoardOfRealtors | Henderson County Board Of Realtors |
AOR | HendersonvilleBoardOfRealtors | Hendersonville Board of Realtors |
AOR | HerefordBoardOfRealtors | Hereford Board Of Realtors |
AOR | HernandoCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Hernando County Association of Realtors |
AOR | HgarHudsonGatewayAssociationOfRealtors | HGAR Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors |
AOR | HiCentral | HI Central |
AOR | HighCountryAssociationOfRealtorsInc | High Country Association of Realtors Inc. |
AOR | HighDesert | High Desert |
AOR | HighlandLakesAssociationOfRealtors | Highland Lakes Association Of Realtors |
AOR | HighlandsCashiersBoardOfRealtors | Highlands Cashiers Board of Realtors |
AOR | HighPointRegionalAssocOfRealtorsInc | High Point Regional Assoc of Realtors Inc. |
AOR | HillsdaleCountyBoardOfRealtors | Hillsdale County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | HiltonHeadAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Hilton Head Area Association of Realtors |
AOR | HiltonHeadIsland | Hilton Head Island |
AOR | HoustonAssociationOfRealtors | Houston Association of Realtors |
AOR | HunterdonSomersetAssociationOfRealtors | Hunterdon Somerset Association of REALTORS |
AOR | HuntsvilleAreaAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Huntsville Area Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | HuronPerthAssociationOfRealtors | Huron Perth Association of REALTORS |
AOR | InclineVillageBoardOfRealtors | Incline Village Board of Realtors |
AOR | IndianRiver | Indian River |
AOR | InformationAndRealEstateServices | Information and Real Estate Services |
AOR | Inglewood | Inglewood |
AOR | InlandValleys | Inland Valleys |
AOR | IrvingLasColinasAssociationOfRealtors | Irving/Las Colinas Association Of Realtors |
AOR | ItascaCountyBoardOfRealtors | Itasca County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | ITech | i-Tech |
AOR | IthacaBoardOfRealtors | Ithaca Board of Realtors |
AOR | JacksonAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Jackson Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | JacksonvilleBoardOfRealtors | Jacksonville Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | JasperAreaBoardOfRealtors | Jasper Area Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | JeffersonLewisBoard | Jefferson-Lewis Board |
AOR | JohnsonCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Johnson County Association Of Realtors |
AOR | JohnstonCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Johnston County Association of Realtors |
AOR | JoshuaTreeGateway | Joshua Tree Gateway |
AOR | KamloopsRealEstateAssociation | Kamloops Real Estate Association |
AOR | KanawhaValleyBoardOfRealtors | Kanawha Valley Board of REALTORS |
AOR | KansasCityRegionalAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | KaufmanVanZandtAssociationOfRealtors | Kaufman/Van Zandt Association Of Realtors |
AOR | KawarthaLakesRealEstateAssociationInc | Kawartha Lakes Real Estate Association Inc. |
AOR | KerrLakeBoardOfRealtorsInc | Kerr Lake Board of Realtors Inc |
AOR | KerrvilleBoardOfRealtors | Kerrville Board Of Realtors |
AOR | KershawCountyBoardOfRealtors | Kershaw County Board of Realtors |
AOR | KingstonAndAreaRealEstateAssociation | Kingston and Area Real Estate Association |
AOR | KingsvilleAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Kingsville Area Association Of Realtors |
AOR | KitchenerWaterlooAssociationOfRealtors | Kitchener-Waterloo Association of REALTORS |
AOR | KnoxvilleAreaAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Knoxville Area Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | KootenayAssociationOfRealtors | Kootenay Association of REALTORS |
AOR | KootenayRealEstateBoard | Kootenay Real Estate Board |
AOR | Laguna | Laguna |
AOR | LakeAndSumter | Lake and Sumter |
AOR | LakeCitiesAssociationOfRealtors | Lake Cities Association Of Realtors |
AOR | LakeCounty | Lake County |
AOR | LakeGeaugaAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Lake Geauga Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LakeHavasuAssociationOfRealtors | Lake Havasu Association Of Realtors |
AOR | Lakeland | Lakeland |
AOR | LakeOfTheOzarksBoardOfRealtors | Lake of the Ozarks Board of Realtors |
AOR | LakeRegionAssociationOfRealtors | Lake Region Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LakesCountryAssociationOfRealtors | Lakes Country Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LakeWales | Lake Wales |
AOR | LandOfTheSkyAssociationOfRealtors | Land of The Sky Association of Realtors |
AOR | LapeerAndUpperThumbAssociationOfRealtors | Lapeer and Upper Thumb Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LaredoBoardOfRealtorsInc | Laredo Board Of Realtors Inc |
AOR | LasCrucesAssociationOfRealtors | Las Cruces Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LasVegasBoardOfRealtors | Las Vegas Board of REALTORS |
AOR | LatahCountyBoardOfRealtors | Latah County Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | LebanonBoardOfRealtors | Lebanon Board of REALTORS |
AOR | LeeCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Lee County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LehighValleyMls | Lehigh Valley MLS |
AOR | LenaweeCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Lenawee County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LethbridgeAndDistrictAssociationOfRealtors | Lethbridge & District Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LexingtonBluegrassAssociationOfRealtors | Lexington-Bluegrass Association of Realtors |
AOR | LexingtonBoardOfRealtors | Lexington Board of Realtors |
AOR | LibertyBoardOfRealtorsInc | Liberty Board of Realtors Inc |
AOR | LincolnCountyBoardOfRealtors | Lincoln County Board of Realtors |
AOR | LitchfieldCounty | Litchfield County |
AOR | LivingstonCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Livingston County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LoganCountyBoardOfRealtors | Logan County Board of Realtors |
AOR | LompocValley | Lompoc Valley |
AOR | LondonAndStThomasAssociationOfRealtors | London and St. Thomas Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LongIslandBoardOfRealtorsInc | Long Island Board of Realtors Inc |
AOR | LongleafPineRealtors | The Buyer Agent AOR is Longleaf Pine Realtors |
AOR | LongmontAssociationOfRealtors | Longmont Association of Realtors |
AOR | LongviewAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Longview Area Association Of Realtors |
AOR | LorainCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Lorain County Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | LovelandBerthoudAssociationRealtors | Loveland Berthoud Association/Realtors |
AOR | LowerYakimaValleyAssociationOfRealtors | Lower Yakima Valley Association of REALTORS |
AOR | LubbockAssociationOfRealtors | Lubbock Association Of Realtors |
AOR | LynchburgAssociationOfRealtors | Lynchburg Association of REALTORS |
AOR | Madera | Madera |
AOR | Malibu | Malibu |
AOR | Manatee | Manatee |
AOR | ManitobaRealEstateAssociation | Manitoba Real Estate Association |
AOR | MarcoIslandAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Marco Island Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | MariettaBoardOfRealtors | Marietta Board of REALTORS |
AOR | MarinetteCountyBoardOfRealtors | Marinette County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | MariposaCounty | Mariposa County |
AOR | MarkTwainAssociationOfRealtors | Mark Twain Association of REALTORS |
AOR | MartinCounty | Martin County |
AOR | MasonOceanaManisteeBoardOfRealtors | Mason Oceana Manistee Board of REALTORS |
AOR | MassanuttenBoardOfRealtors | Massanutten Board of REALTORS |
AOR | MatagordaCountyBoardOfRealtors | Matagorda County Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | McdowellBoardOfRealtors | Mcdowell Board of Realtors |
AOR | MckeanPa | McKean PA |
AOR | MedicineHatRealEstateBoard | Medicine Hat Real Estate Board |
AOR | MedinaCountyBoardOfRealtors | Medina County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | MemphisAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Memphis Area Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | MercedCounty | Merced County |
AOR | MercerCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Mercer County Association of Realtors |
AOR | MetroAreaBoardOfRealtors | Metro Area Board of REALTORS |
AOR | MetroCentreAssociationOfRealtors | Metro Centre Association of REALTORS |
AOR | MetroMilwaukee | Metro Milwaukee |
AOR | MetropolitanConsolidatedAssociationOfRealtors | Metropolitan Consolidated Association of Realtors |
AOR | MetropolitanIndianapolisBoardOfRealtors | Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors |
AOR | MetrotexAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Metrotex Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | MiamiAssociationOfRealtors | Miami Association of REALTORS |
AOR | MiamiAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Miami Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | MichiganRegionalInformationCenter | Michigan Regional Information Center |
AOR | MidAmericaRegionalInformationSystems | Mid America Regional Information Systems |
AOR | MidCarolinaRegionalAssociationOfRealtors | Mid Carolina Regional Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | MidFairfieldCounty | Mid-Fairfield County |
AOR | MidHudsonMultipleListingService | Mid-Hudson Multiple Listing Service |
AOR | MidIowaRegionalBoardOfRealtors | Mid-Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS |
AOR | MidlandBoardOfRealtors | Midland Board of REALTORS |
AOR | MidState | Mid-State |
AOR | MiltonAndDistrictRealEstateBoard | Milton and District Real Estate Board |
AOR | MineralAreaBoardOfRealtors | Mineral Area Board of REALTORS |
AOR | MinneapolisAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Minneapolis Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | MinnesotaArrowheadMls | Minnesota Arrowhead MLS |
AOR | Mirealsource | MiRealSource |
AOR | MiscellaneousAssociation | Miscellaneous Association |
AOR | MississaugaRealEstateBoard | Mississauga Real Estate Board |
AOR | MissoulaCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Missoula County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | MissoulaOrganizationOfRealtors | Missoula Organization Of REALTORS |
AOR | Mlslistings | MLSListings |
AOR | MlsOfCatawbaValley | MLS of Catawba Valley |
AOR | MlsOfSouthernArizona | MLS of Southern Arizona |
AOR | Mlspin | MLSPin |
AOR | MlsTechnology | MLS Technology |
AOR | MobileAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Mobile Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | MohawkValley | Mohawk Valley |
AOR | MonmouthCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Monmouth County Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | MonmouthOceanRegionalRealtors | Monmouth Ocean Regional REALTORS |
AOR | MonroeCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Monroe County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | MontagueCountyBoardOfRealtors | Montague County Board Of Realtors |
AOR | MontanaRegionalMls | Montana Regional MLS |
AOR | MontcalmCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Montcalm County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | MontebelloDistrict | Montebello District |
AOR | MontgomeryAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Montgomery Area Association Of Realtors |
AOR | MontgomeryCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Montgomery County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | MontroseAssociationOfRealtors | Montrose Association of Realtors |
AOR | MountainCentralAssociationOfRealtors | Mountain Central Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | MountainMetroAssociationOfRealtors | Mountain Metro Association of Realtors |
AOR | Mrmls | MRMLS |
AOR | NacogdochesCountyBoardOfRealtors | Nacogdoches County Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | NampaAssociationOfRealtors | Nampa Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | Naples | Naples |
AOR | NaplesAreaBoardOfRealtors | Naples Area Board of Realtors |
AOR | NavarroCountyBoardOfRealtors | Navarro County Board Of Realtors |
AOR | NeuseRiverRegionAssociationOfRealtors | Neuse River Region Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | NevadaCounty | Nevada County |
AOR | NewBernBoardOfRealtorsInc | New Bern Board of Realtors Inc |
AOR | NewBraunfelsCanyonLakeAreaAssocOfRealtors | New Braunfels/Canyon Lake Area Assoc Of Realtors |
AOR | NewBrunswickRealEstateAssociation | New Brunswick Real Estate Association |
AOR | NewCanaanBoardOfRealtors | New Canaan Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | NewfoundlandAndLabradorAssociationOfRealtors | Newfoundland and Labrador Association of REALTORS |
AOR | NewHavenMiddlesex | New Haven Middlesex |
AOR | Newport | Newport |
AOR | NewportBeachAssociationOfRealtors | Newport Beach Association of REALTORS |
AOR | NewSmyrnaBeachBoardOfRealtors | New Smyrna Beach Board of REALTORS |
AOR | Newtown | Newtown |
AOR | NexusAssociationOfRealtors | Nexus Association of REALTORS |
AOR | NiagaraAssociationOfRealtors | Niagara Association of REALTORS |
AOR | NolanCountyBoardOfRealtors | Nolan County Board Of Realtors |
AOR | NormanBoardOfRealtors | Norman Board Of Realtors |
AOR | NorthBay | North Bay |
AOR | NorthBayAndAreaRealtorsAssociation | North Bay and Area REALTORS Association |
AOR | NorthBayRealEstateBoard | North Bay Real Estate Board |
AOR | NorthCarolinaMountainsMls | North Carolina Mountains MLS |
AOR | NorthCarolinaRegionalMls | North Carolina Regional MLS |
AOR | NorthCentralJerseyAssociationOfRealtors | North Central Jersey Association of REALTORS |
AOR | NortheastAtlantaMetroAssnOfRealtorsInc | Northeast Atlanta Metro Assn of Realtors Inc |
AOR | NortheasternMichiganBoardOfRealtors | Northeastern Michigan Board of REALTORS |
AOR | NortheastFloridaAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Northeast Florida Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | NortheastTarrantCountyBoardOfRealtors | Northeast Tarrant County Board Of Realtors |
AOR | NortheastTennesseeAssociationOfRealtors | Northeast Tennessee Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | NorthernColoradoCommercialAssociationOfRealtors | Northern Colorado Commercial Association of Realtors |
AOR | NorthernFairfieldCounty | Northern Fairfield County |
AOR | NorthernGreatLakesRealtors | Northern Great Lakes REALTORS |
AOR | NorthernJacksonCountyBoardOfRealtors | Northern Jackson County Board of Realtors |
AOR | NorthernKentuckyMultipleListingService | Northern Kentucky Multiple Listing Service |
AOR | NorthernNevadaRegionalMls | Northern Nevada Regional MLS |
AOR | NorthernNewBrunswickRealEstateBoard | Northern New Brunswick Real Estate Board |
AOR | NorthernOhioRegionalMls | Northern Ohio Regional MLS |
AOR | NorthernVirginiaAssociationOfRealtors | Northern Virginia Association of Realtors |
AOR | NorthIowaRegionalBoardOfRealtors | North Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS |
AOR | NorthMetroDenverRealtorAssociationInc | North Metro Denver Realtor Association Inc |
AOR | NorthMetroRealtorsAssociation | North Metro REALTORS Association |
AOR | NorthOaklandCountyBoardOfRealtorsInc | North Oakland County Board of Realtors Inc |
AOR | NorthSanDiegoCounty | North San Diego County |
AOR | NorthSanLuisObispo | North San Luis Obispo |
AOR | NorthshoreAreaBoardOfRealtors | Northshore Area Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | NorthTennesseeAssociationOfRealtors | North Tennessee Association of Realtors |
AOR | NorthTexasCommercialAssociationOfRealtors | North Texas Commercial Association Of Realtors |
AOR | NorthTexasInformationSystems | North Texas Information Systems |
AOR | NorthTexasRealEstateInformationSystems | North Texas Real Estate Information Systems |
AOR | NorthumberlandHillsAssociationOfRealtors | Northumberland Hills Association of REALTORS |
AOR | NorthwestArkansasBoardOfRealtorsMls | Northwest Arkansas Board of REALTORS MLS |
AOR | NorthwestLouisianaAssociationOfRealtors | Northwest Louisiana Association of REALTORS |
AOR | NorthwestMinnesotaAssociationOfRealtors | Northwest Minnesota Association of REALTORS |
AOR | NorthwestMontanaAssociationOfRealtors | Northwest Montana Association of REALTORS |
AOR | NorthwestMultipleListingService | Northwest Multiple Listing Service |
AOR | NorthwoodsAssocOfRealtorsInc | Northwoods Assoc Of Realtors Inc |
AOR | Oakland | Oakland |
AOR | Oakville | Oakville |
AOR | OcalaMarion | Ocala - Marion |
AOR | OcalaMarionCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Ocala Marion County Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | OceanCityBoardOfRealtors | Ocean City Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | OceanCountyBoardOfRealtors | Ocean County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | OdessaBoardOfRealtors | Odessa Board Of Realtors |
AOR | OjaiValley | Ojai Valley |
AOR | OkanaganMainlineRealEstateBoard | Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board |
AOR | Okeechobee | Okeechobee |
AOR | OklahomaCityMetropolitanAor | Oklahoma City Metropolitan AOR. |
AOR | OmahaAreaBoardOfRealtors | Omaha Area Board of REALTORS |
AOR | OmniMlsLlc | Omni MLS LLC |
AOR | OnekeyMls | OneKey MLS |
AOR | OrangeChathamAssociationOfRealtors | Orange Chatham Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | OrangeCoastAssociationOfRealtors | Orange Coast Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | OrangeCounty | Orange County |
AOR | OrlandoRegional | Orlando Regional |
AOR | OrlandoRegionalRealtorAssociation | Orlando Regional Realtor Association |
AOR | Oroville | Oroville |
AOR | Osceola | Osceola |
AOR | OtherUnspecificed | Other/Unspecificed |
AOR | OtsegoDelaware | Otsego-Delaware |
AOR | OttawaRealEstateBoard | Ottawa Real Estate Board |
AOR | OutOfAreaBoard | Out of Area Board |
AOR | PacificSouthwest | Pacific Southwest |
AOR | PacificWest | Pacific West |
AOR | PagosaSpringsAreaAssnOfRealtors | Pagosa Springs Area Assn of REALTORS |
AOR | PalestineAssociationOfRealtors | Palestine Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | PalmSprings | Palm Springs |
AOR | PalosVerdesPeninsula | Palos Verdes Peninsula |
AOR | Paradise | Paradise |
AOR | ParisBoardOfRealtors | Paris Board Of Realtors |
AOR | ParkCityBoardOfRealtors | Park City Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | ParkersburgAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Parkersburg Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | PasadenaFoothills | Pasadena-Foothills |
AOR | PasoRobles | Paso Robles |
AOR | PassaicCountyBoardOfRealtors | Passaic County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | PensacolaAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Pensacola Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | PermianBasinBoardOfRealtorsInc | Permian Basin Board Of Realtors Inc |
AOR | PeterboroughAndTheKawarthasAssociationOfRealtors | Peterborough and the Kawarthas Association of REALTORS |
AOR | PhoenixAssociationOfRealtors | Phoenix Association of Realtors |
AOR | PikesPeakAssociationOfRealtors | Pikes Peak Association of Realtors |
AOR | PikeWayneAssociationOfRealtors | Pike Wayne Association of REALTORS |
AOR | Pillar9 | Pillar 9 |
AOR | PinehurstSouthernPinesAreaAssociation | Pinehurst-Southern Pines Area Association |
AOR | PinellasSuncoast | Pinellas Suncoast |
AOR | PinellasSuncoastAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Pinellas Suncoast Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | PineyWoodsBoardOfRealtors | Piney Woods Board Of Realtors |
AOR | PismoCoast | Pismo Coast |
AOR | PittsburgBoardOfRealtors | Pittsburg Board of REALTORS |
AOR | PlacerCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Placer County Association Of Realtors |
AOR | Plumas | Plumas |
AOR | PoconoMountainsAssociationOfRealtors | Pocono Mountains Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | PortageCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Portage County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | PortCharlotte | Port Charlotte |
AOR | PortlandMetropolitanAssociationOfRealtors | Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors |
AOR | PowellRiverSunshineCoastRealEstateBoard | Powell River Sunshine Coast Real Estate Board |
AOR | PrescottAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Prescott Area Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | PrinceGeorgesCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Prince Georges County Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | PrinceWilliamAssociationOfRealtors | Prince William Association of REALTORS |
AOR | PuebloAssociationOfRealtors | Pueblo Association of Realtors |
AOR | PuertoRico | Puerto Rico |
AOR | PulaskiCountyBoardOfRealtors | Pulaski County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | QuinteAndDistrictAssociationOfRealtors | Quinte and District Association of REALTORS |
AOR | RaleighRegionalAssociationOfRealtors | Raleigh Regional Association of Realtors |
AOR | RaleighWakeBoardOfRealtors | Raleigh/Wake Board of Realtors |
AOR | RanchoSoutheast | Rancho-Southeast |
AOR | RapbBeachesmls | RAPB/BeachesMLS |
AOR | ReadingBerksAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Reading-Berks Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | RealcompIiLtd | Realcomp II Ltd |
AOR | RealEstateBoardOfGreaterVancouver | Real Estate Board Of Greater Vancouver |
AOR | RealEstateBoardOfNewYork | Real Estate Board of New York |
AOR | RealEstateBoardOfTheFrederictonArea | Real Estate Board of the Fredericton Area |
AOR | RealEstateInformationNetworkInc | Real Estate Information Network Inc |
AOR | RealsourceAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Realsource Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | RealtorAssnGreaterFortLauderdale | Realtor Assn Greater Fort Lauderdale |
AOR | RealtorAssociationOfAcadiana | REALTOR Association Of Acadiana |
AOR | RealtorAssociationOfFranklinAndGulfCounties | REALTOR Association of Franklin and Gulf Counties |
AOR | RealtorAssociationOfSouthernMinnesota | REALTOR Association of Southern Minnesota |
AOR | RealtorAssociationOfTheGreaterPeeDeeInc | Realtor Association of The Greater Pee Dee Inc |
AOR | RealtorAssociationPalmBeaches | Realtor Association Palm Beaches |
AOR | RealtorAssocOfGreaterMiamiAndTheBeaches | Realtor Assoc of Greater Miami & The Beaches |
AOR | RealtorsAssociationOfCitrusCounty | Realtors Association of Citrus County |
AOR | RealtorsAssociationOfEdmonton | REALTORS Association of Edmonton |
AOR | RealtorsAssociationOfGreyBruceOwenSound | REALTORS Association of Grey Bruce Owen Sound |
AOR | RealtorsAssociationOfHamiltonBurlington | REALTORS Association of Hamilton-Burlington |
AOR | RealtorsAssociationOfLloydminsterAndDistrict | REALTORS Association of Lloydminster & District |
AOR | RealtorsAssociationOfMetropolitanPittsburgh | Realtors Association of Metropolitan Pittsburgh |
AOR | RealtorsAssociationOfNortheastWisconsin | REALTORS Association of Northeast Wisconsin |
AOR | RealtorsAssociationOfSouthCentralAlberta | REALTORS Association of South Central Alberta |
AOR | RealtorsAssociationOfSouthCentralWisconsin | REALTORS Association of South Central Wisconsin |
AOR | RealtorsAssociationOfSouthwesternIllinois | REALTORS Association of Southwestern Illinois |
AOR | RealtorsAssocOfGreaterFtMyersAndTheBeach | Realtors Assoc of Greater Ft Myers & The Beach |
AOR | RealtorsLandInstitute | REALTORS Land Institute |
AOR | RealtorsOfCentralColorado | Realtors of Central Colorado |
AOR | RealtorsOfNorthwesternWisconsin | Realtors of Northwestern Wisconsin |
AOR | Realtracs | Realtracs |
AOR | ReciprocalBoard | Reciprocal Board |
AOR | Recolorado | Recolorado |
AOR | RegionalMlsOfMinnesota | Regional MLS of Minnesota |
AOR | RemMetroSouthAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Rem - Metro South Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | RemMiddleTennesseeAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Rem - Middle Tennessee Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | RemSoutheastValleyRegionalAssociationOfRealtors | Rem - Southeast Valley Regional Association of Realtors |
AOR | RemWilliamsonCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Rem - Williamson County Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | RenfrewCountyRealEstateBoard | Renfrew County Real Estate Board |
AOR | RhodeIslandStateWideMls | Rhode Island State-Wide MLS |
AOR | RichmondAssociationOfRealtors | Richmond Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | RichmondCountyBoardOfRealtorsInc | Richmond County Board of Realtors Inc |
AOR | RideauStLawrenceRealEstateBoard | Rideau-St. Lawrence Real Estate Board |
AOR | Ridgefield | Ridgefield |
AOR | RimOTheWorld | Rim O The World |
AOR | RoanokeValleyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Roanoke Valley Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | Rochester | Rochester |
AOR | RockinghamCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Rockingham County Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | RockportAreaBoardOfRealtors | Rockport Area Board Of Realtors |
AOR | RockyMountainAssociationOfRealtors | Rocky Mountain Association of REALTORS |
AOR | RoyalGorgeAssociationOfRealtors | Royal Gorge Association of Realtors |
AOR | RoyalPalmCoastRealtorAssociation | Royal Palm Coast Realtor Association |
AOR | RutherfordCountyBoardOfRealtors | Rutherford County Board of Realtors |
AOR | SacramentoAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Sacramento Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | SaginawBoardOfRealtors | Saginaw Board of REALTORS |
AOR | SaintJohnRealEstateBoard | Saint John Real Estate Board |
AOR | SalisburyRowanAssociationOfRealtors | Salisbury Rowan Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | SalisburyRowanRealtors | Salisbury Rowan REALTORS |
AOR | SaltLakeBoardOfRealtors | Salt Lake Board of Realtors |
AOR | SanAngeloAssociationOfRealtors | San Angelo Association Of Realtors |
AOR | SanAntonioBoardOfRealtors | San Antonio Board Of Realtors |
AOR | SandicorMls | Sandicor MLS |
AOR | SanDiego | San Diego |
AOR | SanDiegoAssociationOfRealtors | San Diego Association of Realtors |
AOR | SanFrancisco | San Francisco |
AOR | SanLuisObispo | San Luis Obispo |
AOR | SanLuisObispoCoastal | San Luis Obispo Coastal |
AOR | SanMarcosAreaBoardOfRealtors | San Marcos Area Board Of Realtors |
AOR | SanMateoCountyAssociationOfRealtors | San Mateo County Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | SantaBarbara | Santa Barbara |
AOR | SantaClaraCounty | Santa Clara County |
AOR | SantaCruzCountyBoardOfRealtors | Santa Cruz County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | SantaFeAssociationOfRealtors | Santa Fe Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SantaMaria | Santa Maria |
AOR | SantaYnezValley | Santa Ynez Valley |
AOR | SarasotaAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Sarasota Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | SarasotaManatee | Sarasota - Manatee |
AOR | SaratogaSchenectadySchoharieAssociation | Saratoga Schenectady Schoharie Association |
AOR | SarniaLambtonRealEstateBoard | Sarnia-Lambton Real Estate Board |
AOR | SaskatchewanRealtorsAssociation | Saskatchewan REALTORS Association |
AOR | SaskatoonRegionAssociationOfRealtors | Saskatoon Region Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SaultSteMarieRealEstateBoard | Sault Ste. Marie Real Estate Board |
AOR | SavannahBoardOfRealtors | Savannah Board of Realtors |
AOR | SavannahMultiListCorporation | Savannah Multi-List Corporation |
AOR | ScenicCoast | Scenic Coast |
AOR | ScottsdaleAreaAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Scottsdale Area Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | SeattleKingCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Seattle King County Association Of Realtors Inc |
AOR | SeguinBoardOfRealtors | Seguin Board Of Realtors |
AOR | Selma | Selma |
AOR | SierraNevadaAssociationOfRealtors | Sierra Nevada Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | SierraNevadaRealtors | Sierra Nevada REALTORS |
AOR | SierraNorthValley | Sierra North Valley |
AOR | SiliconValleyAssociationOfRealtors | Silicon Valley Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | SimcoeAndDistrictRealEstateBoard | Simcoe and District Real Estate Board |
AOR | SimiValley | Simi Valley |
AOR | SmartMls | Smart MLS |
AOR | SoBrowardBoardOfRealtors | So Broward Board of REALTORS |
AOR | Socalmls | SoCalMLS |
AOR | SouthBay | South Bay |
AOR | SouthCentralBoardOfRealtors | South Central Board Of Realtors |
AOR | SoutheasternBorderAssociationOfRealtors | Southeastern Border Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SoutheastFloridaRegional | Southeast Florida Regional |
AOR | SoutheastIowaRegionalBoardOfRealtors | Southeast Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS |
AOR | SoutheastKern | Southeast Kern |
AOR | SoutheastMinnesotaAssociationOfRealtors | Southeast Minnesota Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SoutheastMissouriRealtors | Southeast Missouri REALTORS |
AOR | SouthernAdirondackRealtors | Southern Adirondack Realtors |
AOR | SouthernGatewayAssociationOfRealtors | Southern Gateway Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SouthernGeorgianBayAssociationOfRealtors | Southern Georgian Bay Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SouthernIndianaRealtorsAssociation | Southern Indiana REALTORS Association |
AOR | SouthJerseyShoreRegionalMls | South Jersey Shore Regional MLS |
AOR | Southland | Southland |
AOR | SouthlandRegionalAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Southland Regional Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | SouthMetroDenverRealtorAssociation | South Metro Denver Realtor Association |
AOR | SouthMonmouthBoardOfRealtors | South Monmouth Board of REALTORS |
AOR | SouthOkanaganRealEstateBoard | South Okanagan Real Estate Board |
AOR | SouthPadreIslandBoardOfRealtors | South Padre Island Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | SouthTahoeAssociationOfRealtors | South Tahoe Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | SouthTexasCommercialAssociationOfRealtors | South Texas Commercial Association Of Realtors |
AOR | SouthwesternIllinoisBoardOfRealtors | Southwestern Illinois Board of REALTORS |
AOR | SouthwesternMichiganAssociationOfRealtors | Southwestern Michigan Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SouthwestLosAngeles | Southwest Los Angeles |
AOR | SouthwestLosAngelesAssociationOfRealtors | Southwest Los Angeles Association of Realtors |
AOR | SouthwestLouisianaAssociationOfRealtors | Southwest Louisiana Association of Realtors |
AOR | SouthwestMichiganAssociationOfRealtors | Southwest Michigan Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SouthwestRiversideCounty | Southwest Riverside County |
AOR | SpaceCoastAssociationOfRealtors | Space Coast Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | SpanishPeaksBoard | Spanish Peaks Board |
AOR | SpartanburgBoardOfRealtorsInc | Spartanburg Board of Realtors Inc |
AOR | Stamford | Stamford |
AOR | StarkCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Stark County Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | StarkTrumbullAreaRealtors | Stark Trumbull Area REALTORS |
AOR | StatenIslandBoardOfRealtors | Staten Island Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | StCharlesCountyAssociationOfRealtors | St Charles County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | StCloudAreaAssociationOfRealtors | St. Cloud Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SteamboatSpringsBoardOfRealtors | Steamboat Springs Board of Realtors |
AOR | StellarMls | Stellar MLS |
AOR | StephenvilleAssociationOfRealtors | Stephenville Association Of Realtors |
AOR | StJosephCountyAssociationOfRealtors | St. Joseph County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | StLouisRealtors | St Louis REALTORS |
AOR | StPaulAreaAssociationOfRealtors | St. Paul Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SudburyRealEstateBoard | Sudbury Real Estate Board |
AOR | SummitAssociationOfRealtors | Summit Association of Realtors |
AOR | SumterBoardOfRealtors | Sumter Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | SuperiorAssociationOfRealtors | Superior Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SussexCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Sussex County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | SutterYubaAssnOfRealtors | Sutter-Yuba Assn of Realtors |
AOR | Syracuse | Syracuse |
AOR | Tampa | Tampa |
AOR | TaosAssociationOfRealtors | Taos Association of REALTORS |
AOR | TaosCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Taos County Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | TehamaCounty | Tehama County |
AOR | TellurideAssociationOfRealtors | Telluride Association of Realtors |
AOR | TempleBeltonBoardOfRealtors | Temple-Belton Board of REALTORS |
AOR | TexarkanaBoardOfRealtors | Texarkana Board Of Realtors |
AOR | TheGreaterMonctonRealtorsDuGrandMoncton | The Greater Moncton REALTORS du Grand Moncton |
AOR | TheInlandGateway | The Inland Gateway |
AOR | TheLakelandsAssociationOfRealtors | The Lakelands Association of REALTORS |
AOR | Themls | TheMLS |
AOR | ThreeRiversBoardOfRealtors | Three Rivers Board of REALTORS |
AOR | ThunderBayRealEstateBoard | Thunder Bay Real Estate Board |
AOR | TillsonburgDistrictRealEstateBoard | Tillsonburg District Real Estate Board |
AOR | Timmins | Timmins |
AOR | Tmp | Template Board Example. |
AOR | Toledo | Toledo |
AOR | TorontoRealEstateBoard | Toronto Real Estate Board |
AOR | TraverseAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Traverse Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | TriadMultipleListingService | TRIAD Multiple Listing Service |
AOR | TriangleCommercialAssocOfRealtors | Triangle Commercial Assoc of Realtors |
AOR | TriangleMls | Triangle MLS |
AOR | TriCityAssociationOfRealtors | Tri-City Association of REALTORS |
AOR | TriCounties | Tri-Counties |
AOR | TriCounty | Tri County |
AOR | TriCountySuburbanRealtors | Tri-County Suburban REALTORS |
AOR | TriStateCommercialRealty | Tri State Commercial Realty |
AOR | TucsonAssociationOfRealtors | Tucson Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | TylerCountyBoardOfRealtors | Tyler County Board Of Realtors |
AOR | UlsterCountyBoardOfRealtors | Ulster County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | UnionCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Union County Association of Realtors |
AOR | UnitedAssociationOfRealtors | United Association of REALTORS |
AOR | UpperPeninsulaAssociationOfRealtors | Upper Peninsula Association of REALTORS |
AOR | UvaldeBoardOfRealtors | Uvalde Board Of Realtors |
AOR | VailBoardOfRealtors | Vail Board of Realtors |
AOR | Valley | Valley |
AOR | VancouverIslandRealEstateBoard | Vancouver Island Real Estate Board |
AOR | VcrdsMls | VCRDS MLS |
AOR | Venice | Venice |
AOR | VenturaCoastal | Ventura Coastal |
AOR | VictoriaAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Victoria Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | VictoriaBoardOfRealtorsInc | Victoria Board Of Realtors Inc |
AOR | VictoriaRealEstateBoard | Victoria Real Estate Board |
AOR | VictorValley | Victor Valley |
AOR | WacoAssociationOfRealtors | Waco Association Of Realtors |
AOR | WarrenAreaBoardOfRealtors | Warren Area Board of REALTORS |
AOR | WaterlooRegionAssociationOfRealtors | Waterloo Region Association of REALTORS |
AOR | WaterWonderlandBoardOfRealtors | Water Wonderland Board of REALTORS |
AOR | WayneHolmesAssociationOfRealtors | Wayne Holmes Association of REALTORS |
AOR | WestAlabamaMultipleListingService | West Alabama Multiple Listing Service |
AOR | WestCentralAssociationOfRealtors | West Central Association of REALTORS |
AOR | WestCentralIowaRealEstateAndRealtors | West Central Iowa Real Estate and REALTORS |
AOR | WestchesterCountyBoardOfRealtors | Westchester County Board of REALTORS |
AOR | WestchesterPutnam | Westchester Putnam |
AOR | WestContraCosta | West Contra Costa |
AOR | WesternAzRegionalRealEstateDataExchange | Western AZ Regional Real Estate Data Exchange |
AOR | WesternMagicValleyRealtors | Western Magic Valley REALTORS |
AOR | WesternUpstateAssociationOfRealtors | Western Upstate Association of Realtors |
AOR | WesternWayneOaklandCountyAssnOfRealtors | Western Wayne Oakland County Assn of Realtors |
AOR | WesternWayneOaklandCountyAssociationRealtors | Western Wayne Oakland County Association Realtors |
AOR | WesternWisconsinRealtorsAssociation | Western Wisconsin REALTORS Association |
AOR | WestEssexBoardOfRealtors | West Essex Board of REALTORS |
AOR | WestMichiganLakeshoreAssociationOfRealtors | West Michigan Lakeshore Association of REALTORS |
AOR | WestPasco | West Pasco |
AOR | WestPennMultiList | West Penn Multi-List |
AOR | WestSanGabrielValley | West San Gabriel Valley |
AOR | WestVolusia | West Volusia |
AOR | WhitmanCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Whitman County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | WichitaFallsAssociationOfRealtors | Wichita Falls Association Of Realtors |
AOR | WilkesCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Wilkes County Association Of REALTORS |
AOR | WilliamsburgMls | Williamsburg MLS |
AOR | WilliamsonCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Williamson County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | WilliamsonCountyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Williamson County Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | WilmingtonRegionalAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | WindsorEssexCountyAssociationOfRealtors | Windsor-Essex County Association of REALTORS |
AOR | WinnipegRegionalRealEstateBoard | Winnipeg Regional Real Estate Board |
AOR | WinstonSalemBoardOfRealtors | Winston Salem Board of Realtors |
AOR | WiregrassBoardOfRealtors | Wiregrass Board Of REALTORS |
AOR | WisconsinRealtorsAssociation | Wisconsin REALTORS Association |
AOR | WoodstockIngersollAndDistrictRealEstateBoard | Woodstock-Ingersoll & District Real Estate Board |
AOR | WoodstockIngersollTillsonburgAreaAssociationOfRealtors | Woodstock-Ingersoll Tillsonburg Area Association of REALTORS |
AOR | WorcesterRegionalAssociationOfRealtors | Worcester Regional Association of Realtors |
AOR | YadkinValleyAssociationOfRealtorsInc | Yadkin Valley Association of Realtors Inc |
AOR | YanceyMitchellBoardOfRealtors | Yancey Mitchell Board of Realtors |
AOR | YorkCountyAssociationOfRealtors | York County Association of Realtors |
AOR | YoungstownColumbianaAssociationOfRealtors | Youngstown Columbiana Association of REALTORS |
Name | Value | Description |
AreaSource | Appraiser | An appraiser provided the measurement of the area. |
AreaSource | Assessor | The assessor provided the measurement of the area. |
AreaSource | Builder | The builder provided the measurement of the area. |
AreaSource | CondoDocuments | Condo Documents |
AreaSource | Estimated | The measurement of the area is an estimate. |
AreaSource | GisCalculated | GIS Calculated |
AreaSource | ListingAgent | Listing Agent |
AreaSource | Measured | Measured. |
AreaSource | Multiple | Multiple |
AreaSource | NotAvailable | not available. |
AreaSource | NotMeasured | Not Taped/Measured |
AreaSource | Other | The measurement of the area was provided by another party not listed. |
AreaSource | Owner | The owner provided the measurement of the area. |
AreaSource | Plans | The measurement of the area was taken from building plans. |
AreaSource | PublicRecords | The measurement of the area was received from public records. |
AreaSource | Realist | Realist. |
AreaSource | SeeRemarks | See remarks for information about the source of the area measurement. |
AreaSource | Survey | The source of the building area is the survey. |
Name | Value | Description |
AreaUnits | SquareFeet | The value reported in the related Area field is in square feet. |
AreaUnits | SquareMeters | The value reported in the related Area field is in square feet. |
Name | Value | Description |
Attended | Agent | A licensed real estate agent will be present at the open house event. |
Attended | Seller | A licensed real estate agent will not be present and the property owner will be present at the open house event. |
Attended | Unattended | The open house event will not be attended. Access will normally be via lockbox or other pre-arranged means. |
Name | Value | Description |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibilityFeatures | Property has some Accessibility Features. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleApproachWithRamp | A minimum of one entrance to the structure with clear, evenly-paved walkway from parking area or pedestrian arrival area; Path of travel does not include a running slope in excess of 1:12 (8.33%); a cross slope exceeding 1:50 (2%); nor level changes of more than 1/2 inch; if slope is over 5%, handrails are required. Level landing; 32 inch clear width opening doors; and adequate lighting on pathway and landing. This is required to be considered "Visitable". |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleBedroom | Bedroom has adequate turnaround of 60 inches or other approved turnaround configuration; Closet doors have 32 inch clearance. Accessible environmental controls. Multiple lighting fixtures. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Some lower-height storage in closet. Remote control of lighting and environmental controls. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleCentralLivingArea | Hard surface flooring or low-pile carpet, securely attached along edges. Entrances to all rooms on all floors provide 36 inch clear passage. Multiple lighting fixtures installed to provide adaptable lighting for general purpose and tasks. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleClosets | Closet doors are 32� clearance throughout Central Living Area. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleCommonArea | Common Area, used for entertaining guests, is level, with 36-inch passage through and around the space. Required to be considered Visitable. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleDoors | Minimum 32 inches clear passage; levered handle; threshold, if present, maximum 1/2-inch, but beveled on both sides when over 1/4 inch. Required to be considered Visitable or Enhanced Accessible. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleElectricalAndEnvironmentalControls | Thermostats and security system controls located on floor with central living area. Control devices for light switches and thermostats at 42-48 inches height off floor and side- to-side. Electrical plugs minimum of 18 inches above floor. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Rocker-style light switches; Lighted switches; Automatic/remote control for environmental controls. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleElevatorInstalled | Elevator with minimum 32" door and minimum 36" x 48" turning radius. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleEntrance | Entrance door is a minimum of 32 inches wide; threshold , when present, maximum 1/2-inch, but when over 1/4-inch, is beveled on both sides. The entry door has lever handle for egress. This is required to be considered Visitable. Optional: Entryway is covered; Bench near outside entry door; Motion-detection outside lights. Accessible peephole or other method for inside viewing of anyone outside the entry door. House number easily visible from street by emergency responders. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleForHearingImpairment | Home is wired for flashing lights and/or vibrating smoke alarm, door bell, other alerting features. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleFullBath | Bathroom has adequate turnaround: 60 inches or other approved turnaround configuration. Accessible bathing area: Roll-in shower or space for shower chair or transfer bench in bathtub. Slip-resistant surface on bathroom floor and bathtub/shower. Roll-under or side-access to sink, with padded trap. Lighting directly over shower/bathing areas, in addition to general bathroom lighting. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Removable cabinet doors and base under sink. Grab bars with shear force of 250 pounds, installed around toilet and shower/tub, with proper backing. Hand-held and/or height-adjustable shower head; automatic water temperature controlled (anti-scald) tub/shower; offset tub/shower controls toward front edge of tub/shower for easy access. Raised toilet (17-19 inches minimum). |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleHallways | Hallway is minimum 36, preferred 42 inches wide (or adequate alternative based on individual configuration). At least one lighting fixture is present. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleKitchen | 40" clear turn-around, or 36" clear with clear under-counter space for T-turn space in kitchen, unimpeded by fixtures. Roll-under/adaptable sink with padded trap or side-access to sink. Roll-out shelves in at least 50% of lower cabinets, Roll-under work area (36" clearance). Lighting fixtures directed over all task areas with adaptable control. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Adaptable under-sink cabinet with removable doors and cabinet base. Accessible features for upper kitchen cabinets. Space for side-by-side refrigerator (minimum 36 inches); Contrasting color counter edges for vison accessibility. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleKitchenAppliances | Stove controls in front or side, at counter top height; Oven with side-access door at counter level; Microwave is at counter level. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Raised dishwasher. Microwave has clear work area below or to the right side. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleStairway | Handrails on both sides of stairs, extended when possible, with shear force of 250 pounds. Interior and exterior stairs have adequate number of light fixtures for full coverage. Non-slip stair treads. If stairs are carpeted, covering is non-moveable, low-pile carpet. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Stair treads are in high contrast colors for increased visibility. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AccessibleWasherDryer | Raised clothes washer and/or dryer, front controls, side opening, both open to center. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AdaCompliant | The property or unit is ADA compliant. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AdaptableBathroomWalls | Reinforced main bathroom walls, including bath or shower, to permit installation of grab bars (with shear force of 250 pounds) and/or fixtures in the future. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. |
AccessibilityFeatures | AdaptableForElevator | Stacked closets in a multi-story house for possible future conversion to an elevator. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAccessibleApproachWithRamp | Building Accessible Approach With Ramp. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAccessibleCommonArea | Building Accessible Common Area. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAccessibleDoors | Building Accessible Doors. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAccessibleElectricalAndEnvironmentalControls | Building Accessible Electrical And Environmental Controls. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAccessibleElevatorInstalled | Building Accessible Elevator Installed. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAccessibleEntrance | Building Accessible Entrance. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAccessibleForHearingImpairment | Building Accessible For Hearing-Impairment. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAccessibleHallways | Building Accessible Hallway(s). |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAccessibleStairway | Building Accessible Stairway. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAdaCompliant | Building ADA Compliant |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingAdaptableForElevator | Building Adaptable For Elevator. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingCeilingTrack | Building Ceiling Track. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingElectronicEnvironmentalControls | Building Electronic Environmental Controls. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingEnhancedAccessible | Building Enhanced Accessible. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingGripAccessibleFeatures | Building Grip-Accessible Features. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingReinforcedFloors | Building Reinforced Floors. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingSmartTechnology | Building Smart Technology. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingStairLift | Building Stair Lift. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingStandbyGenerator | Building Standby Generator. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingTherapeuticWhirlpool | Building Therapeutic Whirlpool. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingVisitable | Building Visitable. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingWalkerAccessibleStairs | Building Walker-Accessible Stairs. |
AccessibilityFeatures | BuildingWheelchairAccessible | Building Wheelchair Accessible |
AccessibilityFeatures | CeilingTrack | Track installed in ceiling for lift chair (Hoyer lift). |
AccessibilityFeatures | CentralLivingArea | Central Living Area includes: Common Area, hallway(s), full or 3/4 bathroom, kitchen, at least one bedroom, access to environmental controls, and access to floors above main floor, if necessary. |
AccessibilityFeatures | CommonArea | The Common Area is the portion of the home near accessible entrance, used for entertaining guests. |
AccessibilityFeatures | CoveredEntry | Property has Covered Entry. |
AccessibilityFeatures | CustomizedWheelchairAccessible | Customized accessibility for specific size or style of wheelchair or scooter. |
AccessibilityFeatures | ElectronicEnvironmentalControls | Programmable electronic controls for thermostat, lights, security system and automatic doors. |
AccessibilityFeatures | EnhancedAccessible | The Central Living Area is fully accessible for lifelong living by all residents, no matter their ability. A person in a wheel chair or with other disability is able to perform all personal and housekeeping tasks. Persons without disabilities are also able to perform basic tasks with greater ease. To be considered "Enhanced Accessible" the home also includes all "Visitable" features. |
AccessibilityFeatures | ExteriorWheelchairLift | Mechanical wheelchair lift is installed outside the home to facilitate barrier-free approach. |
AccessibilityFeatures | GrabBars | Property has Grab Bars. |
AccessibilityFeatures | GripAccessibleFeatures | All doors, faucets and other mechanisms throughout central living area are lever, hands-free or other style that can be controlled with a closed, clenched fist or weak hands. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Wire pull (D-ring) handles or equivalent or easy touch latches on cabinets and drawers. |
AccessibilityFeatures | HandRails | Property has Hand Rails. |
AccessibilityFeatures | LevelLot | Level Lot. |
AccessibilityFeatures | LeveredHandles | Property has levered door handles. |
AccessibilityFeatures | LowCabinetry | Accessible lower cabinetry. |
AccessibilityFeatures | LowerFixtures | Lower Fixtures |
AccessibilityFeatures | LowPileCarpet | The property features low nap/pile carpet. |
AccessibilityFeatures | LowThresholdShower | Property has Low Threshold Shower. |
AccessibilityFeatures | None | None (AccessibilityFeatures). |
AccessibilityFeatures | NoStairs | Property has no stairs. |
AccessibilityFeatures | NotAdaCompliant | This property may have Accessibility Features, but it is not ADA Compliant. |
AccessibilityFeatures | Other | Other (AccessibilityFeatures). |
AccessibilityFeatures | Parking | Parking |
AccessibilityFeatures | ReinforcedFloors | Reinforced floors for bariatric needs, power wheelchairs, therapeutic tub or heavy medical equipment. |
AccessibilityFeatures | SafeEmergencyEgressFromHome | Minimum two, no-step, accessible egresses from Central Living Area. Window locks are 19 to 54 inches from the floor and can be opened with a closed fist. Emergency egress windows in sleeping areas require minimal effort to open. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. |
AccessibilityFeatures | SeeRemarks | See Remarks |
AccessibilityFeatures | SmartTechnology | Smart Home (computer-controlled) and/or smart products� for example, voice activated controls, voice reminder, remote monitoring of individuals with dementia. |
AccessibilityFeatures | StairLift | Stair lift with motorized rail to climb interior or exterior stairway installed professionally. |
AccessibilityFeatures | StandbyGenerator | Backup generator for refrigeration of medications, life-sustaining medical equipment or essential room temperature control. |
AccessibilityFeatures | TherapeuticWhirlpool | Therapeutic whirlpool, properly installed. |
AccessibilityFeatures | Visitable | The home is �visitable� for all guests: a person in a wheel chair can easily enter the home and access the main Common Area, a half-bathroom at minimum, and the hall leading to that bathroom. |
AccessibilityFeatures | VisitorBathroom | Bathroom that is closest to Common Area. Minimum half bath. Door has minimum 32-inch clear width opening; lever handles. Minimum 60-inch turnaround or other approved turnaround configuration (30" x 48" clear space if door opens out.). Grab bar installed in toilet area with proper blocking. This is required to be considered Visitable. |
AccessibilityFeatures | WalkerAccessibleStairs | Treads are minimum 25 inches deep, with maximum 4 inches rise, minimum 36 inches wide. May be a custom feature in addition to approach with ramp. |
AccessibilityFeatures | WheelchairAccess | Property has Wheelchair Access. |
Name | Value | Description |
Appliances | AirToAirExchanger | Recycles the heat from vented indoor air to heat the incoming fresh outside air. |
Appliances | AppliancesNegotiable | Appliances are negotiable. |
Appliances | Barbecue | Barbecue |
Appliances | BarFridge | A refrigerator that is sized and/or built to be part of a bar. |
Appliances | BuiltIn | Built-In |
Appliances | BuiltInCoffeeMaker | Property has a built in coffee maker |
Appliances | BuiltInElectricOven | A built-in electric oven. |
Appliances | BuiltInElectricRange | A built-in electric range. |
Appliances | BuiltInFreezer | A built-in freezer. |
Appliances | BuiltInGasOven | A built-in gas oven |
Appliances | BuiltInGasRange | A built-in gas range. |
Appliances | BuiltInOven | The appliances include a built-in oven. |
Appliances | BuiltInRange | A built-in range where the fuel type is not specified. |
Appliances | BuiltInRefrigerator | A built-in refrigerator |
Appliances | CentralAirConditioner | Central Air Conditioner |
Appliances | CentralVacuum | Property includes a Central Vacuum |
Appliances | CoalWaterHeater | Coal Water Heater |
Appliances | CommonWaterHeater | Common Water Heater |
Appliances | ConvectionOven | A convection oven (also known as a fan-assisted oven or simply a fan oven) is an oven that has fans to circulate air around food. |
Appliances | Cooktop | A kitchen stove, often called simply a stove or a cooker, is a kitchen appliance designed for the purpose of cooking food. Kitchen stoves rely on the application of direct heat for the cooking process. |
Appliances | CounterTop | Counter Top |
Appliances | Dishwasher | A dishwasher is a mechanical device for cleaning dishware and cutlery. |
Appliances | Disposal | A garbage disposal unit (also known as a garbage disposal, waste disposal unit, garbage disposer, or in Canadian English a garburator) is a device, usually electrically powered, installed under a kitchen sink between the sink's drain and the trap. The disposal unit shreds food waste into pieces small enough, generally less than 2 mm (0.079 in), to pass through plumbing. |
Appliances | DoubleOven | A built-in oven fixture that has either two ovens, or one oven and one microwave oven. It is usually built into the kitchen cabinet. |
Appliances | DownDraft | A vent that is part of the surface of a cook top that has a fan which sucks cooking fumes/smoke down. This is an alternative to a hooded cooktop/range. |
Appliances | Dryer | A clothes dryer. |
Appliances | ElectricCooking | Electric Cooking |
Appliances | ElectricCooktop | A cooktop or stove that produces heat by way of electricity rather than gas. An induction cooktop is electric, but not all electric cooktops are induction. |
Appliances | ElectricDryer | Electric Dryer |
Appliances | ElectricOven | An oven that is heated by electricity, typically by way of heating coils. |
Appliances | ElectricRange | An oven and cooktop that generates heat by way of electricity. |
Appliances | ElectricWaterHeater | A water heater that heats the water by way of electricity. |
Appliances | EnergyStarQualifiedAppliances | The property includes Energy Star qualified appliances. |
Appliances | EnergyStarQualifiedDishwasher | The property includes an Energy Star qualified dishwasher. |
Appliances | EnergyStarQualifiedDryer | The property includes an Energy Star qualified clothes dryer. |
Appliances | EnergyStarQualifiedFreezer | The property includes an Energy Star qualified freezer. |
Appliances | EnergyStarQualifiedRefrigerator | The property includes an Energy Star qualified refrigerator. |
Appliances | EnergyStarQualifiedWasher | The property includes an Energy Star qualified clothes washer. |
Appliances | EnergyStarQualifiedWaterHeater | The property includes an Energy Star qualified water heater. |
Appliances | ExhaustFan | The cooktop has an exhaust fan. |
Appliances | FreeStanding | Free Standing |
Appliances | FreeStandingElectricOven | The oven is free standing, not built-in, and uses electricity to produce heat. |
Appliances | FreeStandingElectricRange | The range is free standing, not built-in, and uses electricity to produce heat for its oven and cooktop. |
Appliances | FreeStandingFreezer | The freezer is free standing and not built-in. |
Appliances | FreeStandingGasOven | The oven is free standing, not built-in, and uses gas to produce heat. |
Appliances | FreeStandingGasRange | The range is free standing, not built-in, and uses gas to produce heat for its oven and cooktop. |
Appliances | FreeStandingRange | The range is free standing, not built-in. |
Appliances | FreeStandingRefrigerator | The refrigerator is free-standing, not built-in. |
Appliances | Freezer | The property includes a freezer. |
Appliances | GasCooking | Gas Cooking |
Appliances | GasCooktop | A cooktop or stove that produces heat by way of gas rather than electricity. An induction cooktop is electric, but not all electric cooktops are induction. |
Appliances | GasDryer | Gas Dryer |
Appliances | GasGrillConnection | Gas Grill Connection |
Appliances | GasOven | An oven that is heated by gas. |
Appliances | GasRange | An oven and cooktop that generates heat by way of gas. |
Appliances | GasWaterHeater | A water heater that heats the water with gas. |
Appliances | GeothermalWaterHeater | The water heater runs on a geothermal source. |
Appliances | Heater | Property includes a Heater |
Appliances | HeatPumpWaterHeater | Heat Pump Water Heater |
Appliances | HighEfficiencyWaterHeater | High Efficiency Water Heater |
Appliances | HotWaterCirculator | Hot Water Circulator |
Appliances | Humidifier | The property includes a humidity control device or system. |
Appliances | IceMaker | The property includes an ice maker. |
Appliances | IndoorGrill | The property has an indoor grill. |
Appliances | InductionCooktop | The electric cooktop is based on magnetic induction rather than heating coils. |
Appliances | InstantHotWater | The property has a circulatory or instant hot water system. |
Appliances | Microwave | The property includes a microwave. |
Appliances | MicrowaveHoodFan | Microwave Hood Fan |
Appliances | MultipleDishwashers | Multiple Dishwashers |
Appliances | MultipleRefrigerators | Multiple Refrigerators |
Appliances | MultipleWaterHeaters | There is more than one water heater on the property. |
Appliances | NoHotWater | No Hot Water |
Appliances | None | The property includes no appliances. |
Appliances | OilWaterHeater | Oil Water Heater |
Appliances | Other | The property includes appliances other than those available in this list. |
Appliances | Oven | The property includes an oven. |
Appliances | PlumbedForGas | Plumbed For Gas |
Appliances | PlumbedForIceMaker | The property has plumbing for an ice maker. |
Appliances | PortableAirConditioningUnits | A self-contained cooling unit designed for easy mobility and installation. |
Appliances | PortableDishwasher | The property includes a portable dishwasher. |
Appliances | PropaneCooking | Propane Cooking |
Appliances | PropaneCooktop | The gas cooktop uses propane as its fuel and either has a local tank or runs on a house wide propane system. |
Appliances | PropaneOven | Propane Oven |
Appliances | PropaneRange | Propane Range |
Appliances | PropaneWaterHeater | Propane Water Heater |
Appliances | Range | The property includes a range, which is a single unit that has both an oven and a cooktop. |
Appliances | RangeHood | The range has a hooded exhaust. |
Appliances | Refrigerator | The property includes a refrigerator. |
Appliances | RefrigeratorWithIceMaker | Refrigerator with Ice Maker |
Appliances | SeeRemarks | See Remarks |
Appliances | SelfCleaningOven | The oven included with the property has a self-cleaning feature. |
Appliances | SeparateIceMachine | Property has a separate ice machine |
Appliances | SixBurnerStove | 6 Burner Stove |
Appliances | SmartAppliances | Appliances that have convenience and energy saving aspects. Smart appliances may also integrate with a larger smart home system and typically operate through a third-party service. |
Appliances | SmoothCooktop | Property includes a smooth cooktop. |
Appliances | SolarHotWater | The hot water heater has either a passive or active solar component. |
Appliances | SomeCommercialGrade | The property has some commercial grade appliances. |
Appliances | SomeElectricAppliances | Some Electric Appliances. |
Appliances | SomeGasAppliances | Some Gas Appliances. |
Appliances | SomePropaneAppliances | Some Propane Appliances. |
Appliances | StainlessSteelAppliances | Some or all of the appliances included in the property are stainless steal. |
Appliances | Stove | Property includes a Stove or Cooktop |
Appliances | SumpPump | Property includes Sump Pump |
Appliances | TanklessWaterHeater | A tankless water heater is included with the property. |
Appliances | TrashCompactor | The property has a trash compactor. |
Appliances | VentedExhaustFan | The cooktop has an exhaust fan that is vented. |
Appliances | WalkInCooler | Walk-In Cooler |
Appliances | WallWindowAirConditioner | Wall/Window Air Conditioner |
Appliances | WarmingDrawer | The property has a warming drawer. |
Appliances | Washer | The property includes a clothes washer. |
Appliances | WasherDryer | The property includes a clothes washer and dryer. |
Appliances | WasherDryerAllInOne | Washer Dryer All In One |
Appliances | WasherDryerAllowed | Washer Dryer Allowed |
Appliances | WasherDryerStacked | The property has a stacked clothes washer and dryer. |
Appliances | WaterHeater | The property has a water heater. |
Appliances | WaterHeaterOwned | Water Heater Owned |
Appliances | WaterHeaterRented | Water Heater Rented |
Appliances | WaterPurifier | The property has a water purifier. |
Appliances | WaterPurifierOwned | The property has a water purifier that is owned and not rented/leased. |
Appliances | WaterPurifierRented | The property has a water purifier that is on a rental or lease agreement. |
Appliances | WaterSoftener | The property has a water softening system. |
Appliances | WaterSoftenerOwned | The property has a water softening system that is owned and not rented/leased. |
Appliances | WaterSoftenerRented | The property has a water softening system that is on a rental or lease agreement. |
Appliances | WaterToRefrigerator | Water To Refrigerator |
Appliances | WineCooler | The property includes a wine cooler. |
Appliances | WineRefrigerator | The property includes a wine refrigerator. |
Appliances | WoodWaterHeater | Wood Water Heater |
Name | Value | Description |
ArchitecturalStyle | AFrame | A-Frame. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Airlite | AirLite. |
ArchitecturalStyle | ArtDeco | Art Deco. |
ArchitecturalStyle | ArtNouveau | The architectural style is art nouveau. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Backsplit | The style of the home is a backsplit style |
ArchitecturalStyle | Barndominium | An open concept building that combines living quarters and a working area. |
ArchitecturalStyle | BeauxArts | The architectural style is beaux arts. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Berm | Berm. |
ArchitecturalStyle | BiLevel | Bi-Level. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Brutalist | The architectural style is brutalist. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Bungalow | Bungalow. |
ArchitecturalStyle | BungalowRaised | Style of the property is a raised bungalow |
ArchitecturalStyle | Cabin | Cabin. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Camelback | Camelback |
ArchitecturalStyle | Camp | Camp |
ArchitecturalStyle | CapeCod | Cape Cod. |
ArchitecturalStyle | CastIron | The architectural style is cast iron. |
ArchitecturalStyle | ChaletAlpine | Chalet/Alpine. |
ArchitecturalStyle | ClusterHome | Cluster Home. |
ArchitecturalStyle | CoachCarriage | Coach/Carriage. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Coastal | Coastal |
ArchitecturalStyle | Colonial | Colonial. |
ArchitecturalStyle | CommonEntryBuilding | Common Entry Building |
ArchitecturalStyle | Contemporary | Contemporary |
ArchitecturalStyle | ContemporaryModern | Contemporary/Modern. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Conventional | Conventional. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Cottage | Cottage |
ArchitecturalStyle | Country | The architectural style is Country. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Courtyard | The architectural style is courtyard. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Craftsman | Craftsman. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Creole | Creole |
ArchitecturalStyle | Custom | Custom. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Dallas | Dallas |
ArchitecturalStyle | Detached | Detached. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Dome | Dome. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Duplex | Duplex. |
ArchitecturalStyle | DutchColonial | Dutch Colonial |
ArchitecturalStyle | EarlyAmerican | The architectural style is Early American |
ArchitecturalStyle | English | English. |
ArchitecturalStyle | European | European. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Farmhouse | Farmhouse. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Federal | Federal. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Flat | The architectural style is a flat. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Florida | Florida. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Fourplex | Duplex. |
ArchitecturalStyle | FrenchProvincial | French Provincial |
ArchitecturalStyle | GambrelBarn | Gambrel/Barn. |
ArchitecturalStyle | GarageApartment | Garage Apartment. |
ArchitecturalStyle | GardenApartment | Garden Apartment |
ArchitecturalStyle | GardenHome | Garden Home. |
ArchitecturalStyle | GarrisonFrontier | Garrison/Frontier. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Georgian | Georgian. |
ArchitecturalStyle | GothicRevival | The architectural style is gothic revival. |
ArchitecturalStyle | GreekRevival | Greek Revival. |
ArchitecturalStyle | HighRise | High Rise. |
ArchitecturalStyle | HillCountry | Hill Country. |
ArchitecturalStyle | HistoricAntique | Historic/Antique. |
ArchitecturalStyle | HouseWithCottage | House with Cottage. |
ArchitecturalStyle | International | International |
ArchitecturalStyle | Italianate | Italianate |
ArchitecturalStyle | Loft | The style of the home is a Loft |
ArchitecturalStyle | LogHome | Log Home. |
ArchitecturalStyle | LowRise | Low Rise. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Mansion | Mansion. |
ArchitecturalStyle | ManufacturedHome | Manufactured Home. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Mediterranean | Mediterranean |
ArchitecturalStyle | MidCenturyModern | Mid-Century Modern |
ArchitecturalStyle | MidEntry | Mid Entry |
ArchitecturalStyle | MidRise | Mid Rise. |
ArchitecturalStyle | MobileHome | Mobile Home. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Modern | Modern. |
ArchitecturalStyle | ModularPrefab | Modular/Prefab. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Monterey | Monterey |
ArchitecturalStyle | Mountain | Mountain |
ArchitecturalStyle | MultiFamily | Multi-Family. |
ArchitecturalStyle | MultiLevel | Multi-Level. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Multiplex | Multiplex. |
ArchitecturalStyle | National | National |
ArchitecturalStyle | Neoclassical | Neoclassical |
ArchitecturalStyle | NewEngland | New England. |
ArchitecturalStyle | None | None. |
ArchitecturalStyle | NorthernNewMexico | The architectural style of the property is Northern New Mexico. |
ArchitecturalStyle | OneAndOneHalfStory | One and One Half Story |
ArchitecturalStyle | OneStory | One Story. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Other | Other (ArchitecturalStyle). |
ArchitecturalStyle | PatioHome | Patio Home. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Penthouse | The architectural style is a penthouse. |
ArchitecturalStyle | PostAndBeam | The style of the home is post and beam |
ArchitecturalStyle | Prairie | Prairie |
ArchitecturalStyle | Prewar | Prewar |
ArchitecturalStyle | Pueblo | The property is a Pueblo style home. |
ArchitecturalStyle | QueenAnne | The architectural style is queen anne. |
ArchitecturalStyle | RaisedBeach | Raised Beach |
ArchitecturalStyle | RaisedRanch | Raised Ranch. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Ranch | Ranch. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Regency | Regency |
ArchitecturalStyle | Reverse | A reverse living floor plan often the bedrooms, garage, storage, and other secondary spaces are on the ground or main floor. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Romanesque | Romanesque architecture is known by its massive quality, thick walls, round arches, sturdy pillars, barrel vaults, large towers and decorative arcading. |
ArchitecturalStyle | RowHouse | Row House. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Rustic | Rustic. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Saltbox | Saltbox. |
ArchitecturalStyle | SecondEmpire | The architectural style is second empire. |
ArchitecturalStyle | SeeRemarks | See remarks for information about the architectural style of the home. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Shingle | Shingle |
ArchitecturalStyle | Shotgun | Shotgun |
ArchitecturalStyle | Sidesplit | The style of the home is a sidesplit |
ArchitecturalStyle | Southwestern | Southwestern. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Spanish | Spanish |
ArchitecturalStyle | SpanishMediterranean | Spanish/Mediterranean. |
ArchitecturalStyle | SplitFoyer | Split-Foyer. |
ArchitecturalStyle | SplitLevel | Split Level |
ArchitecturalStyle | SquareDesign | Square Design. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Stick | Stick |
ArchitecturalStyle | Stilt | Stilt |
ArchitecturalStyle | StraightThru | Straight Thru. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Studio | Studio |
ArchitecturalStyle | Territorial | The property is a Territorial style home. |
ArchitecturalStyle | ThreeStory | Three Story. |
ArchitecturalStyle | TimberFrame | The style of home is timber frame. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Traditional | Traditional. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Transitional | Transitional. |
ArchitecturalStyle | TriLevel | Tri-Level. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Triplex | Duplex. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Tudor | Tudor. |
ArchitecturalStyle | TwinHome | The architectural style is a twin home. |
ArchitecturalStyle | TwoAndOneHalfStory | Two and One Half Story |
ArchitecturalStyle | TwoStory | Two Story. |
ArchitecturalStyle | TwoUnitCondo | A 2 unit condo has each unit deeded separately. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Victorian | Victorian. |
ArchitecturalStyle | WalkUp | An apartment building without an elevator. |
ArchitecturalStyle | Williamsburg | Williamsburg. |
Name | Value | Description |
AssociationAmenities | AdjacentWater | Association amenity is adjacent to water. |
AssociationAmenities | AirportRunway | The home owner's association includes access or some service related to an airport or runway. |
AssociationAmenities | Barbecue | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a barbecue. |
AssociationAmenities | BasketballCourt | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a basketball court. |
AssociationAmenities | BeachAccess | The home owner's association includes access to a beach. |
AssociationAmenities | BeachRights | The home owner's association includes use of a beach that has beach rights restrictions. |
AssociationAmenities | BikeStorage | The association amenities feature bike storage. |
AssociationAmenities | BilliardRoom | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a billiard room. |
AssociationAmenities | BoatDock | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a boat dock. |
AssociationAmenities | BoatHouse | Boat House |
AssociationAmenities | Boating | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, boating. |
AssociationAmenities | BoatRamp | Boat Ramp |
AssociationAmenities | BoatSlip | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a boat slip. |
AssociationAmenities | BocceCourt | The association features a bocce court. |
AssociationAmenities | BuildingRoofDeck | Building Roof Deck |
AssociationAmenities | BusinessCenter | Business Center. |
AssociationAmenities | Cabana | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a cabana. |
AssociationAmenities | CableTv | The home owner's association includes cable based services. |
AssociationAmenities | CallForRules | Call for Rules |
AssociationAmenities | Campground | Association offers a camp ground facility. |
AssociationAmenities | CarWashArea | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an are to wash your car. |
AssociationAmenities | Clubhouse | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a clubhouse. |
AssociationAmenities | CoinLaundry | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a coin laundry. |
AssociationAmenities | CommonGrounds | Common Grounds. |
AssociationAmenities | CommunityKitchen | The Association has a community kitchen. |
AssociationAmenities | Concierge | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a concierge service. |
AssociationAmenities | ControlledAccess | Controlled access to the association. |
AssociationAmenities | CountryClub | Country Club |
AssociationAmenities | DayCare | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a day care service. |
AssociationAmenities | Dock | Association includes a dock. |
AssociationAmenities | DogPark | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a dog park. |
AssociationAmenities | DryDock | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a dry dock. |
AssociationAmenities | DuesPaidAnnually | Dues Paid Annually |
AssociationAmenities | DuesPaidMonthly | Dues Paid Monthly |
AssociationAmenities | DuesPaidQuarterly | Dues Paid Quarterly |
AssociationAmenities | DuesPaidSemiAnnually | Dues Paid Semi-Annually |
AssociationAmenities | Electricity | The home owner's association includes electricity. |
AssociationAmenities | Elevators | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an elevator(s). |
AssociationAmenities | ExerciseCourse | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an exercise course. |
AssociationAmenities | FirePit | Fire Pit |
AssociationAmenities | FitnessCenter | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a fitness center. |
AssociationAmenities | FoodServices | The association has food services available. |
AssociationAmenities | GameCourtExterior | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an outdoors game court. |
AssociationAmenities | GameCourtInterior | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an indoors game court. |
AssociationAmenities | GameRoom | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a game room . |
AssociationAmenities | GardenArea | The association has a garden area. |
AssociationAmenities | Gas | The home owner's association includes natural gas. |
AssociationAmenities | Gated | The home owner's association property/area is gated. |
AssociationAmenities | Gazebo | Gazebo |
AssociationAmenities | GolfCourse | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a golf course. |
AssociationAmenities | Guard | Security/Guard. |
AssociationAmenities | GuestSuites | Condo amenities include guest suites |
AssociationAmenities | HobbyRoom | The association amenities include a hobby room. |
AssociationAmenities | HorseTrails | Horse Trails |
AssociationAmenities | HotWater | The home owner's association includes hot water. |
AssociationAmenities | IndoorPool | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an indoor pool. |
AssociationAmenities | Insurance | The home owner's association includes insurance. |
AssociationAmenities | JoggingPath | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a jogging path. |
AssociationAmenities | Kennel | Kennel |
AssociationAmenities | LakeOrPond | Lake or Pond |
AssociationAmenities | Landscaping | The home owner's association includes landscaping. |
AssociationAmenities | Laundry | The home owner's association includes laundry. |
AssociationAmenities | Library | Association provides access to a Library. |
AssociationAmenities | MaidService | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a maid service. |
AssociationAmenities | Maintenance | The home owner's association includes maintenance. |
AssociationAmenities | MaintenanceFrontYard | Maintenance Front Yard |
AssociationAmenities | MaintenanceGrounds | The home owner's association includes grounds maintenance. |
AssociationAmenities | MaintenanceStructure | The home owner's association includes building maintenance. |
AssociationAmenities | Management | The home owner's association includes management services. |
AssociationAmenities | ManagementFees | Management Fees. |
AssociationAmenities | Marina | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a marina. |
AssociationAmenities | MediaRoom | The preoperty's amenities include a media room |
AssociationAmenities | MedicalCareService | The association has medical care services available. |
AssociationAmenities | MedicalFacility | The association amenities include a medical facility. |
AssociationAmenities | MeetingBanquetPartyRoom | Meeting/Banquet/Party Room. |
AssociationAmenities | MeetingRoom | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a meeting room. |
AssociationAmenities | None | The home owner's association has no amenities. |
AssociationAmenities | Other | The home owner's association includes amenities not included in this list. |
AssociationAmenities | OtherCourts | Other Courts |
AssociationAmenities | OutdoorCookingArea | Outdoor Cooking Area |
AssociationAmenities | OwnerAllowedGolfCart | The owner is allowed a golf cart. |
AssociationAmenities | OwnerAllowedMotorcycle | The owner is allowed a motorcycle. |
AssociationAmenities | PaddleTennis | Paddle Tennis |
AssociationAmenities | Park | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a park. |
AssociationAmenities | Parking | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, parking. |
AssociationAmenities | PartyRoom | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a party room. |
AssociationAmenities | PetRestrictions | Pet Restrictions. |
AssociationAmenities | PetsAllowed | Pets Allowed. |
AssociationAmenities | PetsNotAllowed | The Association does not allow pets. |
AssociationAmenities | Pickleball | The association features a pickleball court. |
AssociationAmenities | PicnicArea | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a picnic area. |
AssociationAmenities | Pier | Pier |
AssociationAmenities | Playground | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a playground. |
AssociationAmenities | PondSeasonal | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a seasonal pond. |
AssociationAmenities | PondYearRound | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a year round pond. |
AssociationAmenities | Pool | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a pool. |
AssociationAmenities | PoweredBoatsAllowed | The home owner's association allows the use of powered boats. |
AssociationAmenities | PrivateMembership | Association has private membership. |
AssociationAmenities | PuttingGreens | The Association has a putting green. |
AssociationAmenities | Racquetball | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a racquetball court(s). |
AssociationAmenities | RecreationFacilities | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, recreation facilities. |
AssociationAmenities | RecreationRoom | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a recreation room. |
AssociationAmenities | Restaurant | Association provides access to a Restaurant. |
AssociationAmenities | RoofDeck | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a roof deck. |
AssociationAmenities | RvBoatStorage | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, RV and/or boat storage. |
AssociationAmenities | RvParking | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, recreational vehicle (RV) parking. |
AssociationAmenities | SatelliteTv | Satellite TV |
AssociationAmenities | Sauna | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a sauna. |
AssociationAmenities | SchoolBusStop | The association has a school bus stop. |
AssociationAmenities | Security | The home owner's association includes security services. |
AssociationAmenities | SeeRemarks | See Remarks. |
AssociationAmenities | ServiceElevators | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a service elevator(s). |
AssociationAmenities | ShuffleboardCourt | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a shuffleboard court. |
AssociationAmenities | Sidewalks | Sidewalks. |
AssociationAmenities | SkiAccessible | The home owner's association includes access to skiing. |
AssociationAmenities | SkiInSkiOut | Ski In Ski Out |
AssociationAmenities | SkiStorage | Association fees include ski storage |
AssociationAmenities | SnowRemoval | The home owner's association includes snow removal. |
AssociationAmenities | SpaHotTub | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a spa and/or hot tub. |
AssociationAmenities | SportCourt | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a sport court. |
AssociationAmenities | SportsFields | Sports Fields. |
AssociationAmenities | Stables | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, horse stable(s). |
AssociationAmenities | Storage | The home owner's association includes storage space. |
AssociationAmenities | StreamSeasonal | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a seasonal stream. |
AssociationAmenities | StreamYearRound | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a year round accessible stream. |
AssociationAmenities | Taxes | The home owner's association includes taxes. |
AssociationAmenities | TenantAllowedGolfCart | The tenant is allowed a golf cart. |
AssociationAmenities | TenantAllowedMotorcycle | The tenant is allowed a motorcycle. |
AssociationAmenities | TennisCourts | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a tennis court(s). |
AssociationAmenities | Trails | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a trail(s). |
AssociationAmenities | TransportationService | Transportation Service |
AssociationAmenities | Trash | The home owner's association includes trash service. |
AssociationAmenities | Utilities | Utilities |
AssociationAmenities | VehicleWashArea | Association provides access to a Car Wash. |
AssociationAmenities | Water | The home owner's association includes water. |
AssociationAmenities | WorkshopArea | The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a workshop area. |
Name | Value | Description |
AssociationFeeIncludes | AirConditioning | The association fee includes air conditioning. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | AllFacilities | Fee includes access to all facilities available. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Amenities | Amenities |
AssociationFeeIncludes | AssociationManagement | Association Management. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | BoatRamp | Association fee includes access to a shared or private boat ramp. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | CableTv | Cable TV is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Caretaker | Caretaker |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Clubhouse | Association fee pays for the club house. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | CommonAreaElectricity | Common area electricity is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | CommonAreaInsurance | Common area insurance is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | CommonAreaMaintenance | Common area maintenance is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | CommonAreas | Common Area Maintenance. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | DockReserve | The association fee includes a dock reserve fund. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | EarthquakeInsurance | Earthquake Insurance is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Electricity | Electricity is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Fencing | Association fee covers maintenance of fences. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | FishingRights | The association fee includes fishing rights. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | FitnessFacility | Association fee includes access to a fitness facilty. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | FloodInsurance | The association fee includes flood insurance. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Gas | Gas is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Golf | Golf. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Heat | The association fee includes heat. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | HighSpeedInternet | Association fee includes high speed internet. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | HotWater | The association fee includes hot water. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Hvac | Association Fee covers HVAC cost and maintenance. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Insurance | Insurance is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Internet | Internet access is included with the Home Owner�s Association dues paid by the owner. Questions about the means of access (e.g. wifi, ethernet), the speed of the access and other information about the Internet Service Provider (ISP) may be directed to the Home Owner�s Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | IrrigationWater | The association fee includes irrigation water. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Laundry | Association Fee Includes access to a laundry facility. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | LegalAccounting | Services included with the association fee. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | MaintenanceGrounds | Maintenance of the grounds including lawns and common areas but not including exterior structures. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | MaintenanceStructure | Maintenance of the exterior of the structure including roofing, walls, exterior structures and does not include the grounds. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | None | None (AssociationFeeIncludes). |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Other | Other (AssociationFeeIncludes). |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Parking | Association fee includes the cost of parking. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | PartialAmenities | Partial Amenities |
AssociationFeeIncludes | PartialUtilities | Partial Utilities |
AssociationFeeIncludes | PestControl | Pest Control is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Phone | Association fee includes telephone. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Playground | Association fee covers maintenance of a playground. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Pools | Pool(s). |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Receptionist | The association fee includes a receptionist. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | RecreationFacilities | Association fee includes access to Recreation Facilities. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Recycling | Recycling |
AssociationFeeIncludes | ReserveFund | Reserve Fund. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | RoadMaintenance | Association fees pay for road maintenance. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Roof | Roof. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Security | Security is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | SeeAgent | See agent for more information on what the association fee includes. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | SeeRemarks | See remarks for additional items that are covered by the association fee. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Sewer | Sewer is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | SharedAmenities | Shared or common amenities are included in the fee paid to the association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | SnowRemoval | Snow Removal is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | SpecialAssessment | Special Assessments are extra, �unusual� fees that you may be charged by your HOA board under certain conditions. These costs are usually levied by the board only in emergencies, such as in the case of unexpected large-scale damages. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Sprinkler | Association Fee covers access to a sprinkler system. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | StreetLights | Association fees pay for the street lights. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Taxes | Association fees pay for taxes. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | TennisCourts | Association Fee includes Tennis Courts |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Trash | Trash is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Utilities | Utilities is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Valet | Association fee provides a valet. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | Water | Water is included in the fee paid to the Association. |
AssociationFeeIncludes | WaterAccess | The association fee includes water access. |
Name | Value | Description |
Attic | AccessOnly | Access Only |
Attic | Common | Common |
Attic | CrawlSpace | Crawl Space |
Attic | Dormer | Dormer |
Attic | Expandable | Expandable |
Attic | Finished | Finished |
Attic | Floored | Floored |
Attic | Full | Full |
Attic | None | None |
Attic | Other | Other |
Attic | Partial | Partial |
Attic | PartiallyFinished | Partially Finished |
Attic | PartiallyFloored | Partially Floored |
Attic | PermanentStairs | Permanent Stairs |
Attic | PullDownStairs | Pull-Down Stairs |
Attic | Scuttle | Scuttle |
Attic | SeeRemarks | See Remarks |
Attic | Storage | Storage |
Attic | StorageOnly | Storage Only |
Attic | Unfinished | Unfinished |
Attic | WalkIn | Walk-In |
Attic | WalkUp | Walk-Up |
Name | Value | Description |
AvailabilityType | Annual | Annual |
AvailabilityType | Biweekly | Biweekly |
AvailabilityType | Daily | Daily |
AvailabilityType | LongTerm | Long Term |
AvailabilityType | Monthly | Monthly |
AvailabilityType | None | None |
AvailabilityType | OffSeason | Off-Season |
AvailabilityType | Other | Other |
AvailabilityType | Seasonal | Seasonal |
AvailabilityType | ShortTerm | Short Term |
AvailabilityType | Vacation | Property may be used for vacation rental. |
AvailabilityType | Weekly | Weekly |